Why is it undesirable to wear synthetic underwear? Shop of natural fabrics "ecofabric. Harm of synthetic clothing

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In recent years, scientists around the world are increasingly raising the issue of the negative impact of synthetic materials on human health. It is impossible to ignore such statements of scientists, because it has been proven that the presence of synthetic thread in clothes, bed linen, etc. disturbs the body's natural heat transfer.

Synthetic fabrics have low hygroscopicity, due to which the moisture that is released from human skin, poorly absorbed into the fibers, clogs air pores, impedes air circulation, and reduces the thermal insulation properties of the fabric.

Synthetics are characterized by a long retention of unpleasant odors, they are washed worse. Such fabrics are electrostatic. Volatile components of chemical fibers, including toxic ones, can be released for several months when ironing clothes.

Allergy sufferers, skin diseases, eczema or psoriasis are contraindicated in synthetic fabrics. And poor quality material can cause dermatitis even in healthy person. Synthetic fabrics have been proven to be a serious hazard to human health. Scientific studies have revealed that synthetic bedding contains a high concentration of fungal microorganisms. For asthmatics and allergy sufferers, such underwear is especially dangerous. Also, in synthetic pillows, the concentration of fungus and mold is 2-3 times higher than in feather pillows. In addition, in mattresses that have served for more than 5 years, the level of these organisms exceeds the permissible norm by 3 times.

Substances that make up synthetic fabric can cause irritation, redness, itching, and even an asthmatic attack. Most researchers consider the most dangerous and little-studied factor in the harm of synthetics to humans is static electricity penetrating synthetic fabrics. The basis of the negative effect of static electricity of synthetic tissues on the human body is the neuroreflex mechanism. The action of static electricity is expressed in direct irritation of the sensitive nerve endings of the skin, or irritation occurs a second time, due to the polarization of cellular elements and changes in ionic ratios in tissues. Irritation of sensitive nerve endings causes a reaction of the whole organism: skin sensitivity changes, capillary blood flow is stimulated, vascular tone changes, a number of systemic changes are observed, including changes in the central nervous system. People exposed to static electricity for a long time complain of increased fatigue, irritability, poor sleep, etc. Objectively, there is a tendency to arterial hypertension, bradycardia, which indicates spasm and dystonia of blood vessels. In addition, synthetic fabric does not allow the body to breathe: in the process of movement, the body heats up, normal heat transfer is disrupted, and sweating increases. Such clothing does not allow moisture to pass through - it is waterproof: the sweat that is released by the body does not evaporate from the fabric of the clothing, but lingers between the body and clothing. There is an effect steam bath, only while doing soaring in your own sweat, alkalis, fats and acids that are released along with it.

Of course, underwear made from synthetic fabrics or from fabrics with the addition of synthetic fibers has its advantages: it does not wrinkle, it is easy to wash, plus the low cost of products. However, it is necessary to take into account its shortcomings, namely: synthetic fabric does not breathe and can cause allergies, against the backdrop of a general enthusiasm for the environment, this is especially important.

When choosing a new dress or a well-tailored pair of tight trousers, attention should be paid not only to appearance things, but also on its composition. He can talk about how clothes will behave when washed and ironed, whether they will last a long time or stretch quickly. True, with all the variety of artificial and natural materials, it is easy to get confused in names like “nylon”, “polyurethane”, “viscose” and “polyester”.

Product manager Oh, my Nadezhda Koltsova told The Village what materials to watch out for, why the low percentage of synthetics in woolen things- it's not scary, and natural cotton is good at any time of the year.

Synthetic fibers appeared at the peak of scientific progress in the 1930s and 1960s. Then such clothes seemed stylish and modern, but now comfort and environmental friendliness are valued first of all, so the choice most often falls on clothes made from natural materials. Nevertheless, synthetic additives are necessary: ​​they increase the life of things, prevent creasing and retain their shape when washed. Therefore, if no more than 30% synthetics are present in clothes, there is nothing to be afraid of.

