Marry a foreigner in Cyprus. Cypriot character. What are Cypriots like? Cyprus Inform professionally organizes weddings, including

If you want to meet and get out successfully marry a Cypriot, you should know that criminal offenses are almost never committed. According to statistics, 98% of crimes are committed by tourists, and not by the Cypriots themselves. Cypriots are a hardworking nation, constantly setting themselves up as an example. "Here you - the Russians - do not know how to work hard. Check out how we work - from early morning until late at night, we live in this service, and you ...?" If you want to make an acquaintance and marry a Cypriot, you should also know that the Cypriots really dislike the Pontians, who, in my opinion, are quite adequate people, just a little cocky. Many Slavic girls marry just the Pontics, because. they speak both Russian and Greek.

I want to marry a Cypriot, Cypriot men

Cypriot men very friendly, especially singles. You go into a shop - they will ask you there: where did you come from, what is your name, what hotel do you live in, for how long, etc. They will talk to hiccups :) Women are not so welcoming. Presumably, the Slavs took away all the suitors. Yes, and they are not very different in beauty. A large part of the Cypriots - "slightly overweight." And when you can talk to them, the Cypriots will definitely make friends with you. They are very modest.

Dating Cypriots on dating sites for correspondence, friendship, communication, love, creating a family

At getting to know the Cypriots on dating sites, in order to successfully marry, you need to know that Cypriots traditionally do not drink wine. But vodka and beer huge quantities. Although they don’t have drunkenness, like Russians do. They can’t imagine their life without bouzouki (traditional music). Almost everyone can dance sirtaki. And what is most interesting, during the winter holidays, half of Cyprus go to rest in Thailand.

I want to get married in Cyprus: register in

dating site with Cypriots.

I will marry a Cypriot: tell us about yourself and wishes about a man from Cyprus.

Marry a Cypriot: upload good photos to a dating site.

I wish you a wedding in Cyprus: tell us about your hobby, fill out the compatibility test, this will help Cypriot men to get to know you better.

If you want a husband from Cyprus: wait 2 days until the profile on the Cypriot dating site is activated, in the meantime, look at the profiles of the grooms of Cyprus.

You will definitely receive an alert when you are activated on the site for dating Cypriots and you can make a serious acquaintance!

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Welcome to our international Cypriot dating service. Here you can seriously meet to create a family and marry a reliable and rich man from Cyprus. It will become much easier to emigrate to Cyprus on a fiancee marriage visa with our website. Most services and registration for Slavic girls from Russia, the Baltic countries, Ukraine and Belarus are free. Key phrases by which you can find us: marry a Cypriot, Cypriot men, Cypriot dating, Cypriot dating sites, bride visa to Cyprus, Cypriot dating service. We know how to unite those who seek their happiness seriously. At your service, beautiful girls help a lawyer and a psychologist for free. Getting married in Cyprus has now become easy and simple.

Good afternoon, dear newspaper! Thank you, Europe-Cyprus, for raising the topic of domestic violence and giving advice on how not to be trapped by someone who can raise a hand against a woman. In the last issue, you published a letter from Lena from Nicosia “Domestic violence: leave and never return”, in which the girl spoke about her sad experience. In my letter, I would like to make a small summary that will be useful to girls who rush into the pool with their heads - to marry a Cypriot. I understand that when the heart speaks, the mind is silent. But still it is worth thinking before marrying a man with a different mentality.

About myself. I consider my marriage to a Cypriot successful. We got used to each other's habits and oddities. Passion has passed, but quiet love and respect remained. What can you say about my girlfriends. About half of them are divorced. Some not just once. The rest are unhappily married to their Cypriot husbands. I feel sorry for them. Entire families suffer: our girls, their husbands, and children.

Girls! Before putting a ring on your finger, find out as much as possible about your chosen one and try to understand whether you are ready to put up with the unusual behavior of your betrothed. I advise you to read the Cypriot forums: , , There are a lot of useful information about the country in which you are going to live, stories of other girls who have been married to Cypriots, stories about the mentality and habits of the inhabitants of this beautiful island. Learn about this:

* What are the moral values ​​of the society in which your chosen one lives. You may not like that people in Cyprus love to live for show and boast about cars, houses, clothes and what restaurants they go to.

* Would your betrothed object if you didn't go to church on Easter and Christmas? How will he look at the fact that you are fond of, for example, oriental self-improvement techniques?

