Little lady's first birthday: what to choose as a gift. What to give a girl for her first birthday What toys are interesting to a child at 1

The baby is growing, and there are more and more toys in the house. Of course, I want them to not just take up space in the drawer, but to be useful.

Reading forums and advice from experienced mothers, I compiled a list of ten toys that should definitely appear in the house where a one-year-old child lives.


Requirements: wooden (the most environmentally friendly), textile (the safest) or plastic (the lightest), not too high, with a stable base.

How long will it last: up to three years.

For now, we happily take them apart and gnaw on them. Later, the child will learn to string rings onto a pin and assemble them in a certain order. They are suitable for size recognition and comparison (especially if there is more than one pyramid). And there it’s not far from the flowers.

Montessori toys

Requirements: high-quality materials, several parts of different sizes.

How long will it last: up to eight years.

The Montessori method has captured almost the entire world; these toys have become the dream of many parents. Such materials develop spatial thinking, fine motor skills, teach not only to distinguish colors and shapes, but also to count.

Geometric pyramids

Requirements: at least three or four basic shapes: square, circle, triangle. Material - well-processed wood (no chips).

How long will it last?: up to six years.

Inserts (geometric pyramids) perfectly develop fine motor skills and also introduce the baby to geometric shapes. After the child begins to easily distinguish a circle from a square, and a triangle from a rectangle, complicate the task: play with him blindly - ask him to recognize the shapes by touch.

Rolling machine

Requirements: stable, low, with a reliable high back and space for toys under the seat, with rubberized wheels (so that neighbors below do not complain about the rumble).

How long will it last?: up to four years.

Don't forget about physical development. Such a wheelchair (an option is a toy wheelchair) perfectly helps develop coordination and becomes a support for a baby who walks unsteadily.

Of course, it is not suitable for every apartment. But you can play with it well in the summer on the playground, at the same time training the baby’s legs and relieving the mother’s hands. Many rolling machines include a handle for the mother, which can be easily removed if necessary.

To delight your baby, you can purchase rolling walkers with figures, molds, gears and sound effects.

Balls (regular and touch)

Requirements: the bigger, the better. Different sizes, colors, materials.

How long will it last?: up to six years.

Balls to throw and play football with, jump or inflate for games on the beach. This is important for physical development and coordination, for learning various games and rules of communication with other people (children). And, by the way, it develops imagination well.


Requirements: environmental friendliness and safety, small size, legs and arms are securely attached to the body, no small parts.

How long will it last?: up to seven years.

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Comments: 5

    Thank you for the useful information. I like toys that are multifunctional, safe and educational, so I gave preference to one of them. best brands. For example, the Chicco “Animal House” sorter is not only all the components in one convenient storage unit in the form of a house, but also a very multifunctional toy; this model offers several types of sorter. The sorter is very bright, all its components (figures, keys) are presented in vivid colors. bright colors, and have a streamlined shape without sharp corners, which is very safe! One sorter is on top of the roof, where you can study the figures, and the other sorter on the doors of the house will introduce you to the animal world. Well, the keys cause special delight. Each key has its own shape and color scheme in order to determine which door needs to be opened. Due to the convenient handle, it can be easily carried. I also think that every boy, as well as girls who are not indifferent to cars, should have a car like the “Billy Big Wheels” Chicco. It will serve as a faithful friend, because I have never seen a stronger, more reliable and impact-resistant machine. Despite her characteristics, Billy is very positive; those sweet, kind eyes and wide smile beckon her to play. Controlling Billy with the steering wheel allows even a 2-year-old child to feel like a real professional in driving. Everything is here for safety, the steering wheel is round as expected and NO AERIALS! The car is very maneuverable, on the steering wheel there are control buttons forward-backward, left-right, and a horn in the middle. Do you think that's it? Nooo, Billy also makes realistic engine sounds when starting to move, sound effects when the car is backed up accompanied by the illumination of red brake lights, and the bright glow of the headlights themselves. Obstacles are not scary for an SUV, just look at those massive, reliable wheels, so the driving surface can be different and even contain obstacles. In general, there is an opportunity to admire the machine and make your child happy)) Well, I recommend the Chicco “Talking Farm” Toy to everyone who wants to give a gift and not make a mistake with the choice. Because my kids are simply delighted with such an entertaining, versatile toy. Moreover, his little son is now already 3 years old, but he still spends time with interest with her (at the time of the gift he was 1.9), and his little sister is six months old, but she is also already happy to press the buttons that are within her reach. The toy has proven to be long-lasting and versatile for active development. Very high quality, easy to carry, with thoughtful design down to the details. A kind of educational gaming center where you can play and learn in a relaxed game form simultaneously. And also expand your knowledge, both in Russian and in English language. Thanks to this toy, we became acquainted with the animal world and learned to count. And to make learning and games more fun, there are also musical time-outs.

