Easy DIY Happy New Year cards. Original ideas for simple and beautiful DIY New Year's cards: photos, videos, MK. New Year's greetings. Card made from circles

To please your loved ones, you don’t have to buy expensive gifts: it’s better to use your imagination and, with a little effort, make a homemade gift.

It’s easy to give positive emotions to others: just give them a New Year’s card made by yourself. With the help of such a gift, you will convey your warm wishes to others and surprise them with a beautiful craft. self made.

A postcard with congratulations to friends and family for the New Year will perfectly complement the main gift; you can also make it yourself. A similar gift duet - good way show your loved ones your attention.

Homemade postcards are remembered and stick into the soul much more than store-bought ones. You can create a creative masterpiece from the most ordinary things, showing a creative approach and existing creative abilities.

The tradition of giving each other cards for the holidays appeared a long time ago, in Lately she was a little forgotten, but this situation is easy to fix. Modern technologies cannot give as much body and emotion as simple cards made with soul.

Give joy to those around you by congratulating them on the New Year holidays with a homemade card. A colorfully designed piece of paper can give festive mood and create a New Year's atmosphere.

Postcards on New Year do it yourself, photo

Handmade cards can be given to relatives, friends and even work colleagues. Homemade cards can make the older generation happy; This method of congratulations from loving grandchildren will be appreciated by grandparents. Believe me: beautiful craft with wishes of happiness will not seem as banal as a standard store souvenir.

Making a New Year's card with congratulations is not difficult, and this article provides several ideas for creating New Year's holiday cards for children and adults.

Bright Christmas tree

The New Year is associated, first of all, with a beautifully decorated forest Christmas tree. The fluffy New Year's tree is a central attribute of winter festivities. So why not decorate holiday card this traditional New Year's symbol?

To make a greeting card decorated with a colorful Christmas tree, you only need paper.

Advice. To make the card more original, it is best to use paper with different patterns.

Make a semicircular paper blank, fold it, focusing on the picture. You should end up with something like a fan.

The second option is to make “branches” out of paper and glue the paper parts together, otherwise they will open up. To decorate the top of the tree, glue a small star or bead to the top.

New Year card, photo

Presents slide

It’s not difficult to implement this creative idea, and the joy from receiving such a wonderful postcard will be genuine.

Take a bright piece of paper, preferably with a pattern, and fold it in half. Use a ruler to mark three squares (each subsequent one should be slightly larger than the previous one). The squares will serve as gift boxes. Using scissors, make cuts (not all the way) at the top and bottom: this will make the drawers look voluminous.

Decorate the boxes as you wish. The original congratulatory present is ready.

Unusual Christmas trees and a button snowman

Making an original New Year's card couldn't be easier, and the following ideas will let you see for yourself.

You will need:

  • paper sheets with different textures;
  • sheet of cardboard;
  • blue felt-tip pen;
  • ribbon cuttings;
  • buttons;
  • office glue.

DIY New Year card, photo

Winter tree

To create a paper tree, cut out a triangular shape and make the top long. Decorate the Christmas tree with two small bows made of thin white ribbon. To decorate the top, use a snowflake with glitter.

On a note! To make the Christmas tree elegant, use snow-white paper with a pattern.

A Christmas tree made from paper circles looks even more unusual. different colors, differing in size. Parts in the shape of circles are glued to the base, creating an imitation of a Christmas tree.

The top of the Christmas tree on the postcard is crowned with a star.

DIY Happy New Year cards, photo

Snowman made of buttons

This idea will allow you to make a children's card featuring an adorable button snowman. Take three buttons (they should be different sizes). One button should be especially small and always have two holes (instead of eyes).

Glue the buttons one above the other, put a headdress (for example, a paper bucket) on the snow man's head and tie a thread scarf for him.

Next to the snowman, draw snowflakes using a blue marker. Tie a bright ribbon at the top of the card.

Beautiful DIY New Year cards, photo

Button compositions

Using buttons, you can realize various creative ideas.

Make a button Christmas tree: beads, rhinestones or paper circles are suitable for filling the gaps. Buttons in one color scheme combine with decorative elements of the same color.

You can decorate a purchased greeting card with buttons or create your own unique masterpiece, abandoning the templates.

The buttons do not have to be fixed with glue; they can also be secured with thread. Snowflakes, beads and ribbon bows are suitable for decorating a button tree.

Beautiful New Year cards, photo

Not only Christmas trees are made from buttons, but also New Year's wreaths. The main thing is to choose a successful combination of buttons that differ in size and configuration. Lubricate the bottom of each button with glue and lay them out in a circle, forming a wreath, complete it with ribbon, gluing it to the base in the same way.

The analogue of the European postcard is ready - the composition looks festive and unusual. One wreath can consist of multi-colored buttons: feel free to create original designs from them.

New Year cards: do-it-yourself photos

Creativity and savings

When making New Year's greeting cards, use pieces of ribbons, lace, flaps, ropes, threads - everything you can find in the house.

DIY Happy New Year cards

Crafts in rustic style

Tie the cuts in the center different materials ribbons with lace and fix them with glue, placing one element on top of the other - the rustic New Year's tree is ready.

Decorate it with beads and shiny buttons.

Original card "Christmas stocking"

Such cards imitate tags and look very cute as a gift. This New Year's card will perfectly complement any souvenir.

Beautiful New Year cards

To make it, you will need thick cardboard and a sheet of colored paper to match, an image of two socks (cut out or drawn), ribbon, beads, beads for final design.

If you have special scissors for cutting scallops and a hole punch, that’s great: the tools will come in handy to make a hole for hanging our craft.

We cut out a wide strip of paper, decorate the cutting line with scallops, and glue it on. We sign the congratulations and glue the cut out socks. We decorate their lapels with beads or seed beads.

We pull the ribbon through the hole made by the hole punch and tie a knot.

For connoisseurs of minimalism

Those who like the minimalist style will appreciate the following idea: take thin emerald ribbons of different widths and secure them one on top of the other using beads or colored buttons.

By performing simple manipulations, you will receive an unusual postcard.

"Live" New Year's tree

Attach the stick to the paper base and tie ribbons of different lengths to it: they will serve as spreading spruce branches. Decorate the top with a miniature star.

Even a child can make such a stylish card from ribbons.


Do you want to create your own greeting card with an exclusive design, the likes of which cannot be found in the store? Use the scrapbooking technique.

To make such a craft you will need the following materials:

  • thick multi-colored paper sheets (preferably cardboard);
  • paper for scrapbooking (can be ordered in the online store);
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • decorative elements.

First of all, decide on the size of the future Christmas tree and, depending on this, using scrapbooking paper, make rectangular blanks that differ in width.

Using a pencil, twist the rectangular blanks to form tubes and secure them with glue so that they do not unwind.

The resulting tubes should be glued together, starting with the longest. Glue a Christmas tree made of tubes to the cardboard base. Decorate as you wish.

New Year cards, scrapbooking: photos

Quilling postcard with the symbol of the coming year

Respect the patron saint of the coming year - the Fire Cockerel - and decorate the postcard with his image.

For this you need the following materials:

  • stripes of different colors for quilling;
  • office glue;
  • cardboard (for the base);
  • a ready-made stencil or pencil for drawing the outline;
  • glitter and other decorations.

You need to create an image of a bird on cardboard. Twist the quilling strips and, using a little glue to prevent them from unwinding, form the required configuration. Having prepared the parts, “assemble” the image of the rooster by gluing them to the base.

Think about the bright plumage of a rooster and add some chic to your craft by decorating it with sparkles, feathers and other decorations.

Don't forget to write warm wishes inside the card.

Creative DIY Happy New Year cards

Postcard with embroidery

Another way to decorate a New Year's card is embroidery.

For this you need simple materials:

  • cardboard;
  • multi-colored knitting threads;
  • needle;
  • printed words or image;
  • scotch;
  • small details for decoration.

Fold the cardboard in half. Stick a set of words or an image in accordance with the New Year's theme: you can temporarily secure it with tape at the base. Using a needle, carefully make holes along the outline of the letters or image.

To create an applique, use threads of different colors.

Advice! First, “draw” the contours, and then move on to decorating the interior.

Decorate the finished craft with ribbon bows or beads.

Let's consider another option for creating a postcard with thread applique, but it will look completely different.

To create a thread card you will need:

  • a thick sheet of paper (preferably colored) or cardboard;
  • PVA glue;
  • thick multi-colored threads;
  • scissors;
  • sequins.

Fold the cardboard sheet in half. Cut the threads into pieces, but with different lengths(from smallest to largest or vice versa). Attach the threads with glue to the base (the longest one is glued first, the next ones are smaller, and so on). The order of alternating colors is not important.

