New Year's craft for a dog school made from bottles. Crafts for dogs from different materials. DIY Christmas dog toy

Useful tips

New Year's holidays are a time when we make wishes and give each other gifts.

According to the eastern calendar, the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog is coming.

To attract good luck, you can give your loved ones a hand-made symbol for next year.

Read also:What to wear to celebrate the New 2018 Year of the DOG?

Here , several dog-shaped gift ideas made from paper, felt, pom-poms, polymer clay and other materials that are easy to implement at home.

DIY dog craft from scrap materials

1. Paper plate dog

Transform a paper plate into a cute dog using paint, eyes and glue.

You will need:

  • Small paper plates
  • Brown acrylic paint
  • Foam paper
  • Eyes
  • Black marker
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick

    Use brown paint to paint a semicircle on the plate and leave to dry.

    After drying, glue on the eyes.

    Cut out the nose for the dog and glue it to the plate, and draw a mouth with a marker.

    Cut out the eyebrows and glue them on with glue.

    Finally, cut out the ears from the foam paper, bend the ends of the ears slightly, and glue them to the top of the plate.

DIY paper dog craft

DIY Christmas dog craft

2. Pom pom dog

The doggy symbol can be easily created using pom poms that you can make yourself. You can read more about how to make a pompom from threads in the article:

You can decorate this pet to your liking.

You will need:

  • Yarn
  • Scissors
  • Fabric glue

    Do two large pompoms for head and body and one small pompom, which will serve as the dog’s muzzle.

    Take one large pompom and tie part of the threads, which will then be the muzzle.

    Hold the pom pom by the part you tied and trim the threads around it, giving the pom pom the shape of a dog's head. The remaining untrimmed bun will serve as the dog's muzzle.

    Untie the thread and distribute the threads of the bun, gluing a small pompom in the middle with glue. This will be the muzzle.

    Also glue balls of ready-made small black pompoms with glue to make eyes and a nose.

    Tie the dog's head and body with the long remaining threads. You can also coat the joint with glue to keep both halves in place.

    Cut out ears from felt and glue them to the head with glue.

How to make a dog with your own hands: pattern

A small pillow in the shape of a dog will decorate a child's room or living room and will be very comfortable when you are relaxing, sitting on the sofa, reading or having a pillow fight. You can choose the color and texture of the material to your liking, and add accessories for decoration.

You will need:

  • Soft fabric of choice
  • Beige felt for the spot under the eye
  • White and black felt for eyes and ears
  • Scraps of other fabric for tongue and ears
  • Filler


  • from fabric two rectangles measuring 38 cm by 30 cm for a pillow.
  • black felt spout
  • two white felt pieces and two black felt pieces for the eyes
  • for ears: 1 piece of white felt, 1 piece of black felt, 2 pieces of scrap
  • tongue: 2 pieces of patches
  • beige felt stain

    Arrange everything eye details: sew a spot, a white part of the eye onto the spot, and a black pupil on top.

    Sew the two halves of the tongue together, leaving a small hole to turn the tongue out. Iron the tongue and sew it to the mouth.

    For the ears, sew a piece of felt with a piece of fabric, leaving a hole through which you can turn the ears out. Place the ears on the front of the pillow and place the back of the pillow on top, pin and stitch both sides of the pillow, leaving a small hole to turn the pillow inside out.

    Fill the pillow with filling and sew it up. Ready!

DIY felt dog craft

4. Felt dog

If you want to give a gift in the form of an adorable pet, try a universal pattern to make a dog or any other felt figurine.

You will need:

  • Felt in various colors (beige, brown, black, white, light pink)
  • Threads
  • Sintepon
  • Blush
  • Glue gun

    To make the dog, trace the details on beige felt: head (2), body (2), tail (2), lower (4) and upper (4) paws, ears (4), spot, nose.

    Sew the front and back parts of the body, tail and legs using an overlock stitch, leaving a small opening. Stuff the body, tail and paws with padding polyester and sew them up.

    On the front part of the muzzle, sew a spot and the light part of the muzzle, and glue the nose. Start embroidering the dog's mouth and antennae with black thread.

    Place the dog's ears on the back of the head part. Sew two parts of the head and stuff them with padding polyester.

    Sew beaded eyes and add blush.

    Glue the parts of the dog together, gluing the head to the body, and then the paws and tail. Fold the ears and glue their edges to the dog's head.

Here are a few more options on how to make a felt dog.

Symbol of the year dog: DIY toy

5. Sock dog

Choose the color and pattern of the sock yourself to make the dog of the desired breed. To make your dog more festive, add a fancy sweater and collar.

You will need:

  • Couple of socks
  • Needle with thread
  • Button or pompom for nose
  • 2 small buttons for eyes

    Turn the sock inside out and cut off the elastic part of the sock. The ankle part of the sock will be the back legs and the sock will be the neck.

    Make a cut in the middle of the sock from the ankle to the beginning of the heel. Sew both halves together to make the back legs, leaving an opening to fill with padding polyester.

    Turn the sock inside out and stuff it with stuffing.

