Should the belt match the shoes? How to choose a belt for shoes and trousers. When to Wear a Belt

Men's wardrobe is not as enchanting as women's. Still, the strong half of humanity, for the most part, is distinguished by restraint in addiction to all kinds of excesses. Almost all wardrobe items have slightly different requirements - style, practicality, reliability. The variety of colors and designs of men's wardrobe items is not intended to capture the imagination of others. At the same time, every little thing of the image should tell about all the advantages of its owner.

But even the most conservative man today tries to be stylish, and considerable attention should be paid to accessories. The belt has long been considered a sign of nobility. Today it is associated, in addition, with presentability, stateliness and many more characteristics that speak of status.

But statuses are different, so the question of how to choose a men's belt, what to wear it with, is fundamentally important. Modern men understand that the belt is needed not only to keep the pants. First of all, it allows you to express your individuality, understanding the need to look stylish and tasty.

"Golden" rules for choosing belts

The first rule - if you think that the rules do not need to be followed, you are mistaken. This question is sensitive, one might even say delicate, so you will have to familiarize yourself with the “golden” rules of how to choose a belt. Moreover, they must be fulfilled!

No self-respecting man will allow himself to wear a not very expensive belt under an expensive suit. This rule also works in reverse;

A belt and suspenders are two irreconcilable opponents who will never get along in one image. However, there are exceptions, but they have nothing to do with a modern stylish, respectable, status man;

Some stylists call it bad manners to wear products that are less than 5 cm wide if a man is over 25 years old. But there is another camp of fashion connoisseurs who consider such rules to be almost prejudices. In this matter, rather, the appearance of the owner of the accessory, his image is more important;

Mixing styles is an extremely bold decision. If we are talking about business style, then, probably, even unacceptable. Therefore, the accessory must match the style of your clothes, especially if it is business;

A jeans label is not a belt loop! Not only is it not necessary to thread a denim belt under it - it is strictly prohibited; - With wide jeans, fashion connoisseurs recommend wearing narrow belts, and here is the time to remember that, according to many of them, age has absolutely nothing to do with it;

Pay attention to the invoice of products. Since you need to combine them primarily with accessories, shoes, then in matters of texture you should be guided by them. At the same time, it should be taken into account that there should not be too much “finicky” texture in the image. For example, suede shoes should be matched to a suede belt, but then the bag should be made of a different material. By the way, shoes in such combinations are the preferred second half of the duet with a belt;

If the solidity of a man is confirmed by the constitution of his body, he should wear wide accessories. This also applies to the representatives of the stronger sex, who consider themselves not tall enough - the products will help visually become taller;

The belt should not be too tight.

Types and styles of belts

There are not so many of them, and their differences make it possible to understand which product is most suitable for which image.

Classic options. They differ in severity and conciseness of lines, design. Such products, as a rule, are one ton, their ends are rounded, and decorative elements are practically absent. Lacquered metal buckles (silver or gold) and a stitch, the color of which differs from the main color of the product, can serve as the last maximum. Strict classic does not accept any logos, patterns, other images on the belt and its buckle. By the way, there is a tendency that the size of the buckle is inversely proportional to the formality of the image. A classic belt is recommended to be worn with a classic, business suit. It can be made of good quality leatherette, suede, leather. The color of the accessory should be calm, discreet - as a rule, these are dark colors - brown, black. Such options should be combined with a bag or shoes.

Here is a good example of such a combination:

Casual belts are a great and wide enough choice for creating an informal style. In order not to philosophize slyly, everything that does not correspond to the canons of unshakable classics, men refer to this style. They can be combined with many types of clothing, but not in a business, classic style. The design of such products is a huge field of activity and the embodiment of the fantasies of their creators. They give the owners almost complete freedom of action when creating an image (but you still need to know the measure).

