The design and content of the mathematical corner in the dow. Presentation: Mathematical corner for a group preparatory to school. Creation of pedagogical conditions

What should be in the corners, what new things can be done, how to surprise the guys and colleagues? All educators ask themselves these questions when they want to spatial environment, whether it is a corner of mathematics in the younger group or an art studio for preparatory students.

Corner of mathematics in the younger group in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

GEF DO clearly describes the requirements for creating a developing environment. The developing subject-spatial environment in the preschool educational institution should be:

  • content-saturated, developing;
  • transformable;
  • polyfunctional;
  • variable;
  • accessible;
  • safe;
  • health-saving;
  • aesthetically attractive.

Before thinking about the content of the mathematical corner (and any other), you need to look into the program, remember the sanitary standards. In the mathematical corner, in addition to teaching aids, there should be games for individual work, games of more complex options (focus on accounting individual features child), to consolidate last year's material.

The attention of children is always attracted by home-made didactic aids and materials that can be used not only in the mathematical corner. And so, let's figure out what the corner of mathematics in the younger group should be equipped with.

Mathematical corner equipment in the younger group

In the 2nd junior group, we must create conditions for familiarizing children with the color, shape, size, tangible properties of objects, consolidate the ability to distinguish size and shape as special properties of objects; group homogeneous objects according to several sensory features, improve the skills of establishing the identity and difference of objects according to their properties.

We teach children to compose, compare and equalize two groups of objects, use the concepts “Many, one, none”, when comparing objects, measure one object with another according to a given sign of size (length, width, height, size as a whole), we introduce children to geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, we learn to navigate relative to our body (right, left, top, bottom).

Therefore, the corner of mathematics in the younger group should contain:

DIY math games

In my group there are a lot of manuals, made by hand, aimed at the formation mathematical representations, such as the well-known game "Patch the rug", planar and volumetric geometric shapes with eyes and mouths that tell children interesting stories, handouts made from waste material or knitted from threads.

For my kids, I have developed games that can be used on an interactive table or whiteboard, on a computer for individual work. The manual can also be printed and used as a desktop. game material for classes with children of the 2nd junior group.

Educational game "Big, medium, small"

Invite the children to look at the pictures and ask which item is small and which is large. If three objects are drawn in the picture, first speak for yourself, showing the baby where the large, medium and small object is. Ask to show where is the biggest ball, where is the middle ball, where is the smallest. The cards are presented in order of difficulty.

Educational game "Many, one, none"

Working with such cards, the teacher teaches children to perceive many of the same objects, to use the concepts of “many, one, none” in speech.

You can download the archive in which you will find cards for the game "Many, One, None", as well as the game "Big, Medium, Small" in presentation format.


On October 24, 2014, a review competition of mathematical corners was organized in the kindergarten. All groups took part in the competition. According to the decision of the jury of the competition, diplomas in nominations were awarded to:

- variety of educational games"- teachers of the preparatory group Polyanina L.S., Novikova L.N.

- in the nomination "For the competent acquisition of the corner and variety of entertaining mathematical material"- educators senior group Uryupina G.A., Novikova L.N.

- in the nomination "For the competent acquisition of the corner and variety of counting material"- educators middle group Roslyakova V.V., Blokhina L.V.

- in the nomination "For the competent acquisition of the corner and variety of material on sensory development"- educators of the younger group Gabdrashitova F.Z., Blokhina L.V.

The assessment was carried out in accordance with the criteria of the "Regulations on the review-competition":

The presence in the group of didactic games on mathematical development in accordance with the recommendations of the program "From birth to school" (a variety of games, a sufficient number, aesthetic design)

The presence in the group of a variety of counting material (variety, sufficient quantity, aesthetic appearance)

The presence in the group of entertaining mathematical material (a file of tasks-jokes, puzzles, etc.; mathematical riddles; mathematical proverbs and sayings; mathematical counting rhymes; tasks in verse; poems, fairy tales about numbers, numbers and other mathematical concepts; labyrinths, puzzles; mathematical developing and intellectual, logico-mathematical games).