    More recently, your child could only lie in his crib, eat and sleep, but time flies quickly, and he gradually turns into a completely independent person, with his own character and preferences. At this age, he actively explores the world. The child is curious about absolutely everything - the cord from the iron, frying pan and saucepan, flour and cereal in jars in the kitchen. Speaking about what toys a 1-year-old child needs, we can say with confidence that any item that does not pose a threat to the life and health of the child will be an excellent developmental aid for him.

    It is at this age that the baby learns about the world through sensations. He needs to touch, listen and see everything. This largely determines what toys a 1-year-old child needs. In fact, it doesn’t matter at all what they are, factory-made or home-made. The most important thing is that they give the child different information.

    The whole world in the palm of your hand

    Toys for a one-year-old baby should be different. By texture it can be fluffy and smooth, soft and hard, rough objects. But this is only one sign. There can be many sets. Heavy and light, small and large, they all give their own idea of ​​the world. Don't forget about visual perception. Here, objects should differ in shape (round, square, convex and flat), as well as in color. The greater the diversity, the more fully the brain centers responsible for visual perception. However, the color scheme should not be complicated. Six primary colors are enough, without shades or halftones.

    General principles

    Choosing toys for small child, the most important thing is to take into account their compliance with safety regulations. They must be made from natural material. It's best if it's a tree. It is extremely undesirable to give plastic bright cars and dolls to your baby, because they most often contain harmful impurities and dyes. Be sure to check that the toys do not have any foreign odors; this is often the case with low-quality Chinese goods.

    The child often tastes everything that comes into his field of vision. Therefore, you need to take care of its safety in advance. The structure itself must be solid, without sharp corners or chips. And most importantly, there should be no small parts that a child can easily tear off and swallow.

    Do it yourself

    If you have enough time and a supply of available materials, then you won’t even have to guess what toys a 1-year-old child needs. From multi-colored scraps you can sew something like toys, simple bags with buttons in the shape of eyes. The most important thing is that they must be firmly sewn so that the baby does not tear one off and choke. Small cones, wooden cubes and balls collected in the forest Stuffed Toys- all this is an excellent basis for the baby to develop.

    World of sounds

    We forgot about another one important point. When talking about what toys a 1-year-old child needs, we must not forget about the auditory channel for receiving information. The baby enjoys listening to music and fairy tales, and will also be happy to notice that the toys “sound.” Therefore, when you make educational aids, do not forget to add some elements to them. It can be crispy and rustling foil, ringing coins, various cereals, beans, sewn into fabric bags. But ringing rattles or musical instruments will still be too loud for the baby.

    The tasks become more complex

    The baby is gradually growing, he has already mastered walking well and moves calmly throughout the house. Accordingly, everything sewn by mom, as well as factory toys, become uninteresting. It’s much more fun to climb into the linen closet or pull out loud saucepans from the kitchen shelf that can be inserted one into the other. And it’s even more fun to get to the water tap and, armed with a glass, watch how the liquid fills and pours out. Try inviting your child to pour water from one glass to another - the joy will never end.

    Observing all this, we begin to understand what toys a child needs at 1 year and 2 months. He no longer just wants to touch objects, but tries to manipulate them. Therefore, boxes that open and close (there is nothing simpler than an empty matchbox covered with paper or cloth for safety) become an ideal option. Various inserts and pyramids are very useful at this age; they are still very simple, where there is no need to track patterns.

    Educational mats and books

    Time flies by, and we are already thinking about what toys a 1 year and 3 month old child needs. At this time, his brain is actively growing and developing, so his movements become more and more meaningful. Now the child doesn’t just feel and throw the toy, but looks for something to use it for. And again I would like to emphasize that he gets bored with purchased toys so quickly that it is worth alternating them. They took out a few pieces and gave them to the child for a couple of days, then they took out others, and these they hid. In a week, he will be exploring his old and new toys with the same interest as the first time.

