Methods of education in different countries. Features of the system of raising children in different countries of the world: from China to Scandinavia. The main task of Japanese education


Raising children in different countries peace.


How children are raised in the USA.

How children are raised in the UK.

How children are raised in France.

How children are raised in Germany.

How children are raised in China.

How children are raised in India.

How children are raised in Russia.


Hello dear students! I would like to tell you about how children are raised in different countries of the world.

Lives on our planet great amount people, different nations and peoples, sometimes completely different from each other. Children in all countries of the world are equally desired and loved. Children are protected from danger, cared for and cherished. But they are raised differently,It depends on religious customs, on the experience of peoples, historical factors, even on climatic conditions. What traditions of raising children exist among different nations? We will now introduce you to them.

How children are raised in the USA.

In America, both parents are equally active in monitoring the intellectual, physical and spiritual development of the child. Children sleep in their own room from birth. The child is given a number of rules: what he can do and what he absolutely cannot do. There are two main methods of punishment for violating the rules: the first is deprivation of a toy or watching TV, and the second uses a popular technique in the USA: “time-out”, that is, sit and think about your behavior. Children are also given freedom of action and taught to be independent. Even in kindergarten, children are told that they have the right to their opinion. Grandparents do not take part in their upbringing, but see them on holidays or on weekends. In high school, a teenager begins to work part-time for several hours a day, and this is even encouraged by his parents. And upon reaching adulthood, they are released into an independent adult life.

How children are raised in the UK

The UK is famous for its strict education. People in this country become parents by the age of 35-40, so they approach raising children very seriously. The British are proud of their traditions and impeccable manners and instill them in their children. early age. The childhood of a little Englishman is filled with a lot of demands; by the age of 2-3, children are taught how to behave at the table, how to treat the people around them, and how to restrain their emotions. Parents show their love with restraint, but this does not mean that they love them less than representatives of other nations.

France. How children are raised in France

French women send their children to kindergarten very early. They are afraid of losing their qualifications at work and believe that children develop faster in a children's group. In France, a child spends almost the entire day from birth, first in a nursery, then in a kindergarten, then at school. French children quickly grow up and become independent; by the age of 7-8 they go to school on their own, buy the necessary supplies in the store themselves and stay at home for a long time. In France, physical methods of education are not practiced, but a mother can raise her voice at a child and punish him by temporarily depriving him of his favorite activity or toy. Grandchildren only communicate with their grandmothers during the holidays. By the way, the French family is so strong that children and parents are in no hurry to separate and live peacefully together until adulthood and are in no hurry to start an independent family life.

How children are raised in Italy.

In Italy, on the contrary, it is customary to often leave children with relatives, especially grandparents. A family in Italy is a clan. Besides the parents, the baby is surrounded by numerous relatives. The child grows up in a large family and, most often, does not go to kindergarten. People go to kindergarten only if no one from their family is present. A child in Italy is pampered, showered with gifts and allowed to do everything: they turn a blind eye to pranks, to inability to behave in society, and even more serious pranks get away with. A mother may emotionally scream at her child, but will immediately rush to him with hugs and kisses. Italians love to tell and praise their children to their relatives and friends. Great importance in Italy, constant family dinners and holidays are given big amount invited relatives

How children are raised in Japan.

The mother is usually responsible for raising the child. There is an opinion that the husband is the breadwinner, and the wife is the keeper of the hearth. If a Japanese woman sends her child to kindergarten while she goes to work, this is considered a manifestation of selfishness. In Japan, there is a certain approach to each child’s age: up to 5 years old, the child is a god, from 5 to 15, a slave, from 15, an equal. Everything is allowed for children under 5 years old. Adults try to indulge all the child’s whims and fulfill all his wishes. From the age of five, they take on raising children and literally storm them, not allowing any liberties. Any word of a parent is law. TO adolescence he makes an exemplary Japanese, disciplined, law-abiding, clearly aware of his duties and unquestioningly obeying social rules. From the age of 15, a child begins to be treated as an equal, considering him an independent and full-fledged person. The essence of education in Japanese is to teach how to live in a team. The Japanese cannot imagine himself outside the team. In Japan, it is not customary to stand out from others, so children are never compared here, praised for successes or scolded for mistakes.

Germany. How children are raised in Germany.

