Benefits and recipes for scrubs for use in the bath. Scrubs for baths and saunas: homemade recipes for beauty and weight loss Coffee scrub for baths recipe

A sauna or steam bath is a place where a person not only relaxes, but also cleanses himself. Moreover, purification occurs not only physically, but also mentally.

Thanks to the action of moist hot steam, particles of “old” skin are exfoliated from the skin, pores are cleansed and complete peace occurs.

People also go to the bathhouse to recover from illnesses. But what will help him with this? Not only steam affects cleansing. There are also additional products that help cleanse the body - a homemade bath scrub.

Why are scrubs needed in the bath?

When purchasing ready-made body scrubs, we use them only when we take a bath, but, more often than not, the effect stated on the label does not occur. There follows frustration, grief and the understanding that all products are a complete deception. But thinking like that is completely wrong.

Often, manufacturers of such cosmetics simply forget to say what is necessary to get the maximum effect - use body scrubs in a sauna or steam bath on steamed skin.

Such a product as a scrub is not at all a new product of our time. It has been used since ancient times in China and Japan, Turkey and other countries. But they were applied exclusively to the steamed body. Moreover, it was necessary to steam not just with hot water, but with steam.

Scrubs were invented for better cleaning. They were made only from natural ingredients:

  • coffee with milk;
  • clay;
  • seeds and crushed herbs;
  • salt and sugar;
  • various grains ground into flour.

Aromatic oils, herbs and other medicinal elements of traditional medicine were necessarily added to all ingredients.

Now let's move on to the question of how to use a scrub in a sauna. They enter the steam room several times, but it is better to thoroughly rub the prepared composition into themselves only after the third entry. Before this, the steamed body is rinsed from sweat and dirt.

If you have to choose which cosmetic product is better, then a DIY bath scrub is always more useful and convenient. Additional benefits include:

  • much cheaper than store bought;
  • you always know what ingredients are included in the composition;
  • used literally immediately after preparation, which means fresh;
  • The composition can be selected depending on existing skin imperfections.

The question of when to apply the scrub in the bath remains open. It should be understood that a bath, a sauna and a steam bath are three different places. Therefore, the application should not be the same.

The bathroom is the worst place to do any weight loss or cleansing activities. Warm water is not able to expand pores, so it is better to go to a bathhouse or sauna. Both the first and second are suitable for treatment with masks and for the use of scrubs.

Before you start using such tools, you should remember a few rules.

  1. Application will be beneficial if used no more than once a week. Otherwise, the protective layer and acid balance will be disrupted. When two main factors decrease, an inflammatory process of pores and tissues is observed.
  2. Every time you go to the steam room, you should rinse your body with water. The liquid provokes rapid removal and cleansing of the skin.
  3. You should be exposed to steam for no more than 10-20 minutes.
  4. Only after visiting the steam room for the third time can we say that the body is ready for cleansing or therapeutic massages and the use of products that help eliminate toxins.
  5. It is recommended to apply scrubs using massage movements. If circular movements are used, then do them only clockwise.
  6. All activities aimed at cleansing the skin should be carried out on a moisturized body. Also, before the procedures, it is better to wash off all the dirt and sweat, and only then start applying creams, oils and scrubs.
  7. Particular attention is always paid to problem areas, while avoiding the genitals and areas of increased sensitivity.
  8. After applying epidermal cleansing products, be sure to apply them to the heels. There are many points on them that improve the condition of the body.
  9. After the procedure, all products are removed with warm water.

There are a number of recipes that occupy the first positions in demand and use.

Homemade natural body scrubs in the sauna have a lot of positive properties:

  • improve the condition of skin tissues;
  • gently and well remove the old layer of skin;
  • has all the necessary substances for medicinal purposes;
  • do not irritate the skin.

You can also make something useful that is easy to use and always at hand.

In first place is a bath scrub made from honey and salt. In the recipe it is necessary to use very finely ground salt, and the honey should not spread.

This product is used for cleansing and nourishing the skin. It has a rejuvenating and healing effect, dries out small pimples.

If there is an inflammatory process or small wounds on the face or body, you should avoid using such a caustic composition. A DIY bath scrub prepared with added salt can increase irritation and inflammation.

Oatmeal scrub

A honey bath scrub can also be prepared with other ingredients, for example, cereals.

A bath scrub made from oatmeal and honey has an excellent effect, since even after grinding, the oatmeal remains quite hard and can remove a large layer of old skin.

Oatmeal should be crushed and mixed with melted honey in a ratio of 1 to 1, let soak for several minutes. You can add a couple of drops of sweet orange oil to the finished mixture.

The product made from coffee beans is easy to prepare and has its own characteristics: it can tone, relax the skin, affect metabolism and cleanse pores.

We will need already used coffee (it doesn’t matter what grind you use, since the effect will be unambiguous), honey (can be liquid), a few drops of rose and sea buckthorn oil and just a little homemade milk.

The coffee liquid should not have any additional liquid, so it is better to strain it. For 100 gr. coffee will need 1 tsp. honey and milk. Mix everything thoroughly and add the oil of your choice.