    Cut off the parts ears, head and front paws from the second sock.

    Pass the head piece around the neck and sew it, and then fill the head with padding polyester. Sew up the hole to form a dog's face.

    Cut out two ear pieces from the sock and sew them together, leaving a hole at the bottom. Turn the ears inside out and sew them to the head.

    Sew the parts of the front legs, turn them inside out, stuff them with padding polyester, sew them up and sew them to the body.

    You can bend the legs and secure with a seam.

    Make a ponytail in the same way.

    Sew small buttons for the eyes and a large button or pompom for the nose.

DIY symbol of the year 2018: master class

6. Coffee dogs

This coffee dog will be a nice souvenir for parents, friends or acquaintances.

You will need:

  • White calico size 50x50cm
  • Sintepon
  • PVA glue
  • Acrylic paints white, black and Brown
  • Instant coffee
  • Needle and thread

    We cut out the parts of the dog from the fabric, sew them together, leaving a hole so that we can turn them out later. Make cuts in the corners and coat them with PVA glue so that the fabric does not fall apart.

    Turn out the parts of the dog and stuff it with padding polyester, sew up the remaining holes.

    Dissolve 1 tablespoon coffee in 3 tablespoons boiling water. Let the coffee cool slightly and add 1 tablespoon of PVA and a little vanilla to the mixture.

    Paint the dogs and blot them lightly after painting. paper towel. Dry the dog naturally or in the oven for about 10 minutes. at 75 degrees.

    Add ½ teaspoon to the coffee solution acrylic paint and draw spots on the dog and leave it to dry again.

    Draw the dog's eyes, nose and mouth and leave until completely dry.

The patron of 2018 will be the Yellow Earth Dog. According to beliefs, in order for the year to be successful, the main animal must be appeased the day before. This can be done by preparing dishes that the Dog loves or dressing in the colors of the patron. Or you can decorate your home, creating a New Year's atmosphere, adhering to the symbolism. And it is absolutely not necessary to purchase jewelry; you can make crafts with your own hands, for which available materials and tools are perfect. So, let's begin.

Since a dog as a pet loves its owner very much and is devoted to him, trust is still worth winning, it needs to be loved, cared for, and protected. The dog prefers a homely atmosphere, peace, and comfort. And those DIY crafts on New Year The dogs of 2018, which we invite you to familiarize yourself with, will definitely please the owner of the year.

You will need:

  1. Cardboard.
  2. Thick fabric.
  3. Cotton wool.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Sewing needle.
  6. Threads.
  7. Beads or small buttons.

In order to sew a dog, you will need to make a blank on cardboard, as shown in the figure, cut it out and transfer it to thick fabric, this will be your pattern. Next, you need to sew the edges of the fabric, leaving a hole in the part of the tummy, stuff cotton wool through it and sew it up. The eyes will be dark beads or tiny buttons.

Fridge magnet

Such original crafts for the upcoming New Year of the Dog 2018 will be an incredible surprise and will accompany the owner throughout the next year.

You will need:

  1. Felt in black and white.
  2. Beads – 3 pcs.
  3. Threads with a needle.
  4. Glue.
  5. Cardboard.
  6. Magnet.
  7. Gel pen and pencil.
  8. Soap, sharpened at the end.
  9. Blade.

We invite you to print 2 sheets with a picture of a dog. One will be useful as a base, the second will be used for cutting out details of a different shade. Next, trace the base template twice on black felt, and use a pen to trace the remaining details on light fabric. The first base will be useful for creating the front part of the magnet, the second - for the back side.

Glue small components onto the front base. Make the nose from a bead, sewing it in the required place. Using a blade, make small indentations in the places of the eyes and also sew beads, after placing pieces of felt in these areas. This step will make the eyes more natural. White fabric use for eyebrows, also stick to the dog.

Using the template, make a pattern on cardboard, this will be the lining. It is important that its size is slightly smaller so that the cardboard base is not visible from the sides. Glue the cardboard onto the part of the base that was prepared for the back of the animal, then glue the front part of the puppy on top. Everything should work out in such a way that the cardboard is inside. Now you can stick the magnet on top of the back of the dog.

Button dog

Button applique can take a full-fledged place in home decoration for the New Year. You can frame it and it will turn out to be a great picture.

You will need:

  1. Rhinestones, beads.
  2. Buttons different sizes and color solutions.
  3. Glue.
  4. Cardboard.

On cardboard base make a sketch of the future dog, fill the image with buttons, selecting them by size to get smooth edges. Those small gaps that remain between the buttons can be filled with beads or seed beads. All parts of the craft are glued with glue.

Poodle made of cotton wool

This craft is especially relevant if a representative of this breed already lives in your family. Although the poodle is such a cute animal, those who are partial to the symbols of the year can create a toy in its likeness.

You will need:

  1. Cotton wool.
  2. Glue.
  3. Felt pens or markers.
  4. Cardboard (black and white).

To create a poodle (or any other dog), you need to tear off small pieces of cotton wool, roll them into medium-sized balls and glue them to each other, trying to get the outline of a dog. At the end of the work, draw a nose with a marker, cut out eyes and eyelashes from cardboard, and also glue on. You can decorate your dog with a bow, hairpin and other little things.

