Gold is the heaviest metal. The heaviest metals in the world. gold is heavier than silver

    How to identify titanium and distinguish it from other metals? Brass or steel, which is heavier?

    How to define titanium and distinguish stainless steel, aluminum and steel from titanium?

    Identification of certain metals is an accurate and simple process only if you have special laboratory equipment, a spectrometer in particular. At home, the task becomes much more complicated. It is especially difficult to distinguish between materials that are similar in color and magnetic properties. However, even in such a situation, there are practical methods to distinguish titanium from other metals. The most interesting for comparison are aluminum and steel, including stainless steel. Here, even experienced craftsmen, who regularly work with metals and accept titanium scrap, are not always able to clearly identify what exactly they have in their hands.

    How to distinguish titanium from steel, aluminum

    The first pair is non-ferrous and ferrous metals. Most steels have magnetic properties. The exception is alloyed metals of the austenitic class. A striking example is stainless steel with a high nickel content. This grade of steel, like titanium, is paramagnetic. Therefore, the standard option using a magnet is unacceptable here.

    see articles:

    There are three reliable ways to determine titanium at home:

    • mathematical;
    • graphic;
    • abrasive;
    • galvanic.

    Pure mathematics

    In this approach, metal identification is done by weight. The disadvantage of this method occurs when only one type of metal is available. To determine in your hands that it cannot be made heavier, you have to resort to mathematical calculations. This is facilitated by significant differences in the density of metals:

    • titanium – 4.5;
    • iron – 7.8;
    • aluminum and duralumin – 2.7.

    Parameter values ​​are given in g/cc. It remains to add that the density of steel depends on the specific grade of metal. However, in absolute terms these differences are insignificant. Therefore, the density of steel can be safely taken as the value of a similar characteristic of iron.

    All that remains is to clarify the volume and weight of the part or piece of metal. Further, simple calculations will show whether it is aluminum, steel or the desired metal - titanium. How to determine the volume of a part with a complex shape? Here the best option- Archimedes' law. The mass of the ejected liquid, when immersing a metal structure, allows you to determine its volume. The situation is simplified by the density of water, equivalent to 1 kg/cubic dm. Accordingly, each gram of ejected liquid is equal to one cubic centimeter of volume.

    Of course, this is a tedious, complex and inaccurate method, but in order to determine titanium at home, it has its place.

    Drawings on glass

    This is the most accessible method of how to distinguish titanium at home, but you need to master it and have experience working with titanium. Metal leaves characteristic indelible marks on glass and tiles. It is enough to run the sharpened edge of the metal along one of the specified materials. These are marks, not scratches. Windows of public transport are often painted in a similar way. You can wash titanium graphics on tiles with a solution of hydrofluoric acid; you should handle it with extreme caution.

    This method is simple and effective. Titanium, contrary to popular belief, leaves a mark even on dirty glass. So there is no need to degrease its surface. On the contrary, any grade of steel and aluminum can barely scratch the glass. This is an excellent method to identify titanium.

    Abrasive wheel

    An ideal way to distinguish titanium from stainless steel for owners of a sharpening machine (which, in fact, is not at all necessary). However, almost any abrasive surface will do, even asphalt. The contact of titanium with an abrasive is accompanied by a scattering of rich white sparks. The interaction of steel with an abrasive surface is characterized by a yellow or red tint. There are significantly fewer sparks.

    Stainless steel grades are fireproof. Processing of certain brands of stainless steel occurs without sparks at all. This property is used in fire hazardous industries. Only stainless steel tools are allowed there. A similar technique is used in the question of how to distinguish titanium from aluminum. Grinding of the latter on an abrasive wheel also occurs practically without sparks.

    This method of determining titanium can be called the most effective - the color of the spark will indeed be different from other metals. In general, the spark test is one of the most popular and correct for determining and recognizing different metals.

    Video - how to distinguish titanium from magnesium and aluminum:

    Galvanic approach

    Another the right way how to recognize titanium, available right in the garage. The technique is based on coloring this metal through anodization. The simplest design of a “laboratory setup” is a car battery, the plus of which is connected to a titanium plate. A metal rod wrapped in cotton wool soaked in Coca-Cola is connected to the negative of the DC source. The ideal option is any saline solution.

    If you run cotton wool over titanium, the metal will become colored within a few seconds. The color obtained during the formation of the oxide film depends on the applied voltage and surface treatment time. However, if the task is how to determine titanium from stainless steel, then the color tone is not important. The main criterion is color change.

    Video - how to distinguish titanium from steel using this method:

    Other techniques

    There are a number of alternative ways to determine titanium in your hands or aluminum, for example. One option is thin shavings. In the case of titanium, it is highly flammable and burns brightly. On the contrary, aluminum shavings melt. When duralumin “metal filings” are placed in an alkaline solution, active evolution of hydrogen is observed.

    The next way to distinguish titanium metal from steel and aluminum is thermal conductivity. The numerical values ​​of the parameter W/(m K) for the indicated metals are:

    • titanium – 14;
    • low carbon steel – 55;
    • stainless steel – 16;
    • aluminum – 250.

    Titanium products are warmer in the hands. Of course, the approach is not characterized by high accuracy, and is generally unsuitable for distinguishing titanium from stainless steel.


    As you can see, even at home, it is quite possible to distinguish titanium from aluminum and steel. The most practical options are spark and glass. For the first case, any abrasive surface is sufficient, even asphalt or hardened concrete. The bright sparkle of titanium is successfully used by bikers by installing horseshoes made of this metal on their shoes. The mark on the glass is beneficial because the metal is not damaged. A relative disadvantage is that some titanium alloys do not leave a pattern. But for pure metal this is the best option.

    The heaviest metals in the world TOP 10 list

    Humanity began to actively use metals back in 3000-4000 BC. Then people became acquainted with the most common of them: gold, silver, copper. These metals were very easy to find on the surface of the earth. A little later they learned about chemistry and began to isolate such species as tin, lead and iron. In the Middle Ages, very poisonous types of metals gained popularity. There was arsenic in use, which poisoned more than half of the royal court in France. So did mercury, which helped cure various diseases of those times, from sore throat to the plague. Already before the twentieth century, more than 60 metals were known, and at the beginning of the 21st century - 90. Progress does not stand still and leads humanity forward. But the question arises, which metal is heavy and weighs more than all the others? And in general, what are they, these heaviest metals in the world?

    Many people mistakenly think that gold and lead are the heaviest metals. Why exactly did this happen? Many of us grew up watching old movies and seeing how main character uses a lead plate to protect against vicious bullets. In addition, lead plates are still used today in some types of body armor. And when you hear the word gold, many people think of a picture of heavy ingots of this metal. But thinking that they are the heaviest is a mistake!

    To determine the heaviest metal, one must take into account its density, because the higher the density of a substance, the heavier it is.

    TOP 10 heaviest metals in the world

  1. Osmium (22.62 g/cm3),
  2. Iridium (22.53 g/cm3),
  3. Platinum (21.44 g/cm3),
  4. Rhenium (21.01 g/cm3),
  5. Neptunium (20.48 g/cm3),
  6. Plutonium (19.85 g/cm3),
  7. Gold (19.85 g/cm3)
  8. Tungsten (19.21 g/cm3),
  9. Uranium (18.92 g/cm3),
  10. Tantalum (16.64 g/cm3).

And where is the lead? And he is located much lower on this list, in the middle of the second ten.

Osmium and iridium are the heaviest metals in the world

Let's look at the main heavyweights who share 1st and 2nd places. Let's start with iridium and at the same time say words of gratitude to the English scientist Smithson Tennat, who in 1803 obtained this chemical element from platinum, where it was present along with osmium as an impurity. Iridium can be translated from ancient Greek as “rainbow”. Metal has White color with a silver tint and can be called not only the heaviest, but also the most durable. There is very little of it on our planet and only up to 10,000 kg are mined per year. It is known that most iridium deposits can be found at meteorite impact sites. Some scientists come to the conclusion that this metal was previously widespread on our planet, but due to its weight, it constantly squeezed itself closer to the center of the Earth. Iridium is now widely in demand in industry and is used to produce electrical energy. Paleontologists also like to use it, and with the help of iridium they determine the age of many finds. In addition, this metal can be used to coat some surfaces. But this is difficult to do.