This combination looks stylish and original:

A bolder, but no less interesting option would be:

No matter how hard men strive to be laconic when talking about fashion trends, it is worth mentioning some casual sub-styles:

Sports belts. Rubber, fabric, rubber, etc. - all these products are suitable for both sports style and for wearing with jeans, other informal styles. You need to wear a sports accessory, taking into account an important rule - they must be hidden under a sweater, shirt, T-shirt;

Everyday accessories. Their variety is huge - they can have a different texture, color, material from which they are made.

For example:

There are also universal products, the design of which allows them to be woven into both business and everyday style.

How to choose the color of the belt

There are few rules here, but they must be observed unquestioningly.

The color of the belt should match the color of the shoes or bag. Products may not match in color to halftones, but they are simply required to be kept in the same scale.

For example:

If you prefer a sporty style and want to emphasize it, provide a color contrast between the belt and trousers;

If you wear a watch, you should combine the color of the belt with the tone of their strap (or dial), and the color of the buckle with the tone of tie clips, cufflinks, and other metal accessories. In this case, the wedding ring does not count;

In choosing the color of the buckle, you can also focus on what color clothes you wear the belt with. Silver buckles go well with black, blue, gray tones, while warm colors - green, brown, red - are in harmony with golden details;

Under jeans made in the blue range, you should choose a brown belt. If you stop at the black version, it will not be bad manners, but the claim to originality is not appropriate here either. A light shirt and a jacket with wide lapels will fit very well into this “ensemble”;

Many men prefer plain belts, but other options can be used.

For example, in this way:

Regardless of what color your accessory is, when combining it with shoes, you need to consider that if the latter is glossy, then the belt should be like that. This also applies to matte products;

Usually the belt is not matched to the color of the trousers - it is better if it is combined with other accessories. But if you want to appear taller, you should not create a clear contrast between trousers and a belt.

We select the length of the belt

This is a very important criterion to consider when choosing a product to buy and wear for a particular occasion. You can determine the required length of the accessory, taking into account your size.

The simplest calculation algorithm is as follows:

  • Measure your waist;
  • Add about 10-15 cm to it. This value will be the length of the belt that you need.

It is important to take into account one point - the size of the "tail". It should not be too short, otherwise it may seem that you have grown out of this belt. But it shouldn't be too long either.

The best option is a "tail" that does not reach the second belt loop of trousers or jeans. This applies to both adjustable length and non-adjustable models.

If you are guided by your size, then the length of the belt is determined taking into account the fact that it should be a couple of sizes larger than the size of trousers or jeans.

A men's belt is a very important accessory that has a number of important functions, so you need to carefully choose with what, how to wear it.

Wide and narrow, soft and rather hard, made of leather or fabric, performing a decorative, fashion or purely practical function. Summer and winter, spring and autumn - every season is a season for them. They can change their color, size, shape, but they are not irrelevant. It's all about belts.

How to choose a belt

1. Be sure to pay attention to the quality of the leather when choosing a leather belt. The edges of a belt made of real leather should not be square, but rounded, neatly cut, and not tucked and hemmed.
2. Another sign of good quality is the painted end.
3. If the holes are decorated with rivets, buttons, you need to bend the belt near each hole and see if the material protrudes here.
4. Take the strap in your hands and pull on the ends. If it does not stretch at all, this is bad: it will be too tight and uncomfortable to wear. Significant deformation will very soon lead to the fact that the holes on the belt will stretch ugly, and the belt itself will lose its shape and appearance. Ideally, the stretch should be 0.5-1 cm over the entire length of the product.
5. Belts stitched around the perimeter are, of course, stronger than glued ones, which tend to delaminate over time.
6. The edges of the buckle should not be sharp, otherwise more than one blouse will go to waste.

How to choose: stylist's advice

The choice of belt should be based on the wardrobe. It is desirable that the belt is combined with shoes or, even better, with a bag - this will allow you to wear things in a set, which will make your look complete and harmonious.

There are no universal belts, you need different models for different types of clothing and occasions. Today, fashion allows us to wear belts not only with trousers, but also with dresses (business and even evening), blouses, jackets, coats.