Germans are in no hurry to have children until they are thirty, until they achieve success in their careers. If married couple decided to take this step, they will approach it with all seriousness. They start looking for a nanny even before the baby is born. Almost all children in Germany stay at home until they are three years old, and after that they start driving to " play group“So that he can gain experience interacting with his peers, and then he is placed in kindergarten. From a very young age, the life of German children is subject to strict rules: they cannot sit too long in front of the TV or computer, they go to bed early. From childhood they are instilled with such qualities as punctuality and organization. And the children school age, accustom him to planning his affairs and budget by purchasing a diary and his first piggy bank for him.

China. How children are raised in China.

Chinese women stop early breast-feeding in order to send the baby to kindergarten almost immediately after birth. There is a strict regime of nutrition, sleep, games and developmental activities. From childhood, the child is instilled with respect for elders, collectivism, mutual assistance, discipline, hard work and patience. Chinese moms are obsessed with early development their children: after kindergarten, they take the kids to intellectual development groups and believe that the child should be busy with something useful. In the family there is no division between women's and men's responsibilities. A girl may be asked to help rearrange the furniture, and a boy to wash the dishes.

How children are raised in African countries.

African children with small age It is customary to carry it with you everywhere. Women wear infants in pieces of cloth wrapped around themselves. There children eat, sleep, grow and learn about the world. African children do not have a sleeping or feeding schedule, and as the child grows up he spends all his time outside with his peers. Often children look for their own food, they make toys or items of clothing. In some tribes, children by the age of two already know how to wash themselves and wash dishes, and by the age of three they can easily make purchases.

India. How children are raised in India.

Raising children in India begins almost from the cradle. The main quality that they want to instill in a child is kindness and love, and not only for people, but for all living things and the surrounding world: animals, insects, flowers, etc. At 2-3 years old, the baby goes to kindergarten, and soon to school itself. Personality development, character building - this is the goal of the school. Not just to give knowledge, but to teach how to learn. They teach you to think, reflect, teach patience, they also teach you yoga, they even teach you to smile. The education system in India is based on preparing a person to create a strong family. Education and career fade into the background. Indians grow up to be patient and friendly, and pass these qualities on to their children.

Russia. How children are raised in Russia.

In Russia, different approaches to raising children are used. But the main traditional method education is a “carrot and stick” method. Usually the child is raised by the mother, and the father is engaged in his career and making money. By the age of three, the child is sent to kindergarten. Rarely does anyone use the services of nannies; more often, parents leave their children with grandparents if they are forced to go to work. Parents tend to send their children to various developmental clubs or sports sections. Unlike European parents, Russian parents are afraid to let their children go out alone, they see them off and pick them up from school, and they control their child’s communication with peers. And as a rule, children always remain children, even when they start their own families. They help them financially, babysit their grandchildren, and also solve the everyday problems of children who have grown up long ago.

Representatives of each culture consider their methods to be the only correct ones and sincerely want to raise a worthy generation to replace themselves. Based on the kind of people citizens of different countries grow up to be, we can draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of their education system. And in conclusion I want to say that the most best method Education is love for children.

The world is home to a huge number of peoples, different in nationality, mentality, religion, and way of life. These characteristics influence how parents around the world raise their children. Education systems different nations are very different from each other. The love of parents is strong, regardless of where they live, but upbringing is different.

There are different points of view about the right and wrong upbringing of the younger generation. In different countries there are distinctive features in raising a child. In some countries, children are overprotected, but in others they grow up completely independently. They may be attached to one of the parents, others are raised by society or the state.

European education systems

In modern Europe, the basis of education is considered to be independence, individuality, and complete freedom of choice. Parents raise their children to become successful individuals. Special attention is given to creativity. The choice is made by the child himself. Whether he will sing or dance, draw or sculpt, design - he decides for himself.

People are taught to be independent from early childhood. If the baby falls, they do not run to him to help, but give him the opportunity to get up on his own.

European mothers go back to work literally a month after the birth of their baby. They entrust the upbringing of their child to a nanny who teaches him to crawl, walk, talk and other wisdom. Parents provide comfortable conditions for the full development of the individual.

Approach to children in Norway

There are several peculiarities of upbringing in Norway. One of them is walking. Children walk in any weather. Snow, rain, and wind will not be an obstacle to walking. School breaks take place outside. Sport comes first. In spring and summer - swimming, in winter - skiing, hiking all year round. From the age of 9, children go on three-day hikes with a teacher. Once a week, schoolchildren are taken for a walk in the forest and mountains. In winter - skiing.