Next, let's look at osmium. It is the heaviest in the periodic table of Mendeleev, and, accordingly, the heaviest metal in the world. Osmium is tin-white with a blue tint and was also discovered by Smithson Tennat at the same time as iridium. Osmium is almost impossible to process and is mainly found at meteorite impact sites. It smells unpleasant, the smell is like a mixture of chlorine and garlic. And from ancient Greek it is translated as “smell”. The metal is quite refractory and is used in light bulbs and other devices with refractory metals. For just one gram of this element you have to pay more than $10,000, which makes it clear that the metal is very rare.


Whatever one may say, the heaviest metals are very rare and therefore they are expensive. And we must remember for the future that neither gold nor lead are the heaviest metals in the world! Iridium and osmium are the winners in weight!

How to distinguish bronze from brass at home?

There are a number of ways that will tell you how to distinguish bronze from brass. In the presented material I would like to consider the simplest and most accessible solutions for implementing this task. Let's find out how to distinguish bronze from brass at home.

What is bronze?

Before we figure out how to distinguish bronze from brass, let's find out what each alloy is. Let's start with bronze. So, bronze is an alloy of tin and copper, with admixtures of silicon, aluminum, beryllium and lead. It is the quality of the tin used that largely determines the nature of the future alloy.

There is a special type of bronze, in the manufacture of which tin is replaced with nickel or zinc. This alloy is known as spiatr. Essentially, the material is a cheap version of bronze, which is not of the best quality.

According to the above manufacturing principles, bronze is divided into tin and tin-free. At the beginning of the last century, metallurgists produced arsenic bronze. However, due to its high toxicity, the material was never widely used.

What is brass?

Brass is practically the same alloy as bronze. But instead of the alloying composition in the form of tin, zinc is used here in combination with copper. Sometimes lead, iron, nickel, manganese, and other elements are added to the alloy.

The ancient Romans knew how to produce brass. They were the first to learn how to combine molten copper with zinc ore. Pure zinc began to be used for the production of brass only at the end of the 18th century in Britain. The British often used the alloy to create fake gold, because brass, like a noble metal, has an attractive sunny shine.

Today the material is widely used to create the so-called bimetal - an alloy where steel is combined with brass. This solution contributes to the production of metal that is resistant to corrosion and abrasion. At the same time, bimetal products have good ductility.

Defining Differences Between Bronze and Brass

How to distinguish bronze from brass? The difference between the presented alloys is as follows:

  1. Brass is produced by combining zinc with copper. In turn, bronze is produced by alloying copper with tin.
  2. Bronze can be in contact with sea and salt water for a long time without destroying the structure of the material. Brass requires additional processing in the form of alloying.
  3. Bronze has increased resistance to mechanical wear and is a durable material. For this reason, the alloy is widely used to create all kinds of sculptures and monuments. Brass is not suitable for these purposes, although it is used as elements of artistic products.
  4. How to distinguish copper from brass and bronze? Copper has a reddish tint. At the same time, bronze has dark brown, as well as a coarse-grained structure. Brass has yellow tint and is a fine-grained material.

Differences between bronze and brass according to weight

How to distinguish bronze from brass based on the weight of the materials? It is worth noting that bronze is a fairly heavy alloy. In equal volumes of workpieces, bronze will be clearly heavier than brass. Therefore, you can distinguish products from individual alloys by weighing them on your palms.

How to distinguish alloys by heating?

You need to try to distinguish between materials using the thermal effect method. However, the results in this case will be more reliable. What do we have to do? It is necessary to heat both alloys using a gas burner to a temperature of more than 600°C. With this exposure, an ashen-colored coating forms on the surface of the brass product, which is zinc oxide. At the same time, the bronze will remain in its original form.

After heating, the brass will become more ductile. Bronze does not change its physical properties when exposed to high temperature. If you try to bend a brass workpiece, the structure of the latter will not be damaged. As for bronze, it will definitely break at the bend.

How to distinguish brass from bronze with a magnet?

As noted above, bronze contains tin and lead. These materials can be attracted by a magnet. The only thing required to carry out the experiment is to find a fairly strong magnet. When using it, the bronze will slightly stick to the surface. The magnet will not have any effect on brass.


As you can see, there are a number of ways that allow you to distinguish bronze from brass at home. In most cases, there are pronounced visual differences between products made from these alloys. Therefore, to cope with the task, sometimes it is enough just to carefully consider both materials.

AKBS: steel or brass?

X-pert 29-03-2010 03:41

Dear Colleagues!

In connection with the official announcement by AKBS about the launch of 9 R.A. cartridges. in a brass sleeve, so beloved by veterans, who sometimes affectionately call them “butter,” I, having prepared a jar of adrenaline and a wallet with the necessary papers, began to wait for them to appear on sale.

First of all, I hasten to inform you that as of the beginning of September 2009, I brought my pistol 1014 series 015xxx to the point of “consuming” any cartridges. As it seemed to me.

Then I met a certain “good fairy” who, as it turned out, was able to help with various options for what can be equipped with a pistol.

Moreover, a miraculous opportunity was discovered to re-roll factory cartridges, which, to put it mildly, do not suffer from quality in this regard. Moreover, the quality of factory rolling is almost the same for all manufacturers. Disgusting.

On one of the “fairy’s” arrivals, for a change, I decided to purchase 10 rounds of 50 J cartridges (I have attached the label) aimed at private security companies.

For reference, currently shooting Streamer 1014 is 2700, approximately 50% AKBS 50J, 45% AKBS Magnum, everything else is garbage, including KSPZ 80+ and TK 70. The pistol was immediately completely transferred to the “Forum”.

Well, continuing my story (with pictures, I promise, I loaded 14 rounds into the magazine, but the last 4 were alternated Magnum-Brass50-Magnum-Brass50.

What I got almost killed me. See for yourself.

The cartridge cases from cartridges with brass sleeves have changed their geometry so much that I have doubts about the advisability of using them, although shooting and extraction are without problems. Even the “sniffy” KSPS with a bimetallic sleeve did not allow themselves to do this.

I am attaching photographs, as well as photographs of cartridge packaging.

I ask specialists and veterans of the Hansa to evaluate the quality of either the cartridges or my “friend”, who withstood more than 2500 shots.

Best regards, X-pert

Metals and alloys used in the manufacture of artistic products - Handicraft

In the process of manufacturing products using the method artistic treatment metals are used both precious and non-precious precious metals and their alloys. Precious metals include gold, silver, platinum and platinum group metals: palladium, ruthenium, iridium, osmium, and non-precious metals include ferrous metals - steel, cast iron - and non-ferrous metals - copper, brass, bronze, aluminum, magnesium, cupronickel, nickel silver, nickel, zinc, lead, tin, titanium, tantalum, niobium. Cadmium, mercury, antimony, bismuth, arsenic, cobalt, chromium, tungsten, molybdenum, manganese, vanadium are also used in the form of small additives to change the properties of alloys or as coatings.

Aluminum. This soft silver-white metal is easy to roll, stretch and cut. To increase strength, silicon, copper, magnesium, zinc, nickel, manganese, and chromium are added to aluminum alloys. Cast architectural parts and sculptures are made from aluminum alloys, as well as Jewelry.

Bronze. It is an alloy of copper with zinc, tin, and lead. Tin-free bronzes are also produced. In the history of mankind, an entire era is called the Bronze Age, when people, having learned to smelt bronze, made household items, weapons, banknotes (coins), and jewelry from it. Currently, monuments, monumental sculptures, as well as interior decoration items for theaters, museums, palaces, and underground metro station lobbies are made from bronze.