Keychain claw

The craft will not only be beautiful, but also useful. You can hang it on your keys or present it to friends.

You will need:

  1. Felt.
  2. Threads with a needle.
  3. Glue.
  4. Cardboard and paper.
  5. Sintepon.
  6. Chalk.
  7. Scissors.
  8. A carabiner and a piece of fabric or rope.

Print out the pattern or make it yourself and transfer it to cardboard. Place the template on felt, trace the outline with chalk, cut out the base and other parts. Next, place all the small elements on one side of the pattern and sew. Then connect and sew the 2 bases, leaving a little unstitched space for stuffing. Place the padding polyester inside. Next, make a loop out of the fabric, thread the carabiner and sew it into the left unstitched area. The keychain is ready!

Original dogs can be made from yarn. You can decorate your Christmas tree, your home, or just play with them.

You will need:

  1. Yarn 2 colors.
  2. Colored felt.
  3. Glue.
  4. Large size beads.
  5. Scissors, blade.
  6. Cardboard.
  7. Threads for tying pompoms.

Make 3 pompoms: 2 larger, one smaller. The large ones will be used for the body and head, the small one will become a blank for the face. Depending on the size of the pompoms you plan to make, cut out circles from cardboard and make the middle hollow. Attach the resulting rings one to the other and wind light-colored threads onto them. The cavity of the circle should be tightly filled with threads. Next, move the blade in such a way as to reach the space between the 2 circles of cardboard. Cut until you reach the cardboard base.

Then slightly move the circles apart and wind the pompom as tightly as possible with thread and tie it in a knot. Then, with careful movements, remove the circles from the cardboard and do the same manipulations to build the second pom-pom. Next, make a third, smaller pompom from dark threads. Leave the threads with which you wound the workpieces inside long. And cut the threads according to the diameter of the balls so that they are all the same length.

Glue a pom-pom face inside the pom-pom head. Next, take the black threads, cut a few pieces and twist them with your fingers to get balls. From these you will make the nose and eyes. Lubricate them completely with PVA glue and let them dry, glue them in required places muzzles. Using the threads that tied the middle of the pom-poms, fasten the body to the head, tie the ends very tightly. To hold the joint more firmly, you can coat it with glue. Now cut out the ears from felt and glue them to the desired part. You can make a brightly colored collar and enjoy your work!

The symbol of the year can also be represented by a pillow - an excellent gift for loved ones.

You will need:

  1. Soft fabric.
  2. Colored scraps that will be used for the tongue and ears.
  3. Threads.
  4. Felt black, beige and white flowers.
  5. Sintepon.
  6. Chalk.
  7. Pencil.
  8. Needle.
  9. Cardboard.
  10. Scissors.

Make 2 identical rectangles from fabric. Mark the muzzle by sketching out the nose, mouth and marking the place for attaching the eyes. Using black threads, embroider the puppy's "grin" and his nose.

After this, draw a tongue on a sheet of cardboard, prepare a pattern, transfer it to fabric and make 2 such elements, sew them and fasten them in place of the mouth. Also, draw a pupil and an eye on a cardboard sheet, cut them out too, trace them on fabric in black and white colors, respectively, and also make 2 copies. To decorate the face, make a spot on white felt and cut it out.

We assemble the face: we sew a spot to the marked areas, an eye on it, and a pupil on top. We perform the same manipulations with the other eye, only there will no longer be a stain.

Make a blank for the ears on cardboard. Cut out 2 pieces from black felt and 2 from brighter fabrics. Sew dark and bright felt together.

Now we move on to connecting the back and front components; push the ears to the place where they meet. Make sure that the dark colored felt is on top. Sew the pillow pieces from the inside out. Leave a part through which you can turn the pillow out. Turn it inside out, use padding polyester for stuffing and sew it up to the end.

Dog cards

And, of course, how can we do without postcards that can be presented to friends and family. And to make the gift doubly pleasant, you can make a postcard in the form of a dog.

You will need:

  1. Cardboard.
  2. Red and black gel pens.
  3. A sheet of carbon paper.
  4. Braid.
  5. Colored cardboard.
  6. Double-sided tape.
  7. Buttons.
  8. Silicone glue.

Draw a dog on any sheet of paper; if you do not have the skills of an artist, then simply print out the blank and transfer it using carbon paper onto white cardboard. Follow the outline with a black pen. Inside, fill the entire space with small circles. Do the same with the bow, only in red.

After this, stick tape to the white cardboard and connect it to the colored one. Glue the tape along the edge of the white cardboard, and decorate the corners of the resulting picture with buttons. Write your wish inside and your craft is ready.

These are so excellent and unique various crafts It’s quite possible to make one to pacify the Yellow Earth Dog. Another good thing about making DIY crafts with your family for the New Year of the Dog 2018 is that you can bring the most fantastic ideas to life, all together. This is very touching, because on New Year’s Eve the family must be under one roof. Happy holiday to you!