* How does he feel about Russian food and is he ready to eat borscht and Olivier salad on holidays. If you don't like to cook, for example, will he be able to take over the duties of a cook, or will he require you to follow the recipes for avgolemono soup and bean stew that his mother and grandmother cooked for him.

* Meet his parents. Understand how your future mother-in-law and father-in-law treat you. On the one hand, you will enter the husband's family and, perhaps, will meet often. On the other hand, for marriage, the consent of the Cypriot parents is needed, and if they do not give it, then a protracted confrontation will spoil more than one liter of blood for you. From time to time, the immigration authorities ask the mother and father of the Cypriot husband whether it is worth giving citizenship to the daughter-in-law after three years of marriage or not.

* Understand how close he is with numerous relatives - brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, grandparents, cousins ​​and second cousins

* Find out how he usually spends the holidays. If he likes to celebrate Christmas and Easter in a noisy circle, then think about whether you are ready to share his joy with him.

* What language will you communicate in? Are you ready to learn Greek? Is he interested in talking to you in Russian? What language will your children speak? Does he agree that your children go to a Russian school, or at least attend additional classes in Russian language and literature in the afternoon?

* Find out as much as you can about his friends. They occupy an important place in his life. With them, and not with you, he can go to a nightclub or bouzouki while you try unsuccessfully to put the naughty baby to sleep. Every step you take without your husband will be known to him thanks to your friends. He will tell your spouse where you are, with whom, and how you treat the men around you in the absence of your husband.

* Understand where you will live. It may turn out that during your acquaintance, your Cypriot told you about the palace, and will bring you to live in a shack, since he left the palace to his ex-wife and children.

* Find out where he works, how he treats his colleagues and bosses, what his salary is, whether he has debts, loans, how gambling he is and whether he played in a casino in the northern territories or bet on the hippodrome in Nicosia. Feel free to ask! You have to live with this person. And two loving people there shouldn't be secrets.

* Each family has its own secrets, stories, legends, etc. Ask him about the "skeletons in the closet" and, if he's being honest, tell him about yours.

* Understand before the wedding how he behaves in critical situations. Is he aggressive, for example, while driving a car in relation to those who cut him? How does alcohol affect him? Doesn't he fly into a rage after drinking a glass or two of zivania? How jealous is he? How does he feel about the fact that you wear a miniskirt or a dress with a deep neckline?

* How does he behave if he disagrees with you? Screaming? Slamming the door? Trying by all means to prove his case without hearing you?

If you answer at least half of the questions I asked, and the answers suit you, then consider that you have a chance for a successful marriage. Remember that marriage is built brick by brick. Advice to you and love!

Lena IOANNU, Limassol

Log off married very much for the Cypriot simply: the date of the wedding is announced, invited from thousands of relatives and friends, money is accepted as a gift, after which many guests go home without even looking at the banquet. It's normal situation- since in Cyprus it is believed that young people need to be helped to start a separate from their parents a life(and this is a must!), are invited ALL existing relatives. At the same time, young people (or their relatives) obliged PERSONALLY to invite relatives for the wedding. Invitation on the phone is considered extremely bad manners.

So after the engagement (until weddings can pass and year and one and a half) relatives make lists, “divide” the island into squares and personally travel around with invitations to all future guests. Of course, for the closest organize and table and house (not more than 200 Human), and the rest play the honorary role of a mutual benefit fund. Despite the fact that banks offer a variety of mortgage programs for newlyweds, they still need to make at least a down payment for apartment(it is provided by those invited to the wedding).

weddings because of the big quantity invited usually celebrated in large hotels. Refuse going to an important event is impossible. Furthermore, " save" on the his own triumph too it will not work - you need to call virtually everyone!

"Where will we spend our holidays this year?" I asked my husband two months ago. The answer was a thoughtful "Let's see!". The first month was spent on finding out the place, the second - on determining the timing. How many times during this time I heard “Let's see!”, I don’t want to remember. If I hadn’t pushed my husband into action, hadn’t had long explanatory conversations and hadn’t spent so much nerves on it, we would probably still be “watching” - most likely until the next vacation. Therefore, for me, the completely harmless word "we'll see" is something like a red rag for a bull.