Gold. From ancient times to the present day, gold has been the most common metal for making jewelry, table setting items and interior decoration. It is widely used for gilding ferrous and non-ferrous metals, as well as for preparing solders. Gold in its pure form is a beautiful metal yellow color. Gold alloys can be white, red, green, or black. Gold is a very viscous, ductile and malleable metal. Gold alloys are easy to cut, grind and polish. Gold is not subject to oxidation. It dissolves only in selenic acid and aqua regia - a mixture of concentrated acids: one part nitric and three parts hydrochloric.

Iridium. This metal resembles tin in appearance, but differs from it in its high hardness and brittleness. Iridium polishes well, but is difficult to machine. It is not affected by alkalis, acids, or their mixtures. Iridium is used in jewelry.

Brass. This is an alloy of copper and zinc, used for making tableware and interior decoration (chasings), as well as various jewelry, often silver-plated or gold-plated. Brass can be successfully processed by cutting, easily soldered, rolled, stamped, minted, nickel-plated, silver-plated, gold-plated, oxidized, "compared to pure copper, they are more durable and hard, much cheaper and more elegant in color. Brass with a low zinc content (from 3 to 20%), called tombak, has a reddish-yellow color.

Magnesium. This metal is four times lighter than bronze. Alloys consisting of magnesium, aluminum, manganese, zinc, as well as copper and cadmium, are used in Lately for the production of interior decoration items for industrial facilities.

Copper. It is a soft, extremely ductile and tough metal, easily amenable to pressure processing: drawing, rolling, stamping, embossing. Copper can be ground and polished well, but quickly loses its shine; it is difficult to sharpen, drill, mill. Pure or red copper is used for the manufacture of filigree jewelry and interior decoration items - coinage. Copper is used to prepare solders (copper, silver, gold), and also as an additive to various alloys.

Nickel. White, highly lustrous metal, chemically resistant, refractory, durable and ductile; It is not found in its pure form in the earth's crust. Nickel is used mainly for decorative and protective coating of tableware and jewelry, and nickel-based alloys (nickel silver and nickel silver), which have sufficient corrosion resistance, strength, ductility and the ability to be easily rolled, minted, stamped and polished, are used for the manufacture of objects table setting and interior decoration, as well as jewelry.

Niobium. Very similar to tantalum. Resistant to acids: it is not affected by aqua regia, hydrochloric, sulfuric, nitric, phosphoric, perchloric acids. Niobium is soluble only in hydrofluoric acid and its mixture with nitric acid. Recently, it has begun to be used abroad for the manufacture of jewelry.

Tin. In ancient times, coins were minted from tin and vessels were made. This soft and ductile metal is darker in color than silver and superior in hardness to lead. In jewelry, it is used in the preparation of solders and as a component of alloys of non-ferrous metals, and recently, in addition, for the manufacture of jewelry and interior decoration items.

Osmium. It is a shiny, bluish-gray metal that is very hard and heavy. Osmium does not dissolve in acids and their mixtures. It is used in alloys with platinum.

Palladium. This tough, ductile metal can be easily forged and rolled. Palladium is darker in color than silver, but lighter than platinum. It dissolves in nitric acid and aqua regia. Palladium is used to make jewelry, and is also used as an additive in alloys with gold, silver, and platinum.

Platinum. Platinum is used to make jewelry and as decorative covering. Plasticity, strength, wear resistance, play of color - these are the properties of platinum that attract jewelers so much. Platinum is a shiny, white metal, very malleable, and dissolves with great difficulty even in boiling aqua regia - a mixture of three parts nitric and five parts hydrochloric acid. In nature, platinum is found with admixtures of palladium, ruthenium, rhodium, iridium, and osmium.

Rhodium. A fairly hard but brittle metal, similar in color to aluminum. Rhodium does not dissolve in acids and their mixtures. Rhodium is used for decorative coating of jewelry.

Ruthenium. A metal that looks almost no different from platinum, but is more fragile and hard. It is used in an alloy with platinum.

Lead. A very soft and tough metal, easily rolled, stamped, pressed, and cast well. Lead has been known since ancient times and was widely used for the manufacture of sculptures and decorative architectural details. In jewelry, lead is used to prepare solders and as a component in alloys.

Silver. This metal is very widely used for the manufacture of tableware and interior decoration, various jewelry, and is also used for the preparation of solders, as a decorative coating and alloy in gold, platinum and palladium alloys. Silver has high ductility and malleability; it can be cut, polished, and rolled well. It is harder than gold, but softer than copper, soluble only in nitric and hot sulfuric acids.

Steel. Steel is produced by remelting pig iron (white cast iron). In the production of artistic products, stainless steel and dark-colored blued steel (specially treated) are used. Stainless steel is used to make tableware and interior decorations, and, more recently, jewelry; blued steel is used to make jewelry. To give stainless steel products a more elegant look, they are gold-plated or silver-plated.

Tantalum. The metal is gray in color with a slightly leaden tint, second only to tungsten in terms of refractoriness. It is characterized by ductility, strength, good weldability, and corrosion resistance. Jewelry companies Western countries use tantalum for manufacturing individual species jewelry.

Titanium. It is a shiny, silver-colored metal that can be easily various types processing: it can be drilled, sharpened, milled, grinded, soldered, glued. In terms of corrosion resistance, titanium is comparable to precious metals. It has high strength, low density, and is quite light. Recently, in foreign countries, a wide range of different types of jewelry has been made from titanium.

Zinc. It is a grayish-white metal with a bluish tint. The first artistic products made of zinc - decorative sculptures, bas-reliefs - appeared in the 18th century. At the end of the 19th century, candlesticks, table sconces, candelabra, and decorative sculptures were made from zinc using artistic casting, which were often tinted bronze or gilded. In jewelry, zinc is used to prepare solders, and also as one of the components in various alloys.

Cast iron. Exist the following types cast iron: foundry (gray), pig iron (white) and special. For the manufacture of artistic products, only foundry or gray cast iron is used. Gray cast iron is the main material for artistic casting. Vases and small sculptures, caskets and boxes, ashtrays and candlesticks, gardening items and many other products are cast from it.

Brass or steel in household piping

When choosing shut-off valves for pipelines, or even if you buy a regular faucet for home, sooner or later the question may arise about the material of these products: “What is better, brass or steel?” Indeed, over time (and water through the pipes), due to the fact that in cold water and hot water systems the environment is generally not suitable for drinking, not so clean, lime deposits, burr are formed, or even electrochemical corrosion processes are possible, which can significantly narrow the channel's capacity in connecting nodes, or even disable it.

It is known for certain that such corrosion can occur in the presence of several factors - the connection of two different metals having different electrochemical potentials, their contact and immersion in an electrically conductive medium, and since a liquid is such, we can conclude that over time this contact can negatively affect the operation of the locking unit.

Steel is quite sensitive to water quality and tends to collect on the surface much more new growths and contaminants than brass, moreover, brass does not darken and is absolutely not susceptible to corrosion, and according to authoritative information it has a long service life - over ten years, with virtually no loss of its shine, which in household plumbing makes sense, agree. When making parts from brass, as well as in cases with stainless steel, nickel or chromium is often added to its composition to improve its characteristics. Steel still darkens over the years, plus, products made from it are somewhat more expensive. You may have probably noticed that household taps made of stainless steel have become less and less common on sale, and there are a number of reasons for this, in addition to the already obvious ones mentioned above; when installing these, you need to take care of a special filter, in general this, as you can see, is quite troublesome and not cheap. In general, the ideal material for domestic water equipment is copper, which, due to its sanitary parameters, is most suitable for this, but this needs to be discussed in a separate line.

What is heavier: gold or lead, iron, silver or platinum?

Almost everyone in school was told by their chemistry teachers about the incredible density of the yellow metal. And most of the students asked what is heavier, gold or its counterpart on the periodic table - lead? It is about 19.3 grams per cubic centimeter. Due to its chemical composition, gold does not enter into any reactions with the environment.

That is why it is so actively used in dentistry. This metal can be not only yellow. It depends on the components included in its composition. However, regardless of color, products made from this metal are incredibly popular.

The question arises, how does the density of gold compare to the density of other metals? Which element has the largest mass? This article can answer these and many other questions.