WITH early years instill independence. From the elementary grades, students go to school independently. Parents only control. No one accompanies them, takes them by car or meets them from school. In addition to the backpack, they carry a lunch bag with them; there are no hot lunches in schools. Children are quite independent.

Pedagogical foundations in Sweden

From birth, parents speak to their baby as equals. They do not raise their voices for disobedience. Children can do whatever they want as long as they don’t harm their health. Parents carefully choose toys, clothes, and children's cosmetics. They prefer to buy only quality items.

The Swedes prepare children for adult life from kindergarten. They teach the children how to cook light meals, sew, knit, and work with cardboard and wood.

How children are raised in France

In France, children become independent very early. Moms are busy with their careers, and kids have to learn everything in kindergarten. Parents are also in no hurry to devote time to playing with the baby. Despite how busy they are, families in France are very strong. Children remain to live with their parents until they are thirty.

Pedagogical system in Germany

The younger generation in Germany is under reliable protection states. Parents cannot raise their voices at them, much less raise their hands. Otherwise, they will be held accountable before the law. Already at preschool age, a child knows his rights and feels permissiveness.

Educational methods in England

English education is quite strict. Parents have many demands on their baby. For adults, it is important to form traditional English habits in adolescents, the ability to behave in society, and to restrain their emotions.

Despite their strictness, the British often praise their children, thus developing self-confidence. The child will not be severely punished for his offense. They will have an educational conversation with him without showing their negative emotions. In English schools, teachers find an approach to every student. Any student's hobby is welcome.

What is typical for Spain?

The Spanish people are very emotional and temperamental. They approach raising the younger generation with ease. Parents do not consider it necessary to punish them for their offenses, but, on the contrary, indulge their whims in every possible way. Adults are sure that such loyal upbringing will make the child happy.

Raising kids in Asian countries

In Asian countries, it is customary to send babies to nurseries early; mothers and fathers want them to begin contact with the team earlier. Parents devote a lot of time to education. Children are raised with strictness, requiring them to do well in school and be obedient. Their task is to raise a successful person and, first of all, a caring son or daughter.

How they teach life in India

For Indians, career and education do not come first. For them, the main thing is to create a strong family and live in harmony with nature. Adults raise their children according to these principles. Almost from birth, children are instilled with a love for people and the world around them. Growing up, the little man treats nature and animals with care and love.

Parents also teach children to control emotions by example. Adults never yell at their children, even if they have done something wrong.

In schools, students practice meditation and yoga. IN educational institutions Most of the time is spent on education, and only then on knowledge. Indians are very kind and friendly people, despite their difficult financial situation.

The main task of Japanese education

The Japanese raise children according to age. Children under five years old are literally allowed everything. Breaking dishes, drawing on wallpaper, throwing things around. Adults indulge the little one’s every whim and do not raise their voices at him.

Everything changes when the child turns six years old. From this moment on, the word of the parents is law. Children begin to live by the rules, and many prohibitions come into force. Until the age of fourteen, they are taught to be hardworking, obedient, and to follow the law under any circumstances.

At this age, boys are sent to sections and clubs. And girls, according to parents, will not need additional activities in life. Mothers teach their daughters culinary tricks. By the age of fifteen, children become independent and can communicate equally with adults.

Parental pedagogy in China

The upbringing of the younger generation in China is quite tough. The main goal of parents is to instill in them unquestioning obedience to established rules. There must be complete obedience on the part of the child.

  1. The baby lives according to the schedule set by adults, his day is scheduled hourly.
  2. Any deviation from the established daily routine is not welcome.
  3. The opinions of children in this country are not taken into account; parents decide everything.
  4. Adults choose sections and clubs, as well as toys.
  5. The child almost never hears words of praise.

Relationships between children and parents in Scandinavian countries

With the arrival of the baby, parents simply cannot get enough of looking at their baby. Their love knows no bounds. Mom and dad are loyal to raising their child. They don’t set rules, they don’t teach discipline. They don't live according to a daily routine. The child himself chooses activities to his liking, without the help of parents.

Equality reigns in the family; the opinion of children is taken into account in the same way as the opinion of an adult family member. The child’s disagreement on any issue can influence the parents’ decision in favor of the child.

Raising babies in Israel

Jewish upbringing is different from other countries. In Israel, there are private kindergartens that accept children from three months to three years. This is simply unacceptable for parents from other countries. There are practically no prohibitions for Israeli children. They don't hear "no" from their parents.