It is clear that each item requires its own accessory: a belt that makes a great pair with a coat is hardly suitable for a business dress.

In the wardrobe of every woman there should be basic models of belts that allow you to place the right accents where necessary.

Stylists advise women to get at least four types of belts:

1.Classic leather belt. It can be worn with both trousers and jeans. This belt should be with a minimum amount of jewelry, and preferably without them. The buckle is concise, not very voluminous. All these requirements are due to the fact that often such a belt is hidden under other clothes, and it makes no sense for it to be pretentious;

2.Leather belt with decorations. Jewelry means a massive buckle, a pattern of rhinestones, embroidery. You can and should wear such a belt "for show" so that everyone around you can admire it. Such belts will be a good addition to the outfit for a club party;

3.Thin belt. It will be best if it is solid and neutral in color, such as black, sand, white or classic red. In this case, you can wear it for official meetings, and for special occasions. A thin belt worn over a T-shirt or pullover will look appropriate. The elegant thin strap looks equally good not only in tight jeans or trousers. They can intercept a spacious dress or tunic at the waist or lower it to the hips;
4.Wide belt. One color is also desirable. It will look good with a formal dress or a blouse and skirt outfit.

We hide flaws

If you have a problematic figure, and it seems that belts are absolutely not your element, then you are deeply mistaken. The secret of success is simple: the main thing is to choose the right option for you.

By following certain rules, you can easily learn how to choose the right belts and make beautiful sets with them.

Owners of a small tummy need to wear belts on the hips, which will hide the flaw and brighten up the figure.

Too protruding belly can be visually disguised with a belt with a large beautiful buckle, which should be worn on the hips.

If you have large breasts, refrain from wide models of belts, they make the figure heavier. The ideal option for you is a thin strap.

With a small increase, it is desirable to use thin belts at the waistline, which allows you to visually stretch the silhouette. Pay attention to models made of python skin, which usually focus all attention on themselves.

Avoid contrasts - this does not suit anyone, especially women who are prone to fullness. Wearing a black dress, do not use a white or beige belt at the waist, thereby making yourself even fuller.

In this case, the belt should be a tone or two darker than the color of the dress. And don't forget the accessories. It is desirable that they be oblong in shape.

How to correctly wear a women's belt

To begin with, going to the store, clearly imagine what kind of clothes you choose it for.

With classic trousers, a skirt or a trouser suit, an expensive leather belt 3-3.5 cm wide with a strict buckle will be ideally combined.
-Jeans will fit the belt in casual style. It differs from the classical one mainly in the intricacy of execution and, as a rule, in an elaborate buckle. It can be made of any material: leather substitute, rubber, leather, fabric material or polymers.
- With corduroy or raincoat trousers, a skirt or a safari dress, canvas or canvas medium widths are perfectly combined.
- Twisted belts can be worn with a suit or in casual style.
- The belt under the dress is a separate story and is selected for each specific model separately. Here it is easier to take into account not the style of the dress, but the goal that you are pursuing. A dark wide, clasping flared dress visually makes the waist thinner, a braided or fabric belt worn under the chest visually stretches the legs, and a thin strap worn over a tunic or a long cardigan brings the whole ensemble together.

Accessory color
It is important to remember the basic rule: the color of the belt should be combined with either shoes or a bag (gloves). Although recent fashion trends quite allow the combination of a belt with the color of trousers or a skirt.

Some practical information on how to choose, wear and store belts

1. Before buying, be sure to try on the belt. Even if it's an elastic band. The "tail" in reserve should remain neither very short (the length should remain in case you get better or dress with tight clothes), nor very long (so as not to puff up and interfere with you).
2. For belts, as well as for clothes and shoes, sizes are provided. They vary by country of origin (waist size in inches = waist size in centimeters = standard European size).