    However, mom can make interesting and bright toys for the baby herself. Moreover, they will remain loved and desired for a long time, unlike purchased ones. The most important thing is that the mother knows what toys a child needs at 1 year and 3 months for development. As we have already said, they must imply some interaction. Moreover, manipulations with small objects contribute to the development fine motor skills.

    Creating a masterpiece

    First of all, you will need a base. If you want to make a rug, then this should be thick fabric or an old blanket on which all the treasures will be located. Now we need a base, best of all natural fabric(cotton), the color scheme is best calm. A soft green, blue or yellow shade is ideal.

    Now come up with an idea for a rug. Most often these are natural elements, a blue river, green trees, flowers and clouds. This picture is easiest for a child to understand. Now turn on your imagination. Large elements can be planted with Velcro (for example, dragonflies or butterflies), and the child will be happy to remove them and plant them back. The sky can be made from blue fabric, and if you have time, make a drawstring that, by pulling it, you can open and close clouds or a rainbow.

    The tree can be made from green fabric, and a zipper can be inserted into the middle; when opened, the baby will see ripe pears or apples with Velcro. And plant a large flower in the clearing, each petal of which is a bag filled with different grains. The lake in the clearing can change its color. To do this, sew large buttons along the pond and prepare a second layer of fabric and loops. Ordinary lids from cardboard boxes from under the juice. To do this, cut off the top of the box, make a round hole in the mat and insert a thread into it from the bottom.

    Now decorate the outside with the center of the flower, and the lid will be screwed on and off according to the child’s wishes. In addition, you can come up with lacing for one of the Christmas trees, which the baby will learn to thread into a loop. On thematic forums there are many sections dedicated to what toys a child needs at 1 year and 3 months. Photos will help you come up with a new, original idea.

    In a similar way, you can make an educational book, in which the pages will be made of fleece. You can sew buttons and loops, zippers and lacing onto it in a similar way.

    Development of cognitive activity

    And we continue to consider the development of the baby from birth to one year. If you are looking for what kind of toys a 1 year and 4 month old child needs, then the ideal option would be those that stimulate cognitive activity. These are various inserts, now more complex, which can be sorted by size and color, boxes and jars with a secret, as well as molds with which you can play in the sandbox. By the way, today there are homemade plastic sandboxes on sale, for which shovels and molds are useful.

    For the development of cognitive activity, it is very important to have toys of different shapes at home, but with similar features. While playing, the baby learns to compare sizes and colors, and as a result, ideas about the properties of objects are formed. These are pyramids and cubes, large mosaics and nesting dolls. Don't forget that they should be different in colors, shapes and sizes.

    Speech development

    Moving step by month, we come to what toys a child needs at 1 year and 5 months. By this age, you need to focus on speech development. First of all, this is facilitated by communication with adults, so stock up on toys and pictures that stimulate it. These are pictures with images of animals, the figures themselves, audio recordings of children's songs and filmstrips, which are much safer than ordinary cartoons.

    The second point is the development of fine motor skills. A child’s speech is directly related to the work of his fingers, so the more the child does with his hands, the faster and clearer he will speak. We recommend purchasing and regularly using laces and beads for stringing, lacing games, as well as toys from improvised means. Pour cereal into a glass and give the child the opportunity to pick it between his fingers and pour it from one glass to another. And pasta is perfect for stringing it on a string.

    Turning point - a year and a half

    This is a very exciting development milestone. One year old child- this is still a clumsy toddler who is just trying to take his first steps. And so, literally before our eyes, he begins to speak, draw, and manipulate objects. After one and a half years, all these skills improve and become more complex so quickly that parents do not have time to notice the changes.

    Usually, by the age of one and a half years, a child pronounces about 40 words, is interested in books, and turns the pages himself. He quickly learns to draw, masters a cup and a spoon. Usually, the first knowledge has already been acquired, and the child is oriented in two shapes (square and circle), can pick up the same object as in the sample, and is oriented in the concepts of large and small. What toys does a 1 year and 6 month old child need?

    To master creative skills, you need to actively master felt-tip pens and pencils, crayons and paints. It is very useful for the child to have unlimited access to plasticine (under adult supervision). And together you can make applications from colored paper.

