Remove stains on white at home. How to remove yellow stains from white things made of cotton, silk, wool, synthetics. Pollution from iodine, brilliant green and potassium permanganate

How to remove any stains: a complete and universal manual

There are a lot of letters, but each one has a purpose! Save this mega-useful text for yourself, and then just search for “fruit” or “ink” in the text and carry out an emergency rescue operation!

What are the spots?

  • Soluble in water. From foods containing sugar, from wood glue, from water-soluble salts, from certain water-soluble dyes, and the like.
  • Soluble in organic solvents(such as alcohol or gasoline). From fat, machine oil, oil paints, varnish, resin, cream, shoe polish, wax, parquet mastic.
  • Insoluble. Neither in one nor in the other. From liquid paints, oxides of salts and metals, tannins, natural and artificial paints insoluble in water, protein substances, from blood, pus, urine, mold.

Seven steps to purity

1. To remove each type of stain, special treatment is needed. Some (coffee, cocoa, oil paints, fruit juice, wine, dust) should be removed not only with water-soluble stain removers, but also with grease and insoluble stain removers.

2. The action of chemicals is better in advance try it on a spare piece of fabric, on the stock at the seams or on the hem. It is not recommended to use too concentrated solutions. It is better to repeat the treatment with a weak solution several times, alternating it with washing.

Achtung! Remember that acetone dissolves acetate, triacetate, chlorine, PVC fibers. Acetic acid destroys acetate and triacetate fibers. On nylon, too, you can not remove stains with vinegar.

3. Before removing the stain, you need to thoroughly clean the thing from dust, first with a dry, then with a damp brush. It is recommended to remove the stain from the inside out by placing paper napkins or a small board covered with a white cloth in several layers under the fabric.

4. Clean the stain with a cotton swab or a soft white cloth, or with a soft brush. A swab is first moistened near the stain, then gradually move from the edge to the middle. With this method, the stain will not blur.

5. They begin to clean with a weak solution, if necessary, gradually increasing its concentration.

Ammonia and salt diluted in water - the best remedy removal of all sorts of stains of unknown origin.

6. Most fresh stains can be removed by washing them with water - first cold, then hot. Keep in mind that water spots also form on some materials. So the first thing to do is to test.

7. One of better ways removing stains - treating them with bleaches. This method, however, is not applicable to colored fabrics, since bleaches can destroy their color.

How to recognize the type of stain?

To remove a stain, you need to determine its origin. And also - the material on which it was formed.

  • If the material type is unknown, hidden place garment (hem or seam), cut off a small piece and examine it. It makes sense to make the same stain on this piece of material and check the effect of the stain remover. This test is especially important when finished or colored materials are processed. If the sizing or dye is not resistant to the reagents used, after treatment, traces will remain, which are often worse than the stains themselves.
  • Fat spots do not have pronounced boundaries on the material. Their contours are blurred or appear in the form of rays spread in all directions. Fresh fat spots are always darker than the tissue on which they are formed. The older the fat stain, the more it brightens and becomes matte. In addition, old grease stains penetrate deep into the material and appear even on its reverse side.
    Easily soluble grease stains obtained from vegetable oils (olive, sunflower), butter, lard, wax.
    TO insoluble fat stains include stains from resin, varnish, oil paint.
  • Fat-free stains (from beer, fruit juice, fresh fruits, tea, wine) have a sharp outline of the borders. Color is yellowish to brown. The contours are darker than the spots themselves.
  • Stains containing fatty and non-greasy substances are among the most "popular". Their edges, depending on the fat content, are more or less outlined. Such stains usually linger on the surface of the fabric, and only the fats included in them penetrate deeper. This group includes stains from milk, blood, soup, coffee with milk, sauce, street dust.
  • So called oxidized spots have different edges and, depending on their age, turn yellow or redden, and some turn brown. They appear on old spots as a result of the formation of new substances under the action of light, oxygen and other factors. These stains are among the most difficult to remove. Stains from berries, fruits, cosmetics, tea, coffee, wine, mold usually oxidize over time.

Dirt stains

The contaminated area should be cleaned with a wet brush. When the fabric dries, moisten it with warm soapy water. If the stain persists, dip the fabric into a strong vinegar solution. If the contaminated item cannot be washed, the stain must be removed with hydrogen peroxide (10-12%), after checking its effect on a piece of cloth. Dirt stains on raincoats are removed with a swab moistened with a solution with the addition of vinegar (3 tablespoons of vinegar per 0.5 l of water).

Fat spots

  • Old stains from oil paint and tar it is easier to remove if the contaminated area is soaked in turpentine and then treated with the appropriate preparation. Fresh grease and oil stains it can be removed from light fabrics by immediately sprinkling the contaminated area with chalk powder: the chalk is left for 2-4 hours, then shaken off. If necessary, the operation is repeated.

If on the collar outerwear dirty places appeared, wipe them with a cotton swab moistened with a solution of sodium chloride in 10% ammonia (5 g of salt per 25 g of ammonia). Sprinkle with salt and rub gently with bread or blotting paper. Salt should be changed several times until the stain disappears.

  • Grease stains can be removed by rubbing gruel from potato flour, previously dried over a fire, cooled down and mixed with gasoline. Plywood should be placed under the fabric. If the stain is large, you can sprinkle potato flour on the plywood, which will absorb excess gasoline.
  • You can sprinkle the stain with talcum powder, cover with blotting paper and iron it with a not very hot iron. Talc can be left until the next day.
  • Fresh grease and oil-resin stains easily removed with solvents such as gasoline. However, with this method of cleaning, a “halo” is often formed around the stain, which disappears only after dry cleaning.
    old fat stains wipe with white soap diluted in gasoline (1:10), and wash off with gasoline after an hour.
    Fresh grease stains on woolen fabrics can be removed with gasoline or ammonia in half with hot water.
  • You can take half a glass of pure alcohol, add a teaspoon of ammonia and half a teaspoon of gasoline to it. Saturate the stains with this mixture and allow the fabric to dry.
  • Grease stains on cotton fabric moistened with turpentine and ironed through blotting paper with a warm iron. The composition with an admixture of gasoline cannot be used to clean jersey items on foam rubber.

Stains from vegetable oil, sprats and other canned food in oil are easily removed with kerosene. The stain is wiped with a swab, then the thing is washed in warm water with soap.

  • There is another way: sprinkle the greasy stain with crushed chalk, press it more tightly against the fabric and leave it overnight. Then gently shake off the chalk and finally clean it off, lightly touching it with a brush. The stain disappears.
  • Fish oil stains can be removed with water mixed with vinegar.
  • egg stains it is necessary to withdraw in a timely manner, since the proteins that make up the egg eventually turn into insoluble compounds and cannot be removed. Fresh egg stains can be removed with water and ammonia, old ones with glycerin or a mixture of glycerin and ammonia. Glycerin is heated to 35-40 degrees, the stain is rubbed with a brush, left for 15-20 minutes, then the fabric is washed.
  • Fat spots on clothes made of dense synthetic materials, sprinkle with potato starch and rub with a damp towel. After drying, brush off the starch. If the stain has not completely disappeared, repeat the operation.
  • Fat spots on velvet remove like this. Fill a linen bag with clean, dry fine warm sand. Use the bag to tap the stain until it disappears. If this is not enough, moisten the stain with gasoline and treat with a bag of sand.

Milk and ice cream stains

Stains from milk and other products containing proteins should be washed off immediately with warm, but not hot water. Otherwise, the protein will boil, and it is more difficult to deal with the stain.

  • If the stain on a light-colored fabric is quite large, the item is immersed in warm water and soap, then rinsed.
  • If the fabric is colored, it is better to use a mixture of 2 tablespoons of glycerin, 2 tablespoons of water and a few drops of ammonia. The stain is moistened with the mixture, placed between two layers of white cotton fabric and ironed.
  • Colored woolen fabrics are impregnated with glycerin heated to 35 degrees for 10 minutes, after which they are washed off with soap and water, rinsed in warm and cold water.
  • Stains from ice cream and milk can also be removed in this way: gasoline soap is rubbed into the stain, moistened with water, allowed to foam and rubbed. Then rinse with warm water from the middle to the edges.

Stains from chocolate, coffee, tea

  • chocolate stains it is enough to wipe with a solution of ammonia or rinse with heavily salted water. Old stains on white things can be removed with hydrogen peroxide by soaking the fabric with it and holding it for 10-15 minutes. After that, the thing is rinsed in cold water.
  • Coffee or strong tea stains removed with a brush dipped in warm water. Then the whole thing is thoroughly washed in a warm soapy solution (half a teaspoon of soda ash or 1 teaspoon of ammonia per 1 liter of water). After that, rinse twice in warm and once in cold, slightly acidified with vinegar water.

A stain from coffee or tea on a suit is wiped with a wet brush and squeezed out in a towel.

  • On light fabrics, such spots are removed with heated glycerin. They lubricate the stained place, and after 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water and dry with a towel.
    Fresh stains can also be removed with a mixture of ammonia and glycerin (1:4).
    Old ones on light fabrics can be removed with a solution of oxalic acid (half a teaspoon per glass of water) or a hyposulfite solution (1 teaspoon per half a glass of water). After the thing has been cleaned with one of these products, it should be washed in soapy water, adding two teaspoons of ammonia to 1 liter of water, and rinsed well in warm water.

Oil paint stains

Wipe with a cotton swab moistened with turpentine or kerosene, then, if the color of the fabric does not change from this, with ammonia until the stain disappears.

  • An oil paint stain can also be removed with gasoline soap, mixed with turpentine in a ratio of 1: 1. The mixture is rubbed into the stain. After dissolving the stain, the paint is carefully cleaned off, then wiped with a damp cotton swab.
  • It is better to moisten the old stain with turpentine, and when the paint softens, clean it off with a strong solution of baking soda and rinse thoroughly with warm water.
  • Oil paint stains can also be removed in this way: smear a little with margarine or butter, and after a while wipe with kerosene, turpentine or gasoline, having previously tried it on a piece of cloth. Then the product must be washed.

Lacquer stains

Remove with a mixture of denatured alcohol and acetone, taken in a ratio of 1: 1, or with wine alcohol. stains from oil varnish remove in the same way as stains from oil paints.

Red wine and berry stains

On colored products, they are removed with a mixture of glycerin and raw egg yolk (in equal parts), which is smeared on dirty places. After a few hours, they are washed with warm water. Fresh stains are removed with a gruel of table salt and water, washed with soapy water after half an hour, and then the product is rinsed in warm water.

In addition, stains from red wine can be removed with a solution of potassium permanganate, wetting the stained area with it, and after a few minutes, wipe it with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (1 teaspoon per glass of warm water).

Stains from white wine, beer, champagne, liqueurs

Remove from white and strongly colored fabrics with a solution of high-quality soap, baking soda and water (5 g of soap, half a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water). Moisten the stain with this solution, and after a day, wash it off with warm water and rinse thoroughly.