Making colorful and cool toys with your own hands is one of the favorite activities of children and teenagers. And in preparation for the New Year 2018, dogs will be able to show their imagination and demonstrate their talents in creating amazing crafts. New Year's toys can be sewn, glued, or made from scrap materials. For example, school students can sew colorful pendants from felt or fabric. But kindergarten students made from colored paper, cotton wool or natural materials will be able to create interesting figures. Ordinary light bulbs, threads and balls can also be used as a base. You can use them to make equally original decor at home. But in order for the DIY Christmas tree toy to be really cute and beautiful, it is recommended to study the proposed master classes with photos and videos. Step-by-step instructions will help children quickly and easily create new crafts that will stylishly decorate the beautiful New Year's tree.

Cool DIY Christmas tree toy for a school competition - step-by-step photo instructions

You can create an amazing and non-standard toy to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year for the competition from any available materials. For example, such a blank made from ordinary wooden clothespins will turn out to be very beautiful and at the same time truly original. From such elements you can make a cool snowflake, which is suitable for decorating school classrooms and assembly halls. The following step-by-step instructions with photos will tell you how to make such a Christmas tree toy for a school competition with your own hands.

Materials for making a Christmas tree decoration for a school competition with your own hands

  • wooden clothespins;
  • white spray paint;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • thick paper tape (glossy).

Photo instructions for making a New Year's tree toy for participation in a school competition

  1. Disassemble the prepared clothespins into individual elements.
  2. Paint the wooden clothespins with white paint and wait for it to dry.
  3. Glue a couple of clothespins together as shown in the photo (prepare curly rays for the snowflake).
  4. Repeat the procedure for the remaining clothespins, leaving only one pair unchanged.
  5. Glue a cross from 4 blanks.
  6. Between each pair of rays from clothespins, glue 3 more pairs of rays.
  7. Cut a small piece of paper tape.
  8. Glue a small loop from a cut piece of tape between the remaining pair of elements.
  9. Glue the last ray with tape to the prepared snowflake.
  10. Wait for the adhesive to dry and, if desired, decorate the finished snowflake with sparkles.

A simple DIY Christmas tree decoration for kindergarten for a competition step by step - master class with photos

Usually kids in kindergarten cooked on New Year's competition various paper crafts. But when using unusual blanks, you can make an original ball-shaped toy from completely new materials. At the same time, to compete with other students, you can make not one, but several similar pendants. But parents must help children in making them: the use of glue and glitter by children requires special attention. The following instructions with photo tips will tell you how to make such a Christmas tree toy with your own hands step by step for a competition in kindergarten.

List of materials for making your own Christmas tree toy for a children's competition

  • glass or plastic blank in the form of a ball;
  • silicone liquid glue;
  • sparkles.

Photo from a master class on a DIY children's Christmas tree toy for a kindergarten competition

Unusual DIY Christmas tree toy made of paper step by step - master class with photos and videos

Even from plain paper an unusual one can be made volumetric toy for the Christmas tree. In this case, simple decor can be additionally decorated with rhinestones, sparkles, or left unchanged. But in your work it is advisable to use designer paper with patterns: it will allow you to make original craft both fast and simple. The next master class will tell you step by step how to make it yourself Christmas tree toy made of paper, at home in school or kindergarten.

Materials for step-by-step making of Christmas paper toys with your own hands

  • designer paper of different colors;
  • figured hole punch (large) or figured scissors;
  • thread and needle;
  • bead;
  • glue.

Photo instructions for creating a paper toy with your own hands to decorate a Christmas tree

  1. Prepare colorful paper with patterns.
  2. Cut out several shaped circles from paper.
  3. Layer each circle in half, white side out.
  4. Glue circles different types(keep one) until a fluffy ball is formed. At the same time, do not glue the last “petals” of the ball together.
  5. Thread the thread into the needle. Place a bead on the thread, then remove the needle and tie the ends of the thread in a knot.
  6. Spread the remaining circle with glue.
  7. Glue a thread with a bead onto the prepared circle.
  8. Reapply glue to the remaining circle.
  9. Glue the last circle to the workpiece and wait for the glue to dry.

Video on a step-by-step master class on a DIY Christmas tree decoration made from paper

Another rather unusual, but very cool New Year's tree toy can be made using the instructions below. She will tell you step by step how to make stylish Christmas tree decorations from colored paper for the New Year. Such work can be done not only by schoolchildren, but also by kindergarten students.

DIY funny Christmas tree toy dog ​​made from a sock - step-by-step photo instructions

A small figurine in the form of a symbol of the coming year is the best decoration for the New Year tree. At the same time, you don’t need to spend a lot of time making it: such a toy can be made from an ordinary sock in literally half an hour. Both teenagers and primary school students can work with available materials. They just need to carefully study the proposed instructions with photos and find out how to sew a Christmas tree dog toy with their own hands without much difficulty.

List of materials for sewing a toy in the shape of a dog for decorating a Christmas tree

  • sock;
  • buttons;
  • felt;
  • needle and thread;
  • filler;
  • scissors.