    Speaking about what toys a child needs at 1 year and 6 months, I would like to note the importance of the first musical instruments. They are designed to develop the perception of surrounding sounds. These include whistles, drums, maracas, and tambourines. But there is no need to buy electronic musical toys at all.

    Growing by leaps and bounds

    Indeed, at this age the baby begins to master all skills at great speed. Closer to two years, the little angel begins to show character and be capricious for any reason. And the easiest way to deal with this is to come up with interesting game. What toys does a 1 year and 7 month old child need?

    These are all kinds of cards with fruits and vegetables, animals and birds, seasons and natural phenomena. Dolls with high detail will be very useful, in which you can easily distinguish the eyes and nose, eyebrows, neck, tummy and other parts of the body. Select sets of themed figurines (vegetables and fruits, pets).

    Instead of a conclusion

    It's not yet full list what toys a child needs at 1 year and 7 months. Educational games are becoming more diverse and include various household items. Therefore, a toy kitchen with all the accessories, bedding, transport and construction kits will come in handy. At this age, you can try to collect the first puzzles, which for now consist of only two halves of the picture. But soon your baby will outgrow them, which means you will have to change sets of toys more than once on the way to growing up.

    Many parents say that the first twelve months of a child’s life flies by like one day. It would seem that the baby was just born, but she is already approaching one year old. Mom and dad begin organizing the celebration long before the date itself, because everything should be thought out to the smallest detail and nothing else. And the most main question- what to give to the little princess. If older children can already say what they want to receive as a gift, then a baby at the age of one year will not come up with an idea on her own. Therefore, you will have to decide on your own or with the help of the girl’s parents.

    Options for educational gifts for a one-year-old child from parents and relatives

    Today the early development of children is given great importance not only doctors, child psychologists, but also parents. They study a lot of information even during pregnancy, and after the birth of the baby they work with him independently or visit children's centers. Therefore, looking through various toys, books and other products on store shelves, choose things that will help the girl reveal the potential of her abilities, both physical and mental.

    When buying a present for your baby, you should study the information on the packaging in detail. There are age restrictions for each product. For example, a construction set with small parts will be unsafe for a one-year-old child.

    Gift ideas for physical development

    Each baby develops individually: some begin to sit earlier, while others begin to walk. But there are global standards with the help of which doctors determine the degree to which a child has mastered new skills and capabilities. In the first months of life, children are helpless, so adults must help them with everything. This also applies to improving the girl’s physical health.

    Doctors draw the attention of parents that by the age of one year, the child’s body makes a big leap in development and growth. And to help the baby master basic skills, you need to work with her. For the first birthday, gifts that will help improve the physical characteristics of the birthday girl would be an excellent option.

    The following gifts can be purchased:

    • rocking chair Children love exciting emotions, and what could be more interesting than riding a unique animal. This not only strengthens the muscles, but also trains the vestibular apparatus;

      Today there are models on sale with a chair so that the baby does not fall out while playing.

    • jumping toy. The product is made of rubber and represents an animal: donkey, horse, dragon or other. The principle of such a gift is simple: the girl sits on the pet and, pushing off the floor with her feet, jumps. It's not only fun, but also good for muscle tissue;
    • swing. By twelve months, the baby no longer needs rocking models in the form of a chaise lounge. An excellent solution would be a portable or hanging option;
    • orthopedic mat. It consists of several parts with different relief. While walking on it, the legs are massaged, and regular use contributes to the correct formation of the feet;
    • fitball With a large ball as tall as a child, you can not only perform exercises, but also play;
    • slide into the room. It is made of plastic and weighs little. The store sells various models. Some of them are complemented with other elements, for example, a basketball hoop. With such a gift, the baby will not only be able to skate for fun, but also learn to throw a ball into a basket and climb stairs.