You can scrub the beer stain with an ice cube. If there is no ice, take very cold water.

old white wine stains it is recommended to remove with a mixture of white soap (10 parts by weight), turpentine (2 parts by weight) and 10% ammonia (1 part by weight). Rub the mixture on the stain, wash it first in warm soapy water, then rinse in cold water.

beer stains on any fabrics are usually washed with soap and water. Old stains should be cleaned with a mixture of glycerin, wine and ammonia in equal parts. Three parts of this mixture is added to eight parts of water and rubbed on the stain.

Fruit and fruit juice stains

Remove with a mixture of glycerin and vodka in equal parts. Old stains will come off faster if you hold the cloth over a vessel of boiling water and rub it with vinegar or lemon juice, diluting it in half with vodka or denatured alcohol. Then wipe the fabric with a swab moistened with a solution of water and ammonia.

Fruit and vegetable stains on jersey clean off with gruel from washing powder or a mixture of equal parts of gasoline and pharmaceutical glycerin (without perfume additives). Warm alcohol or vodka is also used.

blood stains

Blood, in addition to protein, contains non-protein nitrogenous substances (for example, amino acids), carbohydrates, fats and dyes. Wash off with cold water first and then warm soapy water. Soak stained laundry for several hours before washing.

Old stains are first wiped with a solution of ammonia (1 teaspoon per glass of water), and then with a solution of borax (1 teaspoon per glass of water), after which the linen is washed in warm water.

Spots are removed from thin silk products with potato starch mixed into dough in cold water. The resulting composition cover the surface of the stain and allow it to dry. Then the starch is shaken off, and the thing is washed.

sweat stains

With silk lining such stains are removed with a mixture of ammonia and denatured alcohol in equal parts.

Sweat stains on wool removed with a cloth soaked in a strong salt solution. If the stains are still noticeable, you need to wipe them with alcohol.

Collars and cuffs are cleaned with gasoline soap mixed with an equal amount of ammonia. The composition is rubbed into places heavily contaminated with sweat, washed with warm water and rinsed in warm water with vinegar.

Sweat stains go away if you add a little ammonia to the water during washing (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water).

ink stains

Removed with glycerin. To do this, the stained fabric is kept in glycerin for at least an hour, then the thing is rinsed in warm, slightly salted water. If traces remain, they are washed in warm soapy water.

  • fresh ink blots can be removed with sour milk. It is necessary to put the fabric for several hours in warm milk. If the stain is large, the milk should be changed several times. Then wash in warm soapy water, to which add a little borax or ammonia.
  • You can use a solution of ammonia and baking soda(1 teaspoon of alcohol, 1-2 teaspoons of baking soda per glass of water).
  • To remove stains from white fabrics use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia (1 teaspoon per glass of warm water). A cotton swab dipped in the solution is applied to the stain, after which the fabric is washed with warm water.
  • old ink stains on colored fabrics, pour a mixture of turpentine and ammonia (1: 1), and after the stains disappear, wash and rinse the entire product.
  • Silk fabrics stained with ink(black or red), they clean it like this: they put mustard gruel on the stains and leave it for a day, then the gruel is scraped off and the clothes are rinsed in cold water. Fresh stains of red ink can be cleaned with a solution of ammonia, then rinsed in clean cold water.
  • Ink stain from the skin it is best to reduce with warm glycerin or a mixture of glycerin and denatured alcohol, which are rubbed into the stain. The discolored place is tinted.
  • Ink stains on leather can be cleaned with salt. To do this, cover the stain with a thick layer of wet salt and leave it for two days. Then shake off the salt, wipe it with a sponge or cloth moistened with turpentine, and polish to a shine.
  • When removing ink stains, it is recommended to use a protective paraffin circle, so that the stain does not spread. They do it this way: melt paraffin and petroleum jelly in equal parts, then wrap a cotton wool around a match and, dipping it into a hot alloy, encircle a protective paraffin circle so that the alloy soaks the fabric through and through. When the alloy has cooled, they begin to remove the stain, after which the matter is sprinkled with baking soda and rinsed in water. Then the protective paraffin circle is ironed with a hot iron through blotting paper or paper napkins, which are changed several times until the paraffin is completely removed.

When removing an ink stain, potato flour is poured under it, which absorbs excess liquid and prevents the stain from spreading.

  • Ink stain from velvet can be removed by immersing the stained area in warm milk for half an hour. The milk should be changed until the stain is gone, then washed in warm soapy water and rinsed.
  • If the ink stain on the woolen fabric is already dry, it must be moistened with kerosene, after a while rinsed in clean kerosene and washed in clean water, then hang the thing up in the wind so that the smell of kerosene disappears.
  • Ink stains on silk and wool fabrics can be wiped with a cotton swab moistened with purified turpentine, changing it several times as it gets dirty, then rinse with warm water.
  • For colored products, a mixture of glycerin and methylated spirits (2 parts glycerin to 5 parts alcohol) is suitable.
  • From any fabric remove the ink stain immediately, if you pour salt on it and pour lemon juice on it, wait until the stain disappears and rinse the fabric several times.

Stains from soot, soot, coal

Wipe with a cotton swab moistened with turpentine, wash with soapy water and rinse thoroughly. Turpentine mixed with egg yolk to the density of sour cream works well on old spots. The mixture is gently heated by placing the jar with it in a pot of hot water. The stain is wiped with a mixture, then the thing is washed with soap and rinsed several times in clean water.

Fresh small soot stain can be cleaned with a crumb of bread or washed in warm soapy water.

Hot iron stains

Moisten with onion juice and leave for several hours, after which the thing is washed, and the stain disappears. If the stain is large, put a gruel of grated onion on it and leave it for a while, then rinse well in cold water.

You can also moisten the stain with boric acid, and then wash the fabric in water at room temperature.

It is good to remove tan marks from white fabrics with a mixture of half a glass of water, 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of ammonia.

In addition, burn marks from the iron can be moistened with water and sprinkled with borax. Shake dry clothes. If the spots persist, soak them in hydrogen peroxide and iron them out.

Stains from potassium permanganate

Such spots disappear without a trace if the contaminated area is soaked in whey or yogurt. From a white cloth, such a stain can be removed with a solution of oxalic acid (1 teaspoon per half a glass of water) or a 10% solution of hyposulfite. The thing is washed first in hot, then in warm water.

Resin stains

They can be easily removed from dark woolen materials with a thick cloth dipped in purified turpentine, and from white ones with soapy alcohol. It is good to remove resin stains from cotton fabrics with turpentine or gasoline, and then wash them with soapy water. If the stain is large and old, you should first moisten it several times with turpentine, and when the resin dissolves, wipe it with alcohol and then rinse with water.

And one more way. Resin stains are scraped off and poured with a mixture of alcohol and turpentine (1: 1). The fabric is ironed through blotting paper and wiped dry. Stains from mastic for the floor and shoe creams Wash in a soapy solution with ammonia. If after that they do not disappear, you can apply a hyposulfite solution (1 teaspoon to half a glass of water). Then wash the item in warm soapy water.

Henna stains

Moisten with a solution of ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and water in a ratio of 1:5:5 and wash off with warm water after 15-20 minutes.

Stains from iodine

They fall asleep with baking soda, pour vinegar on top and leave it overnight, and in the morning they rinse the thing in water. An iodine stain can also be moistened with water and rubbed with ordinary starch until it disappears, then washed in soapy water.

Old stains from iodine on light fabric can be removed by putting the fabric in a liquid gruel of starch for 10-12 hours, and then rinse in warm water with soap. Rinse with a solution of water (1:10) and rinse the fabric several times in clean water.

rust stains

These stains consist of iron oxides, on light fabrics they are orange in color and penetrate deeply into the fabric. With a long stay on the fabric, rust destroys the fibers.

  • Removed with freshly squeezed lemon juice. The place wetted with juice is ironed with a hot iron through a cloth, then wiped again with a cotton swab moistened with lemon juice, and washed with warm water.
  • You can use acetic or oxalic acid (1 teaspoon per glass of water). Heat the solution almost to a boil, dip the stained cloth into it for a short time and rinse thoroughly by adding a pinch of baking soda or ammonia to the water. If the rust does not disappear at once, dip the stained cloth into the solution several times.
  • Rust stains from white fabrics can be deduced in this way. The fabric with the stain is dipped in a 2% hydrochloric acid solution and held until the stains come off, then the fabric is rinsed well, adding three tablespoons of ammonia to each liter of water.
  • They are removed from colored fabrics with a mixture of glycerin, soap and water (1: 1: 1). She needs to rub the stain. And after a day, the thing must be washed and rinsed.

Stains from wax and stearin

You need to scrape off, then put a wet cloth on the stain, cover with several layers of blotting paper (or paper napkins) and iron it with a hot iron. The paper should be changed until the stain disappears.

Stains on plush and velvet can be removed with alcohol or turpentine. You cannot use an iron.

Cosmetic stains

  • Lipstick stains remove the borax, which is covered with a stain. Then the fabric is rinsed first in soapy, then in clean water. Spots on dyeing fabrics are removed with a mixture of ether and turpentine (1: 1). On jersey products, the stain is first treated with a thick slurry of gasoline and talc, then wiped with hot glycerin. Chemical lipstick is removed in the same way as ink stains.
  • Cosmetic cream stains removed with alcohol or gasoline. Hair dye stains are removed with hydrogen peroxide mixed with an equal amount of ammonia.
  • Stains from cologne and perfume will disappear if they are immediately wiped with alcohol. Old stains from white fabrics can be removed with a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide (1:1).
  • Perfume stain on wool first moistened with pure glycerin or ethyl alcohol, and then wiped with acetone or sulfuric ether. A stain on light fabrics can be removed in this way: first moisten with ammonia, then with a solution of hydrosulfite (4 g per glass of water), and after 2-3 minutes with a solution of oxalic acid (5 g per glass of water).
  • To delete nail polish stains, you need to apply blotting paper to the stain. Then dampen the back of the fabric with acetone. Continue, changing the paper frequently, until the stain is removed.

Kerosene stains

From a light fabric, you can remove it with a solution of ammonia and water (1: 8). Kerosene stains are removed from woolen fabrics with gasoline, and from cotton fabrics, they are washed off with warm water and soap, rinsed, and then ironed with a warm iron.

green spots

You can remove it with vodka, and even better - with denatured alcohol. In addition, grass stains are removed with a solution of table salt (1 teaspoon in half a glass of warm water). After removing the stain, the fabric must be rinsed in warm water.

With white fabrics grass stains removed with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, to which a few drops of ammonia are added.

A fresh herbal stain on clothes can be washed with warm soapy water, to which ammonia is added (1 teaspoon per glass of soapy solution).

fly stains

Remove with ammonia diluted in water (1:10).

Old stains are kept for 3-5 hours in a soapy solution with a small amount of gasoline (the mixture must be shaken before use). Then the stains are cleaned with a brush dipped in soapy water.

tobacco stains

Rubbed with egg yolk, mixed with denatured alcohol until the density of sour cream, then washed the fabric in warm, then in hot water. If the thing cannot be washed, then the stains are removed with warm glycerin or denatured alcohol.