Uses of gold

The demand for the yellow metal determines not only its use in the production of jewelry and the increase in the state’s gold and foreign exchange reserves. It is also very widely used in many other areas.

Gold began to be actively used in industry due to chemical properties. It covers mirrors operating in the far infrared range. This is especially useful when conducting all kinds of nuclear research. Gold is also very often used for soldering components made of various materials.

Another area of ​​application is dentistry. This is due not only to the impossibility of the yellow metal entering into a chemical bond with the human body, but also to its incredible corrosion resistance.

Pharmacology also cannot do without the use of this amazing yellow metal. Gold compounds are now actively used in various medical preparations that save from the most various diseases.

These are not the only uses for gold. Due to rapid progress, there is an increasing need to use gold content in technological innovations. From this we can conclude that yellow metal is not only an attribute of luxury, but also a useful technical tool, the importance of which is increasing every year.

Silver, like gold, has been known to mankind since ancient times. It is used not only in the manufacture of jewelry, but also for the production of tableware. Previously, silver was very actively used in coinage. And today you can see some coins containing a little silver. When choosing a precious metal, the question often arises: what is heavier, gold or another precious metal - silver.

The density of this metal is slightly less than that of lead. It is equal to 10.5 grams per cubic centimeter. This means that gold is almost twice as heavy as silver.

Besides creating silverware and various decorations, this material is very actively used in industry, as well as in the photographic industry.

The main properties due to which this element has become so widely used in the industrial field are excellent thermal and electrical conductivity, excellent resistance to interaction with the environment, as well as excellent reflectivity.

Rapidly developing technological progress has significantly reduced the use of silver in the photographic industry. This is due to the fact that, thanks to the implementation modern technologies the process of producing and using photographic equipment has become much more accessible to most people. This is what ensured a reduction in the use of silver by more than 3 times.

Due to its bactericidal properties, this metal is very actively used in medicine. Currently, silver is used to produce antibacterial patches, as well as to produce filters for purifying water from harmful microorganisms.

Silver nitrate used in medicine.

It should be said that the density of lead is almost 10 times less than the density of the noble yellow metal. To understand the density of lead, it should be said that the density of birch or linden is 25 times less. According to the density table, lead is in 20th place, and gold is in seventh. From this it is easy to conclude that the yellow metal is much heavier than its opponent.

This element is very well used in the production of various metal structures, as well as in the medical field. This is due to the non-transmission of X-ray rays. The widespread use of lead in various fields is also associated with the very cheap cost of this metal. Its cost is almost half the cost of aluminum. Another advantage is the relative ease of extraction of this material, which provides a huge supply to the world market.

It is one of the oldest metals known to man. The first metal products, according to the results of archaeological research, appeared in the fourth millennium BC. Iron is much cheaper than the yellow precious metal. This is due to the high content of iron ore in the depths. And as they say in the economics textbook, the greater the demand, the lower the price of the product.

Unlike gold, iron has several oxidation states, and it interacts very actively with the environment. Russia occupies a leading position in the world in terms of iron ore reserves.

You should immediately answer the question of interest: what is heavier, a precious metal such as gold or ordinary iron. To answer this you will need to look at the density of metals. The density of the precious metal is already known, let’s find the value for iron. It is equal to 7.844 grams per cubic centimeter. It follows from this that this metal, with an equal volume, is not only lighter than gold, but also silver and lead.


This element has been known since time immemorial, but in Europe, in its pure form, it was obtained at the beginning of the 19th century. Platinum is a noble metal whose value used to be 2.2 times that of gold. This was due to the very small amount of platinum in the world. There are about 30 grams of platinum per kilogram of the yellow metal. At this point in time, the cost of gold is noticeably higher. This is due to chemical and physical properties metal

Platinum is a white-silver metal of extraordinary beauty, which, like gold, occupies a leading place among metals. The most important feature of this metal is its strength. Therefore, platinum jewelry does not wear out. In Russia, the following hallmarks of platinum exist - 950,900, 850. A platinum jewelry item contains about 95% pure platinum, and a gold item contains 750 assay value, 75% gold.

Due to its high content, this metal is almost impossible to scratch. This is why it is so widely used in industry. But with gold it’s a completely different story. Another reason is the fact that all countries' gold and foreign exchange funds consist of gold. This practice has evolved over centuries and now it is simply pointless to spend decades reforming a well-functioning system.

It is surprising that platinum, at a certain period of time, was considered waste from gold mining, which was immediately thrown away.

Having assessed the density of the above metals, I wanted to know what would be heavier, gold, which will remain the unsurpassed leader, or platinum. The density of platinum is 21.45 grams per cubic centimeter. From this we can conclude that platinum is heavier than the yellow metal. Therefore, jewelry made of platinum weighs more than jewelry made of gold.

Heaviest elements

The density of five elements was given above, of which platinum is the heaviest. However, it is not the heaviest element existing on earth. The density of the heaviest element is 22.61 grams per cubic centimeter. His name is Osmium.

Only this is not the limit of density. True, this element was created artificially in 1984. They named it Hassiy, its density is almost twice that of osmium.

Surprisingly, this is not a chapel either. There are materials many tens of times higher than the density of Hassia. However, they are in outer space. The matter contained in white dwarfs can have a density of up to 1000 tons per cubic centimeter. This news shocked the world community.

However, this is not the limit. Neutron stars contain matter with a density of about 500 million tons per cubic centimeter. This figure can easily be surpassed by the density of black holes, however, due to the difficulties of conducting research, this is only theoretical.

Humanity began to actively use metals back in 3000-4000 BC. Then people became acquainted with the most common of them: gold, silver, copper. These metals were very easy to find on the surface of the earth. A little later they learned about chemistry and began to isolate such species as tin, lead and iron. In the Middle Ages, very poisonous types of metals gained popularity. There was arsenic in use, which poisoned more than half of the royal court in France. Likewise, which helped cure various diseases of those times, from sore throat to the plague. Already before the twentieth century, more than 60 metals were known, and at the beginning of the 21st century - 90. Progress does not stand still and leads humanity forward. But the question arises, which metal is heavy and weighs more than all the others? And in general, what are they, these heaviest metals in the world?

Many people mistakenly think that gold and lead are the heaviest metals. Why exactly did this happen? Many of us grew up watching old movies and seeing the main character using a lead plate to protect himself from vicious bullets. In addition, lead plates are still used today in some types of body armor. And when you hear the word gold, many people think of a picture of heavy ingots of this metal. But thinking that they are the heaviest is a mistake!

To determine the heaviest metal, one must take into account its density, because the higher the density of a substance, the heavier it is.

TOP 10 heaviest metals in the world

  1. Osmium (22.62 g/cm3),
  2. Iridium (22.53 g/cm3),
  3. Platinum (21.44 g/cm3),
  4. Rhenium (21.01 g/cm3),
  5. Neptunium (20.48 g/cm3),
  6. Plutonium (19.85 g/cm3),
  7. Gold (19.85 g/cm3)
  8. Tungsten (19.21 g/cm3),
  9. Uranium (18.92 g/cm3),
  10. Tantalum (16.64 g/cm3).

And where is the lead? And he is located much lower on this list, in the middle of the second ten.

Osmium and iridium are the heaviest metals in the world

Let's look at the main heavyweights who share 1st and 2nd places. Let's start with iridium and at the same time say words of gratitude to the English scientist Smithson Tennat, who in 1803 obtained this chemical element from platinum, where it was present along with osmium as an impurity. Iridium can be translated from ancient Greek as “rainbow”. The metal is white with a silver tint and can be called not only the heaviest, but also the most durable. There is very little of it on our planet and only up to 10,000 kg are mined per year. It is known that most iridium deposits can be found at meteorite impact sites. Some scientists come to the conclusion that this metal was previously widespread on our planet, but due to its weight, it constantly squeezed itself closer to the center of the Earth. Iridium is now widely in demand in industry and is used to generate electrical energy. Paleontologists also like to use it, and with the help of iridium they determine the age of many finds. In addition, this metal can be used to coat some surfaces. But this is difficult to do.