Glue two small pieces of thread (identical length) at the bottom of the postcard: they will serve as a trunk for the tree.

All that remains is to decorate the thread tree with sequins.

Geometric herringbone

Here is another example of an original postcard with a Christmas tree. To create it you need a thick sheet of paper (very beautiful card it will work if one side is white and the other, for example, light green), a printed image of a Christmas tree, a stationery knife. If a printout of the drawing is not found, you will need a pencil and a ruler.

Fold the paper sheet in half (the green side should be wrong side). Using a pencil, draw a triangle (it’s easiest to do this under a ruler, in this case the triangle will be straight). Divide the inner part of the triangle into small triangles - it is important that they are the same.

Using a utility knife, carefully cut the triangles without touching the base.
Fold the triangles down from the front of the card.


The principle of creating a New Year's greeting card “Herringbone-Accordion” is quite simple, and for this you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • a sheet of green paper;
  • scissors;
  • decorative elements;
  • office glue.

Fold the cardboard in half - it will serve as the base for the card. From a green paper sheet (you can take any other color you like), make six rectangular pieces of identical width, but with different heights (each subsequent piece should differ in height by 15-20 mm).

Form an accordion out of each rectangular piece. Try to make the accordion proportional and identical in all parts.

Fold each of the resulting accordions in half and stick them on the inside of the card along the fold line, starting from the bottom and moving up.

On a note! The largest size accordion is glued first, and the smallest size last.

The finishing touch is the accordion-style Christmas tree decoration. Complete the composition with congratulatory inscriptions. Warm words are always nice.

Greeting cards with felt Christmas trees

To create a greeting card decorated with felt Christmas trees, in addition to multi-colored felt, you will need scissors, stationery glue, and thick paper.

Make trapezoidal and triangular shapes from felt fabric, differing in volume and color.

Glue the fragments onto the base and decorate with sparkles and congratulatory inscriptions.

There is nothing difficult about making homemade cards with congratulations for the New Year. Try to make such a craft with your own hands: the creative process is exciting, and needlework will give you a lot of pleasure and allow you to please others with unusual cards.

Combine the suggested ideas with your own creative ideas, and you will make unique New Year cards that will keep your hands warm and lift your spirits.


There are other ideas for original holiday cards for the New Year: watch MK in the video tutorial below:

The tradition of giving cards on occasion of significant events and holidays dates back more than two centuries. Despite the fact that modern information technologies have entered our lives: mobile communications and the Internet, we still rejoice when we receive a gift from loved one DIY colorful postcard for the New Year.

However, modern postcards look completely different from those we received twenty years ago. We no longer want to congratulate each other with the faceless products of the printing industry, which churned them out in unlimited quantities.

Boring standard cardboards were replaced by postcards, skillfully made on their own, into which the person who made them put a piece of his soul, warmth and care. One of our favorite holidays has always been the New Year: it is with it that we associate our dreams and hopes for a better future, and exchange gifts with people close to us.

A handmade card can be a pleasant addition to a gift. It is not at all difficult to make, since the materials for its manufacture (colored paper, cardboard, satin ribbons, bright shreds, beads, sequins, braid) can be found in every home. The task will become even easier if you purchase a special scrapbooking kit in the store (this is what the art of making postcards is called).

In addition to materials, we may need a figured hole punch, openwork or zigzag scissors, and a set of decorative stamps.

An original postcard for a man can be a pocket in which New Year's greetings are inserted. In recent years there has been fashion trend It is imperative to link the congratulatory text with the patron saint of the coming year - one of the twelve animals of the Chinese horoscope.

Having found a suitable poem on the Internet, we add everything that we want to wish to our dear person and print the text on a home printer. Of course, for this we need a sheet of thick cardboard, the edges of which can be tinted with acrylic paints and decorated with ornaments using suitable stamps.

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How to make a pocket postcard?

For this we need:

  • A piece of thick gift paper with a “masculine” design.
  • Small details (maybe some knightly paraphernalia taken from a children's game).
  • Several sisal fibers.
  • Small snowflakes.
  • Cloves (spicy, a few pieces).
  • A string of artificial pearls.
  • Artificial berries and imitation spruce branches.
  • Silver ribbon bow.
  • Silver braid.
  1. We model and glue an original pocket envelope from gift paper.
  2. We carefully cover the edges of the pocket with narrow silver braid.
  3. In the lower left corner of the pocket we create a beautiful composition from sisal fibers, beads, berries, snowflakes and a spruce twig. It is advisable to place fragrant carnations among artificial pine needles: they will imitate fir cones, while simultaneously scenting the card.
  4. In the foreground of the composition we attach small details (an imitation of a weapon, a shield or a fragment of knight’s armor).
  5. At the top of the congratulations sheet we attach a small but effective bow made of silver braid, decorated with a snowflake and a bunch of artificial berries.
  6. We put a beautifully designed congratulation in the finished pocket.
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A holiday card for the New Year, made with your own hands and intended as a gift for a woman, can be a three-dimensional imitation of a cozy winter window. Below you can find out how to make it.

We will need:

  • A sheet of dark blue cardboard.
  • Striped gift paper.
  • Scraps of guipure, tulle or lace.
  • Silver braid.
  • Ribbon narrow lace.
  • A picture depicting a beautiful winter landscape.
  • Trimmings ceiling tiles or thick felt.

Execution sequence:

  1. Fold a sheet of blue cardboard in half.
  2. We cover the inside of the card with coated white paper with beautifully designed corners and a pre-printed congratulation.
  3. We design the front side gift paper striped: it will imitate wallpaper on the wall surrounding the window.
  4. Paste on a beautiful winter landscape (it will be visible from the window).
  5. From strips of ceiling tiles or thick felt we make an imitation of a window frame and paste it on top of the winter landscape.
  6. From a piece ribbon lace we make a lambrequin and attach it to the top of the frame.
  7. We make curtains from scraps of tulle or guipure, glue them to the sides of the window, grab them with a narrow braid and tie it with a bow.
  8. Under the window we place a strip with a beautifully executed congratulatory inscription. It can be printed on a printer or cut out from an old postcard using curly scissors.
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Even the simplest postcard with an applique, made by a child’s hands, will be very an expensive gift for his mom.

Give your baby a sheet of cardboard folded in half and a leaf of fern (or any dried plant whose leaves are shaped like a Christmas tree).

  • Paste a piece of paper on front side postcards: this will be the basis of the New Year tree.
  • We decorate the Christmas tree with ready-made sparkles or circles of confetti, which the child can independently make from colored foil or pages of a glossy magazine.
  • Taking a thin brush and white gouache, you can depict snowflakes swirling around the Christmas tree.
  • We make imitation snowdrifts from pieces of cotton wool and glue them under the Christmas tree.
  • The congratulatory inscription (if the child can already write) can be made by hand.
  • The same applies to the text of the congratulation: made with touching children's doodles, it will warm any mother to the depths of her soul.

A very young child can please his mother with a postcard decorated using purchased stickers. These stickers are sold in sets and come in the shape of stars and various geometric shapes. Offer them to your child and help him make a simple Christmas tree applique.

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A postcard with a Christmas tree made by a child’s hands will be no less dear to his dad. It will look quite original with a Christmas tree made from paper straws. What will it take?

  • Colored thick cardboard.
  • Paper for scrap.
  • PVA glue.
  • Beads, sequins, beads.

Execution sequence:

  1. Fold the cardboard in half.
  2. We mark out the future card and decide on the size of the Christmas tree.
  3. We cut scrap paper into rectangles, roll them up and glue them into tubes. The length of the tubes should be different, corresponding to our preliminary markings.
  4. Having made a sufficient number of tubes, we begin to glue the Christmas tree onto the cardboard. We place the longest pieces down. With each new tier their length should decrease. We glue the tubes together.
  5. We decorate the finished Christmas tree with ready-made sparkles, beads and seed beads.
  6. Together with the child, we write congratulations to our beloved dad.
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Beautiful postcard made in unusual technique, will become pleasant surprise for my beloved friend. You can cut a round window on the front side and decorate it as a beautiful Christmas tree decoration.

We will need:

  • A piece of thick cardboard.
  • Gift paper.
  • Large silver snowflake.
  • A piece of bright colored felt.
  • Narrow silver ribbon.
  • Round paper napkin with carved edges.
  • Paper fir branches.