It is important to remember that synthetics are made from petroleum products with an abundance of various chemical components. The process uses volatile toxic components that can remain permanently in the material. Neither washing, nor ironing, nor drying will completely clean the fabric. Therefore, synthetic clothing is contraindicated for allergy sufferers suffering from asthma, eczema or psoriasis. Moreover, cheap 100% synthetic fabric can cause dermatitis even in an absolutely healthy person.

Synthetic fabric is breathable. Therefore, it should not be worn in the summer: in hot weather you will sweat even more. In addition, static electricity is generated from the contact of the fabric with the skin. This, in turn, can cause increased irritability and fatigue.

The most commonly used synthetic fabrics

Polyester (or polyester fiber)

Films and plastics are made from the same material, only of a different density. Outwardly, polyester is a bit like fine wool, but its properties are closer to cotton. The 100% polyester fabric is wear-resistant and durable, does not need special care (can be machine washed at 40-60 degrees), dries quickly after washing, holds color well and practically does not shrink. But it is extremely harmful for people with sensitive skin. Therefore, when choosing clothes for everyday wear with polyester, take models with large cutouts, free and not restricting movements.

What are they sewing? Polyester is often used in the production of casual trousers, dresses, knitwear and outerwear (raincoats, windbreakers), as well as in the production of sportswear where it is virtually indispensable.

Lycra (second name - elastane)

Invented by the American chemical company DuPont. The material resembles rubber, so it has high strength and stretches well. 100% Lycra is a very durable material that quickly returns to its original shape. It is extremely difficult to leave wrinkles on it. Lycra thread is very thin, so it is often included in cotton and linen clothing. IN Everyday life you will hardly find clothes made of 100% lycra. But Spider-Man's suit was just made of elastane.

As a rule, the content of lycra in basic things no more than 8%. It is better to wash things with lycra on high temperature(from 40 degrees), but with a mild detergent (for example, liquid powder concentrate). And to iron - on the mode of delicate fabrics.

What are they sewing? Lycra allows you to create elegant models of underwear (almost all push-up bras are made of lycra), stockings and leggings. Elastane is often added to tight pants and jeans.


Acrylic is a synthetic material derived from natural gas. Literally clothes made out of thin air. Acrylic is made in the form of a thread. You can get both smooth and very voluminous yarn for coarse knit sweaters. Such yarn is much lighter than ordinary wool, which allows you to knit quite long things that will not then weigh two or three kilograms. Acrylic yarn is often referred to as artificial wool. The material does not wrinkle well, does not absorb moisture well, which is important for outerwear, but ideal for dyeing.

What are they sewing? Acrylic often replaces natural wool in sweaters, cardigans and turtlenecks. Mittens, socks and warm tights are knitted from it. If you see that the color of the sweater is very rich and bright, and it is much lighter than it seemed on the hanger, then most likely it is acrylic. Remember that an acrylic sweater will never keep you warmer than a wool sweater.


Nylon emerged as an alternative to natural silk. This is also the development of DuPont. The fabric is valued for its light weight, incredible strength, resistance to damage and even some chemicals. Due to the smoothness of the fibers, nylon is very easy to wash: any dirt is washed off effortlessly, and detergent does not settle on the fabric.

A thing made of cotton, linen, wool, cashmere will be stronger if 5-30% nylon is added to it. Nylon is best worn when it's windy or cool outside, as it doesn't let air through.

What are they sewing? Stockings and socks are used in the production of dresses, sweatshirts, sweaters, windbreakers.

Big delusion

Many mistakenly believe that viscose is a synthetic material. Actually it is not. Viscose is a product of cellulose processing. It is created by the breakdown of cellulose products in an alkaline solution of NaOH (sodium hydroxide). If you set fire to a viscose thread, it will smell like wood. Viscose is very soft to the touch, perfectly retains heat and lets air through. Lightweight viscose items can be safely worn in summer.

What you need to know about synthetics and natural fabrics

Pay attention to tags with information about composition and care. In addition, you should always look at the appearance of things. For example, to understand the quality of a woolen thing without trying it on, pinch it. Are there hairballs on your fingers? So the clothes are of poor quality. A few lint? Take it boldly.