Instructions with step-by-step photos of making a dog toy from a simple sock with your own hands

  1. Divide the sock into three parts, as shown in the photo.
  2. Turn the central cut part outward, and then carefully sew one of its edges.
  3. Sew a large button on the front side of the sewn sock—the dog’s nose.
  4. Fill the center of the sock with padding polyester and then sew up the remaining free edge. Thus, the finished part will become the body of the dog.
  5. Cut the remaining pieces of the sock into smaller pieces, as shown in the photo. These will be blanks for the hind and front paws, tail, ears.
  6. Divide the remaining pieces into halves and sew paws, a tail and a pair of ears from them.
  7. Sew ears, front and hind legs, and tail to the finished body.
  8. Cut circles out of felt and place them under small eye buttons. Sew these blanks to the dog's head.
  9. Flatten the filler and, if desired, attach a ribbon collar to the dog.

How a child can make a Christmas tree toy at home with his own hands - photos and videos

From paper and available natural materials, you can make a variety of crafts that will help you decorate in an original way. christmas tree. For example, you can make beautiful birds in nests from ordinary nuts and various purchased decor. You can only decorate a Christmas tree with them for the New Year, but you can also use them to decorate your home. At the same time, such crafts are glued together easily and simply. You can learn more about how a child can make a Christmas tree toy with their own hands at home in the following step-by-step master classes with photos and videos.

Materials for a child to make a DIY Christmas tree toy at home

  • walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds;
  • New Year's decor (small Christmas trees, wreaths);
  • glue gun;
  • beads;
  • plasticine;
  • flexible twigs or straw;
  • artificial moss (can be replaced with colored green cotton wool).

Photo instructions for making your own children's toy for the Christmas tree at home

  1. Prepare materials for work.
  2. Divide the walnuts into halves and remove the kernels.
  3. Glue small handles made of straw or flexible twigs into each shell.
  4. Glue almonds or hazelnuts into the shell nests.
  5. Glue artificial moss inside the shells.
  6. Glue mushrooms, twigs and other “natural” decor to the shells.
  7. Decorate bird nests with Christmas trees and New Year's wreaths.
  8. Use plasticine to make beaks for the bird nuts and glue on eyes made of beads. Additionally, you can decorate the birds with feathers and down.

Video lesson on how to create a Christmas tree toy at home by a child

Cool toys from natural materials can be made according to another scheme. The following video tutorial will tell you how you can make New Year's crafts for a Christmas tree at home with your children. unusual decoration. This type of work will certainly appeal to both preschoolers and elementary school students. With the help of such crafts, kids will be able not only to decorate the house, but also to take part in New Year's competitions.

How to make a Christmas tree toy from threads and a ball for school, kindergarten - photo and video master classes

Working with threads and balls allows both kids and teenagers to make cool bright crafts for the Christmas tree. Acrylic threads can be considered the best to use. They lie well on the surface of the ball and, even after drying, have bright color. Such crafts are great for working in kindergarten: kids will be able to make beautiful crafts without much difficulty. They will help you learn how to make a Christmas tree toy from threads and balls at school and kindergarten. following instructions With step by step photos and video.

Materials for making toys for a Christmas tree at school or kindergarten from threads and balls

  • multi-colored acrylic threads;
  • liquid starch for clothes (can be replaced with a slurry of potato starch and water);
  • flour;
  • air balloons.

Photo lesson on making Christmas tree decorations from balls and threads for kindergarten and school

Video instructions for making toys from threads and balls for a Christmas tree in school and kindergarten

You can use thread balls not only to decorate a Christmas tree, but also to decorate your home or school. From such blanks it is quite easy to obtain full-fledged garlands. But to make the garland neat, you need to make balls of the same size. How to make such blanks for the New Year for assembly original decor, you can find out in the following video instructions.

Do-it-yourself original Christmas tree toy made of cotton wool - step-by-step master class with photos

Not only cute applications are made from cotton wool, but also no less cool toys to the Christmas tree. From such simple material at hand you can easily make a soft animal: a dog, a bear, a bunny. They will perfectly complement the purchased decor for the New Year's beauty and help create an appropriate festive atmosphere. You can also make small snowballs separately from cotton wool, which will allow you to create a neat decoration composition for the Christmas tree with the overall design. The following master class with step-by-step photos will tell you how to make an interesting Christmas tree toy from cotton wool in the shape of a bear with your own hands.

List of materials for making a cotton Christmas tree decoration with your own hands

  • cotton wool;
  • silicone glue;
  • a piece of black felt;
  • thin satin ribbon;
  • plastic ball for the Christmas tree.

Master class with step-by-step photos of how to create an original Christmas tree toy yourself

Do-it-yourself bright Christmas tree toy made of fabric or felt - master classes with photos and videos

Both teenagers and high school students can make felt and fabric toys for the New Year. The guys just need to familiarize themselves with the master classes offered below. Simple tips will allow you to sew cool and colorful crafts without much difficulty. It is recommended to work with dense materials that hold their shape well. Then your hand-made felt Christmas tree toy will not wrinkle or deform after many years of use.