28 inches = 71 cm = S;
30 inches = 76 cm = S ;
32 inches = 81 cm = M;
34 inches = 86 cm = M;
36 inches = 91 cm = L
38 inches = 96 cm = L

3. You need to store belts like ties - rolled into a ring. This way you will prevent skin deformity. To remove stains from belts, use the same cleaning products as for leather shoes.

How to choose a belt for your figure.

Women's belts and belts are an accessory that never goes out of fashion. Modern belts today perform more of a decorative function than a practical one. However, with the help of a belt, you can correct your figure in the most amazing way, you just need to know which belt is right for you.

Such a leather belt is suitable for a dress of almost any cut, and for shirts, and for trousers. A medium width leather belt will suit almost any figure. But the main condition is that you need to wear it only at the waist, otherwise even an ideal figure will look disproportionate. By choosing belts by color, they can be combined with sweaters, cardigans, jackets, dresses and so on.

This year, satin fabric belts tied in different ways are very fashionable. You can replace such a belt with any ribbon or scarf. If you have a wide waist, then dark-colored fabrics will suit you. Girls with narrow waists can experiment as soon as their imagination allows them. Such a belt will be perfectly combined with a pencil skirt and a blouse, with dresses “under the bust”.

This season, thin belts of different colors with bows of different sizes are very fashionable. When choosing them, keep in mind that thin belts make you fat, and bows draw attention to figure flaws. These belts are suitable for young girls and women. For more mature women, it is better not to use such belts, since they look rather frivolous. A narrow belt with a bow will go well with both loose dresses and tight ones, with blouses and skirts.

Thin belts never go out of style and give a feminine silhouette. But, as we said above, thin belts make the waist visually wider. Such belts can be worn one by one or several pieces. Thin belts look great with cardigans and fitted items: dresses, skirts, blouses and pants.

Wide corset belts always look attractive on expressive figures. It is worth refusing such a belt if you have a wide waist, as it will only draw attention to problem areas. Such a belt visually enlarges the chest and makes the figure more feminine. When choosing a corset belt, measure it. If the belt is too tight, it is better to refuse the purchase. Not only is it harmful, but also ugly. The corset belt will be successfully combined with shirts, tops and T-shirts, with cocktail dresses. Avoid overly revealing outfits when wearing this belt, as it already draws the attention of others, making even a closed sheath dress sexy.

Men have far fewer accessories in their wardrobe than women, which can emphasize individuality. Here everything is subject to classical canons and traditions. Such attributes necessarily include a watch, a tie, a purse or men's belts. The latter have a lot of varieties and their individual characteristics, which are worth considering in more detail.



Initially, the men's belt appeared as a detail of the uniform of warriors and performed exclusively practical functions, and then they did not think about the individuality of the image. Later, aristocrats began to use it, emphasizing their high status. It was made of durable genuine leather, inaccessible to commoners - they girded themselves with a simple braid or rag rope.

Today, almost everyone uses men's belts - from a primary school student to a respectable old man. The variety of brands, models, materials and colors is simply limitless. Moreover, every season there are new novelties. This detail of the wardrobe does not lose its popularity all over the world.


As for the practical functions of the belt, it supports pants or trousers, and also makes the figure more slender and helps to shape the posture. Much more interesting is its purpose as a decorating accessory: a belt can emphasize the status of a man, testify to his strength and confidence, reflect character, attitude to fashion and style, belonging to a certain subculture.

It is these completely non-practical functions that have led to a huge variety of models of these wonderful products.


The belt in its most general form has the form of a dense belt of different thicknesses with a solid buckle and punched holes for fastening and adjusting in size. This definition, of course, is completely incomplete, since there are many varieties with their own design features, details and decor. For example, a belt with an automatic clasp or buckle does not have holes.



From the whole variety of belts - branded or bought at the nearest market, everyday or classic, factory or handmade, there are 3 main types that cannot be confused:

  • Classic men's belts - those that are designed to belt classic trousers. They have a smooth surface - even or slightly convex, standard width, usually 3-4 cm. The classic version has an unpretentious and not too massive metal buckle in silver or gold color, high-quality options are made of smooth genuine leather.