Until recently, I thought that this was my personal linguistic feature: to boil after some particularly hateful phrase. I am from a family of philologists, which means that my parental genes affected me so bizarrely. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that such things happen not only to me, but also to girls who have nothing to do with philology. By the way, after a brief survey of acquaintances and girlfriends, it turned out that there are so many unloved phrases from Cypriot husbands that one can make a real hit parade from them.


The word "tomorrow" has the worst reputation on my list. Cypriots make this promise for any reason. "Tomorrow I'll screw in the light bulb." "I'll pay a parking ticket." "I'll call immigration." "I'll help around the house." “And the money that must be withdrawn from the account today, I will also withdraw tomorrow.” And so on ad infinitum.

The word "tomorrow" for the Cypriot is a kind of shield behind which he hides. And the point is not that he is not going to fulfill this promise. He just wants to be left alone at this particular historical moment and not to injure his psyche with unpleasant assignments.

Therefore, it is easier for him to say “Tomorrow” - he didn’t seem to refuse, but, on the other hand, any tomorrow can always be transferred to the day after tomorrow. Cypriots sincerely believe that it makes no sense to be torn apart today if you so want to take a break from all worries.


The second most unloved phrase: “But my mother does it differently!” At the moment of pronunciation, the face of the Cypriot, as a rule, retains an expression of the deepest distrust and, in some way, even hints at offended feelings.

From which we can conclude that his mother does it not only differently, but also much better! Moreover, this phrase is used for any reason: from inconsistencies in cooking and dusting to choosing furniture and buying toys for a child.

My neighbor Tanya is very offended by her husband if he cites his mother as an example: you need to feed your son, as his mother once fed her children, and talk to him in a mother's manner, and even make a crib and dress the baby in the same way as his mother did it.

And when Tanya asks her husband, was he really so conscious in infancy that he remembered how his mother made his bed, he replies that, of course, he does not remember this, but he is absolutely sure that his mother did everything right. Usually such conversations in the style of “Alas, you are not like my mother!” end for Tanya in tears:

- He talks as if his mother is a real angel, and I am a demon who wants harm to his own child. Well, how can I explain to him that much of the way women fed, clothed and raised children in his mother's time has already changed, as has our world? This does not mean that I should stop buying diapers for my baby just because they did not exist when his mother was young!

The phrase about mother came in second place in terms of frequency of use, but, in terms of resentment and indignation that it causes in the heart of a Russian woman, it can well be put in first place.

No. 3. "I'M SO TIRED!"

In third place is a hackneyed phrase that many women married to Cypriots have to listen to several times during the day. "I'm so tired!" says Giannis on Sunday morning about an hour after waking up.

Yannis, the husband of my friend Sveta, works in the office for half a day, and spends Saturday and Sunday at home, doing what he likes. Yes, and at work he doesn’t really kill himself: he always has the opportunity to lock himself in his office with a key and take a nap for an hour while the secretary answers all calls. Sveta is always amazed: everyone would be so "tired" as Giannis, but he complains endlessly and manages to get tired even on a day off, lying on the couch.

The phrase "I'm bored!" can also be attributed to this category. Boring can be almost everywhere. For example, on the beach, 20 minutes after the Cypriot arrived there. He managed to swim, he looked around everything, lying in the sun - it's hot, reading books - his eyes get tired, newspapers - the wind blows. And in general, at home, on the couch is much more convenient.

But most complaints of boredom among Cypriot men in work time: As a rule, they complain that they have nothing to do. According to them, this is one of the reasons why they get so tired.


Fourth place was taken by the phrase: “What are you wearing? Change your clothes now!" In most cases, the Cypriot husband says this out of jealousy. From time to time, a similar expression is used: “You will only wear this at home!”

As a rule, the taboo extends to everything short, tight, slightly transparent, bright and even white - because such clothes can attract the attention of other Cypriots. The reputation of the wife does not matter here; in no case should you attract attention to yourself.

This phrase is unpleasant for Russian women also because it creates a certain number of problems: we are used to dressing in such a way that passers-by gasp and groan admiringly, but here, you see, you need to completely change your style so that your husband does not get angry. It is clear that no woman dreams of such a thing.

No. 5. "I HEARD IT ON TV!"

On the fifth line was the phrase "I know for sure, because I heard it on TV." Russian people also watch TV, but we, unlike the Cypriots, do not believe everything they say. We are accustomed to receiving information not only from TV, but also from books, newspapers, the Internet and even, I'm not afraid to say these words, scientific literature.