Execution sequence:

  1. We make the base of the card: fold a sheet of cardboard in half. We cover the front side with beautiful gift paper.
  2. Using a compass or any round object, draw a circle for the future window. The diameter of our circle should correspond to the diameter of the snowflake we have (you can buy it in a department that sells Christmas tree decorations).
  3. Cover the window with a piece of silver metallized cardboard.
  4. We decorate the edge of the cut window using paper napkin with lace edges (we cut out the middle of the napkin to the same diameter).
  5. We make the volumetric edging of the window from thick felt: having made the necessary markings, cut out a ring and glue it on top of the paper lace, like a frame.
  6. The edges of the felt frame can be decorated with gel with silver glitter.
  7. Place a snowflake in the center of the window and glue it to silver cardboard.
  8. At the top of what we got Christmas ball we glue an imitation of a metal fastener, made from the same silver cardboard.
  9. On both sides of the “mount” we strengthen paper spruce branches (ready-made or cut out ourselves).
  10. We decorate the center of the “fastening” with a bow made of silver ribbon.
  11. We paste the finished card from the inside beautiful paper and write our warmest wishes on it.
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You can please a friend funny postcard with the image of a smiling snowman.

Necessary materials:

  • Thick green cardboard.
  • A picture of a cheerful snowman.
  • Double-sided bulk tape.
  • Simple double-sided tape.
  • Ready-made 3D stickers.
  • Halves of mother-of-pearl beads.
  • A piece of grosgrain ribbon.
  • Stamp.
  • Glue "Titan".

Stages of work:

  1. Fold the card, mark it and cut out a window on the front side.
  2. In accordance with the size of the window, select a suitable picture and cut it out, making an additional allowance of 0.5 cm on each side (this is necessary for attaching the picture to bulk tape). We make all markings using a simple pencil. After cutting out the picture, erase the auxiliary lines.
  3. We attach small squares of double-sided tape along the edges of the front side of the picture and glue the image of the snowman to the back side of the future postcard. At the same time, it should seem as if a snowman is looking out the window.
  4. At the bottom of the card we attach a piece of grosgrain ribbon (using double-sided tape).
  5. We hide the edges of the tape under voluminous snowmen-stickers.
  6. After applying a few drops of glue, we attach snowflake-shaped sequins to the ribbon.
  7. We use the same sequins to decorate the top corner of the card.
  8. We decorate the upper right corner of the window with a bright fabric bow.
  9. In the left corner we place and glue the halves of mother-of-pearl beads.
  10. We will make the liner for the inside from scrap paper by cutting out a square of the required size and processing its edges using a border hole punch.
  11. Glue the liner with double-sided regular tape.
  12. Using an acrylic stamp, we will make an imprint of the congratulatory inscription.
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A New Year's card with button applique will be a pleasant surprise for your beloved grandmother. Bright, unusual and very easy to make, it will become the center of admiring attention at the moment ceremonial presentation gifts.

Necessary materials:

  • Thick white cardboard.
  • A large number of large and small buttons of different colors.
  • Beads, beads, sequins.
  • Felt scraps.
  • Balls of multi-colored wool yarn.
  • Adhesive "Titan" (for ceiling tiles).
  1. By bending the cardboard in half, we prepare the base for the postcard.
  2. Using a simple pencil, make a light sketch of the Christmas tree.
  3. We lay out an image of a Christmas tree made of buttons, tightly filling the drawn outline with them. Glue the buttons, alternating them in color and size, leaving no gaps or gaps.
  4. Decorating the Christmas tree small beads and sequins.
  5. At the top of the head we attach a star cut out of bright felt.
  6. Cut out pieces of felt a large number of squares and rectangles that will imitate a mountain of gifts at the base of the Christmas tree. We tie each “gift” with an elegant bow made from wool yarn (some threads can be passed through a small button before tying the bow).
  7. We beautifully group the “gifts” under the Christmas tree and glue them.
  8. We write touching congratulations inside the postcard.

Another gift option for grandma could be a card made from threads. Taking fluffy yarn Green colour, lay out the silhouette of the Christmas tree with a thread and paste it onto thick cardboard with a figured edging. Glue three large buttons in the center. The original postcard is ready!

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You can make a card for your dear grandfather that is somewhat reminiscent of a traditional one, but only from earlier times and with an indispensable modern “zest.”

What do we need?

  • A piece of dark cardboard.
  • A picture of Santa Claus (cut out from a magazine or an old postcard).
  • A few strips of scrap paper or pages from a glossy magazine.
  • Golden braid.
  • Decorative bell.
  • Artificial twigs and berries.


  1. In the center of the cardboard folded in half we paste a picture of Santa Claus. You can first attach a narrow rectangle of plain colored paper to it, placing it closer to the upper corner of the postcard.
  2. To the bottom edge of the picture we attach several tubes of glossy paper with letters tied with bows made of golden braid: this is an imitation congratulatory scrolls. They can be additionally decorated with paper spruce branches.
  3. We decorate the side of the picture (just above the “scrolls”) with a three-dimensional image of a gift tied with a golden thread with a tiny bell.
  4. You can further decorate it by cutting out a couple of snowflakes from an openwork paper napkin.
  5. We make the congratulatory inscription by hand using gel with glitter (or cut it out from an old postcard).
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A handicraft mother can please her beloved daughter with a postcard depicting the beautiful Snow Maiden.

Necessary materials:

  • A piece of thick cardboard.
  • Cardboard with silver letters.
  • Picture with the image of the Snow Maiden.
  • Gel with glitter.
  • Wool yarn.
  • Finished silver snowflakes.
  • Satin braid, strip of floral mesh, beads, sequins.

Execution sequence:

  1. Fold the cardboard in half. Using a sewing machine, we attach a piece of beautiful thick cardboard with silver letters to the front side. Thanks to this application, the postcard will be both stronger and more solid.
  2. Using a simple pencil, we mark the round window (the edges of the circle can be made curly). Cut out the window using a utility knife.
  3. In order for the postcard to be purchased original look, you can select a window using beautiful frame. To make it, take a beautiful cardboard and make a free-form edging. Glue it using Titan glue.
  4. We will outline the outer and inner edges of the frame with gel with silver glitter.
  5. Let's decorate the frame on one edge with snowflakes, an elegant bow made of braid, wool yarn and floral mesh.
  6. We cover the inside with light paper and write New Year's greetings.
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For your beloved son, you can make a postcard using the now popular quilling technique. Skillfully made mittens will clearly demonstrate how great a mother’s desire is to please her child.

Necessary materials:

  • Blue cardboard.
  • Narrow strips of red and white paper.
  • Beads and sequins.
  • Satin ribbon.
  • A congratulatory inscription printed on a color printer and cut out with curly scissors.

Execution sequence:

  1. We make the base of the card from blue cardboard.
  2. From thick white cardboard we cut out images of a pair of warm mittens and tightly fill them with red paper ribbons twisted into spirals. The edges of the mittens are made of white stripes, and their middle is decorated with sequins.
  3. We place the finished mittens in the very center of the front side, connecting them satin ribbon and tied it with a bow.
  4. We decorate the upper corners with elegant white flowers imitating frosty patterns. Glue glitter in the centers of the flowers.
  5. In the lower corners we make “frosty” curls, decorated with transparent beads.
  6. We attach a congratulatory inscription under the mittens.
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A voluminous postcard for the New Year of the Goat (sheep) is a wonderful reason to please your beloved girl by giving her a talisman postcard depicting a cute sheep - the patron saint of the coming year. To make it you will need no more than half an hour and a modest set of materials. So, we need:

  • A sheet of white and thick textured paper.
  • A piece of black half-cardboard.
  • Ready-made eyes for toys.
  • Scissors: simple and curly.

Manufacturing sequence:

  1. Fold white textured paper in half and draw a circle on it using a compass or any round object.
  2. We cut out the circle with curly scissors, leaving a small piece of the fold untouched so that the card can open.
  3. From scraps of white paper we make an oval hat and a small round tail.
  4. On a sheet of black cardboard we outline a muzzle, a pair of ears and four legs. We cut out all the parts using regular scissors.
  5. Before assembling the postcard, we lay out all the details, achieving the greatest expressiveness of the image. Our card will stand, so we need to position the legs so that they match.
  6. Carefully glue all the parts, promptly removing excess glue with a soft cloth.
  7. Our amulet card is ready. You just need to write the most nice words inside and give it to your beloved girl along with a New Year's gift.
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It’s quite possible to make a postcard for your brother to a small child. Of course, if an adult family member helps with the work. Let's find out how to do it in fashion technology called cardmaking.

Our postcard will be a bright picture with edging made of base cardboard. To accomplish this we need:

  • A sheet of very thick cardboard (21/15 cm in size).
  • Set of colored velvet paper.
  • Double-sided bulk tape.
  • Star sequins.
  • Metal chain (22-25 cm long).
  • Several acrylic or metal pendants and rings for attaching them.
  • Sintepon or cotton wool.
  • Titan glue or glue stick. In extreme cases, regular office glue will do.
  • Regular scissors and zigzag scissors.
  • Special press eyelet and three eyelets.