Mold and damp stains

On cotton fabrics, they are removed as follows: the stain is covered with a layer of finely crushed dry chalk. Blotting paper (or a napkin) is placed on top and run over it several times with a hot iron.

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 9 minutes


What you need to know before removing stains: Precautions

The most effective and easiest way to get rid of the stain is to use the services of dry cleaning. However, this does not mean that this method is the safest.

It should be taken into account that dry cleaning specialists may not undertake the removal of some old contaminants, but at home it is quite possible to cope with this task, the main thing is to act competently, taking into account the composition of the fabric, the type of stains and the degree of their prescription.

With the process of removing stains from clothes, you should not delay: fresh dirt is much easier to remove than old ones, especially from things that have been repeatedly washed. The old stain has already been influenced by external factors, due to which it has become difficult to remove.

To a greater extent, this is typical for oil and grease stains, but organic stains that have oxidized and are firmly fixed on the fibers can also cause a lot of grief. That is why when removing old stains, the risk of damaging the structure of the material is very high.

There are several types of spots:

  • Fat. For stains of pork fat, oil, the absence of clear contours is characteristic. Fresh ones are much darker than clean fabrics, sticky to the touch, old ones brighten over time, eating into the fibers and appearing on the other side.
  • Nonfat. Spots of organic origin (fruit juices, coffee, teas), on the contrary, with clear boundaries. The color is yellow or brown, the outlines are always darker.
  • Oxidized. They are secondary formations that have reacted with external factors. Removing them is the hardest.
  • Combined. Such stains are left by blood, eggs and other substances that combine the signs of the first two types of pollution.

Depending on the origin of the stain, the method of treating the contaminated surface will vary.

The first step in removing stains is to clean the fabric from dirt and dust., which can complicate the removal process by creating an additional "halo". At the same time, you need to know that when removing stains, use alkaline potent and acid-containing preparations, as well as various kinds solvents, be careful. The former can damage the structure of wool and silk, the latter - linen and cotton, and the third - artificial materials.

Information about the composition of the fabric can be found on the label, where manufacturers indicate the features of the material and the rules for caring for the product.

Before processing, you need to test the effect of the stain remover on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric.

Removing organic stains from colored clothes: how to remove stains from sweat, blood, juices, fruits, sauces, etc.

When removing stains of organic origin, you need to remember that strong bleaches - such as hydrogen peroxide - are ideal for white fabrics, but they can cause light spots on colored materials.

One of the most effective and versatile stain removers is soap "Antipyatin". It perfectly copes with any pollution, and is safe for all types of fabric.

sweat stains

Sweat stains wash out well warm soapy solution with the addition of ammonia(1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water). This method is suitable for natural and synthetic textures.

A large item - for example, a coat, from the lining of which you need to remove dirt - can not be washed. Just wipe the contaminated areas with a water-ammonia solution, then rinse them with water.

Dropped grease on clothes? Do not rush to shout "Fuck!" - put the same on the other side, so that it would be symmetrical 🙂. I came across this "method" on a men's forum👦. Our resourceful boys! Well, we girls 👩 will act in a civilized way! How to remove grease stains from clothes at home and save your favorite little thing?

Why does oil leave permanent marks?

It turns out that oily stains of various origins can be removed in different ways:

  • Saturated fats. Found in meat butter, olive, palm and so on. Easily washed with hot water and special detergents.
  • NON-saturated fats. It is found in vegetable oils (linseed, sunflower, soybean, cottonseed, hemp), as well as in fish and seafood. During oxidation, they form a stable film on the fabric, which is very difficult to dissolve without damaging the fibers.

Try to remember what you dropped onto the fabric - so it will be easier for you to choose a remedy and determine how to remove the stain. Read the article on how to withdraw oil stain from clothes at home, from different clothes, fabrics, fresh or old. Also here are reviews of all possible recipes from A to Z. A list of ready-made store funds. Reviews. Video. Everything in this article!

How to wash properly

Wash properly and efficiently with Cleaner!
  • Remove excess fat. If possible, use the blunt side of a knife to scrape up any remaining oil or sauce. Don't smear the stain. Not three of it.
  • Examine the clothes. Grease marks are barely visible. It may turn out that another stain is hiding somewhere, or it is printed on the bottom layer of the fabric.
  • Cleanse the dirt. Remove foreign objects, dust, dirt from the fabric - this will help to avoid stains, damage, rust.
  • Read the label. Most likely, the manufacturer took care to tell how and how to care for this fabric.
  • Test. Before using any remedy, test it in an inconspicuous place.
  • Turn inside out. Removing stains from the back is much easier. And for dark fabrics, this is important - the product can unexpectedly leave a mark. So let it happen not from the front side.
  • Put polyethylene. Before processing, place cardboard wrapped in polyethylene under the stain. Cardboard will give rigidity, will not allow polyethylene to crumple. Polyethylene will protect the bottom layer of fabric from contamination, stain remover. This rule applies to dry cleaning, but is not suitable for iron, steam.
  • Use white paper. If you remove fat with an iron, steam.
  • From the edges to the center. When processing pollution, move from the edge to the center so that the borders of the stain do not spread to neighboring areas.
  • Wash separately. Items of different textures should be washed separately. For example, a blouse made of delicate material, washed with jeans, can shed, stretch, lose the texture of the fibers.
  • Don't mix chemicals! It can turn out to be an "explosive" mixture that will eat either fabric or paint.
  • Protect your hands and nose. Some products have a strong odor and are very aggressive. In order not to burn the skin of your hands, wear rubber gloves. Also open the window or clean clothes on the balcony. Get your family out on the street. So, ammonia should not be smelled at all.

Video. How to remove grease stains from clothes? Experiment

Fresh spots of fat

How to remove a fresh grease stain from clothes at home? For light pollution, sorbents are used - substances in the structure of which there are tiny pores. Sorbents act like microscopic sponges, absorbing fat molecules and removing them from the surface of clothing and from inside the fibers. Natural sorbents are starch, talc, chalk (powder), white clay (kaolin without cosmetic additives), fine salt (“Extra” without iodine).

Universal Recipe

Pour one of these products on the stain, put a few paper napkins on top. Put a press (iron, for example). Leave for 15-20 minutes. Then shake off the contaminated powder and repeat the procedure until the contamination disappears. Rinse the item from the remnants of the powder, wash.

Another universal advice is to take care of clothes and textiles correctly. Washing, spinning, drying and ironing will not spoil the thing if. Follow the link - here is the most complete list of icons on the Web, collected on one page!

Steam removal

How to remove stains from clothes with steam? Soften the grease by heating the stain with a steam generator or an iron set to the “steam” function. Then treat the problem area with one of the remedies from this section. A combination of the two methods will give good results.


Apply the paste generously on the oily, greasy mark. Lightly rub it into the fibers. After 2-3 hours, rinse the remains and wash the clothes. For light-colored clothes, any paste is suitable, for colored clothes, gel.

Here's how this unusual remedy works. The paste contains glycerin, surfactants, alkali. The components will react with the fat and break it down.

Laundry soap

Wet the soiled cloth with warm water and quickly lather it. laundry soap. Then send it to the washing machine, adding the powder as usual. Be careful: there are brands of laundry soap with a whitening effect - do not spoil the multi-colored pattern!

Chalk, tooth powder, baby powder, talc, clay

School crayons are easy to clean oil, grease that has fallen on clothes. Pre-grind a piece of chalk in a blender, knead with a rolling pin. Sprinkle the stain with this powder, lightly rub into the contaminated place, let it lie down for 2-3 hours. Shake off the remnants and wash.

School chalk removes fat perfectly


How to remove a greasy stain from clothes at home quickly, and without leaving the festive table? Sprinkle the stain generously with salt, rub it in lightly. Leave for 15 minutes. Try not to spin 🙂, otherwise the salt will just crumble and not work. Shake it off. Wash your clothes as soon as possible.

Fine salt + medical alcohol

The method is especially good for things that are difficult or impossible to wash - furniture upholstery, large heavy clothes. Sprinkle the greasy mark with fine salt and gently rub it into the contaminated area (remember that salt is an abrasive that can damage the fibers). When the stain is gone, shake off the salt thoroughly. Fluffy fabrics can even be brushed off the salt. Using a cotton pad, saturate the problem area with alcohol. Dry.

Shaving foam

Make your husband happy by borrowing a piece of his favorite shaving foam 😌. Squeeze the ball directly onto the contaminated area. When the foam is absorbed, wash the item. If a trace still remains, your stain was not fresh, but old. This is the next part of the article.

Sugar + laundry soap

Sugar is good at breaking down fat. Let's take advantage of this great feature! Moisten the cloth, lather the stain thickly. Sprinkle with sugar - thickly, from the heart. Let it lie down for a while, then gently scrub with a brush. Leave for 10-20 minutes. Do your laundry. This method is especially good for cotton.

Hot method: iron

Suitable for clothes that can be ironed. Prepare a “sandwich” - in the middle there is a contaminated cloth, loose paper without a pattern on top and bottom (napkins, toilet paper, blotting paper). Lay on a hard, flat surface. Take the iron. Change paper. Repeat the process until the blotter is clean. With the help of an iron, you can also get rid of the greasy trace left by a candle:

bread crumb

Lightly press the bread crumb with your fingers to make it firmer. Apply it to the stain and press. Wait for the fat to be absorbed. Repeat if necessary. Wash the item in warm water with soap and powder. This method is especially good for cleaning velvet at home.

Ammonia 10%

Ammonia (aka ammonia) is suitable for white fabrics - it can bleach colored fabrics. Prepare a "killer" solution from a teaspoon of ammonia and a glass of water. Soak a cotton ball in the solution, soak the stain with the liquid. Apply a clean, light cotton fabric without a pattern, folded in 2-3 layers, to the problem area. Hold the warm iron for a few seconds.

Ethyl alcohol (medical)

Moisten the stain with plenty of alcohol, cover with polyethylene. After an hour, wash the thing in the machine.

mustard powder

Mustard bleaches colored fabrics, linen and any other materials. Dilute the mustard powder with warm water to get "sour cream". Apply the mixture thickly on the problem area. After 30-40 minutes, shake off the remnants of mustard, rinse and wash clothes.

It is impossible to use ready-made - already diluted mustard.

Mustard is great for removing stains from kitchen towels. This and other recipes for washing waffle, terry and other towels

Salt versus fat - who wins? Read the recipe!

Potato starch

Removing fat with starch is easy and convenient. Sprinkle the powder thickly on the stain and lightly rub it into the fibers. Shake off starch after 10-15 minutes. If an oily trace remains, repeat a few more times. Rinse and wash clothes.

Dishwashing gel

Removing grease stains with Ferri (Fairy) is a very popular and effective method. Apply the gel to the problem area. Look. Leave on for 10-15 minutes (no more, as dish gel can bleach the fabric). If possible, pour boiling water over this place. Or wash, immediately after applying the gel, throwing the item into the machine.