Almost all cotton items shrink after washing, as it is a living fiber. If a thing is washed or boiled during production, then it is likely to retain its appearance.

A wool sweater can fall into a felt boot if washed in the machine at high temperature. To eliminate these shortcomings, synthetic fibers are added to wool. Therefore, do not be afraid if there are not many of them (up to 30%).

If the thing is 100% synthetic, then the manufacturer decided to save money, not thinking about the consequences for the skin. It's not worth buying.

Natural cotton is good at any time of the year. In summer, it breathes well, removes moisture, preventing the formation of irritations on the skin. In winter, it is perfect as an inner layer between the body and a wool sweater or sweatshirt.

Nice to wear in hot weather natural silk: it does not conduct heat well, so it remains cool to the body for a long time. A good substitute is flax or hemp.

For the off-season, cotton fabric is suitable. It can be textured (with fleece) and dense - this will give softness, warmth and comfort. for the cool spring and late autumn woolen suit and coat fabrics are well suited. They perfectly warm, remove moisture to the outside and let the necessary amount of air inside.

Nylon or polyester raincoats With a special waterproof and windproof coating, they will perfectly protect against rain and bad weather. But it is better not to wear them as an alternative to a light jacket on sunny days: you will sweat more.

The best choice for winter- multi-layered. For example, the first layer (the one closer to the body) is a cotton longsleeve or T-shirt; the second is a tight shirt made of viscose or the same thick cotton; the third is a wool sweater or cardigan.

Mostly in winter, the air warms us. which heats up the body. And it circulates under clothing and between fabric fibers. Therefore, the fabric must hold it, and it is natural wool fibers that do it best, since they were created by nature just for this.

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The harmful effects of synthetics on the body are much wider than is commonly believed. Violation of heat transfer is just the tip of the iceberg, problems with the skin and even the nervous system can occur. Composition
Clothing made from synthetic fabrics became a real breakthrough in the 20th century, taking away a large share of the market from natural fabrics. Such clothes have another significant plus - practicality in use. Synthetics, as a rule, do not wrinkle, are easier to care for and easier to store, and are more durable than natural fabrics. Synthetic fibers are synthesized from oil, coal and natural products, recalls Tatiana Sysoeva, PhD, dermatovenereologist at the MEDSI Clinical Diagnostic Center.
They have been used in the production of clothing for more than 50 years, the most popular materials are polyester, polyamide, acrylic, elastane, nylon.
Sysoeva explains: synthetic fabrics in most cases do not allow the skin to breathe. As a result, air circulation is disturbed, thermoregulation suffers, a person sweats more.
A favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria is formed, especially in summer. This threatens with infectious skin lesions: folliculitis, versicolor, inguinal epidermophytosisTatyana SysoevaCandidate of Medical Sciences, dermatovenereologist of the Clinical Diagnostic Center MEDSI
Dermatocosmetologist, PhD Leila Roz also notes that synthetic clothing often causes allergic reactions - rashes, redness, itching and skin irritation, especially in people with atopic dermatitis and other skin diseases. Due to intense sweating, an unpleasant odor appears, which is difficult to “wash out”.
Allergic reactions can also be caused by low-quality toxic paints that are used in the production of cheap clothes. In addition, according to the head of the expert direction of NP Roskontrol, hygienist Andrey Mosov, some materials can release certain toxic substances under clothing - synthetic fiber monomers.
The physical properties of even the most advanced synthetic materials, such as moisture absorption, breathability and electrostatic properties, are strikingly different from those of natural materials. That is why synthetic materials, especially as the first layer of clothing, are undesirable
At the same time, according to Tatyana Sysoeva, due to the fact that synthetic fabric does not absorb moisture well, which means that sweat does not evaporate and causes tissue adhesion, the time and area of ​​contact with the skin increases, which increases the risk of developing dermatitis.
As Maya Belousova, a cosmetologist and dermatovenereologist at the Clinic No. 1 multidisciplinary medical center, notes, a violation of thermoregulation may well lead to overheating of the body in the heat, up to heat stroke. In the summer, tight synthetic clothing is a direct path to heat sickness. Today, this is the name given to various health disorders due to overheating, among which the well-known heat stroke, agrees with his colleague Andrei Mosov. Stress
Also, according to Mosov, a violation of the air-thermal balance of a person who experiences discomfort all day long, worsens mood, causes stress, can cause many psychosomatic diseases and even lead to more serious problems with health.
You have probably noticed crackling, tingling sparks when you take off synthetic clothes - this is static electricity, which can also have a bad effect on the nerve endings of the skin, which leads to general irritability, fatigue and problems with sleepLeyla RozPhD, dermatocosmetologist
The expert also does not recommend sleeping on synthetic bedding, which, among other things, “increases the risk of seizures in patients bronchial asthma and allergic reactions.
Natural fabrics also have disadvantages: they are difficult to wash and iron, they are less practical. However, today a fairly large volume of production has been occupied by mixed fabrics containing natural and synthetic fibers at the same time. Dermatologist and cosmetologist Alena Chernookova believes that this allows you to combine the environmental friendliness and hygiene of natural fabrics with the practicality of synthetic ones, and there is nothing wrong with wearing such things. It is the properties of such fabrics that destroy the myth about the dangers of all synthetic clothing.
The optimal content of synthetics in clothes is from 5% to 15%. This amount will protect you from allergic reactions, infectious and fungal diseasesAlena ChernookovaDermatocosmetologist
According to Leila Roz, one must always take into account that there are high-quality materials and their not very high-quality counterparts. For example, quality fabrics for good sportswear include breathable fibers, they have micro-holes that allow air to pass to the surface of the skin and allow moisture to escape without passing it back. In addition, in this clothing you will not get wet in the rain. The expert is also sure that it is quite possible to choose things from natural ingredients with the addition of synthetic materials, but in a ratio of not more than 50% synthetic fibers.
Not only the fabric can be hazardous to health, but also the design of clothing and other wardrobe items.