Next, let's look at osmium. It is the heaviest in the periodic table of Mendeleev, and, accordingly, the heaviest metal in the world. Osmium is tin-white with a blue tint and was also discovered by Smithson Tennat at the same time as iridium. Osmium is almost impossible to process and is mainly found at meteorite impact sites. It smells unpleasant, the smell is like a mixture of chlorine and garlic. And from ancient Greek it is translated as “smell”. The metal is quite refractory and is used in light bulbs and other devices with refractory metals. For just one gram of this element you have to pay more than $10,000, which makes it clear that the metal is very rare.


Whatever one may say, the heaviest metals are very rare and therefore they are expensive. And we must remember for the future that neither gold nor lead are the heaviest metals in the world! Iridium and osmium are the winners in weight!

And only D.I. Mendeleev’s table of elements can help you, or the table of specific gravities of various substances, and in this case, metals. As for the periodic table, where they operate with the atomic weights of elements, here we can only give a qualitative assessment. one hundred heavier - gold or silver.

And a comparison of the atomic masses of gold (197) and silver (108) decides the question not in favor of silver, and gives the answer:

gold is heavier than silver.

But you can determine the weight specifically by the volume of a substance using the table of specific gravities.

Density of gold = 19321 kg\m^3. silver density = 10500 kg\m^3.

Which also indicates that the same volume of gold is heavier than silver.

And here is the correct answer :). Both bars have the same weight. But the mass is different (it’s easy to even calculate how much). 1 kg of gold takes up less volume (about 50 cubic cm) than 1 kg of silver (95 cubic cm). This means that 1 kg of silver on Earth (!) is subject to a greater Archimedean force, therefore the mass of this ingot is greater. Difference 0.045 cu. dm. Air density 1.29 g/cubic dm. This means that the difference in mass is about 60 mg. Quite a lot for a precious metal :). I don’t know if anyone has tried to profit from this, for example, by weighing ingots at the pole and at the equator, where there will even be a difference in weight!

The answer is simple. Gold is one of the heaviest metals; with the same volume, it weighs more than silver. Judge for yourself: the density of gold is 19.3 g/cm³, but the density of silver is 10.5 g/cm3. As you can see, the density of gold is almost twice the density of silver; accordingly, with the same volume, a gold bar will be much heavier than a silver one.

Gold and silver: which is heavier?

From our school days, we remember how in chemistry class teachers talked about the high density of gold. We were wondering if there really is no metal that could compare with it and what is the density, such as silver, lead or iron?

After all, the density of this yellow metal is 19.3 grams per cubic centimeter (a golden ball with a diameter of 46.237 mm has a mass of 1 kg!). Element of group 11, sixth period of the periodic table, atomic number - 79, simple substance.

Among metals it ranks seventh in density. In front of it are the following elements: osmium (22.61 g/cm3), iridium (22.57 g/cm3), platinum (21.46 g/cm3), rhenium (21.02 g/cm3), neptunium (20 .45 g/cm3), plutonium (19.84 g/cm3). Gold is also a very soft metal - about 2 out of 10 on the Mohs scale.

It is the density that makes it easy to mine the noble yellow metal. The most common washing can provide a high degree of recovery from the rock. This factor cannot but please gold miners, and this alloy remains relevant to this day.

The fewer impurities in gold, the higher its purity. Accordingly, both the density and the price on the market are higher. The globally accepted hallmarks are: 375, 500, 585, 750, 958 (999 pure gold).

The demand for gold lies not only in its use in the production of jewelry, but also in industrial sectors. One of its areas of application is medicine and dentistry, due to its resistance to corrosion and oxidation. From this we can conclude that gold is not only a luxury item, but also a technical material, the demand for which has been growing every day over the years.

Silver Ag (from the Latin Argentum), like gold, has also long been known among the world's population as a currency metal. It is poured into ingots, which can be seen and purchased in banks and have their own standard measure. The lower the standard, the yellower and more faded the silver. 720 standard is considered to be the lowest. 960 standard is the highest. It has high plasticity, is easy to polish and forge, which allows you to make jewelry from it.

In addition to its use in the jewelry industry, it is used for the manufacture of dishes, cutlery, mechanical and instrument making. Previously widely used for casting coins. Now widely used in medicine, as it has bactericidal properties. Silver is used to create filters for water purification.

Its density is 10.5 grams per cubic centimeter. This is slightly less than the density of lead. The element is group 11, the fifth period of the periodic table and has atomic number 47, a simple substance. Silver is a fairly heavy metal, silvery-white in color.

It has extremely high thermal conductivity, which sets it apart from other metals. Unlike gold, it can be oxidized. Silver is considered to be an alloy of pure silver and other metals. This allows you to improve certain characteristics.

Based on this, we can conclude that the density of the metal can be calculated by the sample number.

With the same volume, the weight of gold is almost twice the weight of silver. This is indicated by many factors, such as atomic mass: gold - 196, silver - 107, density: gold - 19.3 g/cm³, silver - 10.5 g/cm³

Comparison of gold with other metals

Lead Pb (from the Latin Plumbum) is an element of group 14, the sixth period of the periodic table, atomic number - 82. Its density is 11.3 g/cm³, and is classified as a heavy metal.

Lead has shine, softness, malleability, and has a gray-blue color when cut. When exposed to air, it becomes covered with an oxide film, which serves as a kind of protection, but fades over time.

It was used by humans in ancient metallurgical processes, namely smelting. Native lead, like gold and silver, is very rarely found in nature. Most often these are impurities with zinc. It is mined in ores, after which it is processed in shaft furnaces by firing.

This metal differs from the above in its low thermal conductivity, is prone to damage, is easily scratched, and can be cut with a knife. As it heats up, its density decreases. Also one of its disadvantages is toxicity.

In case of poisoning, sharp sharp pains in the abdomen, convulsions and even fainting are noticed. Lead can accumulate in the kidneys and liver.

So, if we compare gold and lead, then looking at their density we can conclude that gold again turned out to be heavier.

Next in line is hardware. How are things going with him? Let's take a closer look at its properties.

Iron Fe (from the Latin Ferrum) is an element of group 8, the fourth period of the periodic table, atomic number - 26. Density - 7.874 g/cm³.

It ranks second in abundance in the earth's crust, after aluminum. The metal has a silvery-white color, is malleable, burns in pure oxygen, is susceptible to corrosion at high humidity, in its pure form is soft and ductile, various impurities increase hardness and brittleness.

Its average hardness is 4 out of 10 on the Mohs scale. Has magnetic properties. Found in iron-nickel meteorites. Scientists believe that the earth's core is mostly made of iron.

Given its properties, iron is used in the manufacture of magnets, both small in size (in household appliances) and for large-scale production. The strength of the material is used for casting weapons and armor. Widely used alloys are cast iron and steel.

The density of iron depends on its chemical composition. For example, the presence of silicon and carbon in the alloy reduces its properties. While cast iron has the opposite effect and increases density.

Now let's return to the topic of our article and determine which of the materials described above is the heaviest? It was not in vain that we considered the density of gold, silver, lead and iron. It is this factor that affects weight. We can come to the conclusion that if you put several identical pieces of the above-mentioned metals, they will turn out to be different in volume and size.

Summing up, it becomes clear that there is no need to immediately run to the scales and see which alloy is heavier. It is enough to look at the periodic table and know their density.

Which is heavier: gold or lead?

Almost everyone in school was told by their chemistry teachers about the incredible density of the yellow metal. And most of the students asked what is heavier, gold or its counterpart on the periodic table - lead? It is about 19.3 grams per cubic centimeter. Due to its chemical composition, gold does not enter into any reactions with the environment.

That is why it is so actively used in dentistry. This metal can be not only yellow. It depends on the components included in its composition. However, regardless of color, products made from this metal are incredibly popular.

The question arises, how does the density of gold compare to the density of other metals? Which element has the largest mass? This article can answer these and many other questions.