Video. How to remove grease stains from clothes with dish detergent

Shampoo for oily hair

The technology is the same as with dish gel (see above). The difference is that the shampoo will not bleach the fabric and can be safely used for colored items. And also for delicate fabrics - silk, wool, chiffon.

Old stains on clothes

They become gray or even yellowish, acquire an unpleasant smell of rancid fat. For some reason, stains from sunflower oil turn especially thick. How can I remove old greasy stains from clothes at home? At stake are the proven recipes of our grandmothers, as well as the latest inventions of experienced Chistyul 👌.

Universal way

You will need oxygen bleach. Oxygen pushes fat molecules out of the fibers without damaging their structure. Use stain remover as directed.

P.S. You can choose one of the tools listed in the "Overview" section of this article. Ready funds from the store".

Laundry soap 72%

This is the most innocuous and simple method of all. Moisten the problem area with warm water, lather it thickly with laundry soap. Cover with polyethylene so that it does not dry out and leave to sour for several hours.

By the way, laundry soap can slightly discolor fabrics dyed with unstable paint. Do a test in an inconspicuous place first. Or just remember - did this clothes shed during washing, socks. If so, it's better not to risk it. And also make sure that the soap itself is not bleaching (there are such instances!).

Turpentine + ammonia 10% + laundry soap

Mix the ingredients: 1 part turpentine, 2 parts ammonia, 2 parts grated soap. Let the mixture brew so that the soap becomes elastic. Rub to make a thick gel. Apply liberally to the oil stain. Wash after 2-3 hours.

Wine alcohol + gasoline + medical ether

The recipe is clearly from a doctor! I, for example, do not have medical ether.

Treat the fabric and wash.

The main thing is not to fall asleep 🌛!

Fish not only smells strongly. She still leaves greasy marks. How to remove fish oil?

sawdust + gasoline

Soak sawdust in gasoline. Sprinkle the stain in a thick layer. When both the sawdust and the fabric are dry, shake off the shavings. Then wash the item. So you can wash carpet, furniture upholstery, large clothes from fat.

Starch + refined gasoline

Prepare a thick slurry of potato, cornstarch and gasoline. Apply a thick layer on the greasy mark. Wait until the gasoline-starch blotch dries. Clean with a soft brush. Do your laundry.

Refined gasoline

Roll up some toilet paper and soak it in gasoline. You will need two such "servings". Lay the fabric between layers of damp paper. You can even put a press on top - a jar of water, for example.

Wash in the machine on a suitable setting.


Dissolve a glass of salt in 4-5 liters of water. Soak contaminated clothing for several hours. Then wring out and wash in the machine with a good powder.

Acetone + salt

Sprinkle the stain with fine salt. Then treat with acetone (nail polish remover based on acetone). After that, lather the stain with laundry soap or Fairy dishwashing gel. Wash in the machine.

Ammonia 10% + turpentine

Mix the ingredients in equal parts. Soak a cotton ball with the resulting product. Apply to the stain and leave for 3-4 hours. If the stain is gone, wash the item. If not, repeat until complete removal. The recipe is suitable for light things.


Glycerin cleans oil traces from delicate and any other fabrics. This is a very useful secret on how to remove a greasy stain from clothes at home.

Warm up the glycerin in a water bath (so that the hand endures), moisten a cotton pad and rub the stain. Fat will dissolve before your eyes. It remains to wash the affected item in the machine or by hand.

Baking soda + dish soap

Mix baking soda and dishwashing gel to make a thick paste. Apply to contaminated area. You can even rub the resulting product with a brush. After 10 minutes, send the clothes to the washing machine without removing the gel and soda.

Instead of dishwashing gel, you can use washing powder (oxygen powder is especially good for our purposes), slightly diluted with warm water.

Fairy is best

Table vinegar 9%

Mix vinegar with warm water in equal proportions. Soak clothes in acidic solution. After 15-20 minutes, wash with a good powder.

"Coca Cola", "Sprite"

The men remove the “Coca” rust, unscrew the stuck bolts with its help. And we, Chistyuli, will wash grease stains. What only "Coca" and its colleague "Sprite" can not do!

Pour the liquid into a wide bowl. Dip the affected part of the clothing into it. Leave to act for 2-3 hours. Do your laundry.

P.S. As for Coca, I have serious doubts: after all, it is a colored liquid, and it’s not clear what it is. Will it dye the fabric at the same time? The recipe with "Coca" is so-so life hack! Or not? Girls, share your opinion on this matter in the comments!

Acetone + denatured alcohol + ammonia 10%

Mix the components in equal proportions. Treat the stain. Wash after 5-10 minutes.

Polish for hair

The varnish contains substances that dissolve fat. Spray it liberally on the surface of the stained fabric. Leave to act for 30-40 minutes, wash in a washing machine. Repeat if necessary.

When removing stains, you can not use multi-colored varnish for trendy hairstyles - some blue, red or golden, with sparkles. Only a colorless product without decorative additives is suitable for us. In order not to risk tinting your favorite “things” with varnish.

P.S. And again, I doubt it: the varnish evaporates and dries very quickly, and this is its advantage when creating hairdressing masterpieces 🎀✂. Will he, the varnish, have time to penetrate the fabric in order to dissolve the fat absorbed into the fibers? Girls, I invite you to discuss in the comments under the article! Who else is interested in finding out? Get active!

Aloe vera infusion

I found this on the internet and this is the recipe. Since I give readers full information on the problem, I can not help but talk about removing grease stains with aloe vera tincture. Although it seems to me that the alcohol that is part of the infusion works. What's with the aloe? Unclear.

So, pour the infusion on the contaminated area, let it lie down for 15-20 minutes. Rub your hands and wash.


Recipe for fine fabrics - cotton, silk, linen, etc. Pour the powder onto a sheet of clean white cardboard. Put it under the stain. Sprinkle the top with chalk and cover with parchment paper. Place the load. Leave for a day.

In order to wash fat, not every “means from the garage” is suitable. We need clean gasoline (turpentine, kerosene). Here's how to check it...

Ready-made cleaned product can be bought at a hardware store, in a paint and varnish shop. If you do not know what is in your hands, moisten white paper, a napkin with liquid and dry it. If the paper remains clean after drying, feel free to use it for fabric. If dirt remains, it’s better not to risk it, otherwise all these chemicals will settle on the fabric and it will be almost impossible to remove them.

Video. How to remove oily stain. Easy Ways to Remove Grease Stains

Various types of fabrics, materials

A true Cleaner always thinks about how to remove an oil stain from clothes at home from an unusual fabric texture. After all, it is so easy to spoil a thing if you do not know the specifics of the material.

Colored and white fabric

  • White fabric. Can be easily dyed. The same "Coca", for example.
  • Colored fabric. May discolor, lose color uniformity.
  • Patterned fabric. Can shed, stain and discolor at the same time.

White things

Washing white clothes is the easiest: it tolerates bleaches, stain removers, including chlorine. In addition to ready-made tools, I use improvised ones.

  • Baby powder (talc, starch). Sprinkle the stain with one of these products. For greater effect, cover with polyethylene and put a press. After 20-30 minutes, change the powder, etc. to a clean one. When the stain is gone, carefully shake off the remaining substance and wash the clothes.
  • Baking soda. The method of application is the same as for the powder.
  • Ammonia 10%. We will need a solution of 1 teaspoon in a glass of warm water. It is impossible to inhale ammonia vapors, because they can burn the nasopharynx. Instead of a teaspoon, it is convenient to use a syringe (the volume of a teaspoon is 5 ml - “cubes”). To enhance the effect of the product, drop 1-2 drops of dish gel into this water. Treat the stain with the solution. Let lie down for 10-15 minutes and wash.
  • Turpentine. Sprinkle the area around the contamination with starch, soak the stain itself with purified turpentine. Wash with powder after 2-3 hours.
  • Ammonia 10% + salt + water. Mix the components in equal proportions. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and gently dot the stain, moving from the edge to the center. When the fabric is dry, rub the area with laundry soap. Wash in the machine.
  • Lemon juice. Reacts with fat and breaks it down. Moisten the contamination thoroughly. Let me lie down. Do your laundry.

Starch is an important laundry aid

Dear Chistyulya, pay attention to this: there are pure white things, and there are light (almost white) things. So, light beige fabrics, milky, cream, champagne and similar shades only seem white, but in fact they are dyed in noble light colors. They need to be washed like colored ones, because an aggressive agent will easily discolor the fabric and leave a noticeable spot of ultra-white or bluish color. It happened to me. Be careful!

Does it happen to you that sweat leaves yellow stains under your armpits on your favorite blouses, T-shirts, other clothes? Save your favorite things using the recipes from this

Colored things, with a pattern

Dyed fabrics with a pattern, like colored plains, like a careful attitude. How to get rid of grease stains on colored clothes at home so as not to spoil the fabric, pattern? Use:

  • starch;
  • dentifrice;
  • crushed chalk;
  • talc;
  • baby powder;
  • salt;
  • gel toothpaste;
  • Polish for hair;
  • medical alcohol;
  • shampoo for oily hair;
  • crumb of white or black bread;
  • laundry soap (without bleaching effect);
  • sugar + soap;
  • mustard powder;
  • iron;
  • steam generator.

All these recipes are in the article, they are easy to find through the "Contents" (it is at the very beginning).

  • You can also use onion juice. Squeeze it through the garlic, or grate the onion on a fine grater and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Treat the stain. After an hour, wash the thing by adding a fragrant conditioner to the washing water - its task is to drown out the smell of onions.

Inexpensive colored fabric may not endure even intensive washing. If you know that you bought a budget item, or notice that it sheds too actively when washing, use the most neutral products - talcum powder, salt, shampoo, iron. Wash with lukewarm water, preferably at room temperature.

And we'll clean it up!

Denim (denim)

Jeans chic decorate the butt! And so they deserve the most careful attention. Choose one of the recipes:

  • Powder, gel for colored linen. Lather the stain thickly, leave for 30-40 minutes. Do your laundry.
  • Salt "Extra", starch, talc. Densely sprinkle the stain with one of the products. Cover with polyethylene or parchment for baking, put the press and set aside for half an hour. Replace the used product with a clean one. Repeat 2-3 times.
  • Brine. Dissolve 0.5 cups of salt in 10 liters of lukewarm water. Soak the item in brine for 3 hours. Do your laundry.
  • Laundry soap + salt (sugar). Soap the stain on both sides with laundry soap. Sprinkle the front side with salt and sugar. Let lie down for 10 minutes, rub into the fabric. Leave to sour overnight, protecting from drying with polyethylene. Do your laundry.

Save your favorite pants!

Leather, leatherette

How to remove oil stains from leather clothes at home?