Execution steps:

  1. Using zigzag scissors, cut out a rectangle measuring 18/11 cm from blue velvet paper and glue it to a sheet of white cardboard: this is the background of our postcard.
  2. Using the same scissors, we cut out a triangular (with sides 6/9/9 cm) Christmas tree from green velvet paper. We decorate it with star sequins.
  3. We attach strips of bulk tape to the back of the Christmas tree and place it on the card.
  4. We make two from red velvet paper New Year's boots for gifts and secure them with the same tape.
  5. In the same way we cut out and glue the house.
  6. We make holes in three places using a grommet press. Using detachable rings, we attach a chain to the card and decorate it with funny pendants.
  7. To imitate a snowball, we use lumps of cotton wool, attaching them to the roof of the house, boots and at the base of the Christmas tree.
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A very delicate and original card made of beads can please your beloved sister. It will take no more than a quarter of an hour to make, but the result will be a very nice addition to the gift.

Required materials:

  • Thick blue cardboard.
  • Three pieces New Year's paper with a pattern of similar colors.
  • Pearlescent white beads of different diameters (preferably three sizes).
  • Flat double-sided tape.
  • Narrow nylon ribbon.
  • Hot glue.

Sequence of work:

  1. Making a postcard from cardboard square shape.
  2. We decorate the front side with squares and rectangles of New Year's paper, placing them randomly on cardboard and gluing them with double-sided tape. The most important thing is that the composition is original and harmonious.
  3. Using a simple pencil, make a light sketch of the silhouette of the Christmas tree and begin gluing the beads of the bottom row using hot glue. During the gluing process, we alternate the beads by size, trying to place the smallest of them in the upper tiers of the Christmas tree.
  4. Having glued the Christmas tree, we make an elegant bow from translucent nylon tape at the bottom of the card. To do this, use a sharp utility knife to make a small cut in the fold, thread a ribbon through it and tie a bow.
  5. We guarantee that any girl will be delighted with such a card. Multiply her joy by finding suitable good poems on the Internet. Sign it by hand or print the text of the congratulations on a printer.
  6. 3 votes, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Preparations for the New Year have already swept the whole country! It’s not difficult to make DIY New Year’s cards 2018 using photo and video instructions, and giving them is incredibly pleasant! Everyone is in a hurry to think over the decoration of rooms, work areas, menus for New Year's table, outfit and gifts. As you know, a gift in the form of a handmade postcard is doubly pleasant. After all, this is not some faceless trinket chosen in a hurry, but a targeted gift made with love.

In this article we’ll look at how to make one of your favorite gifts – a postcard. We will consider many options for creating New Year's cards with your own hands for the 2018 meeting. Next will be given tips on creating them, choosing materials and a theme for design, as well as options for signatures and wishes.

Materials for creating a postcard or what may be useful

Experienced handmade craftsmen already know that any material is suitable for a DIY New Year's card for 2018. Use your imagination!

What you might need to work on a postcard:

  • The base is thick paper, preferably A4 format folded in half, but any other format can be used.
  • Glue. It is better to use PVA produced by Luch, it does not leave yellow marks. For attaching non-paper decor, “Moment Gel” or “Crystal” glue is suitable.
  • Decorative elements. These could be clippings from old postcards or magazines.
  • Satin ribbons, lace.
  • Flowers made of paper or fabric.
  • Half beads, cabochons, rhinestones, sequins, pendants.
  • Any decorative elements in the form of wooden snowflakes, insects, Christmas trees and so on.
  • Paper: crepe, tracing paper, colored, corrugated, any decorative, old postcards or magazine clippings, pages of old books.
  • Sisal, thread, foil, jute rope.
  • Buttons, snaps, rivets, leather patches and so on.

Everything that remains from any decorations, accessories, old damaged postcards can be carefully preserved and used again to create a new masterpiece.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a New Year's card

You need to create any New Year's card following a certain algorithm. The success of a creative endeavor largely depends on this.

Before you start, it is important to think over the idea and size of the postcard, decide on necessary material, select everything that is needed in the work from the whole variety of decorative elements and materials.

Now we follow the plan described below:

  1. Think over the plot of the postcard, what will be depicted on it and the size of the base. Most often this is A5 format, that is, an A4 sheet folded in half, but you can choose any other format at your discretion.
  2. Next you need to think about the color palette of the postcard. Color and combination of shades plays a huge role in the overall perception of the finished product. Below are options for combining shades and a special New Year's palette in the photo. If you don’t have a special flair and knowledge of color combinations, it’s better to use a palette.
  3. Next, we think about the composition and arrangement of parts. Special ready-made templates or sketches can help with this, but this will be discussed later in the article. For a successful composition, it is important to choose the center and the main, larger element. Next, think about where the small details will be located; you don’t need to fill the entire area of ​​the postcard with them, let them create beautiful shape. It is important to unite the entire composition on the postcard with a common color idea and compositional idea.
  4. When everything is thought out and the idea is clear, you need to prepare all the elements. Cut out and paint the parts. Choose beads, cabochons, ribbons, lace, snowflakes, flowers and so on.
  5. Now you need to make the background.
  6. After that we glue the main element.
  7. Next, we place all the small parts in their places.
  8. We decorate if necessary.

Templates and sets for postcards, individual materials for realizing your own ideas

To create cards, including New Year's cards, for 2018 with your own hands, you can use various templates and sketches. They help you decide on the composition and idea of ​​the postcard. Below are photos of similar sketches. They can be printed on paper or used for visual purposes by creating your own card based on the template.

Postcards may contain different elements: Christmas tree, balls, stripes, beautiful background design, snowflakes, glued half-beads and so on. Of course, each template can be changed to suit your taste, but in general the templates are thought out in terms of composition and color.

The Christmas tree is the main decorative element. Various methods and materials for its image

On New Year's cards you can most often see an image of a Christmas tree. We can make it using various materials:

  • Buttons, rhinestones, half beads.
  • Ribbons and lace.
  • Paper or paper napkins.
  • Openwork small snowflakes.
  • Felt, old postcards or rolls of colored packaging paper.

Postcard templates:

The Christmas tree can be placed on the front side of the card or inside and open up beautifully.


Three options for creating a postcard with a Christmas tree

Option #1

For this stylish New Year's card with a Christmas tree you will need:

  • Beautiful cardboard and corrugated cardboard in a stylish metallic shade and stripes.
  • Colored paper to match the cardboard.
  • Decorative cord.
  • Adhesive rhinestones.
  • Scissors, glue, ruler and a simple pencil.

We make a card like this:

  1. On white paper we draw templates of all the details (as in the photo);
  2. Cut out the template and transfer it to cardboard and colored paper, cut out;
  3. We carefully place all the parts in the right places and glue the decor;
  4. Place the rhinestones, attach a cord and the card is ready.

Step-by-step photo cards

Option No. 2

This card is made from rolls of colored paper. The manufacturing technique is somewhat reminiscent of quilling. To work you will need:

  • Decorative cardboard with a pattern and white.
  • Colored paper with print in New Year theme and color scheme.
  • Decorative buttons, rhinestones.
  • A smooth round pencil or wooden stick.
  • Glue, ruler and scissors.

Let's get creative:

  1. Cut out squares from colored printed paper different sizes(as in the photo);
  2. We roll them into rolls and secure them with glue;
  3. We glue the rolls together into a triangle-shaped Christmas tree (see photo);
  4. We make a base out of white cardboard and glue a Christmas tree made of rolls to it;
  5. We decorate the Christmas tree with rhinestones and buttons.

The card is ready, all that remains is to make a congratulatory inscription inside.

Step by step photos

Option No. 3

This version of the New Year 2018 postcard is made on bright cardboard using corrugated paper. To work we need:

  • Decorative cardboard in a bright red shade for the base.
  • Green corrugated paper.
  • Double-sided tape and glue.
  • Decorative satin ribbon with New Year's print.
  • Beads and small beads or braid, star-shaped cabochon.

Let's start creating:

  1. Make a card base from cardboard by carefully folding it in half;
  2. Apply decorative tape to the top and bottom of the card;
  3. Mark the outline of the Christmas tree with a pencil and place double-sided tape (see photo);
  4. Cut strips of different sizes from corrugated paper and, squaring a little, stick them on top of the strips of double-sided tape. So we got a Christmas tree;
  5. We glue the beads, beads and star into place.

These are variants of New Year's cards with the main character - the Christmas tree. Next, we’ll look at how to make your own postcard with the symbol of the year – a dog.