  • Casual style or "Casual", as it is called in the West, has a greater variety of models than the previous ones. These belts are worn on jeans, casual trousers, shorts, chinos. Their width is greater than that of the classical ones, the buckle can also be much more massive and more diverse in forms and mechanisms. Materials are not only leather, but also dense fabrics or weaving. Casual belts are most suitable for young people, but mature men can also use discreet options with a minimum width.

  • Sports branded men's belts used with sweatpants, usually made of rubber or fabric. They can also be worn over jeans, but in this case they should be hidden under a T-shirt or jacket. Due to the nature of sportswear, this type is not common.


Models of men's belts, as a rule, differ in the design of their buckles. Its traditional type is in the form of a plaque with a fixed anchor, which is threaded into the hole. Such varieties are found in all classic models and in most casual style belts, they are also called wrapped. Anchor is most often one, but there may be two. Another version of the badge is with a fastener and with an adjustable length, which does not have holes, such as, for example, traditional soldier's belts.

Without holes, there are belts with an automatic buckle, which are the most practical. They fasten with one easy movement, which is very convenient for business men with a fast pace of life. For the reliability of the mechanism from such a model, it is best to buy products from trusted brands. Belts with automatic buckle are represented by many design solutions.

Buckles with anchors are most often placed on leather models, and automatic fasteners with loops or clips can be installed on rag and wicker models. TO In addition to this, in modern fashion there are belts with detachable buckles. This option is good for double-sided straps. In such accessories, the two sides have a different color or pattern. They are convenient in that one belt can be used for various costume options, because in terms of color it must be combined with shoes, a tie and other wardrobe items.


The most suitable length of a men's belt should be such that it fastens with 2-3 holes, while the free end is threaded only through the first harness on the trousers. And if it is without holes with a buckle, then it should be adjusted so that the extra part inside is no more than 10-12 cm. The free end of the belt is too long, although it is tucked in, it does not look very aesthetically pleasing.

In order to determine the size of the belt, you should measure your waist in centimeters and then use one of the two tables on the European or American scale. The European marking has values ​​​​from 70 to 125 with a waist circumference of 66 to 129 cm, the American one - from XXS to XXXXL with a waist circumference of 61 to 127 cm. When buying, please note that the waist changes slightly in girth during the day, so it is worth purchasing belts with a margin of several large sizes.

In terms of width, men's belts do not have a specific classification: in the classic version it is a maximum of 4 cm, and wider everyday ones can reach 7-8 cm.

Popular brands

french brand Lacoste Known around the world, the company began producing fashionable clothing and accessories back in the 1930s. Their belts for men made of genuine leather are incredibly durable and have a strict, but very stylish design. They are easily recognizable by the brand's alligator logo, which can be embossed on leather or engraved on a metal plate.

Stylish men's belts from the brand Hermes recognizable from afar by the unchanged metal buckle in the shape of the letter H. The manufacturer does not produce accessories in large quantities, often it is a very small number of products or an individual order. Their prices are very high, but they are justified by the impeccable quality. Another characteristic feature of Hermes classic collections is a perfectly even seam along the edges.

Sevaro Elit is a well-known Italian manufacturer of leather products. For men, there are collections of wrapped belts and a machine gun in a casual style with a badge. Leather products can be of various colors: black, brown, beige, blue. There are also woven accessories that can stretch - one-color or with interlacing threads of different colors. All products look very stylish.

American design house Tommy Hilfiger has been producing original accessories and footwear for more than 30 years, among them there are many models of narrow men's belts made of leather, suede, fabric or nubuck. In the Tommy Hilfiger and Hilfiger Denim collections, you can find classic leather, youthful fabrics and canvas or elegant wicker products for every taste.

Belts from the brand Calvin Klein are produced from completely natural leather without synthetics. They can always be recognized by the company logo from the abbreviation of the name, which will be present on the label and the product itself. There are classic wrapped options with a metal buckle frame especially for jeans. This look has remained unchanged and popular for several decades. There are also fashionable everyday models with an original plaque design.