The presence in the group of an originally designed corner of entertaining mathematics with an interesting name, where all the specified material is systematized and accessible to children.

The jury members noted the creative, competent, responsible approach of educators to the competition.

REVIEW Filippova E.V..,

representative of the parent community, member of the jury of the review competition:

On October 24, in our kindergarten "Malysh", in order to create conditions for the mathematical development of children, a review competition of mathematical corners was held. I was included in the jury of the competition.

In the process of work, the jury was amazed at the work of educators in organizing corners. All educators approached the competition responsibly and creatively. The design of the corners and their names were thought out. Teachers have updated and made new games, manuals, file cabinets, picked up counting and entertaining material. Involved students and their parents in the work. I will note the saturation, diversity, originality and aesthetics of the content. In the corners, all conditions have been created for the independent activity of children in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts.

The competition was held at a high level. I want to thank the staff of MBDOU Kindergarten "Malysh" for creating conditions for the development of our children and wish new creative ideas.

Corner "Razvivayka" in the younger group

Corner "Fun Math" in the middle group

Corner "Know-know" in the senior group

Corner "Underwater account" in the preparatory group

Svetlana Isaeva

At design"Entertaining Mathematics Corner"in second junior group we were guided by the following tasks:

1. The development of the qualities and properties of the child's personality necessary for successful mastering mathematics in the future: purposefulness and expediency of search actions, perseverance, independence.

2. Raising the need for children to occupy their free time not only with entertainment, but also with intellectual games.

Entertaining material in preschool years should become a means of organizing useful leisure.

AT there are: large mosaic, voluminous inserts, prefabricated toys, pyramids, lacing, games with modeling and substitution elements, lotto, paired pictures.

There are games: "Geocont" (plate with carnations) to study the shape, color with the help of multi-colored rubber bands; a set of colored sticks, with the help of which the children build various images of objects according to the instructions; game "Big wash" to consolidate the knowledge of colors and geometric shapes.

In addition, there is a magnetic board, counting material, insert boards, a set of voluminous bodies, cut subject pictures.

Math Corner our kids loved it!

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Subject-developing environment

in mathematics at the preschool educational institution

GEF DO establishes requirements for the developing subject-spatial environment as one of the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program preschool education.

The developing subject-spatial environment should allow organizing both the joint activities of the teacher with the children, and independent children's activities aimed at the self-development of the child under the supervision and support of an adult.

The innovativeness of the approach to organizing a developing subject-spatial environment for the development of a child is determined by the relevance of integrating not only educational areas defined by the Federal State Educational Standard, but also by the need to organize activity centers on the principles of development and integration.

For implementation educational field"Cognitive development" through the process of forming elementary mathematical concepts in preschool groups entertaining mathematics centers are organized.

The entertaining mathematics center should be equipped with materials and attributes that allow children to develop skills in independent activities, consolidate existing knowledge, discover new things in the field of mathematics through peculiar children's activities: play, search and research, constructive, speech, etc.

Center content cognitive development in preschool groups :

1. Various games for the development of sensory feelings in accordance with the age and development of children: games for the formation of elementary mathematical representations in terms of number and count, size and shape of objects, orientation in space and time.

2. A variety of counting, visual material: planar subject pictures for counting; small toys and objects - nesting dolls, mushrooms, fish, etc .; counting sticks; sets of geometric shapes different sizes, different color; natural material for an account; sets of numbers, etc.

3. Entertaining material of mathematical content:

Tasks - jokes, puzzles, puzzles, games to find similarities and differences, etc .;

Mathematical riddles;

Mathematical counting rhymes;

Mathematical educational, logic games appropriate for the age of children (Nikitin games, Montessori insert frames, Tangram, Mongolian game, Columbus egg, Vietnamese game, Magic circle, Pentomino, Geocont, Unicube, Gyenesh blocks, Kuizener sticks, Voskobovich games, etc.)