After you have thoroughly steamed, you can take the product with your hands and rub it well all over your body (including your face, legs, back and heels). Rub in with massage or circular movements for about 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. For best results, it is recommended to carry out the procedure at least twice.

To prepare, you need to combine granulated sugar and honey in equal proportions. Remember that honey should be thick.

There is no need to rub the honey scrub in for a long time and there is no need to leave it on the body either. It is enough to massage the body on problem areas and rinse with warm water.

The use of such a scrub can bring negative phenomena instead of healing: allergies. Therefore, if you are completely sure that there will be no allergic rashes, you can use the sweet composition regularly.

In order to use a clay scrub, you will need to find white clay without impurities. It is better to dilute it in distilled water and be sure to add oils.

After dilution, immediately, without delay, apply the composition to the body so that the layer is approximately 1-2 mm thick. Wrap yourself in a towel and walk with clay on your body for 15-20 minutes. Then soften with water and massage over the body (5-10 minutes).

The composition is washed off as usual with warm water. Make sure that there is no clay left on the body. Now you can go to the steam room to remove all toxins from the body.

When a natural scrub is needed only for the purpose of getting rid of extra centimeters on the body and smoothing the skin, it is necessary to be more careful when selecting ingredients. There are nuances and recipes here that are selected individually.

What could be better than taking a steam bath and removing the patina of everyday fatigue and city dust? The balance of moisture and temperature is a real source of youth and beauty. But it is bath scrubs that will make a visit to the steam room most effective and allow the skin to breathe at full capacity.

Not all types of peelings can be used in steam rooms. However, bath body scrubs are safe and effective because the hard abrasives are not exposed to high temperatures, unlike chemical exfoliants.

Skin scrubbing is simple procedure with a lot of advantages:

  • exfoliates dead skin cells of the epidermis;
  • cleanses pores;
  • has a massage effect;
  • fights pigment spots and shallow scars;
  • tones;
  • nourishes.

Due to the high concentration of hot steam, the bath enhances everything beneficial features scrubs:

  • exfoliation is gentler than in normal conditions, since high humidity and temperature soften the keratinized layers of the epidermis;
  • the pores expand, which allows them to be better cleaned;
  • toxins are released and nutrients penetrate deeper;
  • temperature changes in the bathhouse affect increased blood flow, causing blood vessels to narrow and dilate;
  • Peeling massage significantly strengthens blood vessels and stimulates oxygen metabolism in cells;
  • the effect of active substances is enhanced by heat, the effect of using exfoliants with targeted action increases (anti-cellulite, anti-aging, anti-hyperpigmentation, etc.).

So, if you are losing weight or getting rid of cellulite, then by combining bath scrubs for weight loss and massage with brooms in saunas and steam rooms, you can stimulate blood microcirculation and the breakdown of subcutaneous fat, even out the relief of the epidermis, and restore elasticity.

And the facial scrubs used in the bath maintain skin tone, remove wrinkles, and get rid of post-acne and hyperpigmentation.

However, not all scrubs are equally good in a bath, and When choosing a product, it is advisable to adhere to the following criteria:

  • natural composition– various derivatives of petroleum products and others chemical substances due to high temperatures and maximally open pores, they penetrate deeper and cause more harm;
  • compatibility with the type of epidermis– body skin is usually normal or dry, and facial skin often combines oily, dry and normal areas;
  • correspondence of the composition to the type of problems being solved– each scrub ingredient has individual properties that affect certain cellular processes.

In natural scrubs The most commonly used ingredients are:

Ingredient Properties
  • rich in vitamins, replenishes nutritional deficiencies;
  • stimulates metabolism;
  • launches regeneration processes
  • removes toxins;
  • dries out inflammation;
  • has antimicrobial properties;
  • removes excess sebum;
  • contains a large number of useful minerals;
  • maintains elasticity
  • improves blood microcirculation;
  • stimulates the breakdown of fats;
  • stimulates cellular metabolism;
  • reduces swelling
  • maintains water balance in cells;
  • removes toxins;
  • relieves irritation;
  • is an antioxidant;
  • restores elasticity
  • remove toxins;
  • have antioxidant properties;
  • nourish with vitamins, micro- and macroelements;
  • enhance regeneration processes;
  • break down and remove fatty compounds;
  • reduce swelling
Olive oil
  • moisturizes;
  • stimulates collagen production, prevents the formation of age spots;
  • regenerates
  • replenishes the lack of potassium and magnesium;
  • regulates the water-salt balance of the epidermis;
  • removes excess sebum;
  • dries out inflammation
  • restores elasticity;
  • retains moisture in cells;
  • enhances the protective functions of the epidermis;
  • regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands
Ground nuts and fruit seeds
  • antioxidants;
  • supply the skin with vitamins and microelements;
  • soften;
  • improve metabolism
Essential oils Each essential oil has individual properties and can tone, whiten, soothe, promote cleansing, even out the tone and relief of the epidermis, etc.

This is just a small list of ingredients for bath exfoliants. And in cosmetic stores you can find jars with very exotic ingredients.

