Heavenly love. Husband has unearthly love Unearthly love what it is

Everything in the world is evolving. Love, a feeling that has been sung by poets for centuries, is no exception. I found it interesting to trace the evolution of this feeling.

Do you think that the concept of "love" has always existed? This is not true. At the dawn of mankind there was not even sex, there was animal mating, the purpose of which was exclusively the birth of offspring. Sex "invented" skin-visual woman. It was thanks to her that the mating began to be colored by an emotional connection, and procreation did not become an obligatory result of sexual relations. It was she who knew how, like no one else, to bring an element of emotions into relations with a man and “taught” the others this. This is how earthly love appeared.

At the moment, such love gives the greatest pleasure in the relationship between a man and a woman that a person is capable of. It is she who is sung by poets. Because of her, Romeo and Juliet die. For the sake of love, you are not afraid to die. However, only a person with a developed visual vector can experience such a bright and amplitude feeling. Emotions are the basis of the visual vector. In other vectors, it can be habit, care, excitement, that is, feelings that have a much smaller emotional amplitude.

Psychology of love. Sound love is the love of the future

However, this strong feeling is not the limit. Love will also change. The transition from mating to sexual relations increased the pleasure of intercourse many times over. The transition to sonic love will give endless enjoyment as a couple. It will be a million times greater than what we are experiencing now. What is sound love - the love of the future?

Love in sound is spiritual love. We can feel it by loving our neighbor, including him in ourselves, feeling his mental state, feeling his desires as our own. We adhere to the principle of pleasure for ourselves, when our desires are above all. But when we feel our neighbor within us, we feel one with him. He is the psychic that lives by him, and it becomes ours. We feel it within ourselves. We are ready to fulfill our common desire. It is like joining two halves of one soul. This is sound, "unearthly" love. People united by such love feel a special fulfillment.

Now only a few among spiritually developed people can experience this feeling. But in the future it will be available to everyone. And then physical intercourse will become secondary, performing only its function of procreation.

Even now sexuality, which has an animal nature, is being eroded in the world. Relationships between men and women are increasingly standardized. It has become customary to wash off the natural smells on which animal attraction is based. Relationships thrive online based on intellectual and emotional connection. The spread of accessible pornography is increasingly lowering the threshold of sexual acceptability. Sexual relations lose their intimacy, become something familiar and public. In developed countries, there is a loss of interest in sex among young people. That's not bad. These are the first signs of a transition to a new relationship, to the next level of love: priorities will change from the value of the physical body, physical pleasure to inner content, spiritual intimacy. Primary will not be smells and sexual desire, but the feeling of a partner, the knowledge of a woman and a man.

In the future, the concepts of betrayal, jealousy, marriage will go away. All children will be shared because relationships will be built according to the principle of relations between the urethral leader and the skin-visual woman, that is, according to the principle of priority of the general over the particular. The anal values ​​of “their family”, “their children” will become a thing of the past. It seems fantastic, but if you see the patterns of human development, its mental development, then you can very accurately predict that it will be so. Moreover, reality gives us more and more evidence of this.

Psychology of love. love in sound

In today's world, the collective sound is still underdeveloped and generally does not experience such love, full understanding and inclusion of one's neighbor. However, people with a sound vector, who make up 5% of the human community, are still able to feel love in a slightly different way than people with other vectors. For sound engineers, love is manifested in the direction of spiritual knowledge. But not all sound engineers are aware of this direction.

For a sound woman, such love (and in fact a spiritual search) can manifest itself in a strong dependence on a man, to whom she tends to transfer her spiritual quest, the search for the meaning of life. It is from him that she expects the fulfillment of her sound desires. She expects that he will bring her meaning, reveal her nature, fill her with that special feeling that sound love can give. But the man brings her food and knows nothing about her desire.

This dependence can last for many years. The woman will just be there, not demanding anything. She doesn't even need physical intimacy. At the same time, she will experience a strong craving for him, which cannot be filled with anything material - neither sex, nor provision, nor joint entertainment. All this will go into the black abyss of unfulfilled sound desire, leaving a feeling of deep dissatisfaction with life. It can be brought out of this state only by the understanding of one’s desire and its independent fulfillment with the help of the practice of mental awareness, which today only system-vector psychology can give.

It is clear that it will be better if there is a sound man next to a woman with a sound vector. Then their potentials will be equal and their values ​​compatible. Such a couple will develop. Otherwise, the woman will feel constant dissatisfaction, not realizing its causes.