  • Fresh, old pollution. Mix starch and refined gasoline. Apply to stain. After drying, carefully, so as not to damage the skin, remove the starch-petrol blotch.
  • Old stains. Mix refined gasoline and acetone in equal proportions. Clean up the stain.
  • Bright skin. Warm water (200 ml), ammonia 10% (2 tablespoons - that is, 30 ml if you use a syringe), baking soda (1 teaspoon), dish detergent (1 drop). Mix, moisten a cotton pad and gently wipe the stain.
  • Leather. Wipe the stain with a cotton swab dipped in refined gasoline.
  • Patent leather. Wipe the stain thoroughly with strong soapy water.
  • Artificial leather. Moisten a cotton pad with dish soap and wipe the stain.

After removing oil stains from the skin

After cleaning, leather clothing needs additional care:

  1. Wipe off residue with a clean, damp cloth.
  2. Dry the item thoroughly by hanging it on a coat hanger. Do not use a hair dryer battery and so on.
  3. If the area from which the stain had to be scrubbed is rough and has lost its luster, treat it with castor oil, glycerin, or special tool for the care of leather clothes: cream, balm.

Leather clothing needs proper care

Suede, sheepskin coat

First, carefully clean the item from dust and dirt with a suede brush.

  • Old stain. Treat with a steam generator. After sprinkle the stain with starch, dry semolina, talc, baby powder. Cover with polyethylene and put a light press. Leave for 40-60 minutes. Shake off the "healing" powder. Rate the result. Repeat if necessary. After removing, carefully shake out the remnants of the product and clean the area with a soft brush.
  • Fresh spot. Gently rub the stain with a school eraser or fine sandpaper. Shake off the remaining fat with a clean, dry kitchen sponge.
  • Whisk a few drops of dish soap in warm water. Spread soap suds over the stain. After 20 minutes, clean it with a dry cloth. If the greasy mark is not gone, repeat. After removal, treat the problem area with a solution of table vinegar 9% (1 part) and water (2 parts).
  • Light suede. Mix warm water (200 ml), liquid soap (1 teaspoon), ammonia 10% (2 teaspoons or 10 ml). Soak a cotton ball in the solution and saturate the oily trace. From a distance of 5-10 cm, steam the stain with an iron. Blot excess moisture with a tissue.
  • After removing the stain, comb the pile with a brush, dry thoroughly, hanging the clothes on a coat hanger. After drying, straighten the stuck pile with a dry brush.


  • Moisten the stain liberally with Fairy dishwashing gel. Machine wash immediately.
  • Pour chalk on a piece of clean white cardboard, place a contaminated place on top. Sprinkle the top of the stain with chalk. Cover with paper. Iron with an iron. Change the chalk to a clean one and repeat until the stain is gone.


  • Moisten a cotton pad with refined gasoline. Apply to stain. Hold for 10-15 minutes. Do your laundry.
  • Dish gels lighten chiffon and should not be used.
  • Delicate fabrics: universal recipes
  • Glycerol. Apply a few drops of glycerin to the oily trail. Wait 30-40 minutes. Do your laundry. The method is suitable for silk, knitwear and other pampered fabrics. Removes both fresh and old stains.
  • Glycerin + ammonia 10%. Mix in equal parts. Add the same amount of warm water. Apply to stain. After 3 hours, blot the remaining product with a clean cloth. Do your laundry. Suitable for velor, silk, velvet, guipure and other fabrics.

The chiffon is very pretty!


  • Refined gasoline. Soak the stain thoroughly. Gently rub the gasoline into the dirt until it disappears. Do your laundry. Suitable for wool.
  • Mustard infusion. Soak a glass of mustard powder in water. We need a thick slurry. Rub through a thick sieve. Transfer to a bucket of warm water (10 liters). Insist 2-3 hours. Wash a thing in this infusion without using soap and other detergents. Mustard infusion needs to be changed 2-3 times. Rinse thoroughly in a solution of ammonia (1 teaspoon) and water (10 liters).


  • Mix 1 tablespoon of glycerin, 1 tablespoon of water, 0.5 tablespoons of ammonia. Saturate the stain with the mixture. After 5-10 minutes, rinse and wash the item with your hands.
  • Mustard infusion. See the recipe above, in the section for wool. Finally, rinse the silk item in cold water with vinegar. This will freshen up the colors.

Velvet, plush

Lightly compact the crumb of white bread with your fingers and press it against the stain. Wait 15-20 minutes and change the crumb to another. Repeat until all fat is removed.

Treat the stain with turpentine or rubbing alcohol. Wash the item.


  • Colored, dark jersey. A recipe for fresh and old stains. Soak a paper towel with refined gasoline. Put under the stain and cover with the same on top. Give it a load. Wash after 20 minutes.
  • Any jersey. Pour potato, corn starch, tooth powder on the stain. Cover with a thin layer of loose paper. Place a warm iron on top. Change the starch and paper to clean ones. Repeat.
  • Fresh spot-1. Rub the greasy trace with a potato: wash the tuber, blot with a towel to dry, cut in half and rub the stain with juice.
  • Fresh stain-2. Lubricate the stain with dishwashing gel. Wash immediately. If the fabric is not dyed, let the stain dry for 10-15 minutes before washing.
  • Old spot-1. Treat with refined gasoline. Do your laundry.
  • Old stain-2. Wet the problem area with refined gasoline and lather with white laundry soap. Wash after 15 minutes.
  • Old spot-3. Sprinkle the contaminated area with fine salt. Cover with paper and put the press. After an hour, change the salt to clean. Repeat several times.
  • Old stain-4. Prepare a slurry of liquid soap and baking soda. Apply generously to the stain. After an hour, shake off the remnants and wash the item.


Dear Italian pantyhose, sexy garter belt can also suffer in love battles! Well, or something else. Rub the stain with dish soap. Leave for 15 minutes. Wash in warm water by hand. Repeat if necessary.

Fabrics that cannot be washed

How to clean a fabric that cannot be washed?
  • Spread a gruel of starch and warm water over the stain. Hold on for a few hours. Shake off the remnants of the product and wipe the area with refined gasoline. When the fabric is dry, go over the stain with a piece of bread crumb.
  • Heat starch in a pan. Make sure it doesn't burn. Pour on the problem area, leave for 10-15 minutes, covered with a paper towel, and on top with a towel so that the starch does not cool. Put on a light press. Wait 10 minutes, shake off the powder. If stain remains, repeat with pure starch. After removing, brush off the remaining product with a brush.
  • If the fabric can withstand heat, cover it with a thin layer of loose paper. Apply the same layer under the stain. Iron with a warm iron. Clean the stain with refined gasoline, stain remover.
  • For white and light fabrics. Mix refined gasoline and chalk powder. Spread a thick layer on the fabric, lightly rub with your fingers. Leave for 3-4 hours. Brush off the rest of the paste. Repeat 2-3 times.

Video. How to remove old grease stains from fabric

Specific oil stains

If the family has an active husband and a restless child, spots cannot be avoided! What this couple does not bring from a walk: machine oil, traces of mayonnaise, paints ... How to remove an oil stain from clothes at home? We simplify the washing of hiking pants and T-shirts, tracksuits.

Engine oil, gasoline stains

  • Lubricant spray WD-40, Lestoil, White spirit. They will help remove grease stains from jeans, as well as destroy gasoline stains and traces of machine grease. Apply one of the products to the stain or apply a moistened cotton swab, wait 30 minutes. Rinse and wash.
  • Thinner 646. Treat the stain and wash immediately.
  • Gasoline for lighters. Treat the oily trail. Wash your clothes in the washing machine.
  • "Fairy". Lubricate the oil mark with gel and wash.
  • Washing powder. Prepare "sour cream" from the powder and warm water. Rub it into the fabric with a brush. Wait 20-30 minutes. Rub again and wash with your hands. This method is for coarse fabrics - jeans and so on.

Collars and cuffs: greasy traces

Soak a cotton swab in a mixture of salt (1 part) and ammonia 2% (4 parts). Process the collar, cuffs. Try not to inhale ammonia. Wash your shirt.

Drying oil, a trace of oil paint

  • Fresh spots. Ammonia, turpentine, purified kerosene will help.
  • Old spot. Moisten it liberally with turpentine and sprinkle thickly with soda. After softening, carefully scrape off the remnants of the product along with the greasy trace.

Vegetable oil

  • Kerosene. Wipe the contaminated area with purified kerosene, let things lie down for a bit. Wash in warm water.
  • Turpentine + gasoline + alcohol. Mix in equal parts. Treat the stain and then wash the item.
  • Soap + gasoline + ammonia 10%. Rub the soap on a fine grater. Add 2 parts of turpentine and 1 part of ammonia. Transfer to a small container, cover. Let it brew for 30-40 minutes, rub with a spoon. Apply the paste on the greasy mark. Leave for 10 minutes.
  • Talc, tooth powder. Sprinkle the stain with one of these powders. Cover with paper, put the press. Leave overnight. Shake out and wash.

Fish oil and even odor are removed in this way ...

Fish fat

  • Table vinegar 9%. Fish oil is removed with a weak solution of water and vinegar.
  • Dish gel. Smear the stain and wash the clothes immediately.
  • Alcohol. Saturate the stain with this substance. Wash with powder after 10 minutes.
  • Old stains. Mix salt (1 part), ammonia (1 part), water (3 parts). Apply to the stain, wait for it to dry. Do your laundry.

To get rid of the persistent smell of fish, when washing, add a fragrant conditioner, fabric softener to the water.

Mayonnaise, fatty sauces

First, use the blunt side of a knife to scrape the rest of the sauce off your clothes. Then use one of the following:

  • Ammonia 10% + salt. Add 1 teaspoon of ammonia and the same amount of salt to a glass of warm water. Stir to dissolve the salt. Apply to stain for 15 minutes. Rinse and wash.
  • Dish gel. Rub it on the spot. Wash the item in the machine or by hand in warm water.

Oil stains after washing

It is not always possible for even the most vigilant and attentive Cleaner to notice a greasy stain before washing. After drying the washed clothes, we get a big surprise. How to remove an oil stain from clothes at home, which is left after washing?

  • Lather the stain thickly with laundry soap, liquid or dry (diluted in water) powder. Leave for 30-40 minutes. Wash in the machine again.
  • Treat the stain with colorless dishwashing detergent and wash again.
  • Make a thick paste with mustard powder and warm water. Apply to stain. After 30 minutes, remove the crust from the fabric, rinse and wash the clothes.
  • Moisten dirt with 9% vinegar mixed with water in equal proportions. Leave for 10-15 minutes. Wash the item.
  • Mix fine salt or baking soda with dish soap. Put it on the problem area. After 10 minutes, shake off the remnants of the product and wash the item in warm water.

Video. How to remove grease stains from clothes useful tips

With different clothes

Different clothes require a different approach. How, for example, to properly wash grease stains from a down jacket, bologna, coat? Let's figure it out without delay!


First, lay out the coat on a flat, wide surface - it should not slide to the floor.