However, for steam rooms, the issue of the harmful effects of chemical components is acute. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase scrubs for baths in handmade shops. Better yet, cook it yourself. Especially, that during one visit to a bathhouse, sauna, or hammam, considerable amounts of exfoliant are consumed.

How to properly use scrubs in a bath

Typically, exfoliation is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Masks and scrubs for baths begin to be used when the skin is already steamed, as evidenced by open pores and profuse sweating. This usually happens after 2 or 3 visits. The exfoliant needs to be warmed up before use, so you can take it with you to the steam room.
  2. After leaving the steam room, you should rinse under warm water, to wash away the salts and toxins that came out with sweat.
  3. Apply exfoliant to clean, damp skin. It is advisable to have several types of scrubs with you: for different types skin of the face and body.
  4. Rub the composition with light movements along the massage lines, starting from the feet and moving upward. Typically the massage lasts 1-2 minutes. But for problem areas, the treatment time can be increased.
  5. If the exfoliant has a natural composition (for example, homemade bath scrubs), then After scrubbing, leave the product on the skin for another 5-10 minutes.
  6. Wash off the exfoliant under warm shower and gently pat your body dry with a towel.
  7. Before leaving the sauna, apply skin care products. You should take special care of your facial skin during the cold season.

But scrubs will not benefit everyone. To avoid harm to yourself, peeling is prohibited in the following cases:

  • open mechanical damage to the skin;
  • inflammation or viral diseases of the skin in active form;
  • recent medium or deep peels;
  • allergy to individual components of the exfoliant.

It should be remembered that at high temperatures the effect of any active substances is enhanced. This may lead to allergic reactions. Therefore, you should use only those products that have been used repeatedly before and do not cause negative skin reactions.


Bath scrubs are very easy to prepare at home. It is not at all necessary to look for exotic ingredients for this: effective means can be obtained from products familiar to any housewife.

During production, the following must be taken into account:

  1. Products must be fresh and natural.
  2. It is better to prepare the exfoliant shortly before visiting the bathhouse.
  3. If easily soluble abrasives (salt, sugar or soda) are used, they should be added to the mixture immediately before applying the product to the skin.
  4. The size of the abrasive particles depends on the properties of the epidermis - the weaker, drier and more sensitive the skin, the finer the grind.
  5. If desired, the ingredients can be changed - many products are interchangeable, as they have similar properties.

Here are some recipes for effective bath scrubs.

Coffee bath scrub

Coffee bath scrubs are widely known for their tonic effect. They are used to restore freshness to tired or aging skin. Coffee is often part of the prevention of stretch marks and is included in anti-cellulite therapy.


  • 3 tbsp. coffee grounds;
  • 2 tbsp. sunflower or olive oil;
  • 3 drops cinnamon, rosemary and orange essential oils.

The coffee grounds in this bath scrub are a very delicate abrasive, and the stimulation of coffee is combined with the moisturizing properties of oils. Therefore, the recipe is suitable even for the most sensitive skin.

Honey-salt scrub

To make honey scrubs for a bath with your own hands, any honey, even candied honey, is suitable. Most often it is used in nourishing scrub-masks, as well as in anti-cellulite formulations.

As a base, honey is suitable for skin of any type and age. However, salt, which acts as an abrasive, has drying properties. That's why this mask used for oily and normal skin.

Salt scrubs for baths are best made from sea ​​salt, but if necessary, it is also possible to use cookware.


  • 3 tbsp. salt;
  • 3 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 2 tsp lemon juice.

The composition is rubbed in until the salt is completely dissolved, after which it is left for the required time. With regular use, the scrub evens out the skin texture and allows you to quickly get rid of shallow scars and age spots.

Homemade sugar scrub

Like salt, sugar dissolves quickly. But it is a more gentle abrasive, as it does not dry out the skin. Sugar can be added as an additional element to any recipe. As an exfoliant base, it is best suited for dry, weakened and mature skin.


  • 3 tbsp. cane sugar;
  • 1 raw potato, grated into a fine grater;
  • 1 raw yolk;
  • 3 drops of orange oil.

Visiting the sauna is not only pleasant, but also useful procedure. Under the influence of hot steam, skin pores open, blood circulation increases, metabolic processes are stimulated, and the entire body is cleansed and rejuvenated naturally. It would be wrong not to take advantage of this effect to carry out cosmetic procedures– for example, make a scrub for the face and body. Steamed skin will better perceive active ingredients various means, their effect will increase several times - you will immediately feel the effect and feel the result.

You can use both homemade scrubs and store-bought ones. The most important thing is that they suit your skin type.

Table of contents:

Recipes for sauna scrubs at home

If a woman takes care of herself, she has a few simple homemade recipes in stock in case store-bought ones cosmetical tools are unavailable or have run out, and there is no time to go to the store. Many people prefer to use only homemade scrubs - they are natural, usually do not cause allergies, and are also much cheaper. These recipes will help make your skin cleaner, younger and healthier, tighter and velvety.

Honey and cinnamon

Usually in a sauna these two products are served with tea. But you can take a little more and pamper your body with a very delicate and fragrant exfoliating scrub. Preparing the scrub is very simple: just mix two tablespoons with a teaspoon of powder.