The Cypriots, however, are different: they are not disposed to reading - I think this is partly due to their impatient nature, partly due to the lack of habit. Therefore, it turns out that television is the main source of information about the world around us.

My colleague Lera constantly jokes about this with her husband Michalis: “If tomorrow the news announces that a flying saucer is expected to land near Paphos, he will go there that night to look for aliens, and even drag me along with him.”


In sixth place is the statement: “Why should we go on vacation to another country, Cyprus is a real paradise! All tourists only dream of him.

In fairness, it should be noted that not all Cypriots think so. I know many families where representatives of not only the younger, but also the older generation are happy to travel. They are so accustomed to it, they like it, and even the current crisis has not changed this tradition.

This phrase mainly belongs to people from poor families. For example, my husband's classmate Grigoris grew up in a simple family. When he was little, his parents did not have the opportunity to travel, because they simply did not have money for this.

Then the children grew up, the financial situation in the family became better, things got better, but they still didn’t go anywhere - now it’s just out of habit. His father promised his wife all his life to take her to England, but in the end he only took her to Crete twice.

As a result, both parents and children saw nothing but Cyprus. And now the children have become adults, they already have their own families, but, based on the example of their parents, they absolutely sincerely believe that there is no need to go anywhere, on any vacation - a waste of money when there is a sea, sun and beach at hand. I wouldn't be surprised if their children grow up with the same beliefs.

I am familiar with many Russian women for whom such "iron logic" is a real disaster. Whatever paradise Cyprus is, there are many other countries and beautiful places in the world that I would like to visit.

It is hard for us, coming from a country with a harsh climate, to imagine that we could spend our whole life on the shores of the same lake, next to the same forest and enjoy the spectacle of the same landscape. And even if this is really a delightful place, in a year or two a Russian person will certainly want a change of scenery, and, most likely, a radical one.

No. 7. "ARE YOU COLD?"

Seventh place went to the phrase: “Are you cold? You are from Russia!” My colleagues, who are accustomed to seeing me in summer in open tops and light dresses (unlike Cypriots, who even in the heat do not refuse tight trousers and jeans), ask me this question all the time when I start to warm up at the first breath of wind.

The Cypriots are convinced that if we come from a cold country, in the Cypriot winter we need to be let out into the street in one T-shirt, a short skirt and shoes on bare feet - we will not only not get sick from this, but even become healthier.

For a long time and in a popular way, I tried to explain to everyone that at home we don’t want to be half-naked through the streets, we try to take care of ourselves, and here, in a climate alien to us, we get sick very easily, just standing for a while in a draft. Each time they listen to me attentively, agree, and advise me to take care of myself. And a week later they ask the same question.


In eighth place was the phrase: “You yourself are to blame!” Cypriot men are so arranged that in all the troubles that happen to them they try to find the culprit. At work, as a rule, all the blame falls on the shoulders of the boss, the friends themselves are usually to blame for quarrels with friends, but the wife is to blame for all family troubles.

With Cypriot women, such a number will not work - she herself is not averse to finding the culprit: you can argue with her for a year and still not reach an agreement. And Russian wives, even if they are sure that they are right, do not like to sort things out for days, so in certain situations it is easier for them to agree with their husband and thereby stop the debriefing: “Well, don’t be angry, I’ll do it differently next time.” That is why it is easy and pleasant for the husband to blame them for the “deed”: they let off steam and did not quarrel.

Russian wives are “guilty” that another man looked at them on the street (you should dress more modestly). If you have trouble at work with your wife - the fault is also entirely hers (difficult character). The woman is to blame for the financial problems of the family (a month ago she bought shoes for herself, and this month for some reason she also needs a dress). She is to blame for the loose handle in the bedroom (she opened the door too abruptly), and the hanger in the bathroom unscrewed (she hung a towel on it incorrectly). She is to blame if she is tired after work and is not in the mood to go to a restaurant with her husband (he told her that it is not necessary to give all the best at work). Etc. Etc.

Here's what a friend told me. She left her BMW in a half-empty parking lot and went to the store. When she returned, she found that someone had crushed her car. The girl was lucky: there were witnesses to the incident, so the culprit was quickly found. But her husband blurted out to her, “You yourself are to blame!” before hearing the whole story. And after listening and making sure that she was truthful from beginning to end, he did not remove the accusations from his wife: “This doesn’t happen to me! So it's still your fault!"