When accustoming a baby to a pacifier, mothers are in no hurry to take this thing away from older, three- or four-year-old children. They believe that the baby himself must give up the pacifier, and it does not matter at what age this happens. Also, Jews are in no hurry to wean their babies off diapers. Modern moms they don't see a problem with this.

American technique

One of the tasks of American parents is to instill independence in their children. If the baby starts to cry, the mother does not rush to console him, but gives him time to calm down on his own. Adults admire their little ones and indulge them in many ways, thereby pampering them.

The younger generation is given a lot of freedom and they try not to limit their actions. Even Small child knows his rights, but is often negligent in his duties. Adults rarely punish their children. Physical punishment in America it is not permissible, even for a spanking for educational purposes, parents can be held accountable. As punishment, the child may be deprived of toys or prohibited from watching his favorite TV shows.

Family is the most important thing for Americans. Parents and children spend their free time in nature, visit an amusement park, and can organize a Sunday dinner. Any school event, be it a concert or a competition, does not take place without the moral support of mom and dad. The arrival of a baby in the family does not affect the parents’ fun-filled holiday. They always take the baby with them. Be it a party, a restaurant or a movie.

The main goal of education in Russia

Parents and grandparents of the child preschool age instill love for their country. Russian mothers tell their babies folk tales, sing songs, teach sayings. Reading such works is a kind of educational moment. In fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil; patriotism is felt in songs. The main goal of Russians is to instill patriotism and love of sports in the younger generation.

General foundations and rules for the Caucasus

First of all, children are taught to respect and honor their elders from an early age. Examples for them are parents, older brothers, sisters, and relatives. Elderly people will always find a place on public transport; they will be helped to carry heavy bags and, if necessary, transferred across the road.

Elizaveta Lavrova | 6.08.2015 | 861

Elizaveta Lavrova 08/6/2015 861

I will talk about what methods of raising children are used in different countries. You will be extremely surprised!

Each family has its own approach to raising a child. What can we say about other states. Every nation raises the future generation based on traditional values ​​and mentality.

Let's look at the most striking, in my opinion, examples.

Raising children in English

The British have their own view of raising the younger generation, which is very aristocratic and restrained. From early childhood, parents see their child as a full-fledged personality and respect his interests.

If a child painted a wall in the living room, he will most likely not be scolded, but rather praised and appreciated for his artistic impulses. The absence of criticism has a positive effect on the formation of a sense of self-confidence. There are practically no problems with low self-esteem among small (and even adults) Englishmen.

Offending children are punished extremely humanely. No belts, peas or house arrests. Parents try to come to an agreement with their child, and the most severe corporal punishment is a slap on the bottom.

In schools, children are taught not only the exact sciences and humanities, but also compassion through charity. Various events are regularly held in educational institutions, during which children can donate a small amount to those who need help.

Every Englishman dreams that his child has a strong, tempered character and perseverance. At the same time, it is important for parents that the child has good manners and a sense of compassion for people.

Raising children the Japanese way

The Japanese have a very interesting approach to raising children. Until the age of 5, a child is not prohibited from doing anything: he does whatever he wants (within reason, of course). He is not punished, not scolded, and the word “impossible” is practically never said.

After 5 years, a child’s life changes dramatically: now the interests of society and the people around him come first (life outside the microgroup dooms the child to the fate of an eternal outcast). At school, children always stick together, constantly play team games, and sing in the choir. Children should monitor not only their own successes, but also control their comrades, pointing out their mistakes.

Every Japanese child literally idolizes their mother. It is the fear that close person gets upset, keeps him from playing pranks. By the way, in Japan only the mother looks after the child. Japanese women do not have the habit of shifting responsibilities to grandparents.

The Japanese education system is aimed at ensuring that the child grows up to be an organized person who respects the laws of his country. And, of course, he treated his parents with great respect throughout his life.

Raising children in German

German parents strive to do everything so that their children do not waste time and grow up as disciplined as possible. They do not allow violations of the regime, do not allow children to watch TV, and the children spend their free time engaged in self-development: drawing, sculpting, singing, reading.

Parents are sure to teach their children the basics of time management: they give them beautiful diaries where they should write down their activities for the day or even for the week. Planning also concerns the budget: having a piggy bank and issuing pocket money is mandatory.