Brand Diesel in the 2017 season, it presents more than 40 models for men that will successfully emphasize a slender torso and masculinity. This feature has always distinguished the products of the company. The most popular are the "Only the brave", "B-round", "B-washy" and "B-fuel" collections, which are harmoniously combined with any trousers or jeans in a sporty and youthful style.

Italian leather belts Gucci always have a completely original design that goes beyond the classical canons. They are unlikely to look harmonious on respectable gentlemen in formal suits, but they are also perfect for young people in stylish clothes. There are options from leather or dense fabric, monotonous or with several colors, with elegant or brutal massive plaques.

Products Levi's widely known in many countries, incredibly stylish belts for men with smooth or embossed leather, with thin or massive buckles are no exception. These accessories are successfully combined with classic jeans, especially the brand of the same name. And today almost all fans of fashionable clothes know about their neat cut and durability.

World famous brand Louis Vuitton this season presents the collections of men's belts "Dynamo", "Metropole", "Pont Neuf", "Stamp", which have a very bold and not strict design, suitable for young guys. A pleasant novelty for fashionistas can be accessories from the collections " Boston", "Damier Print", "Slender", which are double-sided.

Italian manufacturer Piquadro offers classic models of leather straps with a non-strict design. You can choose different colors: black, gray, beige and blue.

Clothes and accessories from Hugo Boss always distinguished by sufficient severity, which can emphasize strength and courage. Therefore, belts from this brand are suitable for confident men of any age. This season, dark leather models with a classic but massive frame-shaped buckle are especially popular.

Belts Wrangler- This is a quality product from an American manufacturer, known since 1986. Today you can choose products of various styles from black, beige or brown leather in a classic version. They are perfect for both jeans and trousers from a men's suit.

Fashion trends

Of the styles popular for this season, one can distinguish classic narrow leather belts, but there are slight differences from the fashion of previous years. Plastic buckles and a textured, slightly convex surface are in trend. Also, under jeans, options in the style of the Wild West with a golden buckle remain in demand.

For reliability, it is best to choose genuine leather - smooth or textured. This material will always remain in fashion, in addition, it is visually noticeably different from leatherette.

Recently, elastic men's belts have become very popular, which, although they are made from textile materials, stretch well like an elastic band. They have one advantage - they belt trousers well, but at the same time they do not compress or rub the body.

Fabric belts of various colors with various forms of buckles are produced from dense material. They practically do not wear out, so you don’t have to worry about a short service life. A braided belt can also be an excellent and relevant option, but due to the thinness of its threads, it is better to choose genuine leather.

Of course, for a classic suit, it is always necessary to choose a black or brown belt of the appropriate style, combining it with shoes. But the "Casual" or sporty style can be combined with many colors. Thin leather straps in blue, white, beige or light blue are popular. Fabric models should be chosen with several colors, for example, red, green and white or any other palette to your taste.

How to choose

Many people know that you need to choose a belt to match the color of the boots, but it is even better if the shades match. For example, there is not just brown, but also dozens of its varieties. Each has its own name, and fashion experts and many experienced clothing salesmen know them, so there is someone to consult with. Not only colors and shades should be combined, but also texture: for a smooth belt - smooth shoes, for a wicker - the same shoes. Then the image will become really spectacular and as harmonious as possible.

For office work, business meetings or other serious events, of course, you should choose the classic style of smooth monotone leather with a small buckle. But on vacation or while walking with light loose clothing, it will look out of place. In this case, you can wear a woven strap, and best of all textile. If it has bright colors, then you should also not forget about their combination with other accessories, but here this is not so significant.