Phrase number nine: "Will your parents give us money?" Such questions periodically slip through the minds of Cypriot husbands who have married Russian girls from wealthy families.

Stavros long enough persuaded his wife Ira to hint to her parents that they sell one of the apartments in Russia and invest this money in building a house for the young. Irina's parents were not opposed to helping, but not in this way, the son-in-law's request seemed too unceremonious to them.

In another family, the husband was constantly interested in how much money his parents sent to his wife and did not stop trying to get their hands on this money. It is worth noting another significant case when a Cypriot fiance took out loans in the hope that his future rich father-in-law would pay for all this, and was deeply offended when the father-in-law not only refused to pay for all this, but also advised his daughter not to marry a spendthrift.

Cypriots are historically used to the fact that choosing a wife, they also get her with a house in addition, so if they see a wealthy family, they immediately remember their traditions. But this number does not work with Russians, in accordance with our traditions, taking care of housing is a man's duty.

How can Russian parents come to terms with the fact that they are obliged to provide housing for their daughter and her Cypriot husband only on the basis that they themselves do not live in poverty? Most mixed marriages, where the husband too obviously relies on material assistance from his wife's relatives, sooner or later end in divorce.


And my list ends with the funniest phrase: “Why don’t you become a blonde / brunette?” Note that redheads are not touched for some reason, probably, men have not yet come up with an alternative to the red color - do not advise your beloved to dye your hair green!

Many Cypriots like it when a woman changes her style, and they are much less likely than Russian men to forbid their wives from getting haircuts. But this is not because they are such liberals and fashionistas. This is all from inconstancy: a Cypriot gets used to seeing his woman in one image and wants change.

Men do not know the intricacies of changing style, so they offer the most striking and radical way: with a new hair color, she is still his wife, but, on the other hand, as if another woman is already next to him.

Such advice from the lips of a man is unpleasant for any woman, because we always want to be admired, and such comments, rather, hint at the fact that not everything is in order with our appearance.

Sometimes men are right - for some women, changes are only good, but it happens that a husband asks for such experiments solely out of idle curiosity: I have already seen you as a blonde, now you can look at a brunette.

In this case, it is better not to rush to put his ideas into practice. What if it gets worse than before? Then a radical change in hair color will become a real problem. It will take you several months to return to your original appearance, and, most likely, during these months your own reflection in the mirror will not give you much pleasure.

There are a lot of funny, a lot of sad things in my hit parade of unloved phrases, there is something to think about. But it will be fair if I explain: Cypriot husbands do not use these expressions at all in order to offend their Russian wives or inject them more painfully.

This ten is a brief reflection of the differences in our characters, mentalities, habits and traditions. I believe that it is much more important here not to be offended by the words, but to understand why the husband said so and what can be done in each individual situation in order to hear these sayings as rarely as possible.

And one more point, which it is advisable not to forget: Cypriot spouses also do not always like our speeches - you can create a separate hit parade. But that's a completely different story...

All marriages on Cyprus at first are in the municipality, and then they are certainly consecrated in the church. Percent divorce rate in the country is very low.

It's interesting that Cypriots very appreciate Russian women. Although very often later they are surprised at their independence and assertiveness ...

On the island many Russian wives. This is related also with the fact that the Cypriots send their children to study abroad. For example, a citizen of Cyprus can receive a medical education only abroad - there is no domestic specialized universities.

Quite naturally that graduates are returning with brides, thereby bringing fresh "blood" to Island.

In fact, they exist in nature. I have a couple of friends who are happy. But I am not one of them myself. I ended up in divorce, like most people I know. And if this is not a divorce, then the hassle from living together...

On the Cyprus extremely developed nepotism- weekly meals with the whole family are a must (this is logical also explained by the small distances between settlements).

BUT if you are not in the mood to go to guests to relatives and friends, means one - relatives and friends uploaded in the trunk fresh moussaka and are already going to you themselves, so as not to violate unspoken family rules!

Until now, for many of our compatriots the most different ages, professions and social status, these words are associated with the attributes of a beautiful carefree life - a house on Lake Garda, a Birkin bag, a Maldivian tan, shopping in Paris and Christmas in the Alps ... It seems to many that marriage with a foreigner will solve all their problems in one fell swoop. In fact, this is not at all the case.