The resulting mixture is applied to the entire body in a circular motion, rubbing in a little. It is especially recommended to massage your elbows, knees, feet - in short, those places where the skin is especially rough. After 10 minutes, wash off the scrub with warm water, blot the skin and apply nutritious cream or milk.

Coffee with cream

Prepare for visiting the sauna in advance, collect the coffee grounds in a jar and take it with you. In the sauna, dilute the thickener with warm cream and also apply it to the body in a circular motion.

Coffee tones blood vessels and promotes the breakdown of fats; it is an excellent remedy for combating Special attention Focus on problem areas – stomach, buttocks, thighs. Wash off the scrub after ten minutes; you can complete this procedure with a contrast shower.

Blue clay

This is a universal cleanser for all skin types. The only difference is that for oily skin the clay is diluted with warm water to a paste-like state, and for dry clay it is better to use sour cream instead of water.

Clay can be applied to the face and body, keep this scrub mask until dry, then carefully rinse with warm water. The skin will become fresh and elastic, soft and velvety to the touch.

Orange peels

If you like citrus fruits, don't throw away the peels, dry them naturally and then grind them in a coffee grinder. Pour the resulting powder into a jar and take it with you to the sauna. It is better to mix it with olive oil. But you can just dilute it with water.

This fragrant orange scrub perfectly fights the very “ orange peel"on the thighs and buttocks, and also exfoliates the upper stratum corneum of the skin. After application, you need to leave it on for at least a quarter of an hour to get a good effect.


It is better to use natural without dyes. But if you don’t have one at hand, then an ordinary kitchen one will do. Sea salt must first be slightly ground in a coffee grinder.

For ease of application, it is recommended to combine salt with shaving gel - this product softens the skin and will not allow it to dry out under the influence of salt. Apply the salt scrub in a circular motion to the entire body and leave for ten minutes, then remove the residue with warm water in the shower.

Important! Almost all of these recipes are suitable for both the face and body. But if you decide to make a facial scrub in the sauna, massage your skin very carefully and do not leave the scrub on for more than five minutes. Heated skin is very sensitive; if handled carelessly, you can scratch it and get severe irritation.

Alternative to homemade scrubs

In fact, cosmetologists are prejudiced against using store-bought body and facial products in the sauna. And this is true: since the skin will cleanse itself naturally, then it also needs help natural means without synthetic components.

In addition, no one can predict the reaction of a purchased drug to high temperatures and steam But if you decide to use professional means, then pay attention to the following products:

  1. Organic Shop Body Scrub Organic Coffee & Sugar – natural coffee scrub with sugar.
  2. Salon Professional SPA collection Scrub – exfoliating and nourishing sugar scrub.
  3. Natura Siberica – natural cleansing scrub with sea buckthorn and honey.
  4. Energy of Vitamins Body Scrub Salt – foamy cleansing salt scrub.
  5. Planeta Organica 100% Natural Body Scrub Jamaica – scrub with coconut and papaya.

Store-bought sauna scrubs are applied in the same way as homemade scrubs; the instructions for use are indicated on the packaging.

How to properly perform procedures in a sauna?

In order for the skin to be optimally cleansed and rejuvenated, before entering the steam room you need to rub it with a hard mitten or brush, and then take a shower. All impurities will be washed away, and the skin will be better able to accept any procedure.

Remember one ironclad rule of visiting a sauna: It is strictly not recommended to enter the steam room with a wet body, as you may get a skin burn. And the hair must be covered with a special cap or at least wrapped in a towel.

After the steam room, you should take a dip in the pool or rinse off in the shower to wash off the sweat. And only then apply scrubs or masks. Experts advise starting cosmetic procedures in the sauna after the second or third entry into the steam room - then the pores are optimally opened, and maximum result. But if you don’t tolerate the steam room very well, you don’t need to torture yourself: one session will be enough, after which you can move on to scrubs.

And one last piece of advice. If you want to get tangible results, visit the sauna once a week for at least a month. There is no point in going here for health purposes once every six months - it will do absolutely nothing, well, except that you will relax and have a pleasant time in the company of friends.

Folk scrub recipes for baths, beneficial properties of abrasive cosmetics, possible contraindications to the procedures, ingredients and their properties, rules for using a bath scrub.

The content of the article:

Bath scrub is an excellent skin care product that can enhance the cleansing effect bath procedures, a mixture of several ingredients. Some are able to provide a massage and exfoliating effect on the skin, while others at the same time provide other beneficial effects, for example, additional nutrition of cells. Such cosmetics are used not only during a trip to the bathhouse, but also in simple home conditions. But in this article we will talk specifically about bath scrubs and their beneficial properties. We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most effective recipes their preparations.

Useful properties of bath scrub

Representatives of the fairer sex try in every possible way to take care of their bodies, in an attempt to preserve beauty and youth. One of the effective and therefore quite popular methods is visiting a bathhouse. It is known that bath procedures not only make a person healthier and help resist many diseases, but also help improve the condition of the skin.