In the world of men's fashion, there are very few details that allow you to show individuality. It differs from women's fashion, where there is an opportunity for the soul to roam, for us, for men, everything is subject to standards and traditions. You need to go beyond the classics with close attention to detail. Accessories such as men's watches, ties, pocket squares, cravats, cufflinks, tie clips, suspenders and belts, perhaps, this is an exhaustive list where you can show individuality in business etiquette. It is about the last accessory that will be discussed in this article today.

Is the belt as simple as we think? I'm sure every man has a belt in his wardrobe, but what role does it really play? Is the belt part of the outfit or is it just there to hold up the pants? How to choose a men's belt, if today it can differ not only in color, material, plaque, but also perform different functions for an athlete and a businessman? All these questions and many more will be answered in this guide.

Before we start discussing the types of men's belts and look at the details, it is worth mentioning some general principles.

Choosing a men's belt

Dress pants, jeans, chinos, khakis, or any other pants should not fall off when worn without a belt. Read about how to choose trousers. Both a business suit and any pants should be matched to your physique and complexion. A belt is for the most part a means of enriching your look, image. The function of restraining the pants so that they do not fall off is secondary.

Combine the color of the leather parts of the wardrobe. Black shoes - black belt; brown shoes - brown belt. This is an unshakable rule that must be followed, although some people think otherwise. Even better, combine the watch with a leather strap in the color of the shoes and belt, but it can just be different than the combination of shoes and belt. However, the rule should not be taken literally. If you don't have ordinary shoes, let's say striped, then the color of the belt does not have to be "striped". But, nevertheless, follow the general color scheme.

Black belt - black shoes, brown belt - brown shoes

Pay attention to the belt buckle. If you grew up from childhood, then you should choose a simple classic buckle without Dolce & Gabbana inscriptions on the entire width. Silver color and simple look is the best choice. But we will talk about this separately.

A belt, perhaps, is not the thing that is worth spending money on, unlike a suit, shoes and watches. However, the rule: the better the thing, the better and better it is, it works here too. Belts made from cheap, badly tanned leather or leatherette tend to stretch and crack after a short period of use. Especially if you like to tighten your belt tighter.

Spend some money on a good leather belt and you won't regret it.

Types of men's belts

The belt is not only an accessory that emphasizes the status and delicate taste of its owner, but also a necessary item of men's clothing. All belts that exist today can be divided into three groups - sports, for everyday wear and classic. Designers who create outfits for the strong half of humanity believe that all these varieties of this men's accessory should be present in the wardrobe of a modern man. It's hard not to agree with them.

Classic men's belt

For the most part, separating belts between formal and informal styles is easy. For example, an ordinary black leather belt is not very thick and with a regular buckle will fit under; a colored belt made of fabric is more suitable for.

According to some beliefs, you can not wear a belt with a classic business suit. It is a fact. However, in my humble opinion, using a belt fills in the missing link (line if you will) between shirt and pants. So whether to use a belt in a formal dress code or not, try to decide for yourself.

Classic belts can be made both from leather and from a substitute for this material. The width of the classic belt is 4-5 cm, it is one-colored and has a small buckle made of metal, sometimes painted plastic. The color of the leather belt can be black or brown (depending on the color of the shoe) with a silver or gold buckle. Silver, by the way, is a more suitable color for office work or official events and meetings. The buckle should not be massive, crooked or non-standard. Leave all the "frills" for an informal dress code.

For special and solemn occasions, I think every man should have at least one expensive leather belt. A good belt, according to my observations, can withstand at least 3-4 years (however, like any leather products, belts must be alternated from day to day and let them “rest”, otherwise the belt will not last even a year), but a real, soldier belt, so generally decades =) but this is a completely different topic ...

In order not to make a mistake in choosing a quality belt, you should know that these leather men's accessories are cut off along the edge. At the same time, leatherette products are tucked inward and stitched along the edge. A leather belt always consists of two parts connected to each other during a pressing process.

When buying a leather accessory, you should pay attention to the quality of pressing and the ability of the material to stretch. If the belt practically does not stretch, then some inconvenience will be felt during its operation. You should also not buy a leather product that stretches as if it were made of rubber. Such a belt quickly deforms and loses its original appearance. The ideal option is a belt whose maximum stretch does not exceed 2 cm.