Materials for sewing a bright toy from felt and fabric for a Christmas tree

  • felt;
  • colored fabric with patterns;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • braid;
  • scissors;
  • paper;
  • pins;
  • pencil;
  • filler (sintepon or holofiber).

Photo from a master class on making a felt toy for decorating a Christmas tree

  1. On a sheet of paper, roughly depict a bird with wings. Prepare other materials for work.
  2. Cut out the parts of the toy from felt and fabric.
  3. Using black thread, embroider eyes on both sides of the bird.
  4. Use a pin to secure one of the bird’s wings to the body.
  5. Sew the attached wing to the bird using sewing machine or manually.
  6. On the other side of the bird, embroider the number “2018” with bright threads.
  7. Cut a small piece of ribbon and make a loop out of it for hanging the toy.
  8. Use pins to connect the left and right sides of the toy. Start sewing the parts.
  9. Leave a small gap for filling the toy and fill it with padding polyester or holofiber.
  10. Carefully sew up the hole left for filling the toy.
  11. Sew around the perimeter of the toy with brighter threads, overlapping the edge of the felt.

Video instructions for sewing a fabric Christmas tree toy from bright materials

If felt makes brighter and cooler decorations for the Christmas tree, then fabric with an unusual print will not be difficult to make a craft that can also be used for games. You can prepare for the coming 2018 with both themed New Year toys and non-standard crafts. They are suitable for decorating a home, school or kindergarten classroom.

How to make a Christmas tree toy from colored paper in kindergarten - instructions with photos and videos

From colored paper you can make something like: simple toys-appliques and unusual relief crafts. With the help of the master classes offered below, you can create amazing Christmas tree decorations that will definitely decorate the New Year's beauty. Also, similar decor can be made from scrap materials. In this case, thick paper should be replaced with sheets from old magazines and newspapers. Such vintage crafts will certainly stand out against the background of ordinary store-bought balls and streamers. In addition, you can easily make a real garland from a set of simple paper figures. To learn more about how to make a vintage Christmas tree decoration from colored paper quickly and easily, the following instructions will help you.

List of materials for making colored paper toys to decorate the Christmas tree in the kindergarten

  • designer multi-colored high-density paper;
  • scissors;
  • White paper;
  • ruler;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • pencil.

Photo instructions for assembling a toy from colored paper to decorate a Christmas tree in kindergarten

Video lesson on how children in kindergarten can make a bright Christmas tree toy from colored paper

Vintage paper toys can be not only convex, but also simply flat and voluminous. It doesn’t take much time to create them and such work can be done by children’s hands quite quickly and easily. You just need to carefully study the proposed master class with video, familiarize yourself with useful recommendations. If you strictly follow these tips, the finished New Year's toy can become the best decoration for the Christmas tree.

Beautiful DIY Christmas tree toy made from light bulbs at school - step-by-step master class

The simplest Christmas tree decorations are usually made from scrap materials. After all, even a couple of newspapers or magazines that are always at hand can become the basis for an amazing craft. Therefore, the following master class with photos is perfect for school. It tells how you can use light bulbs to make a cute snowman with a hat, scarf and mittens. A cute craft can be complemented with a variety of decor. And if desired, the teenager can repeat the work done and make a whole set of such toys to decorate the Christmas tree. Using a similar scheme, you can make other symbols of the New Year: a dog, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, a penguin. You just need to carefully study how to make a Christmas tree decoration with your own hands from light bulbs, and carefully follow the step-by-step instructions when making an original and bright craft.

Materials for making your own Christmas decorations from lamps at school

  • elongated pear light bulb;
  • white and blue acrylic paint;
  • a piece of blue felt;
  • white pompom;
  • glitter glue;
  • gouache;
  • satin ribbon;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors.

Master class with photos of schoolchildren making a beautiful Christmas tree decoration on their own

The master classes offered above with step by step instructions Great for making New Year's decorations at home, at school or in kindergarten. They can be created from any available materials: colored paper, cotton wool or light bulbs. Bright and funny crafts can be made from fabric or felt. Children can make long garlands for the Christmas tree using balls and threads. Regardless of the chosen materials and manufacturing features, a DIY Christmas tree toy made from papier-mâché or an ordinary sock will be truly beautiful and stylish. You just need to follow these recommendations and carefully view the offered videos and photos. Exactly following the tips and directions will help you create magnificent children's toys for the New Year 2018, which will be in no way inferior to the original purchased decor.

Sew and stuff the body, then sew the head, paws and tail to it. Sew the ears to the head. Using black thread, embroider the nose, mouth and claws on the paws.
Glue ready-made plastic eyes (you can get them at a sewing supply store) or black beads. To make the craft look more decorative, tie a ribbon around your neck.

DIY dog toy

A very cute animal can be made from felt; this material is ideal for beginner needlewomen, because it does not crumble during work.

Cut out two dog bodies from felt, and also cut out a pair of ears (they should be different color), spot and nose. Also prepare a felt strip 0.8 by 12 cm, it will be useful for the collar.