In a Russian bath, Finnish sauna, Turkish hammam or other type of steam room, the first thing that is exposed to the beneficial effects of heat is the skin. Metabolic processes are activated in it, pores are opened for improved oxygen supply and a path is opened for the release of decay products and the penetration of useful substances.

On the path to beauty, an excellent thermal and water procedures are scrubs. They play an important role in body care, because... are able to multiply the positive effect obtained from going to the bathhouse. It is noteworthy that the use of scrubs has a greater beneficial effect in a bathhouse than when used in ordinary home conditions.

Removing dead particles from the skin is the very first property of any scrub, i.e. its most important purpose. However, along with this, accompanying beneficial effects are also revealed, which largely depend on additional ingredients.

Let us describe the beneficial effects a scrub can have on the skin:

  • Massage effect. Each scrub contains coarse particles, such as coffee, crushed apricot kernels, and salt. When distributed over the skin, they not only remove dead cells, but also involuntarily massage the upper layers, which further stimulates metabolic processes.
  • Cleansing effect. Along with dead epidermal cells, any other contaminants are removed - dust, sweat secretions. Through open pores, waste products of each epidermal cell are more actively removed.
  • Smoothes the surface of the skin. Massage, cleansing and heat help remove excess fluid and make the skin smooth. Goose bumps sometimes appear on certain areas of the body surface (elbows, buttocks), which do not disappear in warmth, but are characterized by the formation of multiple pimples, often with a dry surface. It doesn't make your skin look beautiful at all. A scrub in combination with bath procedures will help get rid of such a defect not only with the help of the effects already described, but also thanks to additional nutrition with useful substances.
  • Even out skin tone. Inclusion in the formula homemade scrub ingredients such as clay, parsley, lemon, etc., lead to the elimination of age spots and lightening upper layers epidermis.
  • Skin Cell Renewal. Accelerated cellular metabolism allows cells to renew themselves even faster.
  • Giving the skin firmness and elasticity. This result can be obtained by normalizing the process of collagen synthesis and the equally important elastin, which are responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin.
  • Fight cellulite. Getting rid of orange peel is a consequence of long-term systematic visits to the bathhouse and the joint use of scrubs prepared from natural ingredients at home. The result is achieved thanks to a complex of beneficial properties of water-thermal procedures and scrub.
  • Additional nutrition of the epidermis. A deep effect on the skin leads to more intense absorption of beneficial substances, the composition of which in each individually prepared scrub depends on the included ingredients.
In general, the beneficial effects of the scrub can be called rejuvenating and healing due to mechanical and chemical effects.

Contraindications to using a scrub in a bath

Going to the bathhouse itself may be contraindicated for some people due to their existing health problems. Most often, these contraindications are not a ban on using the scrub.

Let's look at the reasons why you should not use a scrub under any conditions:

  1. Availability skin diseases, characterized by purulent inflammation, open wounds, is a direct contraindication.
  2. Thin, delicate skin can be easily damaged by rough particles of a caring cosmetic product, so you should avoid aggressive mechanical action or replace salt, crushed apricot kernels or nut shells with more gentle products, such as honey.
  3. Individual intolerance to at least one ingredient. This contraindication is conditional, because at home, it’s easy to decide for yourself what will be included in a homemade scrub, and thereby eliminate dangerous ingredients from the formula.

Bath scrub recipes

A bath scrub prepared at home can contain a wide variety of ingredients, which determine the result obtained. The choice of components should be based on skin type, existing problems and the desired effect. The most important advantages of homemade exfoliating compositions are the natural composition and guaranteed freshness of the mixture, which is important for the absence of side effects.

Recipe for body scrub in olive oil bath

Olive oil is an almost universal product in both cooking and cosmetology. It is used in many recipes to create care products. This ingredient is especially popular among those with sensitive and dry skin that requires moisture retention or increased replenishment.

We offer several simple recipes for scrub with olive oil:

  • Scrub with olive oil and salt. Take about 50 ml of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of coarse salt. You can add 3 drops of citrus or almond essential oil. Mix the ingredients for some time. If necessary, add salt until the mixture has the consistency of a viscous thicket. The salt should not completely dissolve, but only slightly give up part of its mass to the oil, then the scrub will maximally perform all its functions - exfoliation and nutrition. This option is applicable to soften the skin, stimulate the synthesis of beneficial proteins in the epidermal cells, which are responsible for the beauty and youth of the skin.
  • Olive oil and sugar scrub. Ingredients include 40 ml olive oil, 250 ml sugar, 100 ml cream, 30-40 ml fresh lemon juice. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. You should not allow sugar to dissolve, because... in this case, it will not be able to fully perform the functions of an abrasive component. The main purpose of this composition is cleansing, skin whitening, and toning.
  • Sugar-olive scrub with cocoa and cinnamon. The ingredients are taken in the following proportions: cocoa powder (120 g), olive oil (40-50 ml), cane sugar (20-30 g), ground cinnamon (15-20 g). The mixture can be applied twice while in the bath.