The German people are particularly thrifty, accurate, and punctual. It is these character traits that the Germans want to form in their children first of all.

Perhaps these education systems are alien to the Russian people - they seem overly strict or, on the contrary, too free. In any case, you can try to adopt some foreign methods of education that will help raise your child as a worthy person. Only parents should make this decision.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 18 minutes


In every corner of the planet, parents love their children equally deeply. But education is carried out in each country in its own way, in accordance with mentality, lifestyle and traditions. How do the basic principles of raising children differ in different countries?

America. Family is sacred!

For any American resident, family is sacred. There is no division between men's and women's responsibilities. Dads have time to devote time to both their wives and children, and not only on weekends.

Features of raising children in America

America. Features of mentality

Italy. A child is a gift from heaven!

An Italian family is, first of all, a clan. Even the most distant, most worthless relative is a family member whom the family will not abandon.

Features of raising children in Italy

Italy. Features of mentality

  • Considering that children do not know the word “no” and are generally not familiar with any prohibitions, they grow up to be absolutely liberated and artistic people.
  • Italians are considered the most passionate and charming people.
  • They do not tolerate criticism and do not change their habits.
  • Italians are satisfied with everything in their life and country, which they themselves consider blessed.

France. With mom - until the first gray hair

The family in France is strong and unshakable. So much so that children, even after thirty years, are in no hurry to leave their parents. Therefore, there is some truth in French infantilism and lack of initiative. Of course, French mothers are not attached to their children from morning to night - they manage to devote time to their child, their husband, work, and personal matters.

Features of raising children in France

France. Features of mentality

Russia. Carrot and stick

Russian families, as a rule, are always concerned with the issue of housing and the issue of money. The father is the breadwinner and breadwinner. He does not participate in housework and does not wipe the snot of whining children. Mom tries to save workplace all three years maternity leave. But usually he can’t stand it and goes to work earlier - either from lack of money or for reasons of mental balance.

Features of raising children in Russia

Russia. Features of mentality

The peculiarities of the Russian mentality are perfectly expressed by well-known aphorisms:

  • Whoever is not with us is against us.
  • Why miss something that floats into your hands?
  • Everything around is collective farm, everything around is mine.
  • Beats means he loves.
  • Religion is the opium of the people.
  • The master will come and judge us.

The mysterious and mysterious Russian soul is sometimes incomprehensible even to Russians themselves.

  • Soulful and warm-hearted, brave to the point of madness, hospitable and daring, they do not mince words.
  • Russians value space and freedom, easily slap children on the back of the head and immediately kiss them, pressing them to their chests.
  • Russians are conscientious, sympathetic and, at the same time, stern and adamant.
  • The basis of the Russian mentality is feelings, freedom, prayer and contemplation.

China. Getting used to work from the cradle

The main features of the Chinese family are cohesion, the secondary role of women in the home and the unquestioned authority of elders. Given the overpopulation of the country, a family in China cannot afford more than one baby. Based on this situation, children grow up capricious and spoiled. But only up to a certain age. Beginning with kindergarten, all indulgences stop, and the education of a tough character begins.

Features of raising children in China

China. Features of mentality

  • The foundations of Chinese society are modesty and submissiveness of women, respect for the head of the family, and strict upbringing of children.
  • Children are raised as future workers who must be prepared for hard, long hours of work.
  • IN Everyday life Among the Chinese, religion, observance of ancient traditions and the belief that inactivity is a symbol of destruction are invariably present.
  • The main qualities of the Chinese are perseverance, patriotism, discipline, patience and unity.

How different we are!

Each country has its own traditions and its own principles of raising children. English parents have children at the age of about forty, use the services of nannies and raise their children to be future winners using all available methods. Cubans bathe children in love, easily push them off to their grandmothers and allow them to behave as liberated as the child desires. German children are wrapped only in elegant clothes, protected even from their parents, everything is allowed to them, and they walk in any weather. IN South Korea Children under seven years old are angels who are prohibited from being punished, and in Israel you can go to prison for yelling at a child. But whatever the traditions of education in a particular country, All parents have one thing in common - love for children.

Each country has its own system based on national traditions. There is still no common point of view on what right means and what wrong means. But in any case, having become acquainted with the views of the Germans, French, Americans and Japanese on this issue, you will be able to learn something for yourself...