With the help of system-vector psychology, we get the opportunity to experience love in a completely new way. First, we learn to see the manifestation of the hidden psychic in the form of vectors, then this purely mental understanding develops into a feeling of a person, when words and descriptions are not needed to merge with him, to feel his desires, a special unity with him. This special feeling of the neighbor, which gives us the opportunity to touch the unearthly feeling, cannot be compared with anything that mankind has known so far. This is our future.

What is true love and does it exist? Does unconditional love exist? Love and infatuation - what's the difference? What is "unearthly" love? Is there happiness on earth (or are we living in hell)? What is the secret of happiness, isn't that the secret of love?[From the answers of a family psychologist-psychotherapist "The right answer is born from the right questions" ("Psychological and psychotherapeutic community Pandora Center" and "Community of practicing psychologists, family psychologists and psychotherapists Psychologist O. D.")]

"The correct answer is born from

right questions,

addressed to himself"

Genuine love (earthly with an unearthly flavor) is when you dissolve in another person (beloved), you become one with him, i.e. your personal "ego" disappears. Sometimes, if you're lucky, you discover (realize, understand) that your "ego" never really existed, did not exist (illusion, maya).

This is where liberation takes place. There is peace and bliss in the soul. Love is not sensual pleasure. Sensual pleasure from another person is falling in love, which has a temporary effect (like any state of mind). Being in love is a state of mind, it is not a state of mind. Love, in other words, is "giving oneself" and giving "not as a punishment, but as a pleasure." It is considered unearthly, as it occurs (as it is commonly believed for well-known reasons (that is, in order not to work on oneself, not to lose "one's" "ego")) not often. True love rarely happens, because most people have a very strong sense of "ego", a sense of separation from each other, so the big "ego" love "can not survive."

For most people, "pulling" love into their lives requires serious work on themselves. This comes both through learning to live alone (gaining satisfaction from solitude, loneliness), and through overcoming difficulties in existing pair relationships, and most importantly, through developing the right attitude to difficulties (and not an artificial, not a fake attitude). And this requires certain knowledge in certain areas, as well as a certain understanding. Often, it is required to change not only one's attitude to what is happening, but also a change in worldview, ideas formed since childhood (or under the influence of society), personally colored emotional reactions.

That is, it requires a revision of all those harsh, distorted ideas about life that do not make a person happy from the very beginning, or at least those who seek to proceed from ideas (or faith in themselves and the world) that there is happiness (in this earthly world).

A person is born for enjoyment, but often this (hidden) truth of life requires not easy and not simple work on oneself, including work on personal growth, getting rid of the ego, finding one’s “calling”, ... - i.e. any from what will allow you to start living from a state of fullness, instead of a substitution in the form of an endless desire to fill your void or receive happiness (or love) from others.

By and large, love is familiar and accessible to everyone. It's just that this experience is hidden in simple unnoticed things and in that which itself comes into life effortlessly. This experience can be expanded, freed from "blocks" and "ballast" of unnecessary things.

Really (for capable people) even a partner for experiencing love is not a necessity. Relationships are needed to understand love, through overcoming one's "ego" (self-interest, the feeling of "mine").

If you are interested in the topic of love (overcoming loneliness, building harmonious relationships with the opposite sex, growth in relationships, psychological study of relationship crises, etc.), you can read articles by modern family psychologists and family psychotherapists. But it is better to do it selectively and professionally (practically), i.e. receive information on love and the psychology of relationships between men and women, (especially issues of building relationships and issues of environmentally ending relationships that have exhausted themselves!) consulting with specialists, since what suits one may not suit another, and one and the same approach is not a permanent scheme (it works today, but not tomorrow). Some underlying mechanisms and patterns can be studied in articles on

She walked through the wet streets, not feeling that she was soaked to the skin. It rained, thunder rumbled, but she didn't care anymore. For she would never, ever see him again. He will not hear his gentle and velvety voice, will not see his amazing eyes. Yes, his eyes, the eyes that recently looked at her with such sincerity, eyes that had so much tenderness and warmth. His eyes. She had never seen such eyes, and she never will, in his eyes there is so much something hidden, mysterious, bewitching. She remembered how he looked at her, from this look she wanted to melt, forget about everything and dissolve in him, be his, only him.

She had been walking for 2 hours, not knowing where herself, either home or somewhere else. She did not see the faces of passers-by, did not feel the cold, did not see anything around. The world is dead for her, only gray colors remain, and around, around is emptiness. This emptiness that eats from the inside and a dull pain in the heart. She didn't want to live, and how could life be called life without him? After all, he was everything for her, the most dear and close, beloved and loving, only she lived with him for the last 2 years.