Sew the spot and nose onto the front part of the body, first outline the mouth and eyes with a pencil, and then embroider them.

Fold the parts of the body, and then secure with pins, sew along the edge, not forgetting to leave a small hole. You should stuff cotton wool through it, then sew up the hole.

Sew the ears from the back half of the body, place the collar (do not pull it off), secure it at the back and sew on a button.

DIY Christmas tree toy - year of the dog

From felt you can also sew a wonderful DIY dog Christmas tree toy- be sure to decorate the Christmas tree with it for the upcoming New Year 2018. To make it, first of all, draw a pattern: the head, ears, nose and spot around the eye. Attach the pattern to the felt so that it does not move - secure with pins and cut out the muzzle. Then cut out all the other parts. Christmas tree decor will be even more attractive if you use fabric of different colors. And if you work a little longer and make it double-sided, then you simply won’t be able to take your eyes off this decoration.

Now all that remains is to collect DIY dog Christmas tree toy. Glue on the nose and spot (you can use fabric glue for this). Embroider the eyes, mouth and mustache, however, instead of eyes, you can also sew buttons. The final step will be placing the ears and ribbon for hanging, followed by covering top layer felt.

Year of the Dog - DIY toy

The cute spotted dog is sewn from fleece - the result is an incredibly cute soft craft.

First, make a pattern for the toy - draw the body, tail, ear and head on paper, then cut it out. Transfer the body pattern onto the white fleece, cut out two pieces, not forgetting the seam allowances. Also use white fleece for two elements of the head, four for the ear, two for the tail. When cutting, be sure to add seam allowances.

Place the body parts on top of each other right sides and sew without leaving any holes. Make two darts on the head parts and sew them, leaving a hole here. Place the ear pieces in pairs (face to face) and sew without sewing up the holes in the upper parts. Do the same with the tail, but do not leave a hole.

Make a small cut on the body and turn the part inside out, stuff padding polyester inside and sew up the cut. Do the same with the head and tail, turn the ears out and straighten them.

Sew the ears to the head, the tail to the body. Cut spots of different sizes from black fleece and sew them to the body and tail. Also cut out a black fleece circle with a diameter of 3 cm - this will act as a spout. Sew this circle with black thread along the edge, tightening it slightly. Place some padding polyester inside and tighten the thread. Sew the nose and spots to the head, and then sew it to the body. Lower the ears down and grab them with a couple of stitches, glue the eyes. Tie a satin ribbon around your neck.

It will also be unusually cute.

New Year's toy DIY dog

Children also want to take part in making the symbol of the New Year 2018. For them the best option there will be modeling from plasticine, because everyone knows perfectly well how this plastic mass has a positive effect on the development of various skills.
In order to sculpt a cute mongrel, you should take brown plasticine. Also, you can’t do without a stack.

You should cut off a small part from the plasticine bar, knead it well and transform it into a ball. Pull out the ball on one side - this will be the nose part. You should stick a black ball-nose to it, and use a stack to cut the mouth. Make round eye holes using the same tool and insert black and white balls into them.

Make ears from brown plasticine and attach them to your head; if you want, you can use white or beige. Transform the rest of the brown plasticine into the body of a mongrel - first of all, roll out an oval roller, then sharpen the neck and highlight the chest in a semicircle.

To sculpt the hind legs, prepare rollers and balls. Squeeze the balls to form flat drops, attach to the bottom of the dog’s body, then attach the paws.

To make the front paws, the plasticine should be pulled out into thin tubes and bent at the ends. The limbs can be based on matches. Attach the front paws to the body, cut the pads with a stack.

If you want, you can “hang” a collar around your neck; this is best done when the head is not yet attached. Attach a tail to the back; if you wish, you can make it “fluffy” with a stack.

Attach the head by piercing the neck with a match. Then go over the entire surface of the chest with a stack - it should also become fluffy.

As you can see, both an adult and a child can easily make a charming dog craft, we recommend that you start creating now so that by the New Year you will have excellent toys.

Time is rushing at an unprecedented speed. Before you could say Jack Robinson Fire Rooster will free up a place of honor for the Yellow Earth Dog. And henceforth, a new kind and fair symbol will dominate in 2018. And while the “X” moment has not yet arrived, let’s get to work. Let's find out how to make a dog yourself at home in new ways step-by-step master classes with photo. Such a symbolic New Year's craft will become a talisman for your home and family for the whole coming year and will help your child take an honorable first place in a competition at school or kindergarten. A do-it-yourself dog, as a symbol of the New Year 2018, is easily created from cotton swabs and disks, paper, thread, fabric, plastic bottle or sausage ball. See for yourself, make an interesting toy together with your children.

How to make a Dog (symbol of 2018) out of paper with your own hands at school

The easiest DIY New Year's craft for school is a paper Dog - the symbol of 2018. Even a first-grader can handle such a product on his own, without the slightest hint from his mother. The process of making a dog is completely safe, as it does not require the use of sharp or piercing objects (needles, scissors, etc.). All you need is paper, a marker and the desire to create.