Casual (casual) men's belt

Casual belts, or belts for casual style, are much more varied than classic belts. You are not tied to the form and traditions, so you have more freedom of color, style, material from which the belt is made. The same applies to the belt buckle, but wearing the inscription "I Love Rock-n-Roll" or something like that is still not worth it.

Casual belts are usually slightly wider than classic ones and can be up to 5 centimeters. Narrow belts are recommended for young men, and gentlemen of respectable age should use accessories of the maximum width. As for the buckle, it is also larger than the usual classic to look harmonious with jeans or chinos. The buckle mechanism is also varied. In addition to the simple open buckle, there are anchor buckles on the back or clip buckles. The latter, as a rule, are used on fabric belts, otherwise the leather will quickly deteriorate.

Braided belts are very popular. They are versatile and great for casual style, hinting at individuality. A suede belt combined with suede shoes will make you stand out in any company, be sure!

Sports belt

A little about sports. A sports belt can be made of rubber, rubber or fabric. It is appropriate only when wearing sportswear or jeans. Moreover, in the second case, the belt should be hidden under a T-shirt or sweater. Such a belt says little about a business or casual style, so we will not dwell on it, but leave a detailed story at the mercy of sports blogs and websites.

As a conclusion

Belts are often underestimated. Most people, especially old school people, will be sure that the belt is purely functional and there is no need to combine it with other wardrobe details. However, if you play with the color or structure of the belt a little, try to combine the overall aesthetic and the function of keeping the pants in the right place, and you will kill two birds with one stone!

The belt deserves your attention. Today, the market offers an infinitely wide range of colors, shades, materials, buckles, so that you can easily find the right belt for your style. Don't miss the opportunity to diversify your image a little!

One of the few accessories that are constantly present in a man's wardrobe is a belt. It turns out that choosing a men's belt is a whole science. This strip of leather most often serves not only to keep the trousers in their rightful place, but also complements your image, making it complete and harmonious. And as ancient people believed, the belt - the prototype of the modern belt - protected the owner from an evil word or evil eye. And the ancient warriors used their wide belts to protect their stomachs. According to the rules of modern etiquette, a belt must be present on your trousers. It is a must-have accessory in a man's wardrobe. It should be noted that if you like to wear suspenders, then the belt will be absolutely out of place in your wardrobe. And, conversely, using a belt, you should not wear suspenders. How to choose a men's belt and not miss, but be satisfied with your purchase?

1. Decide what you will wear your new belt with. Modern belts are divided into two main types: casual and classic. You can't wear a casual belt to a strict business suit. So when choosing a belt, keep the unity of style.

2. It is desirable that the belt matches the watch band, and the belt buckle matches the watch face.

3. For a classic belt, the buckle must be simple, without unnecessary logos or stones.

4. You should choose a men's leather belt not for a suit or trousers, but for shoes. The top of elegance will be a belt that is correctly selected and combined with shoes, not only in color, but also in texture.

5. Too expensive belt requires the same suit. Otherwise, it will look out of place.

6. The belt should be at least four to five centimeters wide. These belts are recommended for men. Narrower belts can be afforded by teenagers and young people, not older than 20 years old.

7. The length of the belt is also an important point. It is very important that the belt covers you with a small margin, but no more than 20 centimeters. If the belt you like is too long, it must be shortened. And you need to do this immediately after purchase.

8. If the men's belt is chosen correctly, corresponding to the size, then it should be fastened in one of the middle holes. When purchasing a belt, be sure to pay attention to spare holes. It is better if you have at least 1-2 holes left in stock.

9. By the way, when choosing a men's belt in a salon or company store, you can immediately make additional holes. Never do this yourself at home. In this way, you reduce the life of the new belt.

10. Modern belts can be made of both leather and leather substitutes and durable fabrics. Don't expect a non-leather belt to last.