  • Sprinkle the dirt with chalk powder. Leave for 2-3 hours. Shake off the chalk. Repeat if necessary, to enhance the effect, you can cover the chalk with loose paper and put a light press. After the final removal of the stain, shake off the remaining chalk and brush the coat with a brush.
  • Moisten the stain with refined gasoline, moving from the edges to the center. Sprinkle with potato, corn starch, talc. Leave until dry. Clean the fabric with a brush.

Down jacket

Rub the stain with laundry or regular soap. Machine wash with good detergent.

Moisten the dirty place with warm water, sprinkle with washing powder, rub it with a brush or a clean dish sponge. Do your laundry.

Treat with starch as described in the recipe for the coat (see just above).


Don't forget to unfasten the fur first.

Sprinkle the stain with fine salt. Cover with paper and put the press. After a couple of hours, change the salt and do so until the pollution disappears. Shake off the rest of the salt. Soak and lather this place. Wash in the machine.

P.S. I don’t see it as a crime to use recipes for jackets when washing down jackets, and vice versa.

Bologna, raincoat fabric

  • Dilute a tablespoon of washing powder in a glass of warm water. Use a new dish sponge to wash away the dirty greasy trace. Soak a cotton swab in 6-9% table vinegar. Wash and dry your bologna jacket.
  • Lather the oil mark with soap, then treat with a suitable stain remover. Leave for 15-10 minutes, wash in the machine.
  • Moisten the stain with warm water, sprinkle with toothpowder or brush with toothpaste (gel is suitable for colored fabrics, white for whites). Rub the product into the fabric with a sponge brush. Wash with powder.
  • Prepare a thick paste of mustard powder and water. Apply to the stain and leave for one hour. Shake off the remaining powder, wash the area under warm running water to wash the mustard. Do your laundry.
  • Wipe the problem area with a cotton pad soaked in 9% table vinegar. Do your laundry. In addition to the stains themselves, vinegar removes the greasy sheen on collars, jacket cuffs, and jackets. Or greasy places are wiped with soda dissolved in water.

The greasy mark on the shirt, collar and cuffs is washed with special means.

Fabric sneakers

Treat the grease stain with dish soap. Well proven "Fairy". If the fabric is white, leave to act for 10-15 minutes and throw it into the washing machine, turning off the spin cycle. Wash colored sneakers immediately.

If stains appear on clothes after washing, rinse them in a solution of water (2 parts) and vinegar (1 part).

Washing children's things

How to remove grease stains from clothes at home so as not to harm the delicate skin of your beloved little one? Choosing Natural Remedies:

  • salt;
  • laundry soap;
  • mustard powder;
  • starch;
  • talc;
  • baby powder;
  • bread crumb.

All recipes are described above - see "Contents" at the beginning of the article to choose the appropriate method.

Clothing made from natural fabrics can be washed in a hot way: pull the thing over the pan, fixing the edges with clothespins, an elastic band. Then pour boiling water from the kettle through the stain, as if filtering the water into a saucepan. When the fabric has cooled slightly, wash the stain with laundry soap.

What a pleasure to see the fruits of your labor!

Overview. Ready-made products from the store

Oxygen products remove fat best. They are marked with the inscription "Oxy" (Oxi). Oxygen bleaches are suitable for white fabrics. For colored manufacturers offer products with enzymes. There are also other means. Here are the ones that experienced Chistyuli recommend:

  • Lestoil. Pour the product on the stain and wash the item after 30 minutes;
  • stain remover "Eared nannies";
  • stain remover "Aist";
  • Dish Drops from Amway ("Amway"). Apply to the stain and leave overnight;
  • soap "Antipyatin". Soap and leave for 15 minutes;
  • Astonish oxyplus. As part of the soda;
  • pencil Faberlic (Edelstar). Convenient to take with you on a trip, on vacation;
  • Vanish ("Vanish"). Also removes odor
  • bleach "Bos plus Maximum". Economy option;
  • "Pasta-7". Deals with old stains
  • liquid "Agidel". It also removes old greasy marks;
  • "Minute";
  • "Sorbent";
  • "Elta".

Packing your suitcase to take things to the landfill after their hibernation? The very ones that were struck by an unknown "yellow fungus" or "leopard disease"? It is unrealistically difficult to remove this disgrace, and its causes often remain a mystery. How to remove a yellow stain from white clothes at home, and why do these mysterious untidy marks stick to things?

See the content of the article to quickly find the answer to the problem. Or read the article in a row to learn ALL the secrets to easy and effective stain removal!

One day, taking his favorite blouse out of the closet, Chistyulya suddenly notices yellow spots of unknown origin. Why on things that have been stored in the wardrobe for a long time, beige, yellowish and even brownish marks appear on fabrics made of cotton, synthetics, woolen, and so on? To figure out how to remove a stain on your favorite thing, it is important to understand when it appeared.

Experienced housewives divide the problem into stains that occur after washing and those that may appear after long-term storage in the closet. By the way, there are often complaints about the appearance of untidy marks on new, not yet worn and not washed things. So, the novelty of each piece of clothing is doubtful: who knows how many times they measured it, with what hands they took it - managers do not hang up the assortment in sterile gloves! Yes, and they pack at the factory, too, most likely, without any protective equipment. Agree?

Advice from Chistyuli. The cause of terrible yellow spots is often improper care. The most complete clothing on the internet will save your stuff from the bin and help you keep it beautiful. Go ahead and add it to your bookmarks!

Yellow spots on things appear as if from nowhere. What is the reason?

I will not divide the reasons into “after washing” and “after storage” - most likely, they complement each other, or it is impossible to determine exactly. So, yellow spots on clothes, which are then so difficult to get rid of, arise for the following reasons:

  • wrong washing powder;
  • washing at the wrong temperature;
  • fat trace unnoticed in time;
  • traces of sweat mixed with antiperspirant;
  • traces of perfume;
  • incorrect ironing;
  • iron “spits” with rust;
  • use of bleach
  • hard water for washing;
  • improper storage of things;
  • mold.

How to deal with these troubles? Very simple.

Prevention of yellow spots

Men's logic will never learn all these rules. And women - it's easy! Because we girls can handle any problem. So:

The right washing machine

How to remove yellow stains from white clothes, colored? Washing machine repairmen say: in 60% of cases, the drum of a machine older than 3-4 years old is rusty. If small reddish spots, dots consistently appear on the clothes, instruct the master to inspect his assistant for rust.

By the way, washing machines with a water-saving function harm fabrics: by reducing the amount of water in the tank, they rinse clothes worse, powder remains in the fibers, which also turns yellow.

The right washing powder

Many powders for colored fabrics contain special additives that stick to laundry and accumulate dirt. First, the spots are yellow, then red, and then, finally, brown.

While collecting materials for an article, I came across a curious phenomenon: many women's forums are full of negative feedback for Procter&Gamble products (Tide, Ariel, Mif, Tix, Dreft powders). If Ariel is scolded in every second review, should it be abandoned? However, the problems described by the forum users are very similar and the opponents of the brand support each other too much in unison.

I am sure that this is a planned action (I myself do not use the company's products and cannot say anything about the quality of its powders). Girls, let's figure it out and find the truth by answering the survey:

Survey. Procter & Gamble products: do we trust?

Washing powder "Ariel": leaves yellow spots or not?

Poll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser.

    I don't know, I can't say 32%, 12 votes

    Negative about "Ariel" - machinations of competitors 18%, 7 votes

    I use other washing powders, there are stains 16%, 6 votes

    I use Ariel, I like everything 11%, 4 vote

    I use Ariel, there are yellow spots on things 8%, 3 vote


Also measure out enough but not too much powder. If you add any more detergent, the total amount of detergent needs to be reduced. Let's get back to our sheep. How to remove yellow sweat stains from white clothes using the right remedy for washing? Choose the powder carefully, do not use a detergent for colored laundry, laying white things in the drum and vice versa. Among other things, powders with colored granules often leave multi-colored traces - these are not dissolved granules that stick to the fabric. In most cases, they begin to wash out after repeated washing, but sometimes not.

Experienced cleaners wash expensive white clothes with liquid detergent. According to reviews, the spots disappear and do not appear again. If the matter, of course, is in the powder.

Proper washing

How to remove yellow stains on white linen? Wrong washing mode, insufficient rinsing leads to the fact that the powder and dirt remain in the fibers and turn yellow after washing.

Also, do not use hot water if you can do without it. High temperatures lead to the fact that some types of contaminants eat into the fabric even more. And the fabric itself turns yellow.

The same thing happens if perfume gets on the fabric, Eau de Toilette- all of them contain rich compositions of various essential oils.

Traces of sweat

Sweat contains urea, which, once on clothes, begins to turn yellow. Deodorant only makes things worse: mixed with sweat, antiperspirant leaves even more yellow, even more persistent stains.

The underarm area should be washed with soap and water twice a day (morning and evening). Then you need to carefully wipe the skin with a cotton towel and only then treat it with deodorant. You should also remove hair in time (which accumulate sweat and smell), do not drink hot tea and do not eat spicy food in the heat - they provoke profuse sweating.

In the heat, you can wipe this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body with an alcohol solution. I carry hand sanitizer with me. If I feel that the antiperspirant is not working, I spray disinfectant into my armpits, wipe it dry with a paper towel and apply deodorant. Everything! You don't have to worry until the end of the day.

And to protect clothes from yellow spots under the armpits, on the back and in other sweaty places, try to wear a T-shirt, T-shirt under blouses, sweaters. Thin things are easy to save with the help of underarm pads: they are attached to the armhole of the sleeve. Very convenient and reliable.

Save a useful table to your computer!

hard water

Water saturated with salts reacts with washing powder. Add an emollient to the laundry detergent: table vinegar 9%, citric acid, soda ash, Calgon (Calgon). Or install a filter for the water entering the washer.

Also, rust particles falling from the walls of old pipes, or water with a high iron content, stain things right during washing, rinsing. After washing, rinse especially valuable items in water filtered through a thick cotton cloth.

Preparing for storage

Clothes that you store for the winter should not be washed with fabric softener. Employees of elite sewing workshops and dry cleaners, like no one else, know how many damaged things fall into their hands after such processing.

Dry thoroughly before storing, then iron them.

Want ? Read detailed material on this topic!

Proper storage, mold

This is important even before washing. The dirty laundry basket should be perforated so that the moisture can escape. Dry thoroughly after washing. Ventilate the closet, fight high humidity in the room.

Dampness, the remnants of dirt are very popular with the ubiquitous and extremely tenacious mold. When she begins to eat into the fabric, it can be difficult to expel her from there. Especially if the fungus hit the cabinet walls.

Cabinet disinfection. Wipe the walls and shelves with table vinegar 9%, mixed in half with water. Dry thoroughly. Ideally, it is desirable to use a quartz lamp, or substitute the inside of the cabinet under the sun's rays.

Also, chiffoniers made of chipboard, or varnished inside, leave persistent traces: chemicals react with wood, shavings and release substances that color white clothes. It is almost impossible to remove such stains.