Assistant devices: magnifying glass, hourglass, magnets, measuring spoons.

2nd junior group(3-4 years)

In the center of cognitive development in mathematics, didactic toys and board games developing skills in children:

compare objects on different groundssize, shape, color, appointment etc.;

Didactic games .

Pick items bycolor and size

(large, medium and small; 2-3 colors), collect a pyramid of

smaller rings , alternating incertain succession -

validity 2-3 colors; assemble a picture from 4-6 parts.

In joint didactic games, teach children to perform gradual

but more complex rules.

Didactic games: "Lotto", paired pictures, large and medium plastic mosaic, for example: " Geometric figures”, puzzles from 6 to 18 parts, sets of cut pictures on cubes, pictures - stencils: “Fold a flower”, “Fold a Christmas tree”, “Fold a house with a window (for a cockerel)”, “Wonderful bag”, etc.

Middle group (4 - 5 years)

The Center for Cognitive Development in Mathematics of the Middle Group may contain:

didactic toys and board games that develop children's skills:

Navigate tospace and time ;

Compare objects on various grounds -size, shape, color , appointment etc.;

Make rows of identical objects in ascending or descending order of one or another attribute:volume, height, color intensity etc.;

Didactic games :

Games for understanding symbolism, schematics and conventions (“What does it look like?”, “Finish”);

Models: numerical ladder, series of values, spiral models for cognitiontemporary relations ;

Games to mastermagnitude, numerical, spatio-temporal relations (“Make the same pattern”);

Games with algorithms, including 3-5 elements (“Growing a tree”), etc.

Educational games : "Fold the pattern", "Dots", "Corners", "Unicube", "Gyenes blocks", "Kuizener sticks", Montessori frame inserts, etc. in accordance with age requirements.

Scary group (5 - 6 years old)

In senior groups preschool age entertaining mathematics center may contain:

Stencils, rulers and other measuring standards;

didactic games that develop skills:

- create sets (groups of items) from elements of different quality (objects of different colors, sizes, shapes, purposes; sounds, movements);

ability to understandratio of adjacent numbers ;

ability to installsequence of different events.

Didactic games :

Games for dividing a whole object into parts and composing a whole from parts (“Fractions”, “Make a circle”);

Games with numbers, coins;

Games for the development of numerical representations and skills to quantify different quantities. ("Compare and select");

Games with algorithms ("Computing machines").

Models of numerical and temporal relations ("Number ladder", "Days of the week").

Educational games:

watch designer, scales;

Nikitin's games, Gyenes' blocks, Kuizener's sticks, Voskobovich's games, etc. in accordance with age-related tasks - Nikitin's games, Gyenes' blocks, Kuizener's sticks, Voskobovich's games.

preparatory group(6 – 7 years old)

In groups of senior preschool age, the center for cognitive development in mathematics may contain:

didactic games that form skills:

skillnavigate in a limited area (a sheet of paper, a page of a notebook, etc.);

ability to work withplan, scheme, route ;

ability to identifyclock time;

ability to analyzeshape of objects as a whole and its individual parts ;

namingnumbers up and down .

Didactic games :

Games fordividing a whole object into parts andmaking a whole out of parts ("Fractions", "Make a circle");

Games with numbers, coins;

Games for developmentnumerical representations and the ability to quantify different quantities. ("Compare and select");

Games with algorithms ("Computing machines").

Models of numerical and temporal relations ("Number ladder", "Days of the week").

Calendar, calendar model.

Educational games:

Games that develop mental processes: chess, checkers, backgammon, loto kegs, etc.

watch designer, scales, magnifying glass, tape measure;

Nikitin's games, Gyenes' blocks, Kuizener's sticks, Voskobovich's games, etc. in accordance with age-related tasks.

Stencils, rulers and other measuring standards.

R.S.: (All photos from the personal archive of Leonova Natalia Petrovna)


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