The dog is the symbol of the year on a postcard

You can make a postcard with a picture of a dog - a symbol of the coming year. There can also be many variations here. Make a postcard in the shape of a dog's face from colored paper. The following are step by step photos with the manufacturing process.

In addition, you can make a postcard in the shape of a dachshund. For it you need:

  1. Colored thick paper in 4 shades: blue and white for the base, golden and brown for the dog. You also need some black paper for the eyes and nose.
  2. Glue, scissors and ruler.

We make a card like this:

  • Cut out a rectangle from blue paper. This is the basis. Fold it in half, then one front part in half again.
  • We cut out rectangles from white paper of such sizes that they overlap each part of the folded base, and glue them on top of the base.
  • cut out the dachshund. A long oval body so that it fits over the entire unfolded card. Cut out the paws, head, ears, tail, eyes. We duplicate each small detail from brown and gold paper.
  • Glue the body onto the entire postcard, followed by the paws and muzzle, and then all the small details.
  • This is how we got a dachshund, whose head is on the front bent half, and the end of the body is on the half of the postcard that is not bent. A closed card comes with a short dog, and an open card with a long dog.

You can paste a congratulatory inscription inside the card on a separate square or flag.

Step-by-step photos of creating a postcard for the New Year 2018 with your own hands in the form of a dog:

Step-by-step photos of postcards:

Simple cards with a good mood

Today, fashionable and stylish does not mean complicated. You can make an excellent DIY New Year's card 2018 in a couple of minutes, which will have style and a good mood.

Option #1

  1. Take bright cardboard and fold it in half.
  2. From white paper, cut out the outlines of Santa Claus's beard and mustache, glasses and a few stars.
  3. Glue the small details onto the front of the card.

Option No. 2

On white cardboard folded in half, draw a beautiful thin line with curls. This will be the base of the garland. Then, in some places marked on the garland, draw multi-colored circles - light bulbs.

Option No. 3

Postcard with a funny snowman - top view. To do this, you need to cut out several circles of different diameters and stick them on top of each other; you can line them with thick cardboard. Next, all that remains is to add small details and inscriptions.

Option No. 4

Use buttons. Here you can keep a postcard in minimalism, it will acquire a special style and charm. A couple of white buttons are enough to create a snowman, which we will complement with red braid - a scarf and black braid - a hat. Or several bright buttons that will depict Christmas balls. We will draw a string on it and make a beautiful inscription at the bottom.

Postcards in different techniques

Postcards for the New Year 2018, made with your own hands using the quilling or punching technique, are very interesting and beautiful. In order to create such a miracle with your own hands, you need to make a lot of effort, be careful and attentive. It's pretty complex techniques, which require extreme accuracy and concentration to achieve a good result.

Postcards using the quilling technique can depict a Christmas tree, a dog, or winter patterns. To perform them, you need strips of colored paper, which are rolled into rolls and given the desired shape. These rolls are then used to lay out intricate designs.

The vytytnanka technique involves cutting out scenes from several layers of paper and placing them on top of each other. These cards fascinate with their grace and beauty.

You can also use threads and thread printing or embroidery techniques to create a New Year's card with your own hands. To do this, the intended design is embroidered with a cross or satin stitch on a separate square of paper, or laid out using the thread printing technique. This square is then glued onto the postcard base.

A design for a postcard can also be made from felt, for example, cut-out deer, a snowman, mistletoe flowers or a Christmas tree, which are then attached to the base for the postcard.

If you are making a card with your child, then a wonderful New Year’s option would be to make a drawing on a 2018 New Year’s card with the baby’s handprint. To do this, you need to paint the child’s palm in white paint. The kid will be delighted with this activity! Immediately you need to print your palm onto the prepared colored base for a cardboard postcard.

If you print it with your fingers down, then you can finish drawing Santa Claus, your fingers will be a beard. And if you print your palm with your fingers up, then the palm itself will be a snowdrift, and we will finish drawing the fingers and turn them into snowmen and Christmas trees.

Did you like our New Year cards, which you can make with your own hands in 2018 using step-by-step photos?


It is customary to give cards for all holidays, both marked and unmarked on the calendar. This applies to major religious holidays, such as Easter, or personal and small ones, such as the day of acquaintance or a big purchase. All memorable dates need cards and New Year is no exception. As you know, you can’t buy something made directly by human hands in a store and you won’t find it anywhere else. Everything is unique.

We invite you to please and surprise your friends and acquaintances, colleagues and friends with New Year's cards. And to this, at www.svoimi-rukamy.com we attach a selection of ideas for inspiration on the theme of New Year's cards.

Idea No. 1. New Year card with a Christmas tree in a skirt

This is a voluminous postcard. If you plan to write a wish and then print it on a printer, then this should be done before decorating.

So, what do you need to create a card with a Christmas tree from corrugated paper:
2. Corrugated paper.
3. Scissors.

5. Double-sided tape and/or PVA glue.
6. Simple pencil.

Let's get started, MK do-it-yourself corrugated paper postcards

Let's start by preparing the base for the card. To do this, take cardboard or thick paper and bend it in half. In principle, a standard move for a postcard. Next, on one of the halves, make a rough sketch of the future Christmas tree. This can be done with a couple of lines.

Now let's prepare the corrugated paper. You need to cut it into strips about one and a half centimeters in height, and in length, this value is curled depending on how fluffy the Christmas tree needs to be made. We suggest taking a third of the planned length as an allowance. The strips should be of different sizes to maintain the triangular shape of the Christmas tree. That is, both the shortest and longest strips should be available.

Now you need to glue the corrugated paper strips into place. It is better to start from the lower tiers and gradually move up. Focusing on the marks made earlier and using glue or double-sided tape, glue the strips, tucking them in a little. To get some kind of skirt with tails.

Upon completion, you can decorate the top of your Christmas tree with a star and glue sparkles, rain, bows or something like that.

You need to pick up some elements or come up with kind words. So that your postcard leaves an even greater impression on the recipient.

Idea No. 2. New Year card and some scrapbooking

In this option, it is better to print the wish in advance or print it on a separate piece of paper, which can also be played up and presented in an original way.

So, what do you need to create a card with scrapbooking elements:

1. Thick colored cardboard or paper. A4 format will be sufficient.
2. Scissors.

4. Elements for decoration, at your discretion.
5. Scrap paper.
6. Any object shaped like a pencil.

Scarpbooking postcard, for beginners

Decide on the size of your Christmas tree. And based on this, plan how much paper you will need. More precisely, how many and what size do you need to cut rectangles from scrap paper.

Then, once you have decided on the number of rectangles and cut them out, you need to roll each one into cylinders. The basis of which will be a pencil or something cylindrical that you have on hand. You need to twist the tubes in the direction of width, and so that they keep their shape, after you remove the base, you need to secure the structure with glue.

After each rectangle is twisted into a tube, you need to connect all the tubes together with glue. Naturally, you should stick to approximately the shape of the Christmas tree, that is, a triangle.

Now let's work on the base of the postcard. Take a prepared sheet of cardboard or thick paper and fold it in half. Now you need to glue the Christmas tree onto one of the halves. But before that, the glue on the Christmas tree must set sufficiently and dry.

After the Christmas tree is glued to the base of the card, it's time to decorate it. For this purpose, you can use all kinds of decorations - buttons, miniature bows, ribbons, beads, rivets, sparkles, sequins, in a word, whatever your heart desires.

Decorations can be attached with double-sided tape.

Don't forget to write something nice to the recipient inside.

Idea No. 3. New Year card in the style of “children's hands”

This idea is perfect for little crafters and needlewomen. She is uncomplicated, but sweet and open, just like a child's soul. Let's not hesitate, call the kids and let's get started.

So, what do you need to create a New Year's card in the "children's hands" style:

1. Colored cardboard. We suggest taking a classic color combination: red and green. But you are free to change them.
2. Sparkles, rhinestones, sequins.
3. Wrapping paper or candy wrapper.
4. Black fine marker.
5. Scissors.
6. Double-sided tape and/or PVA glue.
7. Elements for decoration, at your discretion.
8. Stapler.
9. Hot melt adhesive.

Let's make a postcard together with your child

Let's start by preparing the base for the card. To do this, take red cardboard and simply bend it in half. You can slightly cut the corners of the resulting rectangle. This will make your message more interesting.

We make a Christmas tree. You will need to take green cardboard, fold it in half and then cut it. Bend one half into an accordion. Determine the width of the “step” yourself. We recommend at least one centimeter and no more than three. Grab one end of the accordion with a stapler; you can apply two staples for security.

Now let's create a stump. To do this, cut out a simple rectangle from wrapping paper or candy wrapper. If you use the latter, do not forget to first iron it through a simple piece of paper. This will help straighten the wrapper.