Stele white paper on the shelves (the remnants of light wallpaper are very good for this purpose). Periodically replace the paper with a new one. Put things in open bags, leaving access for air. Once every 2-3 months, shake things up, shifting them in places.

How to wash such things correctly

How to remove yellow spots from colored, white clothes on your own? It is important to prepare for washing correctly:

  • warm water. Wash soiled items in warm or cool water high temperature the stain may become even stronger.
  • Sweat stains and chlorine. Such bleaches cannot be used to remove sweat stains: the protein reacts with chlorine and leaves even darker permanent marks.
  • Baby clothes. After bleaching, children's clothes should be rinsed more thoroughly or even washed again with soap. Then the baby will wear his gizmos calmly, without dermatitis. If there is a newborn baby in the house, it is better to refuse the powder at all until his immune system and liver get stronger.
  • Test! Test any substance in an inconspicuous place.
  • Rubber gloves. Use gloves to protect your hands.

Table. Express recipes for yellow spots on white clothes

Base substance
warm water
Baking soda3 parts1 part
Hydrogen peroxide 3%3 parts1 part
Vodka, alcohol1 part1 part
dish gel1 part1 part
Table vinegar 9%1 part1 part
Ammonia 10%1 part1 part
Aspirin4-5 tabletsto the density of gruel

home remedy recipes

How to remove yellow stains from white, dyed clothes, fabrics at home? Surprisingly, it is impossible to name the most effective remedy: in some cases this remedy works better, in others it is different. Moreover, it is also impossible to determine the most effective method depending on the type of tissue or active substance. Therefore, Chistyuli have to experiment. What can you do!

Recipes for colored fabrics are suitable for cleaning jackets, down jackets, and other dyed clothes. They are also used for washing swimwear (sports fabric cannot be bleached, even white), delicate embroidered tablecloths (you never close, whether the pattern fades or not) and others. special occasions. Here's how to get stains out of clothes by soaking them properly.


  • Citric acid + baking soda. It is very useful to soak the affected items in a solution of citric acid (1 pack per basin of water). If the dirt is especially persistent, add a couple of tablespoons of soda to the lemon.
  • Table vinegar 9%. Add a few tablespoons of vinegar to the water and soak the clothes overnight.
  • Hydrogen peroxide 3%. Soaking with peroxide is especially effective if things smell bad. This recipe is for whites only.

The old way

The recipe is effective for old yellow spots that appear after long storage in the closet.

Bring 5 liters of water to a boil. Add ¾ cup of laundry detergent, 2 tablespoons of bleach, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Stir water and soak clothes in this homemade stain remover. Leave overnight. Wash in the morning. There will be no yellowness.

Non-standard methods

How to remove yellow stains from white clothes, yellow marks from colored fabrics? Desperate Cleanies come up with incredible recipes! Here are the tools that helped this or that hostess:

  • floor cleaner "Aist";
  • any rust remover: Domestos (Domestos), "Duckling", "Toilet Comet" and others. Apply the product on the stain and rinse after 15-20 minutes. These gels contain oxalic acid, which effectively removes yellow stains on clothes. Recipe for undyed fabrics.
  • cleaning agent "Profam 2000" (Profoam 2000) + "Domestos". Mix in equal proportions and treat the stain. Wash the item after 30 minutes.
  • laundry soap - lather the stain well and leave for several hours. Wash as usual.
  • "Sanoks" for washing bathtubs. Saturate the stains with gel and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Urotropin (dry alcohol)

Another name for the drug is "Dry Fuel", it is sold in hardware and tourist stores, in pharmacies. Grind one tablet of "Urotropin" and dilute with water until a slurry is obtained. Apply to the stain, rubbing lightly. Leave for 2-3 hours.


Aspirin can gently remove yellow dots from white clothes. Crush a few tablets and add warm water to make a paste. Apply to the contaminated area, cover with polyethylene and leave overnight. In the morning, shake off the remaining aspirin and wash the affected clothing.

Hydrogen peroxide 3%

Abundantly fields stain with peroxide. If you see foam, hissing is good, the reaction has begun and the peroxide penetrates the fibers, breaking down the dirt. When the reaction is over, wash the item in the machine.

Lemon is an effective and environmentally friendly remedy. Read the recipe below!

Hydrogen peroxide 3% + soda + dish gel

Prepare a paste consisting of peroxide (2 teaspoons), soda (2 tablespoons), dish gel (2 teaspoons). Thoroughly rub this mixture and treat the problem area.

Leave for 20-30 minutes. Rub with a brush. Rinse and wash.

Liquid soap + baking soda + hydrogen peroxide 3%

Mix soap (1 part), soda (2 parts) and peroxide (4 parts). Apply to the stain and rub in with a brush.

After 2-3 hours, shake off the remnants of the product and wash the clothes.

White spirit + ammonia 10%

The stain remover consists of equal parts white spirit and ammonia. Treat the yellow marks. Leave for 5-15 minutes. The recipe is effective against fresh and old stains.

Table vinegar 9%

Soak the stains with vinegar, cover with plastic and leave for several hours.

Table vinegar 9% + laundry soap

Recipe for white dense fabrics. Moisten the problem area with vinegar. After 10 minutes, rub with laundry soap and leave for 12 hours. To enhance the effect, cover the stain with polyethylene. Do your laundry.

Vinegar is not suitable for silk or wool.


How to get rid of yellow spots on white, colored clothes with a simple tool at hand? Here's a recipe for fresh dirt. You need white toothpaste without colored granules. Lubricate the yellow marks with paste and leave to dry. Gently scrape off the dried paste with a blunt object. Rinse the thing under running water, send it to the washing machine.

Lemon acid

Dissolve 4 tablespoons of lemongrass in 5 liters of boiling water. When the water has cooled slightly, soak the item in the solution.

Oxalic acid + laundry soap

Recipe for white fabric. Soap problem areas with laundry soap. Prepare a solution of oxalic acid (1 teaspoon) and water (200 ml) and saturate problem areas with it. Wash after 5-10 minutes. Oxalic acid can be replaced with citric acid, but it reduces stains more weakly.

Salt + ammonia 10%

For several hours, place the thing in a solution of salt (1 teaspoon), ammonia (1 teaspoon) and water (1 cup). At the end, rub the stain with laundry soap and wash the product in a typewriter.

Video. How to remove stains from clothes

Persistent stains

How to remove stubborn yellow stains? These methods are especially effective when it comes to old stains. Recipes will help if the thing has been lying in the closet for a long time and spots of unknown origin began to form on it, the smell of old age appeared.

Refined gasoline + denatured alcohol + ammonia 10%

Apply a homemade stain remover to the fabric, consisting of gasoline (30 ml), denatured alcohol (40 ml), ammonia (20 ml). Wash the item after 5 minutes.

Lemon juice + salt

Squeeze lemon juice on the stain, then sprinkle it thickly with salt. Leave overnight. Then soak the item in detergent for a few more hours.

Lemon acid

Spread the soiled clothes on the bottom of the tub and wet with warm water. Sprinkle lemon on problem areas and moisten again with water so that the acid powder is thoroughly moistened. Rinse after 15 minutes and wash.

Citric acid + medical alcohol

Dissolve 1-2 pinches of lemon in 0.5-1 tablespoons of alcohol. Moisten the impurities and leave for 5-10 minutes. Wash in the machine.

Refined gasoline (turpentine)

Recipe for thick fabrics. Apply one of the products on the stain and leave for a few minutes.

Both gasoline and turpentine have a very pungent smell. After removing the stains, wash the item properly, adding fabric softener to the rinse water. Then hang your clothes out to air outside.

Video. Checking the myths about removing stains from clothes

Digestion of clothes

  • White cotton fabric. Add a glass of "Whiteness" or a few tablespoons of persal to the boiling water. Sprinkle washing powder or shavings of laundry soap. Dip things in the water and put the pot on the fire. When the water boils, reduce the heat and leave for 40 minutes - an hour.
  • Dyed thick fabric. Add washing powder and some Vanish for colored laundry to the boiling water. Boil for 30-40 minutes.

About that, read in the most detailed article on this link.

Whitening old stains

You will need 10% ammonia and refined gasoline. First, wet a rag with gasoline and rub the stain. Then treat problem areas with ammonia. When the stains lighten, wash the item with the addition of a fragrant conditioner. To completely get rid of the smell of gasoline, air your clothes on fresh air.

Various fabrics and materials

Some fabrics need an individual approach: cotton and silk are washed differently, not to mention wool, synthetics and other special materials. How to do it?

Kids' things

Wash things with Sarma bleaching laundry soap. Then send the laundry to the machine and add the Eared Nanny washing powder. This is a hypoallergenic product created specifically for children. Wash on the boil.

Children's things are washed carefully, otherwise baby dermatitis, allergies and other "charms" will upset the family 😞


Hyposulfite (white crystalline powder) is sold in photo stores, household goods, household chemicals. Dissolve a few pinches of hyposulfite in warm water. Soak the stains. Do your laundry. Hyposulfite is suitable for white things.


Soap the yellow traces with any laundry soap. Put it in the washer without overloading the drum. Pour Antipyatin stain remover (0.5 cups), Vanish liquid bleach (0.5 cups) into the powder receiver and add washing powder. Wash at 60℃.


Squeeze juice from a lemon on the yellow spot. Or put the thing so that the problem area "floats" in the juice (use a saucer). Perhaps the juice can be replaced with citric acid, but it acts somewhat weaker. Wash the jeans after removing dirt.

Wool and silk

Mix 3 drops of ammonia with 10-15 drops of glycerin. Apply the solution to the stain for 15-20 minutes. Wash the item as usual. For wool, ammonia and glycerin are diluted in a small amount of warm water.

For silk. Wet stains and sprinkle with baking soda. After 20 minutes, shake off the soda and lather the contaminated areas with laundry soap. Rinse.

For wool. Moisten the stain with acetone or refined gasoline. Leave for 1-2 hours, then iron through the paper with a warm iron.

Do you love silk? Get ready for the stain war! How to wash delicate things correctly?


Fur products are cleaned with one of the following compositions:

  • Denatured alcohol (1 part) + ammonia 10% (1 part).
  • Ammonia 10% (1 teaspoon) + table salt (3 teaspoons) + water (0.5 liters).
  • Purified alcohol + washing powder. Add a pinch of powder to gasoline, shake and wet the brush. Clean the fur. Then wipe it down with clean gasoline.

Natural fur, yellowed from time to time, is bleached with hydrogen peroxide, adding a few drops of ammonia to it.

At the end of cleaning, the fur is dried and combed with a metal comb and aired in the fresh air for several days. To restore the shine to the fur, it is lightly wiped with a rag soaked in 9% table vinegar or glycerin. You can process the fur with crushed walnut kernels wrapped in gauze, moving along the pile. When the nut oil is absorbed, the fur will acquire a beautiful noble sheen.

Yellow spots can appear even on colored items, jeans!

Overview. Ready-made products from the store

Store-bought products help scrub, launder and remove yellowness from different surfaces, fabrics.