DIY bath scrub with clay

Clay is an excellent remedy for combating various skin imperfections. It has a wide range of beneficial properties and is used not only as part of masks, but also as an auxiliary component in scrubs. There are several varieties of this natural fossil. The nature of the effect on the skin depends on the chemical composition.

In cosmetology, clay is usually classified by color, which to some extent indicates the presence of certain minerals, macro- and microelements in its composition.

Let's give brief description clays of different colors:

  1. Black. Promotes drying of the upper layers of the epidermis, actively fights acne. Not recommended for use on dry and sensitive skin.
  2. White. Perfectly cleanses the skin, brightens dark spots, slightly dries out acne and tightens pores, making the skin smoother and more attractive. In cosmetology, white clay is universal, i.e. can be used to treat skin of any type (oily, sensitive, dry, normal, problematic).
  3. Blue. Accelerates cell regeneration processes, has anti-inflammatory properties, and brightens the skin.
  4. Green. Useful for any skin type, because... helps normalize water balance, but at the same time actively cleanses the skin of excess secretions of the sebaceous glands.
  5. Red. Very useful for sensitive, aging and dry skin. Red clay helps get rid of irritation, redness, itching, and improves blood circulation.
This information will help you decide what type of clay to choose for preparing a bath scrub at home.

Let's share several scrub recipes that contain clay:

  • Clay-milk scrub. The composition includes 200 ml of milk, 250 g of suitable clay, 40 ml of honey. All ingredients are mixed until smooth. This mixture is quite gentle, does not scratch the skin, and actively replenishes reserves of useful substances. The exposure time can be extended to 30 minutes to allow the beneficial substances to deeply saturate the skin cells.
  • Clay-coffee scrub. Take the following ingredients: coffee grounds(30 ml), shampoo (20 ml), honey (20 ml), essential oil (2-3 drops), clay powder (20 ml). You can exclude essential oil from this recipe, because coffee will give an excellent aroma to the skin. After use, the skin becomes smooth, soft and tender.

Coffee bath scrub

Coffee scrub is the most common type of such cosmetic products. Coffee is used for many reasons. These include such beneficial properties as the ability to improve cellular metabolism, thereby promoting the removal of breakdown products, toxins and accelerated absorption of nutrients, the ability to stimulate regenerative processes necessary for rejuvenation and improvement of the structure of the skin. After using a coffee scrub, blood circulation and oxygen absorption improve, the skin renews itself faster, maintaining youth, stretch marks gradually decrease, and cellulite disappears.

Useful coffee scrubs can be prepared using the following recipes:

  1. Coffee-oil scrub. To prepare it, use the grounds formed after brewing coffee, in the amount of 2 tablespoons, and vegetable oil, sunflower or olive, in a volume of 20 to 30 ml. After mixing, the mixture can be stored for some time, but you should not prepare it for future use, because the preparation process does not take much time. After distributing the scrub with massage movements throughout the body, you can leave the scrub for another 10-15 minutes.
  2. Coffee-sour cream scrub. Not only coffee grounds, but also fresh ground coffee can be used as raw material. Mix 1 part coffee powder with 2 parts sour cream until smooth. If necessary, you can add shower gel or gentle liquid soap, then the scrub will glide better over the body and more gently exfoliate dry skin particles.
  3. Coffee scrub with salt and oatmeal. Fresh ground coffee (40 g), salt (40 g), chopped oatmeal (100 ml) are supplemented with a small amount of water and essential oils: rosemary (4 drops), cinnamon (3 drops), citrus (5-6 drops). This product is suitable for treating the most problematic areas.
  4. Sweet and salty coffee scrub. Mix salt (50 g), sugar (50 g), coffee powder (20 g) in a glass bowl. In another container, honey (40 g), citrus oil (3-4 drops). Combine the two compositions and mix thoroughly. This scrub is quite harsh, so it is better not to use it on sensitive skin to avoid scratches. After distributing and massaging over the body, you can go to the steam room for a few minutes, and then rinse off the scrub using the method contrast shower, starting with warm water and ending with cool water.

Honey bath scrub

Honey is an indispensable ingredient in many useful traditional medicines. But its use is not limited to oral administration. Just as often and just as successfully, many problems in cosmetology are solved with its help. The rich chemical composition of honey allows you to compensate for the lack of nutrients in the skin, helps accelerate metabolism, increases the regenerative abilities of the epidermis and deeper tissues, accelerates the healing of wounds, and perfectly complements anti-cellulite compositions.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with some honey scrub recipes and choose the most suitable one:

  • Honey-cinnamon scrub. Take 20 g of cinnamon, 40-50 g of honey. Mix thoroughly. Use on skin steamed in a bath to renew cells, improve blood circulation, and speed up metabolism.
  • Honey scrub with oatmeal and sour cream. Grind oatmeal (40 ml) in a coffee grinder. Pour them with a small amount of boiling water (20 ml). Stir honey (30-40 ml) and sour cream (20-30 ml) into the resulting mixture. The amount of ingredients can be slightly changed to obtain the desired consistency: the scrub should be quite thick, but at the same time gentle. Use on normal to dry skin.
  • Honey scrub with salt. The ingredients are taken in equal quantities, mixed and processed through the body. Among the properties of this composition are restoration of salt and water balance, saturation of cells with useful substances, acceleration of regeneration and anti-cellulite effect. Additional ingredients can be fresh lemon or grape juice.