Now you need to glue the Christmas tree to the base of the card. Hot melt adhesive is perfect for this purpose. It is better not to trust this operation to children. Tuck a stump under the free end of the Christmas tree and glue it too.

Advice. Since the heat gun heats the rod to a fairly high temperature, the child can get burned or ruin the whole work with a careless movement, which will be offensive.
It's time to decorate the Christmas tree. Glue the decorations you prepared to the crown. Don't forget to place something big and beautiful on the top of your New Year's beauty.

Give your child a marker and let him write some simple and kind words on a postcard and let him make a couple of mistakes, where would he be without them?

Idea No. 4. New Year card in the style of "minimalism"

We offer you a postcard with a Christmas tree in a minimalist style for your consideration and inspiration. At first glance, a simple and even modest postcard becomes quite complex when studied in detail. But you're not looking for easy ways, are you?

So, what do you need to create a minimalist greeting card?

1. Thick colored cardboard or paper. A4 format will be sufficient.
2. Stationery knife or shaped hole punch.
3. Thread and needle. It is better to choose a thread color that contrasts with the main color of the card. And the type of thread you can take is similar to “iris”.
4. Pencil and ruler.
5. Sequins.
6. Scissors.

DIY New Year card for children

We will start, as they say, from the beginning. Fold the cardboard sheet in half. Now you need to make some sketches on one of the parts. This applies to the location of the top of the Christmas tree and the Christmas tree itself. The field of how you conventionally placed the Christmas tree on half of the postcard. Carefully cut through the top of the Christmas tree. If you have a shaped hole punch, then this task will not take much of your time. Well, if there is no hole punch, then first draw a star, then carefully cut it out using a stationery knife. By the way, before starting work it is better to renew the tip of the blade.

After you are done with the star. Take a thread and a needle and, using your marks as a guide, start making stitches. Remember to thread enough sequins onto the thread after piercing the paper. It is not advisable to tighten the thread too much and it is also not advisable for it to sag.

Now you need to make notes through the cut hole of the star. So that its location can be seen inside the postcard. Use a sticker in the shape of a star or any other, not necessarily this exact shape, the main thing is that it is not clear what kind of sticker it is when the postcard is closed.

A shining surface or something similar was simply visible through the star hole.

That's all. Write something good inside and feel free to give it!

Idea No. 5. Postcard with a Christmas tree using origami technique.

Origami is a very complex and interesting technique. Her Asian roots give her a certain charm and mystery. When this technique is mentioned, complex designs and intricate diagrams immediately come to mind. But don’t worry, the Christmas tree proposed below is not aerobatics. You can definitely handle it.

So, what do you need to create a postcard with a Christmas tree using the origami technique:
1. Colored thick paper, but not cardboard.
2. Colored cardboard.
3. Double-sided tape and/or PVA glue.
4. Elements for decoration, at your discretion.

Cards for children for the New Year, simple MK

Let's start with the base of the card. Carefully bend a sheet of multi-colored A4 cardboard (you can use another one) in half.

Tip: keep in mind that some cardboard sheets tend to crack when folded. This greatly affects the aesthetics of the postcard itself. If you have the trouble of running into such cardboard, then the bend can be decorated with figuratively cut colored paper or ribbon, or even braid.

So, now we need to fold about three origami modules. Depending on the initial size, you can make more or fewer modules. Accordingly, the Christmas tree will be larger or smaller.
Let's start from an example. Take three squares of construction paper or scrapbooking paper. You can print any image you want on thick paper. The sides of the square, as we said above, can affect the size of the tree. In our case, 20 centimeters. The square needs to be folded diagonally, then unfolded and folded again diagonally, crosswise.

You have conventionally marked four triangles, now you need to tuck two opposite ones inward. Now press the resulting triangle to any surface and mark the conditional center of the figure for yourself, bend the lower corner parallel to the marked middle. Repeat the procedure with the second corner. The module is ready. Add two more. You can take a different color of paper.

Let's start assembling the Christmas tree. Glue the origami module onto the base of the postcard. You can use glue or tape. The formation of the Christmas tree should be done from top to bottom, as if inserting the next module into the previous one.

The next step is to fill in the details of your card. Choose how and what to decorate yourself. As an example, we offer bows and buttons.

Idea No. 6. Postcard with ribbon Christmas tree

This idea is also minimalist. And it is not an overly complex design. If you are looking for ideas for working with children, then this idea is perfect for you.

So, what do you need to create a card with a ribbon Christmas tree:

1. Thick colored cardboard or paper. A4 format will be sufficient.
2. Scissors.
3. Double-sided tape and/or PVA glue.
4. Elements for decoration, at your discretion.
5. Decorative ribbons, scrap paper or clippings from bright pages of printed publications.
6. Stickers. In this option, it is important to take stickers in the shape of stars.

Let's start making a simple card

We will begin, accordingly, by preparing the foundation. To do this, you need to bend a sheet of cardboard in half. Among the materials prepared, look for paper or tape that is closest in color to brown. We will decorate the trunk of the Christmas tree. The ideal option would be to cut out a very elongated trapezoid from brown paper. Glue the trunk of the Christmas tree onto one of the halves of the base. Try to place it exclusively in the middle of the sheet.

After you have completed work with the trunk, you need to pay attention to the crown of the tree. Namely, cutting the prepared material into strips. Each subsequent strip should be longer or, accordingly, shorter than the previous one. It is better not to change the width. We suggest cutting strips of approximately 1.5-2 centimeters.

Now that you have visualized how many strips you need, you need to cut off the corners of the cut strips at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. So that in general the tapes, already placed in their proper places, will form a triangle with a strongly pointed apex. It is better to do this not for each tape separately, but for all of them at once, with one, so to speak, cut.
Now you need to glue the tapes to the places provided for them. The ribbons should overlap the trunk. The process is most conveniently done from the bottom up.

Place a star-shaped sticker on the very top of your Christmas tree. At this point we can consider the work on this postcard completed. But you can add details with decorative elements. It's up to your taste.

Idea No. 7. New Year card with original Christmas tree

And one more idea for inspiration for a variation of the New Year. The idea is also not characterized by multi-steps and high cost of materials. And the end result is an original and cute decoration for a New Year’s card. If you take pastel or, as makeup artists like to say, nude shades, the postcard will have a fairly bright feminine character. Such a card would be an appropriate addition to a gift for a woman of middle age or older.

So, what do you need to create a greeting card with an original Christmas tree:

1. Thick colored cardboard or paper. A4 format will be sufficient.
2. Scissors.
3. Double-sided tape and/or PVA glue.
4. Elements for decoration, at your discretion.
5. Round napkins or double-sided colored paper.

Original postcard with a Christmas tree with your own hands

The first thing we do is fold the cardboard across it. Here is the main part of the postcard is ready.

Now let's make a Christmas tree. For this purpose, you need to take a double-sided napkin in the shape of a circle and divide it exactly in half. In the future, you will only need one part to create one Christmas tree. Well, if you were unable to find suitable napkins, then you can make paper for this purpose yourself. The main thing is to decide what size you want your Christmas tree to be.

Because we must take into account that the average printer is capable of printing any drawing only on A4 format. Accordingly, based on this, it is necessary to calculate the size of the future tree. Alternatively, you can use thick double-sided paper.
In favor of the printed option: if you print only a semicircle, the size of the tree will increase to 20-25 centimeters.

So, you have decided on the paper and there is a semicircle in front of you. In order to fold the Christmas tree you need to perform a fairly simple operation. Step back about 3-5 centimeters along the smooth edge of the semicircle and make an inconspicuous mark for yourself. This is where the top of your Christmas tree will be located. Now fold the paper like an accordion. The step width is approximately five centimeters. Experiment with this. You may be satisfied with other options.

It makes sense to secure the resulting folds so that the Christmas tree does not try to release itself like a spring. This can be easily done using double-sided tape. When your hand becomes more confident in folding the accordion, you can pre-fix the tape on a semicircle of paper.

Now you need to glue the Christmas tree onto one of the halves of the next card. This can be done using tape or glue.
If desired, add details to the card and decorate the Christmas tree with decorative elements.

Idea No. 8. New Year cards with 3D effect

We have all been familiar with children's books since childhood. Who, without even knowing it, were the founders of modern, trendy 3D. Turning over the next piece of paper, we met foxes, wolves or Koloboks, who rose above the book pages as if alive. Agree, then for us it was almost magic. We have grown up, and now we can try on the wizard's mantle simply by making voluminous postcards for the New Year.

So, what you will need to create a New Year's card with a 3D effect:

1. Thick colored cardboard or paper. A4 format will be sufficient.
2. Scissors.
3. Curly scissors (optional).
4. Pencil and ruler.
5. Stationery knife.
6. Elements for decoration, at your discretion.