  • Dr. Beckmann "Expert Stain Remover". Sprinkle the stain with this powder, moisten with water and leave for 15 minutes;
  • bile soap Sonett. Rub the stain and leave for 15 minutes;
  • gel "Ace gentle whitening". Pour on the spots, leave until the dirt is removed. Or soak for 1.5-2 hours in a solution (4 tablespoons of "Ace" per 1 liter of water);
  • bleach "Amway" (Amway) for colored linen. Soak laundry (hot water + a cap of stain remover);
  • soap-stain remover "Aist". Rub contaminated places, after 10 minutes, wash in a typewriter with ordinary powder;
  • oxygen "Vanish". Wash clothes in the machine at maximum temperature, adding washing powder;
  • Laundry soap "Antipyatin". Act according to the instructions;
  • pencil-stain remover Udalix ultra ("Udalix");
  • gel "Domestos". Soak the laundry in a solution of gel and water for 1.5-2 hours. Carefully! Domestos bleaches the fabric;
  • stain remover Oxy plus (Oxy plus)
  • stain remover Oxy multi (from Heitmann);
  • washing gel Perwoll (Pervol);
  • "Whiteness" (do not forget to read the instructions for the products and test).

Use these products individually or combine them for maximum effect.

You can remove yellow spots!

Opinion from the forums: what are the causes of stains?

  • Rust in the water. Wash delicate items by hand using water filtered through a thick sieve. Rust, which abundantly covers the pipes and gets into the washing machine, just leaves those very red traces. Straining the water will save you the problem.

Tip from Chistyuli: You can also install a pre-filter for household appliances. The device cleans water from rust and makes it softer.

  • Larvae and eggs of insects. Before you send the item to storage, turn them inside out and pack them in bleach bags. Spots if they appear, then at least from the wrong side.
  • Sticky rust. Yellow spots - rust from water, adhering to stains from sweat, grease. First, remove sweat (in cold water with laundry soap) or grease (in hot water with special detergent). Then treat the stain with Sillit for tea and coffee makers. Send it to the machine and wash it. Curiously, if sweat and grease are not removed, rust will not be removed either. About that, read here.
  • The seal leaked in the washer. This is a rubber collar that protects the bearing of the washing machine from water. All bearings are filled with grease, which, getting into the water, stains things. One of the signs of a leaky oil seal is oil stains, rust under the machine.
  • Mold. Keep your closet dry and thoroughly dry items you store. It is very useful to dry things in the sun - ultraviolet perfectly disinfects the fabric.
  • "Linen fungus". The popular name for mold that has settled in a closet, which affects not only white, but also painted things, often “eating” their color. The chiffonier must be disinfected with "Formidron" (be careful, it's a poison), wash the linen with chlorine.
  • Skin fat. Enough that you yourself, or Small child grabbed your dress with his hands, as imperceptible greasy traces immediately remain on the fabric. They appear after washing or long storage in the closet.

There will be no signature - I have no words

This section may conflict with others that describe these same remedies as being effective. The reason is that in different occasions the same stain remover acts differently: it can save a thing, and be powerless.

The problem is solved by the selection method: test different means, and you will definitely find the right one. So, in powerlessness are noticed:

  • soap "Antipyatin";
  • oxygen bleach Udalix;
  • bleach Sarma Active (Sarma Active);
  • powerful tool Profoam;
  • dishwashing gel Fairy (Fairy);
  • bleach "Vanish";
  • ammonia 10%;
  • lemon juice;
  • lemon acid;
  • bleach "Ace";
  • bleach with chlorine, "Whiteness";
  • hydrogen peroxide 3%;
  • laundry soap 72%;
  • bleach "Eared nannies";
  • and other means.


Dear Cleaner! Let your things shine with crystal purity!

Dear Cleaner! I wish you a direct hit from the first time! Let all the stains on your clothes go away without a trace, and the reason turns out to be banal and simple.

How to remove a stain. 20 ways to remove any stain!

First you need to figure out what they planted and how deep the stain penetrated. Stains are oily and non-fatty. Grease stains from milk, butter, blood, soups, meat, fish and so on - the contours are fuzzy, at first darker than the fabric, and then fade. Fruit, wine, beer, tea and coffee stains - clear boundaries, in the middle the stain is lighter. In air, many stains oxidize.
Determine which fabric is in front of you, usually the composition is indicated on a tag sewn on the inside.

Stain remover arsenal.

Alcohol, baking soda, dish soap, ammonia, vinegar, starch, acetone, gasoline, citric acid, glycerin, turpentine (tiner), and hydrogen peroxide.

Pipette, brushes of different softness, pieces of sponge and clean cotton rags (can be cut from unnecessary clothes). All this can be purchased at a pharmacy or at the nearest economic one.

Dangers of staining.

1. Stain removers, like medicines, have side effects, so you need to test them on an invisible piece.

· 2. Industrial stain removers such as Sano Oxygen, Kalia and others like them leave permanent stains if left on clothing and allowed to dry. So they sprayed it, waited a couple of minutes - and into the water.

· 3. Do not use bleach (economics), not only does it adversely affect health and causes mutations in genes, it also destroys the structure of cotton fabric and leaves a terrible smell.

· 4. Any solvent can dissolve paint on clothing.

· 5. Acetate silk dissolves in acetone and vinegar.

· 6. Bleaches for whites only.

· 7. Treat the stain from the edges to the middle. To the stain, you need to put a clean white rag, laid in several layers, from the inside out.

· 8. To avoid streaks, moisten the cloth around the stain with water, and wash the entire item immediately after the action.

9. Water stains remain on silk, so you have to wet the whole thing.

Secret laboratory. Several common places.

The wet smell of stagnant clothes is removed with vinegar. Just add vinegar when washing, if the smell is too strong - soak the item in water with vinegar.

Many stains are removed with ordinary dish soap.


1. from fat of animal origin (fat, butter, margarine):

b. Dilute ammonia in hot water (1:1). Treat the stain. Wash.

· in. Soak the stain with a mixture of pure alcohol (half a glass) and gasoline (half a teaspoon). Let the fabric dry.

d. If the thing cannot be washed, then heat the starch strongly and sprinkle it on the contaminated place, under which put a white cloth. Leave for 20 minutes and shake off. Repeat until the stain disappears. Then clean everything with a brush.

e. For light woolen fabrics, dilute potato flour with water to a state of gruel and leave for several hours. Rinse, dry. If traces remain, they are removed with a cloth soaked in gasoline, and then wiped with slices of stale bread.

2.from grass

· a. Mix 1 liter of water and 1 tablespoon of ammonia and blot the stain with this solution. wash.

b. Moisten the stain with alcohol, and then wash the item.

· in. Fresh stains will come off with washing.

3.from red wine

· but. Washed off with white wine

b. You can also sprinkle salt on a fresh stain, and then wash.

c. Treat old stains with a solution of citric acid (2 grams per 1 glass of water) and rinse with warm water. If after that traces remain on the white cloth, then they can be wiped with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia (1 teaspoon per glass of hot water). Rinse with cold water

4.from white wine

· but. Rub a piece of ice over the stain until it disappears. Blot the area with a clean linen cloth or paper towel (if there is no ice, you can use very cold water).

From beer usually come off when washing

b. On silk fabrics - treat with a swab moistened with vodka.

· in. On fabrics of all kinds, treat with a mixture of glycerin, ammonia and wine alcohol and water (1:1:1:8). The same method is suitable for removing champagne stains.

· Rinse in cold water, and then wash at a temperature of 30-40? FROM

6.from ice cream

· Blot the stain with a swab dipped in gasoline, and then wash.

From fruits, vegetables, juices and berries

· but. Soak a swab in vinegar (not wine) and blot the stain with it. Rinse in cold water.

b. Cover the fresh stain with table salt (salt absorbs some of the moisture and prevents the stain from spreading).

· in. A stain on a white or other non-shedding fabric can be doused with boiling water.

d. Coffee and black tea stains will come off in the wash.

7.from chocolate

· but. Sprinkle a fresh stain with salt and moisten with water. Wash.

b. Treat with a warm 1.5% solution of ammonia.

· in. From light-dyed woolen and silk fabrics, stains are moistened with slightly warmed glycerin. Rinse with warm water after 15 minutes.

d. Treat with a solution of vinegar and alcohol (1:1).

8. from chewing gum

· Put the item in a bag and place it in the freezer of the refrigerator. After an hour, you can remove the remnants with a blunt knife (very carefully so that you do not have to do artistic darning later). Place on a paper towel and wipe from the inside with cotton wool soaked in gasoline, alcohol or acetone. And now to the laundry.

· but. Sprinkle a fresh stain with salt and add a few drops of water. After half an hour, remove everything with a brush.

b. Stains on colored fabrics are smeared with heated glycerin. After 20 minutes, wipe with a swab dipped in glycerin and rinse with water.

· in. On white fabrics, stains are moistened with a solution of ammonia (1:10), then wiped with the same solution. And in the laundry. ink

· a. Moisten a cotton swab in alcohol and lightly tap on the stain, and then wash the item. You can take a mixture (1: 1) of wine alcohol and ammonia.

b. Rub a fresh ink stain with lemon juice or citric acid. Wash.

11.from resin

· a. With woolen fabrics - purified turpentine.

b. From cotton fabrics - turpentine or gasoline. Wash.

· in. Things that cannot be washed are safer to take to the dry cleaners.

12. from lipstick

· Place the fabric with a stain on a paper towel and wipe from the inside with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol or gasoline, changing the paper frequently. Soak and wash.

13.from nail polish

Place the stained fabric on a paper towel. Wipe the inside out with nail polish remover several times until the stain disappears. Wash. the ground
· Soak the item in water with vinegar 1:1. Wash.

15. Tobacco most often comes off when washing.

· but. If the item cannot be washed, then the stain is removed with warm glycerin or denatured alcohol.

b. The most reliable and simple thing is to take the thing to dry cleaning.

16. from candles (the main component is wax or paraffin)

· but. Carefully use a dull knife to remove the remaining wax (as is the case with chewing gum). Iron the fabric between layers of paper towel. In this case, place the fabric inside out. And now to the laundry.


Put a piece of lemon wrapped in gauze on the contaminated area and paper napkin. Press it down with a hot iron.

18. from milk

· Soak in glycerin "for a long time".

19. from urine

· a. Treat with wine alcohol.

b. On white fabrics, it can be treated with a solution of citric acid (1:10).

· in. On colored fabrics - with a solution of vinegar (1: 5). Wash the stain with water after an hour.

20. from mold

· but. Cotton and linen fabrics wash in boiling mode.

b. Treat with ammonia diluted in water 1:5.

· c. Soak in bleach, (hydrogen peroxide, "sano oxide", not bleach, by no means).

· G. white cloth treat with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.

· e. Dyed woolen and silk fabrics are treated with turpentine. Wash in warm water.

From sweat usually come off when washing.

· but. You can wipe with a solution of table salt (1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water).

b. Dyed woolen fabrics are carefully treated with gasoline or acetone.