German upbringing

The Germans approach the birth of children very responsibly and take their time in this matter. they appear somewhere after 30 years of age and only on the condition that all the necessary material resources have been created for this. Prudent Germans set up a children's room, a playground and look for a nanny long beforehand. Perhaps it is precisely because of this pedantry that Germany ranks one of the lowest in the world in terms of the birth rate of children.

Until the age of three, most children are at home with nannies, less often with their mothers. In Germany, it is not customary to leave babies with grandmothers or neighbors. If parents need to go somewhere, they always take their child with them. A mother will not live only for the child. Children are immediately given to understand that each person has their own interests and desires.

In France, corporal punishment of children is unacceptable; in extreme cases, the mother may shout at the child. Children grow up in a friendly environment. If they do something wrong, they are deprived of some pleasure, and to encourage them they are given money.

From a very early age, children are taught rules: they must behave well, they must obey adults, they must not be capricious and fight. In the future, such suggestions help them behave adequately in a team.

A child, as a rule, sees his grandparents only on holidays or vacations.

American upbringing

Having decided to become parents, and this happens after 30 years, American families have two or three children in a row at once. They believe that it is much easier to raise: they have the same interests, and games and communication take place at the same level. But if it’s still in the family, then the mother can go to work, and the child will be with the nanny.

In America, it is prohibited to leave a child under 12 years of age alone at home or on the street. American parents do not want to give up their personal lives for the sake of their children. Therefore, if they want to go somewhere, they simply take their children with them, and this does not bother anyone. In public places there is always a place to change clothes and feed the baby. Because of such a busy lifestyle, children go to bed early in the evening. By the way, children sleep alone in their rooms almost from birth, thus learning to be independent.

Family is sacred for Americans. They have a special respectful and equal attitude towards children, although sometimes bordering on connivance. The child has complete freedom of personality and action. If a kid wants to splash around in puddles, watch TV all day or walk around without a hat in winter, then no one will stop him, since this is his experience, and let him learn from his mistakes.

Children are respected in the family, but the same is demanded from the child in relation to others. Children are taught tolerance in order to avoid conflict situations. But at the same time, children must be able to defend their point of view and strive for leadership. In classes, children are not loaded with knowledge, but taught to apply it.

As a rule, mothers are involved in raising children, and fathers earn money. But weekends are usually spent with family. Recently, dads have become more active participants in the educational process. There are often cases when mom works and dad stays at home with the children. And divorced couples often practice situations where the child lives with his mother for half of the week, and with his father for the second.

In America, grandparents always live separately from their grandchildren and see them only occasionally.

Japanese upbringing

Many have probably heard that in Japan a child under 5 years of age is treated “like a king”: he is never scolded, never punished, and everything is allowed, the only thing is that they can warn him; from 5 to 15 years of age they are treated “like a slave”: at this age the child comes into society where he is faced with many prohibitions and rules; and after 15 years “as with an equal”: the teenager already knows how to act in a given situation and is obliged to obey these rules. Of course, such a sharp change from a happy childhood to a life under pressure is not the most in the best possible way affects the fragile psyche of the child.

In Japan, public opinion is very important. The most effective way to calm down a child who is too naughty is to tell him that everyone will laugh at him or that no one will be friends with him. The Japanese know that if you go against society and public opinion, you will become an outcast and will not be able to find a decent job. The Japanese have two basic rules: “treat people the way you want them to treat you” and “whoever looks askance at their parents will turn into a flounder.”

Previously, young Japanese women got married at the age of 16, gave birth to children and only took care of the house. A woman could count on a position in society only by becoming a mother, and a man by finding an heir. Nowadays, a Japanese woman prefers to first make a career and then marry an already established man. At one time, Japanese families had three or four children, now there are one or two. But after the birth of children, a woman still mainly devotes herself to household duties.

It is very important for a Japanese woman. Mothers constantly carry babies in their arms, sleep with them, etc. Japanese women show their love for children very strongly, encourage them, never suppress them and communicate with them as adults, and instead of making comments they only become upset and express their dissatisfaction.

A mother can send her child to kindergarten only after three years, otherwise she will be considered too selfish. Children are taught to behave correctly in a team, to avoid quarrels and rivalry. If a child does not go to kindergarten, he attends clubs.

Fathers mostly do their work, but spend weekends with their children and wife. Modern Japanese mothers want to keep up with the times. They visit exhibitions, theaters or return to work. As a result, their children are often left to their own devices and suffer from loneliness.