As the theater begins with a hanger, so marriage begins with an acquaintance.
The main ways to “marry a foreigner” are Internet dating sites, agencies providing such services, in some cases, girlfriends who have married themselves and are trying to attach classmates who have “stayed up in girls” ...
For almost 12 years of my life abroad and a lot of acquaintances acquired over the years, I happened to observe several dozen "mixed" marriages of my friends, colleagues and acquaintances.
Unfortunately, we have to state a fact - very often one of the spouses uses the second as a "springboard" to achieve some of his goals.
Of course, this can also be found in marriages between compatriots. However, in the case of "international" marriages, everything is much more complicated.

A considerable part of marriages is concluded in the wake of “resort romances”. In countries where Russians massively go on vacation, there are real professionals in their field - resort machos who are engaged in "framing" naive, exotic-hungry foreign women for the purpose of profit. In Cyprus, too, there are such pros. Luckily, they are small in scope. And "divorce for money", fortunately, is not yet widespread.
The main goal pursued by the beach-but-club Cypriot machos is to find pretty young girls (slender blondes are especially appreciated) with whom you can have fun hanging out for a week or two. As a bonus - raising your own self-esteem and authority in the eyes of the environment - that's what kind of girlfriend I grabbed! Sadly, the macho completely forgets the name of his beloved as soon as he says goodbye to her at the airport. After all, ahead is the conquest of a new beach fairy.
In the overwhelming majority of cases, the case ends for the girl with several months of agonizing waiting for a call, letter, or a promised visit from a lover from a distant island, which will never happen.
In very rare cases, especially persistent girls still get their way and reunite with their machos.
As a rule, such stories have a very sad outcome - with scandals, beatings, the division of property and children, appeals to consulates, charitable organizations and the police...
Cases of the happy coexistence of a beach macho and a Turgenev young lady are personally unknown to me. Although that doesn't mean they don't exist.
Fortunately, the percentage of resort machos in Cyprus is small, and the phenomenon has not taken on the nature of a disaster, as, for example, in Turkey and Egypt.
There are separate thematic forums on the Russian Internet with “blacklists” of professional polygamists who make fortunes, under various pretexts, forcing their lovers to sell apartments, cars, jewelry in their homeland, take money on credit and send them to their “in trouble” betrothed.

For the most part, "international" marriages are created by ordinary average people - for example, the plumber Pambos and his blond dream - the librarian Lyudmila from the county town of N.
A holiday romance is usually at the forefront - or Pambos saves money for a whole year in order to go for two weeks in the summer to one of the CIS countries and make a splash among marriageable girls in the county. Either Lyudmila collects in the same way for a vacation in Cyprus and on the second day she meets her gallant plumber.
True, Pambos does not talk about his profession - he evasively says that he owns a "big business" and soon, very soon he will become fabulously rich. But trusting Lyudmila and this is enough. A wonderful island beckons and promises eternal happiness and love to the grave. Despite all the obstacles, the language barrier and the bewilderment of parents on both sides, the lovers soon get married.
On the day of the wedding, the bride may have a slight shock - if she has never seen the passport of the chosen one before. Many men tend to underestimate their age.
But the most interesting usually begins after the wedding. So, a young wife may accidentally discover that her beloved husband has been married twice in the past and has four wonderful kids growing up, to whom he is obliged to pay alimony every month. Often, the myth of “big business” and fabulous wealth also melts away. Harsh days begin.
The wife begins to annoy the eternal lack of money and the austerity regime. Long gatherings of her husband with friends, football and beer. A few unceremonious intrusions of new relatives. After all, she expected something completely different! The husband is also dissatisfied with the fact that the girl, taken out by him, in his understanding, “out of poverty” and made happy by his attention, begins to make claims and, in general, “swing rights”.

There are two scenarios for the development of events - if the wife is an optimist by nature, is not inclined to give up and wait for the weather from the sea, she learns languages, is looking for at least some kind of job, and their life may well still get better.
If she falls into depression, blames everything and everyone for her troubles, does not accept any reasonable advice from outside, does not want to learn languages, work, and devotes all her free time to complaining about fate, such a marriage is doomed.
And everything would be fine, but some people have children before they have time to understand how they live in marriage and whether this is the person with whom they would like to live "happily ever after and die on the same day." People meet, people disperse - the process is natural. But incredibly sorry for the children from such marriages.
However, especially advanced ladies use the overseas fiance as a springboard - to gain a foothold, look around and, if you're lucky, even get citizenship.
Along the way, a more presentable life partner is sought and is often found. At some point, the lady simply smoothly switches to another allowance and puts the dumbfounded spouse in front of the fact: “Sorry, dear, I fell in love with another and filed for divorce.”