Bath salt scrub

Salt has an excellent exfoliating effect. But along with this, it is also credited with other beneficial properties, for example, establishing salt balance and supplying nutrients. By using salt scrubs in a bath, you can speed up the process of opening pores for deeper tissue cleansing.

The greatest value is sea salt without any additives designed to give a beautiful shade and aroma. But ordinary table salt is also quite suitable as an abrasive component.

We bring to your attention simple recipes salt scrubs for baths:

  1. Salt scrub with cream. The composition of this product is quite simple: sea or regular table salt (2-3 tablespoons), cream (1.5-2 tablespoons). The components are mixed, but the salt is not allowed to completely dissolve. This mixture can be prepared 1.5-2 hours before use. This recipe is most suitable for those with dry or sensitive skin. For normal type You can replace the cream with milk, and for oily skin - with water. Salt scrub enhances sweating and removal of excess moisture from the body. After treating your body in the dressing room, you can visit the steam room for 10-15 minutes and then rinse off the scrub.
  2. Salt scrub with blue clay. It is applied for problem skin prone to irritation. The mixture contains salt (20 g), blue clay(40 g), chopped oat flakes (20-30 g). First of all, the clay is soaked with a small amount of water to form a paste. Next, add the remaining ingredients and mix. Application is carried out with massage movements. You can visit the steam room for 10 minutes, then wait for the mixture to dry completely and begin removing it with warm water.
If the scrub does not contain perishable products, but quite a lot of time has passed since it was prepared and the salt has dissolved, then do not be upset, because it can still be used. Chemical composition remains virtually unchanged, so the scrub can be used as a body mask. The method of use is similar, only the exposure time can be increased.

Homemade sugar scrub

Sugar is a more gentle component of exfoliating scrubs, because... the grains are smaller than those of salt, and under the influence of moisture they gradually dissolve, unlike coffee powder. At the same time, the resulting effect is no less good.

Here are a few homemade sugar scrub recipes:

  • Chocolate scrub. Main ingredients: sugar (50 g), cocoa (40-50 g), water (20-40 ml). Water can be replaced with cream, olive oil, or body moisturizer if the skin is dry and sensitive. Auxiliary components - essential oils.
  • Carrot-sugar scrub with cinnamon. Sugar (50 g) is mixed with fresh carrot juice (40 ml), 5-10 g of ground cinnamon is added to the mixture. This composition will provide gentle cleansing, giving the skin an even natural shade of a light tan, and will also provide an anti-cellulite effect.
  • Sugar-sour cream scrub. The composition is still simple - sugar (50 g) and sour cream (30-40 g). The usual method of use is: apply to the skin, perform a light massage with your palms, leave to act for 5-10 minutes, rinse with warm water. After the first use, the skin will become velvety, soft and attractive.
  • Sugar-potato scrub with egg yolk. To prepare, take sugar in the amount of 4 tablespoons, 30-40 ml of fresh potato juice and the yolk of one chicken egg. This composition is popular among mature women, because... has an anti-aging effect. After removing the product from the skin, use a body moisturizer.

Rules for using a scrub in a bath

To achieve greater effectiveness from using a scrub in a bath, you should follow a few simple rules. These include:
  1. Before visiting the steam room, it is customary to first cleanse the body of cosmetics and contaminants (dust, sweat). Then the skin the best way will react not only to bath procedures, but also to the effects of beneficial ingredients of the scrub.
  2. You should not apply the scrub before your first visit to the steam room, when the skin has not yet been steamed. Moreover, after leaving the steam room, you need to rinse your skin from sweat.
  3. Body treatment is carried out after the skin has steamed and is ready to actively absorb nutrients and remove toxins and waste products from cells.
  4. Do not use scrubs intended only for the body on the face, and vice versa.
  5. Apply the product in a circular motion, rubbing lightly. Whenever pain ease the pressure. Processing can be continued for 8-10 minutes.
  6. Most homemade scrubs can be left on the skin for another 10-15 minutes, and then washed off with warm water or use a contrast shower technology.
  7. Treat areas of the body that are prone to roughness more thoroughly.
  8. If necessary, apply moisturizer all over your body.
How to make a bath scrub - watch the video:

Using a scrub in a bath is not only a way to maintain the beauty and youth of the body. It's also a pretty enjoyable way to spend time. Collective visits to the bathhouse in a friendly group are very popular, when girls can exchange useful experiences in body care. Therefore, you should not deprive yourself of pleasant sensations and emotions, accompanied by benefits for appearance and health, refusing bathing procedures combined with cosmetic ones.

Scrubs are cosmetic products that contain small solid particles. Procedures using them are also called “peeling”. When using scrubs, rub the skin with circular, soft movements. At the same time, solid inclusions exfoliate dead particles, cleanse and open pores. They work best on steamed skin. And where can skin be better steamed than in a bathhouse? That’s why scrubs in the bathhouse are very effective.