Rain. But once they walked in the rain, and they were not afraid of the cold. Let the grandmothers from the windows of the houses point their fingers at them, but they were in love, happy and did not notice anything around. And it was natural, for them there was only this joy of meeting, the first kisses. Their relationship developed quickly, very quickly.

Before the eyes of Alyonka, the moment of their acquaintance surfaced. It was autumn. She, as always, was returning home from work, she didn’t want to go out, she wanted to be alone. Her life has recently lost any meaning, she didn’t want anything, she didn’t want to talk to anyone, even when her friends called, she didn’t pick up the phone. Sitting on the bus, she took out her book and deepened in reading, she did not even notice that a handsome young man sat next to her. Although only later she realized that although they were almost the same age, there was no way to call him a guy, there was something courageous, adult in him, he was a man.

Getting off at her final stop, she slipped on the steps, and would have fallen if someone's strong hands had not picked her up, she looked up and their eyes met. At that moment, some spark slipped between them, some chill pierced her whole body, and she so wanted to stay in these arms for the rest of her life. She understood, understood immediately. That here he is, whom she had been waiting for so long, the one that she dreamed about so often, about whom she dreamed, with whom she wanted to spend her whole life, to whom she wanted to give all the most precious thing that she had, for whom she wanted to live. Probably, he, too, felt something at that moment, he smiled his kind and a little cheeky smile, from this smile such warmth spread over her body. He said: - Apparently, heaven sent you to me, since you fell right into my hands!

God, what a voice he had, soft, gentle, insinuating. She doesn’t know how long they stood like that, looking at each other, the driver began to honk, because it was already late in the evening, and he wanted to get home as soon as possible, and here some crazy couple is standing on the steps of his bus and is not going to get out at all. They laughed and ran out of the bus. And, hand in hand, they went. It seemed that none of them knew exactly where they were going, they just walked, walked where their eyes looked, talked about what?

She doesn't even remember, but they talked and talked. It turned out that Sasha (that was his name) accidentally got into this area, he was going to the birthday party of his brother's girlfriend, whom he did not even see, his car broke down, and he had to use public transport. But at that moment they forgot about everything, Alenka forgot that they were waiting for her at home, they did not think about the time, they were fine, and so did not want to leave.

Alyonka came home only in the morning, her mother, seeing a smile on her face, did not even scold her, she had not seen her for so long.

And then the days of happiness began, they practically did not part, he met her after work, they walked, went to the cinema, to the zoo, to the theater, and sometimes just walked along the deserted autumn streets. Days, weeks passed, and they still behaved as if they had just met. After 3 months, she moved to live with him. How happy she was, how happy they were. She waited for him when he was late at work, cooked a delicious dinner, cleaned and she liked it. She liked everything that was connected with him, she liked falling asleep next to him, waking up and seeing him next to him, drinking morning coffee together. They didn't need anyone, they were so good together. Months passed, and the feelings seemed to grow stronger, Sasha simply adored Alyonka, he idolized her, showered her with gifts and flowers, did everything to make her happy. In the evenings, they dreamed, dreamed of a brighter future, they madly wanted to have children! Boy and girl.

She continued to walk in the rain, not knowing where she was going. Her thoughts were occupied only by him, dear, distant, beloved. Pictures from memory flashed before my eyes, moments of their lives.

Her birthday. Yes, she will never forget this day. Early in the morning she woke up from a call, glanced at the bed and noticed that Sasha was not around, thought that, probably, he was again called urgently to work. Waking up, understanding little, she picked up the phone and Sasha's cheerful and cheerful voice said that it was time to get up! And don't forget to look out the window! Alyonka did just that, looking down, she gasped, her beloved Sasha was standing under the windows, there was a sea of ​​flowers around, and the phrase was embedded with rose petals on the pavement: “Beloved! Happy Birthday!" How unexpected and pleasant it was, how warm it was in the soul from love for him. But the surprises of this day were not over yet, when Sasha went up to the apartment, in his arms he held a kitten, so tiny and red.

He said that they needed to prepare for the arrival of children and, for the time being, practice taking care of this tiny creature. How happy they were that day, it seemed that no one and nothing could separate them! That evening, Sasha proposed to her, Alyonka was in seventh heaven with happiness. They decided to sign in the summer, and spend their honeymoon in Paris, because Alyonka so dreamed of getting there.

Time passed, the kitten grew up and became a favorite of their small family, so small, mischievous and playful, he brought even more joy and happiness to their house. It seemed that no one could be happier.