Necessary materials for a paper dog (symbol of 2018) to school

  • square sheets of colored paper
  • black marker

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a Dog - the symbol of 2018 - from paper to school

How to make your own dog (the symbol of 2018) from a sausage ball at home: a master class with photos and videos

Balls for modeling (SBM) — excellent material for bright children's New Year's crafts. Creating cute latex toys with your children can be a fun and useful way to spend time during the winter holidays. And you won’t need much for such an activity: a couple of colorful balloons, a small pump and high spirits. And also - step-by-step master class with photos and videos on how to make a dog (symbol of 2018) from a sausage ball at home.

Necessary materials for a sausage ball dog at home

  • thin long balls (SHDM)
  • hand pump

Master class on how to roll a dog from a sausage ball for modeling at home

Do-it-yourself children's craft “Dog made of threads” for New Year 2018: master class for children

Thousands of kids love all sorts of different products made from thread pompoms. How do your kids feel about them? Do not know? Invite your children to make a magnificent craft “Dog from threads” with their own hands for the New Year 2018. Surely they will be pleasantly surprised by the finished result.

Necessary materials for dogs made of threads for the New Year 2018 for children

  • white and beige yarn
  • small balls of black thread
  • thick beige felt
  • thin orange and red felt
  • quick fix adhesive
  • pencil
  • scissors

A step-by-step master class for children on how to make a “Dog made of threads” craft with your own hands for the New Year 2018

How to make a dog from cotton swabs and disks for the New Year 2018 with your own hands in kindergarten: video tutorial

If you have extra cotton swabs and pads lying around your house, use them in your New Year's creativity. Crafts made from such material are not at all complicated and are very popular where we are talking about timid preschool children. Boys and girls aged 4-7 years old find it difficult to cope with intricate tools and techniques, so glue and cotton pads are the best option for them. Watch the next video tutorial on how to make a dog out of cotton swabs and disks for the New Year 2018 with your own hands in kindergarten.

DIY Christmas craft “Dog” for kindergarten from scrap materials

As you know, the most successful children's crafts from scrap materials are New Year's decor for a group in kindergarten. They decorate shelves, display them in the hallway, lay them out on shelves and even hang them on a Christmas tree. So let your product take its rightful place within the walls of your own kindergarten group. Do it yourself New Year's dog from scrap materials in our next master class and take the finished craft to a competition in kindergarten.

Necessary materials for making a “Dog” craft from scrap materials for kindergarten

  • checkered thick fabric New Year's colors
  • wooden hoop
  • black felt
  • white marker
  • fabric glue
  • scissors
  • photo or picture with a dog
  • satin ribbon

Step-by-step instructions for making a New Year's craft "Dog" for kindergarten with your own hands from scrap materials

Symbol of 2018 - Do-it-yourself dog: master class with step-by-step photos

The next master class will help caring mothers not only have an interesting time doing pleasant needlework, but also create with their own hands an exclusive gift for a child for the New Year - a Dog (symbol of 2018) using a master class with step-by-step photos. Rest assured, the toy in the modern and popular “Tilda” style will be equally interesting to both preschoolers and junior schoolchildren.

Necessary materials for creating a symbol of 2018 with your own hands according to a master class with photos

  • beige fleece for the body
  • cotton fabric in different colors
  • lace of matching color
  • soft filling for toys (holofiber)
  • needles and threads
  • pen or pencil
  • white paper or cardboard
  • pins
  • satin ribbon
  • buttons
  • pink floss

A step-by-step master class with photos on how to make a beautiful Dog with your own hands - the symbol of 2018

DIY “Dog” craft from plastic bottles for school for the New Year: step-by-step master class

Another type of common and completely free DIY dog material for school for the New Year is a plastic bottle. There is enough such goodness in every home. The same applies to additional materials. Scotch tape, newspapers, flour for paste, etc. will always be at hand if you look hard enough.

Necessary materials for a dog from a plastic bottle for New Year's school

  • plastic bottle 2 l
  • plastic thread spools - 4 pcs.
  • glue gun
  • paper tape
  • old newspaper
  • paste
  • thick cardboard
  • acrylic paints
  • black felt
  • colored paper
  • marker
  • scissors

Step-by-step master class on making a dog from a plastic bottle to school for the New Year

Dog - symbol of 2018 - do it yourself from nylon tights: video tutorial

Perhaps the previous 7 master classes and video lessons on how to create a Dog - the symbol of 2018 - with your own hands will seem too simple to you. This time we offer another more complex and time-consuming option. It's unlikely to be mastered Small child, but an adult, diligent parent can handle it without any problems.

Watch how to make a Dog (symbol of 2018) with your own hands from nylon tights in the video tutorial:

As you can see, to make an original New Year’s toy or a bright children’s craft “Dog” with your own hands, you don’t have to buy expensive fabric, polymer clay, designer paper and more. You can be content with cheaper and more common materials: paper, thread, plastic bottles, cotton pads, felt, sausage balls. From such primitive things, children at home, at school or kindergarten can make a bright and colorful symbol of the New Year 2018.