Let's start making 3D cards for the New Year

You need to cut out several triangles from colored cardboard; for this purpose, take curly scissors. In the future, these triangles will become tree crowns. You don't have to make them the same; you can experiment with the sizes.

Now let's get down to preparing the base of the postcard. For this purpose, you need to take two sheets of cardboard and paper. The cardboard will act as the base, and the paper will be the inner edge of the card. And bend them in half

The sheet of paper that will play the role of the inner liner must first be drawn out, and then cuts should be made using a stationery knife or scissors. The marks are made perpendicular to the fold of the paper and represent something like steps, namely stumps for poor Christmas trees.

The crowns of the Christmas trees prepared in advance now need to be glued into place. To do this, open the inner insert of the postcard and you should get something like steps, so stick the Christmas trees on them. Have you already understood the principle of the postcard?

Now you need to fix the inner liner of the card with glue in a sheet of cardboard folded in half.

Christmas tree cards pasted inside can be decorated with flat decorations made from the same paper.

That's all. The postcard with the 3D effect is ready.

Idea No. 9. New Year dynamic card

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the idea for creating a very original greeting and not only New Year's card. But still, it will look like the sheets folded in half that are familiar to us. Although, here is a completely different principle. But the recipient will definitely like it.

So, what do you need to create a dynamic New Year’s greeting card:

1. Thick colored cardboard and/or paper. A4 format will be sufficient.
2. Scissors.
3. Stationery knife.
4. Compass.
5. Thick enough thread.

Let's start making a dynamic postcard

On a standard A4 sheet of paper, draw a circle using a compass. Then cut it out. Now fold the resulting circle in half and use scissors to make cuts that are arranged alternately and reflect the contours of the circle. The cuts should become longer as you move away from the center.

After this you need to straighten the circle. Glue a thread to the center of the circle. To make the product more interesting. A thread is threaded through the top and circles of cardboard of contrasting color are glued to it. The thread is positioned so that the glued circles are located under the base of the circle. Now if you pull the thread, the structure will turn into an unusual garland shaped like a Christmas tree. And bright circles will be playfully visible inside it.

Now you need to glue the Christmas tree after returning it to its folded state. When gluing, make sure that you do not glue too much, and the Christmas tree has the opportunity to spread out. The base to which you will glue your dynamic Christmas tree can be made from cardboard folded in half.

That's basically it. You have an unusual and dynamic card, all that remains is to write congratulations and give it as a gift.

Idea No. 10. New Year cards decorated using double-sided tape with a backing

We offer you several options under one heading. Since they have a common element - all options use double-sided tape with a backing as the basis for decorating and securing the elements.

So, what do you need to create a New Year's greeting card using double-sided tape:

  • Double-sided tape with backing.
  • Thick colored cardboard or paper. A4 format will be sufficient.
  • Scissors.
  • Shaped hole punch, if desired.
  • Ribbons, cord or thick thread.
  • Option 1. First you need to prepare the bases for the cards. This is very simple to do - you just need to take several sheets of cardboard and bend them in half. You can make not only rectangular shapes, but the simplest and most familiar ones are just like this. Triangular or cardboard ones will also be quite original, but you need to take into account that not all decorative elements look equally good, for example, on a round shape.

    Video, DIY New Year cards

    Then we will prepare the elements for decoration. Using a shaped hole punch, cut out many circles from colored cardboard from colored paper. It is desirable that the size be different. Well, if you don’t have a hole punch on the farm, you can simply cut everything out with scissors. True, this will take more time, but we are not looking for easy ways, are we? It is better to take paper that is hard and of different colors. The ideal option would be to use colors that differ in several tones, but within the same shade. You can take paper that imitates a mirror surface and introduce it as an addition.

    Now you need to take the prepared card base and stick tape on it. By creating a semblance of a circle on the sheet. Then remove the protective layer from the tape pads and glue the multi-colored circles. Repeat this procedure, adding more layers. Try to alternate mugs of different sizes. The number of layers is up to you. Add them until you get the desired result. Then simply tie a colorful ribbon in a bow and glue it at the top, making the layered mugs into a sort of wreath.

    Option 2. A fairly minimalist option. Good for men or guys. You will need a prepared card base, on which you will glue a piece of tape, and on it a square of plain cardboard. Decide on the size yourself. Place a slightly variegated ribbon bow at the top of the cardboard square. The result will be some stylization of the image of the gift.

    Option 3. Cut out several rectangles of various shapes from colored cardboard. They should be wrapped with thread in the same way as gifts are wrapped with ribbon and a bow should be left on top. Then glue the postcards in a row along the bottom edge of the blank on the double-sided strip. You can succinctly add “Happy New Year!”

    Simple DIY New Year cards. Ideas for creativity

    Idea No. 11. New Year greeting cards decorated with stitches from a sewing machine

    This is extremely interesting idea. Because even the thought of stitching paper is already surprising. This idea is based on an applique that is secured in place using machine stitching. Naturally, the stitching can be applied manually; you can find a certain charm and originality in this. Both options should be tried, because different equipment adding a seam can give a completely different look to the card.

    So, what do you need to create a New Year's card decorated with a stitch from a sewing machine:

    1. Sewing machine. In principle, you can make stitches by hand.
    2. Thick colored cardboard or paper. A4 format will be sufficient.
    3. Scissors.
    4. Additional decorations at your discretion.

    Let's get started.

    Now cut out decorative elements from any type and color of paper. These can be Christmas trees, balls, stars. And the paper can be plain or variegated, monochrome. Wrapping, for scrapbooking, simply, printed on a printer or colorful pages of old magazines. Then stack all the elements on top of each other and stitch them with a machine. Try to secure all layers with one line. Take a bright thread so that it is clearly visible against the general background. Set the thread tension to the lowest setting.

    You can place one element or make many layers. Experiment to your heart's content. The line can be placed succinctly or made in multiples by crossing them.

    Video, Greeting Cards for New Year and Christmas with your own hands

    This is the selection of ideas we came up with this time. We hope that you found something for yourself among the proposed ideas. Give more postcards and gifts, fill them with warm wishes and kind words. Happy New Year!

    Summary: DIY New Year's cards. How to make original cards for the New Year with your child. New Year's crafts. Homemade New Year cards, postcard ideas. Volumetric cards for New Year's holidays. New Year's paper crafts with children. New Year's application.

    1. DIY New Year cards (“Christmas tree”)

    The New Year tree is an indispensable attribute of the holiday. Therefore, postcards with her image will be especially appropriate. Plus, these cards can be very easy to make.

    The New Year's tree applique can be made from plain or multi-colored strips of paper. Even a small child can make this New Year's craft with his own hands.

    Strips of paper can be replaced with colored tape or braid. They also make very beautiful New Year's cards.

    A more complicated option is a New Year's card "Christmas tree" made from paper tubes. This original three-dimensional New Year's card "Christmas tree" is made of paper tubes. The Christmas tree is decorated with multi-colored buttons. Its trunk is made from a twig. To make this New Year's card, it is advisable to use special scrapbooking paper or corrugated cardboard.

    It’s very easy to make a Christmas tree applique using store-bought stickers. Even a two-year-old can do this craft for the New Year with his own hands.

    Simple and effective - homemade New Year's cards "Christmas tree" from ordinary buttons.

    You can also embroider a Christmas tree with threads. Only in this case, the New Year's card should be made of high-density paper or cardboard. The holes must first be carefully made with an awl. For the simplest version of a Christmas tree, see the photo below.

    For a more complex version of a New Year's card with a Christmas tree made of threads, see here >>>> To make this New Year's craft with your own hands, you will also need sequins or beads.

    By the way, you can embroider not only a Christmas tree with threads, but also something else, New Year’s. For example, this cute deer.

    You can make an original DIY New Year's card from a fern leaf or any other plant similar to it. For example, cypress branches. Just take the top of the leaf and glue it onto the card. This will be a Christmas tree. All you have to do is decorate it with sequins or confetti made using a hole punch from colored paper. Instead of confetti, you can glue multi-colored pieces of plasticine to the Christmas tree. Even a child can do this part of the work of making a homemade New Year’s card.

    You can make a New Year's card either from a whole leaf of fern, or just from its upper part.

    Manufacturing technique volumetric Christmas trees similar to the manufacturing method New Year's balls. See the link >>>> But you don’t have to glue them together completely, instead glue the Christmas trees onto the card.

    Option 3.

    Do-it-yourself voluminous New Year's card. To make such a voluminous card with a Christmas tree for the New Year, you will need three square sheets of green paper: large, medium and small. Also, in order to make a Christmas tree trunk, you will need a rectangular sheet of brown paper.