... She walked, and all these memories brought her even more pain. Life was over, it ended that night when they called her and said that he, he was no more. How could this woman on the other end of the line say those words? Words that took away everything from her, everything that she loved, believed in, lived. How? How could this happen? What kind of accident is this? At that moment, she could not understand anything, only horror, coldly laid its tracks all over her body, soul ... I wanted to wake up, see him sleeping next to me and understand that this was just a bad dream. But it wasn't a dream.

Now she was walking, and in her head was spinning that rhyme that she once composed, which she dedicated to him, only to him, dear and beloved, the closest and most understanding.

For me there is nothing more precious in the world
His gentle and affectionate eyes,
I ask, save him, God,
Protect, help in difficult times!

Do not leave him in a gloomy bad weather,
Protect from the winds and partings,
There is nothing more beautiful on this earth for me
His warm, caring hands.

I have no relative on this earth
His laughter, his smiles,
There are no more tender words in the world, -
For me, it matters the most!

Take bad luck away from him
Save him, God, - I pray!
He means so much to me
I love him more than life...

But why? Why didn't he save him? Why did he leave her alone? Why was he so cruel to her?

She walked without knowing why or where. But at some point, she remembered that Ryzhik was waiting for her at home, and he, probably, was also feeling bad and lonely alone. Indeed, he seemed to feel that he would never see his master again. She hugged him, pressed him to her, and so they sat all night. Tears did not dry up in her eyes, she was hurt, lonely. She felt lost. But why did life play such a cruel joke on her? Why was the moment of happiness so short, why was their love given such a short time? At some moments, she herself did not want to live, and why should she live without him, without her Sasha? But she always remembered his words: “Now we have to take care of Ryzhik, we are responsible for him!”

Ginger, this is the only thing she has left, and for him, for Sasha, she had to continue to live, for the sake of the memory of him, of their love. After 2 weeks, she found out that she was expecting a baby. How happy Sasha would be! Although she had no doubt that he was glad even now, because he was always next to her, very close, she always felt his presence. Now she had to, had to live! She will have a baby, there will be a small piece that Sasha left her. Why is everything so, because they were so waiting for this child, and why Sasha was not destined to wait for him? Why didn't she feel it before? Maybe then it would be completely different.

3 years have passed, they had a wonderful boy. She named him Dimka, as they wanted. He was an exact copy of him, so close and distant, dear, beloved and the only one. And his eyes were just as mysterious and not childishly serious. And often people saw a young and beautiful girl, serious and sad beyond her years, and with her a little peanut with flowers, carrying them to her father's grave.

Where are you, my unearthly love?
Beats, boils in the veins of bright blood!
It beats, boils in the veins of scarlet blood!
Where are you, my unearthly love?

I left everything, I'm looking for you
There is neither sun nor day for me,


Space and time. I merged with the field of beauty and harmony, with the field of perfection. incommunicable unearthly feeling. From somewhere the thought came: Love. This is the one Love that permeates, fills and holds our entire world. I felt that it was the Supreme... I wanted to be alone. I wanted to merge forever with the sensation that had just flooded in, to imprint in my memory this meeting with Unearthly love. But the doctor's voice finally brought me back to this world: - You had a cardiac arrest. But now already...


Schedule with past dates.
Rock has reached its limit.
Troubles disintegrated into atoms,
Memory is hazy.

Looking forward to the magic of the future
So that for the soul and excitedly
Happiness to taste us thick
Until darkening.

Crystal castles are being built
On the...


Focused on one person, and can be focused on the universal. If it is focused on one person, then it is called love if it is focused on the universal, then it turns into a state of prayer. The state of love is as natural as breathing. If only... by me." If you obey, you will become dead. You cannot say: "Love only in my presence." There is no monopoly on love. All this does not mean that we must love everyone, but we must be in a loving state of mind. What is it like...


Much more often than in past centuries, and this pleases, there is hope that all the same love and good will overcome evil and cruelty. Inner understanding and application of the true qualities of human love and love... by talking about the lofty”… The desire to comprehend the feelings and principles of Cosmic Love is a criterion by which one can determine the vector and level of development of civilization. Love Cosmic - for many, unfortunately, little is known from the practical side: and this is humility, and independence, and acceptance, and ...



Love - what can be in that word?
Just the letters in the word, that's all.
And think a little, how much there is native,
And how much tenderness for your heart!

A child is born and immediately - the same love,
It grows, and mothers do not have a soul in it.


Love goes where they wait

Love goes where it is expected.
Love goes to those who believe in it.
Larisa Chugunova

Love goes where it's expected.
Love goes to those who believe.
Who is ready to give shelter to the feeling
And he will open the door to the soul.

Love is not a fairy tale, not a game
And it doesn't happen...