In baths and saunas, scrubs begin to be used after the skin has been steamed. This is somewhere after the second run. The first visit to the steam room does not smear the skin with anything - it just warms up. On the second visit, you can rub yourself with a paste of salt and water, and so, with “salted” skin, go into the steam room. Sweating will be very strong, the pores will open and cleanse. After a shower and rest, it’s time for a scrub.

The scrub is applied to the entire body. But don’t just smear it, but rub and massage the skin well. The massage begins from the soles of the feet, thoroughly kneading the most problematic areas. Problematic areas can be understood as dry and rough areas - elbows, knees, hands, etc.

Areas affected by cellulite require increased attention: increased blood circulation helps break up compactions that give the skin an uneven texture. By steaming in the steam room, you have already increased blood flow, and with massage and rubbing it will become even more active, removing toxins and excess water. The skin will tighten, become more elastic and smooth. So any scrub in a bath can be considered an anti-cellulite procedure. Moreover, many of the products used are doing a good job of combating this problem.

Body scrubs

Cleaning compounds can be made from products found in most kitchens. And if suddenly they don’t exist, then it won’t be difficult to buy them. These are not exotic, but familiar products: salt, honey, kritsa, ground coffee, etc.

With honey

In general, honey is an amazing product. If you haven't used it on your skin before, you will be very surprised. The effect is better than that of expensive cosmetics. So, what scrubs with honey can be made for a bath:


Coffee itself can be used as a scrub. Just take the ground one and rub it over your wet body. The effect is felt almost immediately. Ground coffee, including already used coffee, contains linoleic acid, which significantly increases skin elasticity. The second component, caffeine, redistributes fat, making stretch marks less noticeable. In general, it has a very beneficial effect on the condition and tone of the skin.

Coffee scrub in the bath - great way improve appearance

If you want to achieve a significant effect, grind the grains before going to the bathhouse. The effect will be a little brighter. Ground, which is sold in packs, and even the one that has already been boiled, also works well. You just need to brew coffee without sugar or extraneous additives. Its impact is a little weaker, but not significantly.

Here are some recipes for homemade coffee scrubs:

  1. Mix milk and ground coffee in equal quantities. This is a composition for oily and normal skin. For dry milk, replace milk with cream. To achieve a whitening effect, use kefir.
  2. Take equal amounts of honey and coffee and mix. Add a few drops (3-5) of almond or coconut oil. The procedure should take about 15 minutes.
  3. Take high-fat cottage cheese and coffee and mix. They massage for 10 minutes, and then keep it in the steam room for the same amount of time.
  4. Coffee with salt. Mix dry ingredients. For dry skin add vegetable oils- olive, almond, even sunflower, for oily - a little water. If there are oils in the composition, active replenishment occurs simultaneously with cleansing.

From salt

Salt scrubs in the bath are steaming and opening pores. They are smeared during the second entry into the steam room. You can use table salt or sea salt. Marine has a richer mineral composition, which is why they believe that it is better to use. Sea salt is sold in pharmacies, grocery stores and departments selling cosmetics. The only warning is to not use salt with flavorings or any other additives. Only pure product. Any additives in a bath on steamed skin can lead to rashes, which will make few people happy.

The salt is taken not coarse, but not the finest, then softening components are added. There is no need to rub the body hard - the salt, under the influence of steam, will actively penetrate the pores without massage. The compositions of scrubs with bath salts are as follows:

  • Salt and water. It should be a paste. For those whose skin is dry and prone to irritation, replace water with milk or cream. Apply to the body, go into the steam room for 10-15 minutes. Sweat flows very heavily. So much so that you might need a spare towel. The composition is washed off with warm water.
  • This scrub is made from salt with blue clay. It will help get rid of acne. You will need 2 tablespoons of clay and oatmeal, spoon of sea salt. First, soak the clay in a small amount of water. When it turns into a paste, add the rest of the ingredients, mix quickly, and apply to the body with a light massage. If you have acne, do not rub too hard - you will damage the inflamed skin. Sit in the steam room for about 10 minutes. Then get out and wait until the scrub dries on your body. In this case, the feeling will be “tightness”. Rinse off with warm water. After several procedures, the inflammation will become much less.

Fighting cellulite

Orange peel must be actively combated: it is necessary good massage so that fat deposits that have accumulated in deformed cells leak through their walls. Therefore, we pay increased attention to such “problem” areas, kneading them well. Compositions for anti-cellulite scrubs are usually multi-component. In the bath they act in the most active way - the temperature of the surface layers of the skin is increased, which activates metabolic processes.

Here are some cellulite scrubs that can be used in a steam room:

Scrubs in a facial bath

Since the skin on the face is more delicate and thin, you need to use fine grinding, small particles. Carry out massage according to massage lines without stretching the skin. Do not use scrubs on the eye area. The skin here is very thin, and active ingredients will only cause irritation.

These recipes for homemade bath scrubs do not require large material costs, but are very effective. After using them, the skin does not feel tight, which often happens after using ready-made cosmetics.

After scrubs, you need to nourish and moisturize your skin. You will find the recipes in the article.