Comments and questions from visitors:

But seriously speaking, this statement can be argued. And the point is not at all that views change over time, because the English writer lived at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. Just happy marriage- this is not an accidental coincidence of characters, but a long, patient work to create this happiness. In this respect, marriage with a foreigner is not much different from the usual. It just takes a little more wisdom, tolerance and adaptability.
You should not go to extremes and bring each such marriage under general standards. Yes, of course, each nation has its own way of thinking, but this does not mean that all marriages with representatives of this nationality will be similar. The life of two people is determined largely by personal qualities, upbringing and the desire to be together. Keeping this simple truth in mind, we can avoid unnecessary generalizations. We will also take into account the fact that Russian wives in Cyprus find themselves in various situations. Moreover, even similar life circumstances can be perceived differently by people.

The first reason for difficulties, disappointments and early partings is the discrepancy between expectations and reality. An imaginary picture of a carefree life does not always become a reality. It turns out that the presence of a warm sea and gentle sun does not eliminate the everyday side of life. A fabulous "overseas" groom becomes a completely earthly husband, with his own advantages and disadvantages. This kind of "enlightenment" after marriage one way or another is faced by everyone and everywhere. The difficulty lies in the fact that the typical problems of the first years of living together have to be overcome in a country that is still foreign to you. One must learn to live as a family, while following the unfamiliar customs of the new society. Oddly enough, but this has its advantages.

In a foreign land, the husband becomes not only a loved one, but also the closest person. When a conflict sometimes brews, it is unlikely that you will want to inflame the situation even more: then you certainly cannot avoid the feeling of loneliness. Yes, and slamming the door, you won’t be able to complain to your mother either - mom is too far away. You have to look for a way of reconciliation on your own, without "good" advice. All this is difficult to experience, but in the end it benefits the strengthening of relationships.

There is an opinion that Cypriot husbands limit the freedom of their Russian wives too much, because they are very jealous. In this situation, jealousy is often confused with somewhat different views on the position of a foreign wife in Cypriot society. Public opinion in relation to such marriages is very wary. We have to face the prejudices that have developed in recent years. Your husband has to overcome them together with you. Given this, many of his judgments and actions may turn out to be quite reasonable, and even prudent in some way. Those who were born in the country, grew up here - are better acquainted with its laws, "written and unwritten." It is absurd to try to establish your own laws in a foreign monastery. By observing the prescribed charter, by merging into society, one can gradually achieve becoming a part of it. And then you will already be judged by your personal qualities, the initial fear will be replaced by the attitude that you deserve. Doesn't something similar happen when any girl ends up in her husband's family?

It is impossible to say unequivocally about the attitude of Cypriot husbands to work or "not work" of their wife. Everyone has their own views on this issue. There are many Russian wives who managed not only to find a job, but to make an excellent career, to realize themselves professionally. In Cyprus, education is valued, and it is the key to a good future. Often wives take part in the family business. But still, much more often, husbands want to see their wives, first of all, keep the hearth, and only then - engaged in other activities.

It would be a mistake to perceive the life of Russian wives in Cyprus only as overcoming difficulties. This is far from the truth - after all, we are not the only ones learning. Our husbands also learn to understand customs and traditions unfamiliar to them. They discover our country for themselves, are interested in its politics, people's lives. Russia is becoming close to them just as we are close to Cyprus.

There are more and more Russian wives among Cypriots. But this is not the discovery of America at all. Mixed marriages in Cyprus often happened before. No longer being an English colony, Cyprus still did not lose ties with "foggy Albion". Hence the frequent marriages with British citizens. Representatives of Bulgaria and Romania perfectly managed to assimilate with the local population.

Concluding a marriage union, everyone hopes for happiness. But it is naive to expect a happy life if marriage is only a means to other ends.

In creating happiness, a woman plays a leading role (may men not be offended!). They say behind every successful man there is a woman. And if this is the Russian wife of a man from Cyprus, then why not?