Uses of gold

The demand for the yellow metal determines not only its use in the production of jewelry and the increase in the state’s gold and foreign exchange reserves. It is also very widely used in many other areas.

In industry, gold began to be actively used due to its chemical properties. It covers mirrors operating in the far infrared range. This is especially useful when conducting all kinds of nuclear research. Gold is also very often used for soldering components made of various materials.

Another area of ​​application is dentistry. This is due not only to the impossibility of the yellow metal entering into a chemical bond with the human body, but also to its incredible corrosion resistance.

Pharmacology also cannot do without the use of this amazing yellow metal. Gold compounds are now actively used in various medical preparations that save from a wide variety of diseases.

These are not the only uses for gold. Due to rapid progress, there is an increasing need to use gold content in technological innovations. From this we can conclude that yellow metal is not only an attribute of luxury, but also a useful technical tool, the importance of which is increasing every year.

Silver, like gold, has been known to mankind since ancient times. It is used not only in the manufacture of jewelry, but also for the production of tableware. Previously, silver was very actively used in coinage. And today you can see some coins containing a little silver. When choosing a precious metal, the question often arises: what is heavier, gold or another precious metal - silver.

The density of this metal is slightly less than that of lead. It is equal to 10.5 grams per cubic centimeter. This means that gold is almost twice as heavy as silver.

In addition to creating silverware and various jewelry, this material is very actively used in industry, as well as in the photographic industry.

The main properties due to which this element has become so widely used in the industrial field are excellent thermal and electrical conductivity, excellent resistance to interaction with the environment, as well as excellent reflectivity.

Rapidly developing technological progress has significantly reduced the use of silver in the photographic industry. This is due to the fact that thanks to the introduction of modern technologies, the process of producing and using photographic equipment has become much more accessible to most people. This is what ensured a reduction in the use of silver by more than 3 times.

Due to its bactericidal properties, this metal is very actively used in medicine. Currently, silver is used to produce antibacterial patches, as well as to produce filters for purifying water from harmful microorganisms.

Silver nitrate used in medicine.

It should be said that the density of lead is almost 10 times less than the density of the noble yellow metal. To understand the density of lead, it should be said that the density of birch or linden is 25 times less. According to the density table, lead is in 20th place, and gold is in seventh. From this it is easy to conclude that the yellow metal is much heavier than its opponent.

This element is very well used in the production of various metal structures, as well as in the medical field. This is due to the non-transmission of X-ray rays. The widespread use of lead in various fields is also associated with the very cheap cost of this metal. Its cost is almost half the cost of aluminum. Another advantage is the relative ease of extraction of this material, which provides a huge supply to the world market.

It is one of the oldest metals known to man. The first metal products, according to the results of archaeological research, appeared in the fourth millennium BC. Iron is much cheaper than the yellow precious metal. This is due to the high content of iron ore in the depths. And as they say in the economics textbook, the greater the demand, the lower the price of the product.

Unlike gold, iron has several oxidation states, and it interacts very actively with the environment. Russia occupies a leading position in the world in terms of iron ore reserves.

You should immediately answer the question of interest: what is heavier, a precious metal such as gold or ordinary iron. To answer this you will need to look at the density of metals. The density of the precious metal is already known, let’s find the value for iron. It is equal to 7.844 grams per cubic centimeter. It follows from this that this metal, with an equal volume, is not only lighter than gold, but also silver and lead.

This element has been known since time immemorial, but in Europe, in its pure form, it was obtained at the beginning of the 19th century. Platinum is a noble metal whose value used to be 2.2 times that of gold. This was due to the very small amount of platinum in the world. There are about 30 grams of platinum per kilogram of the yellow metal. At this point in time, the cost of gold is noticeably higher. This is due to the chemical and physical properties of the metal.

Platinum is a white-silver metal of extraordinary beauty, which, like gold, occupies a leading place among metals. The most important feature of this metal is its strength. Therefore, platinum jewelry does not wear out. In Russia, the following hallmarks of platinum exist: 950,900, 850. Platinum jewelry contains about 95% pure platinum, and a gold item contains 750 hallmarks, 75% gold.

Due to its high content, this metal is almost impossible to scratch. This is why it is so widely used in industry. But with gold it’s a completely different story. Another reason is the fact that all countries' gold and foreign exchange funds consist of gold. This practice has evolved over centuries and now it is simply pointless to spend decades reforming a well-functioning system.

It is surprising that platinum, at a certain period of time, was considered waste from gold mining, which was immediately thrown away.

Having assessed the density of the above metals, I wanted to know what would be heavier, gold, which will remain the unsurpassed leader, or platinum. The density of platinum is 21.45 grams per cubic centimeter. From this we can conclude that platinum is heavier than the yellow metal. Therefore, jewelry made of platinum weighs more than jewelry made of gold.

Heaviest elements

The density of five elements was given above, of which platinum is the heaviest. However, it is not the heaviest element existing on earth. The density of the heaviest element is 22.61 grams per cubic centimeter. His name is Osmium.

Only this is not the limit of density. True, this element was created artificially in 1984. They named it Hassiy, its density is almost twice that of osmium.

Surprisingly, this is not a chapel either. There are materials many tens of times higher than the density of Hassia. However, they are in outer space. The matter contained in white dwarfs can have a density of up to 1000 tons per cubic centimeter. This news shocked the world community.

However, this is not the limit. Neutron stars contain matter with a density of about 500 million tons per cubic centimeter. This figure can easily be surpassed by the density of black holes, however, due to the difficulties of conducting research, this is only theoretical.

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Both silver and gold have been known to mankind since ancient times. These metals were valued and were attributed medicinal and magical properties. Not all people could wear jewelry made from these precious metals, but only those whose status allowed it.

These metals were revered different countries differently, but their role in cultural traditions was similar. In ancient Babylon and Assyria, silver was revered as a sacred symbol of the Moon.

Gold was considered in the Middle East and Ancient Egypt symbol of the Sun or the Dawn. He was worshiped and wars were fought for his possession.

Both precious metals were used to mint coins and create jewelry and tableware. IN modern world gold and silver jewelry are still in price. Both women and men like them. And the question often arises about whether close contact of these metals with the human body is beneficial or harmful.

The benefits and harms of silver

Silver is found everywhere in microscopic quantities; it is a constant component of all living things, including humans. It has antimicrobial properties; colloidal silver solution kills staphylococcus and E. coli. It was customary to give a silver spoon to a baby for baptism; silverware was considered good for health. It has long been noted that if you put it in a vessel with water silver coin, then the water does not turn sour and green.

Silver is believed to have a calming effect on nervous system, it gives peace of mind and normalizes blood pressure.

But we should not forget that silver is a heavy metal that can poison the body by accumulating in it. Working in silver mines is hazardous to health.

The benefits and harms of gold

Gold, like silver, is found in all living organisms. True, it is almost impossible to detect it. Gold preparations are used in official medicine in the treatment of certain autoimmune diseases.

It is believed that gold strengthens the body, gives it new energy and improves immunity. It is useful to wear for people with liver diseases, as well as those prone to sadness, melancholy and depression.

Gold is an inert metal, but some of its compounds are toxic and can accumulate in the liver and kidneys.

Edited by Nady1982 (01/05/2016 21:12)

Is it possible to wear silver and gold jewelry all the time?

Millions of people on the planet wear gold and silver chains with crosses or lucky earrings given by grandmother. Wedding rings on the hands wear out from constant wear, and among representatives of some tribes, rings are worn in the ears or nose forever.

However, there are cases where people are hypersensitive to silver or gold. In rare cases, headaches and rapid heartbeat occur, and redness appears where the metal touched the skin. This is an individual intolerance to metal.

How to determine which metal is right for you?

Choosing your metal is easy - you have to like it. It’s nice to touch it, it’s nice to see a bracelet on your wrist or a ring on your finger. Go to a jewelry store and look at the collection of rings and earrings. The sparkle of metals and stones is mesmerizing, but it is quite possible that silver jewelry you can't look away, and gold doesn't evoke much emotion. Or vice versa.