    Gallery: what surprises are considered useful

    All children like the jumping toy Portable swings can be placed indoors
    Rocking chair models with a chair are suitable for one-year-old babies There are slides different sizes and configuration You should buy a fitball for a child with a handle so that the baby can hold on.
    An orthopedic mat helps the correct formation of baby’s feet

    Gifts for mental and creative development

    Kids love everything new, and they show special interest in things that can be taken apart and have many details. In the ranking of gifts for the first year, products that help the girl develop mental abilities are among the first:

    • training boots. These are not really shoes, because you can’t wear such models all the time, or walk on the street. The purpose of the product is for the birthday girl to practice tying shoelaces, fastening Velcro and handling shoes correctly;
    • development center in the form of a table or portable surface. This category includes walkers with which the baby will be able to learn to walk and will train fine motor skills, logic, thinking, memory, playing with many elements on the play panel;
    • soft bodyboard. It is made in the form of books, on the pages of which it is recorded a large number of parts that differ in texture and material. In the process of examining the subject, the child will not only complete tasks, but also become familiar with the seasons, color scheme, the form of things;
    • finger theater Of course, children at one year old cannot yet play with such a gift on their own. But mom and dad will show stories and fairy tales with the help of little heroes. The young lady will definitely be attracted to bright characters;
    • Finger paint. They are made from safe substances, non-toxic, and therefore will not harm the child’s health. And develop creative potential simply necessary;
    • color kinetic sand. Along with such a surprise, it is advisable to purchase a sandbox so that the birthday girl has a place to play, and various Easter eggs;
    • soft puzzles, pyramid, cubes and sorter. Every baby should become familiar with these things at the age of one year;
    • water mat for drawing. The set includes one or more markers. To start creating, they need to be filled with water. After a while, the drawings disappear and you can start again.

    Gallery: what will definitely interest the birthday girl

    Kinetic sand is available for sale different color Educational boots are bright, they train the baby's skills Finger paint safe if accidentally swallowed It's real magic: the designs on the water mat disappear within a few minutes of appearing
    With the help of a sorter, logic, thinking and motor skills develop The development center will help the baby train fine motor skills and learn to walk
    Children love to listen to fairy tales, and with the finger theater any story will come to life. The pages of a soft book may contain elements with sound.

    Souvenirs and memorable gifts, relevant for one year

    Surprises that will last for years will never lose their value. Therefore, as the main present or as an addition to the birthday girl, they give:

    • Jewelry. Most often for a girl these are earrings. Experts recommend choosing not long models, but carnations, droplets or products with an English lock, which will not cause discomfort;
    • set of silverware. Some give only one spoon, but also a plate, cup and cutlery included;
    • portrait of a baby. It is ordered individually. A photo artist paints a little lady for the appointed date;
    • certificate for a family look photo shoot. The price already includes studio rental, photographer’s work, rental of outfits in the same style for mom, dad and daughter, as well as printing of a photo book based on the holiday;
    • medal or coin. These souvenirs are presented in a beautiful case, and the gift itself has an engraving with the child’s name, date of birth and a short wish.

    Gallery: gifts that can be given as souvenirs

    Don't buy earrings for a one-year-old baby big size A portrait will decorate a children's room A good option There will be not only a set of dishes, but also a set of spoons and rattles for the baby You can conduct a photo shoot individually for a girl with many accessories.

    Toys as a birthday surprise

    What could be better than bringing joy to a little birthday girl? And all children love getting new toys. Guests and relatives often present the following gifts to the baby:

    • repeat. They come in the form of animals, a phone or a tablet. As soon as you say something, the toy will immediately repeat what was said in a funny voice. Kids are fascinated by such things, because it’s fun and unusual;
    • bathing sets. Everyone has the usual rubber duckies, but a real water center with slides, fountains and other elements is a real find. With such a surprise, spending time in the bathroom will be even more fun;
    • gurney There are models that make sounds, flap their wings and perform other actions. The girl will hold on to the handle of the toy and roll it. This is a great motivation to walk;
    • interactive pet. A year is the right time to introduce your child to animals, especially those that can blink, ask for food and show emotions. Such a toy will be interesting even at an older age;
    • phone with buttons. Children love to press on small parts, so the TV remote control always attracts their attention. Having received such a gift, the baby will be happy to play with it, as well as receive musical accompaniment;
    • stroller for dolls. You can also buy a baby doll in the set so that the birthday girl can roll it while walking or playing at home.