    Fold each square piece of paper in half first (horizontally and vertically) to mark the center lines. Then fold them two more times diagonally. After this, fold each sheet into a pyramid (see photos 3 and 4). Glue a Christmas tree from the resulting pyramids by inserting them into each other. How to make a trunk for a Christmas tree is shown in photos (8, 9 and 10). Finally, glue the Christmas tree to your New Year's card.

    Option 4.

    Do-it-yourself voluminous postcard for the New Year. Making this voluminous paper card is much easier than it might seem at first glance. First you will need to cut out 5 halves of circles of different sizes from green paper: large, smaller, even smaller, etc. Fold each half of the circle in half, then in half again, and in half again. Unfold each piece and form accordion folds (see photo).

    Now insert one piece into another and glue them together along the three central folds.

    For the trunk, cut out of paper Brown rectangle and also fold it like an accordion.

    Glue your paper Christmas tree onto the card base. The easiest way to make snowflakes is from white paper using a hole punch or by drawing cotton swab.

    Option 5.

    Very beautiful New Year's craft with your own hands, accessible in complexity to a preschooler - a voluminous New Year's card "Christmas tree". The Christmas tree is made of rectangular strips of paper folded like an accordion. But there is one nuance here. If you look closely at the photo, you will see that the tiers of the Christmas tree are made of strips of paper of different widths: the ones at the bottom are the widest, the closer to the top the narrower. In addition, the depth of the fold of the accordion is also different. The bottom strips of paper are folded into an accordion with a large "step". The higher you go to the top, the shallower the bend depth.

    Here are two more voluminous cards with a New Year tree made from a triangular-shaped sheet of paper folded like an accordion. Simple and tasteful!

    Option 6.

    Another voluminous New Year's card. Again, this New Year's craft for children is attractive not only in appearance, but also in its ease of manufacture.

    To make such a New Year's card with your own hands, print out the templates (template-1 and template-2) on two sheets of cardboard or thick paper and use the detailed instructions from the photographs below. It is better if the sheets of cardboard are of different colors.

    Finally, decorate the Christmas tree to your liking. The voluminous New Year's card is ready!

    Option 7.

    Origami Christmas tree. We invite you to make a three-dimensional New Year's card decorated with a Christmas tree made of paper made using the origami technique. To make the card look more elegant and festive, choose more beautiful paper for your New Year tree. Special paper for scrapbooking is well suited for this DIY New Year's craft. By the way, making such an origami Christmas tree is much easier than it seems at first glance. For one origami Christmas tree you will need 4-5 square sheets of paper of different sizes.

    Option 8.

    There is an easier way to make a Christmas tree using the origami technique. Detailed instructions in the photo below.

    Option 9.

    You can make a voluminous New Year's card with your own hands from corrugated paper.

    Option 10.

    The elements of the New Year's card in the photo below are made using the quilling technique.

    3. DIY New Year cards (" Christmas balls")

    Do-it-yourself New Year's cards with images of New Year's balls look good. New Year's applique" Christmas balls"can be made from bright paper and decorated with ribbons.

    Beautiful New Year's balls are made from colored strips of paper. Cut an unnecessary glossy magazine (advertising brochure) into thin strips and stick them on a white sheet of paper. After this, cut out circles of different sizes from the resulting striped paper. Decorate your New Year's card with them.

    New Year's balls can be made not only from paper, but also from buttons.

    Instead of buttons, you can use purchased decorative rhinestones.

    Original three-dimensional New Year cards with images Christmas balls proposes to create a website www.hgtv.com

    To make such a New Year's card with your own hands, print the following template. See link >>>> Draw a circle on each square using a compass or an object with a round bottom of a suitable size. Cut out all the circles, then use with the following instructions for making New Year's balls. See link >>>> But you don't need to completely glue the balloon, stick it onto the card instead.

    Another Christmas decoration- a garland of flags will look impressive on a New Year's card. Flags can be made from paper or fabric and then glued or sewn onto the card.

    Even very young children can make their own New Year's card with the image of a multi-colored garland of fingerprints.

    And from a handprint you can make a New Year's card with Santa Claus or funny snowmen.

    1. On any surface that does not absorb paint (for example, a regular sheet pan), make a rectangular frame (the size of your card) from tape or tape.

    2. Apply paint to the surface in an even layer. Use a cotton swab to draw a picture on a New Year's theme.

    3. Attach a piece of paper. Your DIY New Year's card is ready!

    4. Do-it-yourself voluminous New Year’s card “Snowman”

    Separately, I would like to talk about this original, voluminous postcard for the New Year. Making such a paper snowman is very simple. Even a preschooler can cope with the task. You need to cut out three circles of different sizes from thick white paper. It is advisable to shade the edges of the circles so that they stand out better against each other. This can be done using crushed pencil lead or eye shadow. Also cut out a scarf, pens, a carrot nose, eyes and buttons from colored paper. Glue all the parts of the snowman sequentially onto the blank of your New Year's card.

    Here is the original card made by a scrapbooking artist.

    And here are the versions of this voluminous New Year's card made by children.

    5. DIY voluminous New Year cards

    Another way to make voluminous New Year cards can be found on our website at the link >>>>

    6. New Year's crafts for children. New Year's applique

    Cards decorated with New Year's applique from grains of rice.

    7. DIY New Year cards. New Year cards with snowflakes

    Another DIY New Year's card idea is a card decorated with a snowflake cut out of paper. For information on how to cut very beautiful, unusual snowflakes from paper, see our special section “DIY New Year’s snowflakes”.

    If you have paper lace doilies at home, you can cut out snowflakes from them.

    8. New Year's paper crafts. New Year cards made using the Iris folding technique

    The Country of Masters website offers to make original New Year's cards using the Iris folding technique. The name of this technique - iris folding - can be translated as "rainbow folding". The design is filled with thin paper strips, which, overlapping each other at a certain angle, create an interesting twisting spiral effect. Detailed master class For making this New Year's paper craft, see the link >>>>

    Here is another New Year's card made using this technique. Instructions at the link >>>>

    9. Original postcards for the New Year with your own hands. DIY New Year's Eve

    We would like to introduce you to another interesting technology Making New Year's cards with your own hands. Herringbone and New Year's ball The photos below are made using this technique.

    To make a Christmas tree card, you will need:

    Red cardboard sheet
    - a sheet of colored origami paper (on one side - dark green,
    on the other side - light green)
    - scissors or a special knife for cutting paper
    - glue

    Print a stencil on a piece of green origami paper. Make cuts along the lines on it. Where the trunk of the Christmas tree is located, cut out a piece of paper completely. If you fold a sheet of paper in half before making cuts, you can cut it with scissors. In this case, even a preschooler will be able to make a postcard. If you want to avoid a fold in the center of the card, then it is better to make cuts with a special knife for cutting paper. Now all you have to do is fold the corners back and stick your workpiece onto the cardboard.

    The "New Year's Ball" card is made in the same way. The stencil for making this original New Year's card can be downloaded from the link >>>>

    The snowflakes from the section were made using the same technique. They can also decorate a New Year's card.

    And another do-it-yourself New Year’s card “Christmas tree”, made using this technique.

    To make this New Year's card, print the template onto a piece of white cardstock. Glue a thin sheet of green paper on the back side. Using a paper cutter, cut out the corners and fold them over. Now cut out and fold your New Year's card in half. If you want to write New Year's greetings inside, then glue an additional sheet of green paper so that the letters do not show through the holes. Detailed New Year's master For a class on how to make this card, see .

    Another idea for a New Year's card that you can make with your child yourself. For a detailed master class, see the photo below.

    DIY New Year's card ideas. When making New Year's cards with your own hands, it is appropriate to use colored self-adhesive foil. It can be purchased at craft supply stores.

    The last card with which we would like to complete our review of DIY New Year cards is the voluminous “Snow Globe” postcard. In the photo below it is shown on the left side. This Christmas card is made using a clear dairy lid. You will find a master class on how to make such original three-dimensional postcards on Veronica Podgornaya’s website.

    These two postcards were made by the author of the blog Naftusina's hand-made art. A snowdrift and a cloud are cut out of felt. Christmas tree and bear - figured buttons. There are white beads sprinkled inside the card. The postcard looks incredible! You shake it and it snows! On this site you will find two more interesting DIY New Year cards. Santa Claus and the Snowman are hurrying through the snowy snowdrifts. The snowdrifts and cloud are cut out of felt, the characters are made from buttons and felt, the tree is a real twig, which is slightly pasted over with pieces of padding polyester, snowflakes are drawn with a helium pen.

    Material prepared by: Anna Ponomarenko