Most people wear both silver and gold, skillfully choosing jewelry to match their outfits, creating their own unique look.

IN different periods In life, there is a desire to wear only one of the metals, for example, in youth one likes elegant rings made of silver, but in adulthood one is more attracted to massive gold. Modern large ones help you choose jewelry jewelry stores, having their own online catalogues,, for example. It is on the pages of the site that you can choose a set of ring and earrings, or order that bracelet that you have long dreamed of.

Do not deny yourself jewelry, beauty gives a lot of positive emotions and a joyful mood will bring much more benefits than lengthy discussions about which metal is more useful. Both silver and gold are useful if it gives you joy.

The heaviest metals in the world

Humanity began to actively use metals back in 3000-4000 BC. Then people became acquainted with the most common of them, this is gold. silver. copper. These metals were very easy to find on the surface of the earth. A little later they learned about chemistry and began to isolate such species as tin, lead and iron. In the Middle Ages, very poisonous types of metals gained popularity. Arsenic was in use. which poisoned more than half of the royal court in France. So does mercury. which helped cure various diseases of those times, from tonsillitis to the plague. Already before the twentieth century, more than 60 metals were known, and at the beginning of the 21st century - 90. Progress does not stand still and leads humanity forward. But the question arises, which metal is heavy and weighs more than all the others? And in general, what are they, these heaviest metals in the world?

Many people mistakenly think that gold and lead are the heaviest metals. Why exactly did this happen? Many of us grew up watching old movies and seeing the main character using a lead plate to protect himself from vicious bullets. In addition, lead plates are still used today in some types of body armor. And when you hear the word gold, many people think of a picture of heavy ingots of this metal. But thinking that they are the heaviest is a mistake!

To determine the heaviest metal, one must take into account its density, because the higher the density of a substance, the heavier it is.

TOP 10 heaviest metals in the world

  1. Osmium (22.62 g/cm3),
  2. Iridium (22.53 g/cm3),
  3. Platinum (21.44 g/cm3),
  4. Rhenium (21.01 g/cm3),
  5. Neptunium (20.48 g/cm3),
  6. Plutonium (19.85 g/cm3),
  7. Gold (19.85 g/cm3)
  8. Tungsten (19.21 g/cm3),
  9. Uranium (18.92 g/cm3),
  10. Tantalum (16.64 g/cm3).

And where is the lead? And he is located much lower on this list, in the middle of the second ten.

Osmium and iridium are the heaviest metals in the world

Let's look at the main heavyweights who share 1st and 2nd places. Let's start with iridium and at the same time say words of gratitude to the English scientist Smithson Tennat, who in 1803 obtained this chemical element from platinum, where it was present along with osmium as an impurity. Iridium can be translated from ancient Greek as “rainbow”. The metal is white with a silver tint and can be called not only the heaviest, but also the most durable. There is very little of it on our planet and only up to 10,000 kg are mined per year. It is known that most iridium deposits can be found at meteorite impact sites. Some scientists come to the conclusion that this metal was previously widespread on our planet, but due to its weight, it constantly squeezed itself closer to the center of the Earth. Iridium is now widely in demand in industry and is used to generate electrical energy. Paleontologists also like to use it, and with the help of iridium they determine the age of many finds. In addition, this metal can be used to coat some surfaces. But this is difficult to do.

Next, let's look at osmium. It is the heaviest in the periodic table of Mendeleev. well, accordingly, the heaviest metal in the world. Osmium is tin-white with a blue tint and was also discovered by Smithson Tennat at the same time as iridium. Osmium is almost impossible to process and is mainly found at meteorite impact sites. It smells unpleasant, the smell is like a mixture of chlorine and garlic. And from ancient Greek it is translated as “smell”. The metal is quite refractory and is used in light bulbs and other devices with refractory metals. For just one gram of this element you have to pay more than $10,000, which makes it clear that the metal is very rare.

Whatever one may say, the heaviest metals are very rare and therefore they are expensive. And we must remember for the future that neither gold nor lead are the heaviest metals in the world! Iridium and osmium are the winners in weight!

Increased interest in the question of which is better - gold or silver, arises whenever there is a conversation about these precious and noble metals. It is practically impossible to come to an unambiguous conclusion. The fact is that each of them has enough big amount properties that speak of merit.

About the advantageous features

In a debate about whether gold or silver is better, a variety of indicators attract attention: beauty, prestige, magical features, healing properties, durability and strength of the metal. Many people care about the cost.

For some, it is important that gold jewelry is a sign of power, wealth, nobility, while others contrast this with the airiness, lightness, and grace of silver. For still others, the durability and strength of the metal is important. Some people discuss how beneficial and harmful metals are for the body as a whole.

Many people care about the price difference. The issue of price is easy to understand. Gold is more expensive than any metal, it is much more expensive than silver. This is an axiom. But sometimes you can hear arguments about which is heavier. The answer is clear – gold is heavier. Why gold? Because you need to take into account the volume and density of metals, and for gold it is higher. A kilogram of gold will look almost twice the volume of a kilogram of silver. It's all about the density of the substance.

Some people are constantly wondering whether gold and silver are magnetic. It should be noted that there are so few magnetic properties in them that they do not manifest themselves in any way.

Fashion faces the greatest difficulties: what is better to wear in jewelry – the sunny warmth of gold or the gentle coolness of silver. In order not to make a mistake in your choice, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the comparative characteristics of precious metals.

When looking closely at jewelry, you can focus on several indicators:

  1. Who will have to wear it?
  2. For what purpose is it purchased?
  3. Is it suitable for the intended owner?

For example, gold is more suitable for people who are self-confident and have already reached adulthood. The presence of gold jewelry often symbolizes a person’s status and can indicate his energy and success in business. Silver is in demand among emotional and sensitive people, who have fine mental organization and intuition.

One can argue with the popular belief that gold accessories are more appropriate for older people.

After all, it is gold rings that are usually exchanged between young spouses. Gold jewelry – wonderful gift for loved ones.

Distinguished by its peculiar modesty, silver is more suitable to a young girl with her lightness, airiness and naivety. But an excess of gold or silver jewelry will create an impression of pretentiousness and bad taste for all owners.

About healing and magical properties

These precious metals have excellent medicinal properties. Considering their characteristics, gold is preferable for those who have poor circulation, signs of vascular and cardiac pathologies, and problems with the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and gastrointestinal tract.

It is generally accepted that wearing gold items can help prevent depressive states, improving memory, increasing intellectual abilities. The warmth of gold can relax and calm older people, as well as children.

Gold, according to Eastern teachings, contains solar energy, which has a positive effect on the general condition of individuals who tend to succumb to despondency, suffer from low blood pressure and a feeling of fatigue. Thanks to gold jewelry they receive the power of the Sun.

As for silver, first of all it should be noted its diagnostic feature - the ability to signal the onset of a disease by changing its appearance(gets dark, fades). The fact that metal has antibacterial properties is undeniable, which is why water has been purified with it for a long time.

Despite the fact that silver can have a positive effect on vision and cardiac function, it is not advisable for older people to wear it due to its ability to emit coldness.

In rare cases, prolonged wearing of gold and silver jewelry can provoke allergic skin reactions. They can manifest as irregular heart rhythm, redness in places of contact with the body, and headache. In such situations, these products should be discarded.

When purchasing gold products, it is important to consider that it can bring bad luck if it was purchased by cunning or deception. It does not like embittered, stingy, lazy people and will not bring them success and prosperity. But it helps those who achieve everything through hard work. Helps pessimistic people, provided that products made from it are constantly close to the body.

Silver pendants, bracelets, and rings are recommended to be worn by young women who want to have children or are already carrying them. Things made of silver attract luck, prosperity, and love. The ability of silver to sense the energy field of each person makes it possible to prevent the negative effects of the evil eye and the influence of evil forces.

How to make your choice?