    Gallery: options for the birthday girl's joy

    Bath toys should be purchased in bright colors
    When you're one year old, you shouldn't give them big strollers, because the baby won't be able to push them.
    The most popular repetition toy is Tom the cat Gurneys are often complemented with moving and musical elements An interactive pet has a positive effect on the development of the baby Using your phone you can study the sounds that animals make

    Hand made: practical and original

    The best gift is a gift made with your own hands. Today this phrase is very relevant. Many people try to surprise parents and children with something individual and exclusive, so they make gifts from the list themselves or order from craftsmen:

    • knitted outfit. Light and Nice dress will become a crochet a worthy gift for the birthday girl from her grandmother or aunt;
    • bed sheets. They give him bumpers and pillows for the crib. The girl is already at the age when she will be interested in sleeping surrounded by such things;
    • wooden metric. This is a great addition to the nursery interior;
    • bathing kit. A robe and towel with embroidery of the child’s name are an original and fashionable present;
    • treasure box. Mom will keep her daughter's most valuable things there;
    • diary in scrapbooking style. There will not only be a place for photos, but also pages on which parents will write down the most memorable moments from the princess’s life.

    Gallery: unusual do-it-yourself gifts for your daughter, granddaughter, niece

    With such a gift, swimming will become even more interesting. The box will preserve memories for many years
    A set of bed linen will become an original and necessary present. A dress made from natural materials will delight your baby Much is forgotten over time, but information will be preserved on the pages of a diary.
    The metric contains information about what the baby has achieved in the first year of her life.

    Video: gifts for a girl on her first birthday

    What you should not give a year

    1. Don't buy gifts that are inappropriate for your age. For example, rattles will no longer interest a baby, because she is growing and changing. Also, you should not give a teaching computer for a year, which will be useful only in a few years, and other gifts for older children.
    2. Please pay attention to age restrictions. Items that contain small parts should not be given as gifts, because they pose a threat to the health and life of the girl.
    3. Always check what materials toys or other items are made from. Poor quality products can cause an allergic reaction in a child.
    4. Huge soft toys - not the best choice. The baby will not yet be able to appreciate such a surprise. Being in the nursery, this thing will collect dust and nothing else.

    Today, any invited guest for a girl’s name day will be able to buy a present to suit their taste and financial capabilities. The main rule is to choose something that will interest the baby, will be useful for her development, or will become a souvenir that will be kept for many years. It is easy to bring joy to children if congratulations and gifts are made from the heart.

    Some time after the birth of a child, the home of most child-loving parents turns into a real warehouse of toys.

    Toys are bought because:

    • developing. Allegedly, some skill will not develop at all without such a toy;
    • cool. “I didn’t have one like this as a child”;
    • caught the attention of a child in a store. How not to please your baby?
    • cheap: “Let it be”;
    • for a gift. Relatives and friends especially like to give soft “dust collectors” in the form of hares, bears, etc.

    Sometimes you have to go to various lengths to get your child to play with toys! For example, popular advice - hide the toy for a couple of months and take it out again under the guise of a new one.

    However, this advice is not suitable for a one-year-old child. If you hide a rattle or teether (rodent) for a couple of months, there is a high probability that later such a toy item will not be needed at all.

    The best toy is a ball

    The lightest inflatable ball, like a beach ball (not a ball that can easily burst and scare the baby) and a regular rubber ball. This is the basis for many games that stimulate physical, sensory, fine motor, musical, and social development.

    Various options for special sensory balls are also a great option, although not required.

    Educational toy - pyramid

    The pyramid is interesting for children from six months to three years old! This does not mean that the child will play it every day and in the same way, but the interest in gnawing the toy, stringing rings, first just hitting the pin, and then in a certain order, and then again chaotically - what will happen? - will last for a long time. The pyramid is an excellent educational toy and visual aid for learning colors and sizes, and training perseverance.

    The most dangerous thing in the pyramid is the pin, so many parents choose a textile analogue, although it is more difficult to play with it. The simplest plastic and wooden pyramids should also not be ignored by parents.

    Bright wooden pyramid “Rainbow. Circles "

    There are pyramids with sound effects, rings different shapes, “knobs” in the form of animal heads - all these additions are interesting, but not required.

    A good option: pyramid cups, from which you can build a high tower. In addition to being a logical building game, such a toy will be useful for role-playing games, games in the water and in the sandbox. The cross-section of a pyramid with cups can be round, square, or triangular. For the little ones, of course, the round one is suitable - such cups are easier to dock.

    Cubes are a must-have educational toy

    Decent analogues of Lego Duplo can be found on Aliexpress. We bought a construction set - the difference with the original is visible, but it is not critical.

    Analog Lego Duplo on Aliexpress

    Other educational toys

    In child development through various techniques, manuals, toys, it is important to find your “golden mean”. Popular « early development“is just a fashionable hobby of parents, nurtured by marketers of children's products. But to believe that “it will grow on its own” and “they will teach you in kindergarten” is naive and irresponsible.

    A wheelchair is the best gift for 1 year

    Rolling machine - best gift, which can be ordered by relatives or friends who pester you with the question: what to give you?

    Secondly, both boys and girls like the cars, both those who walk confidently and those who are just mastering this function; they are suitable for playing at home, in the country, or on the street.

    Thirdly, this is not a toy for one year. Older children enthusiastically hide toys in the “luggage compartment,” usually located under the seat. A three-year-old girl can roll dolls, a boy can play with a “big” car.

    An excellent alternative option would be a wheelchair.

    A doll is a must-have toy for a 1 year old child

    A doll - as a reflection of one's own self, a miniature copy of a real baby - is needed by every child, regardless of gender.

    Using a doll, a child learns to show body parts, uses them in the first story games, with their help imitates adults and develops speech, stimulates emotional development.

    It’s nice if the doll comes with a doll stroller. Have you noticed that the most active users of doll strollers among one-year-old babies are boys? Girls become more interested in strollers closer to 3 years of age, when story-based play with a doll becomes more varied and perfect.

    The simplest first doll for a one-year-old baby is a baby doll 35-42 cm tall with large facial features, without hair and sexual characteristics. A soft-stuffed baby doll is more comfortable to hold and rock, while a completely plastic (rubber) baby doll can be bathed. A useful feature that for some reason is missing from many beautiful modern dolls, even expensive ones - closing eyes lying doll "baby".

    Baby Annabell doll with soft stuffed bottle with closing eyes, 36 cm

    Figures of people and animals

    Wooden figurines are pleasant to the touch, environmentally friendly, smell nice, and parents like them, as opposed to plastic “monsters”; but rubber and plastic ones can be bathed and taken out for a walk without fear of getting dirty.

    A variety of figures, from the obligatory nostalgic rubber duckling for swimming to large sets of wild/domestic animals, are perfect for a 1-year-old child to play with.

    Usually one year old babies already have good feeling balance and can even walk independently. In addition, fine motor skills of the hands are improved, speech center, concepts about the shape, size and color of objects are formed. For a comfortable acquaintance with the outside world and full development, it is important to know what toys a child needs at 1 year old, and what entertainment it is better to protect a growing baby from.

    What toys do a one-year-old child need?

    For a baby aged 1 year, play and life are one and the same. He gains all new knowledge, skills and experience through contact with adults and the things around him. Therefore, you need to purchase educational toys that contribute to the development of the baby. It is better to give rattles, rattles and similar items to someone; after 12 months, the child can be considered to have outgrown them.

    Types of toys for one-year-old children:

    • coordinating movements and balance;
    • for fine motor skills;
    • promoting the development of dexterity and reaction;
    • musical;
    • visual;
    • soft.

    Interesting educational toys for children from 1 year old

    In fact, any things at the disposal of a little “researcher” are developmental. Here are examples of the most popular toys, judging by the preferences of the kids themselves:

    1. Coordination, balance:

    • Tolokars;
    • balance bikes;
    • gurneys;
    • trolleys;
    • rocking chairs;
    • jumpers.

    2. Fine motor skills:

    • pyramids;
    • inserts (cups);
    • nesting dolls;
    • lacing;
    • beads;
    • snakes, buttons, Velcro, carabiners;
    • large puzzles;
    • sand sets.

    3. Dexterity:

    • balls;
    • nets;
    • magnetic fishing rods;
    • bubble;
    • riding toys on a string.

    4. Music, hearing:

    • synthesizer;
    • drums;
    • beepers;
    • a simplified version of any stringed instrument.

    5. Drawing, creativity:

    • crayons;
    • large pencils;
    • natural paints;
    • picture books;
    • stickers;
    • drawing boards.

    In addition, a one-year-old baby definitely needs ships, rubber ducks, wind-up fish, and crocodiles.

    Toys for 1 year old girls

    The interests and behavior of babies are mainly formed by copying the actions of their mother. Therefore, smaller copies of household utensils, kitchen items and typically women's accessories:

    Articles on the topic

    Only in exceptional cases can one-year-old children occupy themselves with some kind of game, and then not for long. They are restless, curious, and strive to actively explore everything around them. The article will help you find several options for exciting activities for children of this age.

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