Choosing fashion accessory, it is advisable to know who goes with gold and who can wear silver jewelry. Oddly enough, men are not advised to wear gold, but there are no contraindications for women. The philistine point of view boils down to the fact that it is worthless stronger sex decorating yourself is the prerogative of women. But if we take into account the point of view of representatives of alternative medicine, then there is reason to think about it. The danger is that the oxidation process, which occurs due to the presence of impurities in gold, negatively affects blood counts. This can cause male infertility and impotence.

But is it really forbidden for men to wear gold? Not at all. Good products will add weight and self-confidence to a man in a dignified manner. But you should listen to the opinion of doctors. They recommend not wearing these items all the time. To believe in it or not is everyone's business.

It’s easier for women - their subcutaneous fat layer is thicker than men’s - this protects them from the negative effects of gold. Taking advantage, women wear entire sets made by skilled craftsmen. However, representatives of the fair sex should take into account some nuances when choosing jewelry made of gold and silver:

  1. Gold is very suitable for women with delicate skin tones. These may be the owners of green or brown eyes.
  2. Silver will decorate a representative with a healthy complexion – a brunette.
  3. Gold is not particularly selective regarding zodiac signs. The only exception is for Cancer and Pisces, for whom it is preferable to choose an alloy from these metals.
  4. Silver has no restrictions at all.
  5. It is better for unmarried girls to choose silver jewelry.

All this, of course, is conditional. But it is characteristic that youth likes the grace and lightness of silver, and maturity gravitates towards the good quality of gold. At the same time, women forget about the rejuvenating properties of silver.

You should not wear gold and silver at the same time. This will lead to disharmony not only aesthetic, but also physical. Over time, sudden mood swings can be observed - from cheerful to sad, as well as a deterioration in the condition of the body as a whole.

A few words about caring for gold and silver items

To ensure that your jewelry never ceases to please, it is advisable to clean it at least once every three months. This is easy to do at home.

A warm soapy solution works well for cleaning gold. The product should be immersed in it for an hour (1 tablespoon of liquid soap per glass of water). After this, you can clean hard-to-reach places with a soft brush, rinse clean water and wipe with a soft cloth. The cleaning method is similar, but with the addition of baking soda. You can just rub it chapstick, then wipe thoroughly with flannel or a special gold cleaning cloth.

Silver requires more delicate care. It is easy to restore tarnished or darkened silver to its splendor. To do this, lower it for a few minutes in soap solution, then rub with toothpaste applied to soft material. A polish for silver items cleans such jewelry perfectly.

Can you polish silver? baking soda by mixing it with a small amount of water. Rub the product with the resulting mixture for several minutes. The effect will exceed expectations - the silver will sparkle with newness.

When caring for gold and silver jewelry, it is very important to avoid contact with hard objects and chemicals, including cosmetics.

It is advisable to store them in boxes separately from each other and from other jewelry.

Timely cleaning and proper care– the key to preserving the shine and grandeur of your favorite jewelry. In this form they will delight the eye for many years. To decide on making the right choice, you should rely on your intuition, on the emotions that come from touching magnificent silver or gold items. The main thing is to experience the joy of owning fascinating jewelry, and not torment yourself with questions about price and benefits.

From our school days, we remember how in chemistry class teachers talked about the high density of gold. We were wondering if there really is no metal that could compare with it and what is the density, such as silver, lead or iron?

After all, the density of this yellow metal is 19.3 grams per cubic centimeter (a golden ball with a diameter of 46.237 mm has a mass of 1 kg!). Element of group 11, sixth period of the periodic table, atomic number - 79, simple substance.

Among metals it ranks seventh in density. In front of it are the following elements: osmium (22.61 g/cm3), iridium (22.57 g/cm3), platinum (21.46 g/cm3), rhenium (21.02 g/cm3), neptunium (20 .45 g/cm3), plutonium (19.84 g/cm3). Gold is also a very soft metal - about 2 out of 10 on the Mohs scale.

It is the density that makes it easy to mine the noble yellow metal. The most common washing can provide a high degree of recovery from the rock. This factor cannot but please gold miners, and this alloy remains relevant to this day.

The fewer impurities in gold, the higher its purity. Accordingly, both the density and the price on the market are higher. The globally accepted hallmarks are: 375, 500, 585, 750, 958 (999 pure gold).

The demand for gold lies not only in its use in the production of jewelry, but also in industrial sectors. One of its areas of application is medicine and dentistry, due to its resistance to corrosion and oxidation. From this we can conclude that gold is not only a luxury item, but also a technical material, the demand for which has been growing every day over the years.

Silver Ag (from the Latin Argentum), like gold, has also long been known among the world's population as a currency metal. It is poured into ingots, which can be seen and purchased in banks and have their own standard measure. The lower the standard, the yellower and more faded the silver. 720 standard is considered to be the lowest. 960 standard is the highest. It has high plasticity, is easy to polish and forge, which allows you to make jewelry from it.

In addition to its use in the jewelry industry, it is used for the manufacture of dishes, cutlery, mechanical and instrument making. Previously widely used for casting coins. Now widely used in medicine, as it has bactericidal properties. Silver is used to create filters for water purification.

Its density is 10.5 grams per cubic centimeter. This is slightly less than the density of lead. The element is group 11, the fifth period of the periodic table and has atomic number 47, a simple substance. Silver is a fairly heavy metal, silvery-white in color.

It has extremely high thermal conductivity, which sets it apart from other metals. Unlike gold, it can be oxidized. Silver is considered to be an alloy of pure silver and other metals. This allows you to improve certain characteristics.

Based on this, we can conclude that the density of the metal can be calculated by the sample number.

With the same volume, it is almost twice the weight of silver. This is indicated by many factors, such as atomic mass: gold - 196, silver - 107, density: gold - 19.3 g/cm³, silver - 10.5 g/cm³

Comparison of gold with other metals

Lead Pb (from the Latin Plumbum) is an element of group 14, the sixth period of the periodic table, atomic number - 82. Its density is 11.3 g/cm³, and is classified as a heavy metal.

Lead has shine, softness, malleability, and has a gray-blue color when cut. When exposed to air, it becomes covered with an oxide film, which serves as a kind of protection, but fades over time.

It was used by humans in ancient metallurgical processes, namely smelting. Native lead, as it is very rarely found in nature. Most often these are impurities with zinc. It is mined in ores, after which it is processed in shaft furnaces by firing.

This metal differs from the above in its low thermal conductivity, is prone to damage, is easily scratched, and can be cut with a knife. As it heats up, its density decreases. Also one of its disadvantages is toxicity.

In case of poisoning, sharp sharp pains in the abdomen, convulsions and even fainting are noticed. Lead can accumulate in the kidneys and liver.

So, if we compare gold and lead, then looking at their density we can conclude that gold again turned out to be heavier.

Next in line is hardware. How are things going with him? Let's take a closer look at its properties.

Iron Fe (from the Latin Ferrum) is an element of group 8, the fourth period of the periodic table, atomic number - 26. Density - 7.874 g/cm³.

It ranks second in abundance in the earth's crust, after aluminum. The metal has a silvery-white color, is malleable, burns in pure oxygen, is susceptible to corrosion at high humidity, in its pure form is soft and ductile, various impurities increase hardness and brittleness.

Its average hardness is 4 out of 10 on the Mohs scale. Has magnetic properties. Found in iron-nickel meteorites. Scientists believe that the earth's core is mostly made of iron.

Given its properties, iron is used in the manufacture of magnets, both small in size (in household appliances) and for large-scale production. The strength of the material is used for casting weapons and armor. Widely used alloys are cast iron and steel.

The density of iron depends on its chemical composition. For example, the presence of silicon and carbon in the alloy reduces its properties. While cast iron has the opposite effect and increases density.

Now let's return to the topic of our article and determine which of the materials described above is the heaviest? It was not in vain that we considered the density of gold, silver, lead and iron. It is this factor that affects weight. We can come to the conclusion that if you put several identical pieces of the above-mentioned metals, they will turn out to be different in volume and size.

Summing up, it becomes clear that there is no need to immediately run to the scales and see which alloy is heavier. It is enough to look at the periodic table and know their density.