Synthetic clothing began to be sewn in the middle of the last century. Then it was considered stylish and modern, but now the fashion has changed: everything is natural and eco-friendly. According to Roslegprom, Russians bought twice as much wool and cotton in 2017 as they did in 2016. Are we making the right choice? Let's figure it out.

What are synthetic fabrics made from?

From oil products, coal and gas. But in the process of processing they change so that with source material there is nothing in common. For example, polyester is made from synthetic polyester fiber - and it is obtained from petroleum. But if you change the processing method, it will also turn into a film or plastic.

But viscose is made from wood or cotton stalks. Many people think that this is a synthetic fabric, but this is not so: if you set fire to a viscose thread, it will smell like wood.

What are their advantages?

Without synthetic additives, clothes would not be so affordable and comfortable:

  • Synthetics weigh little. Sometimes it is several times lighter than a similar natural fabric.
  • She is durable. Clothing made of artificial material wears out more slowly and retains color longer. It does not wrinkle, stretch or shrink when washed. A sweater made of 100% wool will deteriorate in hot water, but a sweater with the addition of acrylic will survive any wash.
  • Synthetics almost do not absorb moisture, and therefore dry quickly.
  • artificial materials are inexpensive.
  • Large companies are developing very comfortable, lightweight and breathable fabrics. They use high technology, so such materials can even bypass natural materials in their qualities (although they will cost more).

What about the cons?

  • Manufacturers may use volatile toxic ingredients that will remain in the fabric forever. Therefore, such clothes are not recommended for allergy sufferers, asthmatics and people with skin diseases. And especially low-quality, 100% synthetic fabrics can provoke dermatitis even in a healthy person.
  • Such fabric does not allow air to pass through, so the person in it sweats even more. This increases the risk of developing dermatitis and, in summer, even stroke. In addition, an unpleasant smell appears on it, which cannot be washed.
  • If the clothes are cheap and completely synthetic, it means that the manufacturer did not take much care of your health. Such fabrics are often also dyed with toxic dyes.
  • Synthetics accumulate static electricity. So far, this has not been proven, but some scientists do not recommend wearing "sticky" clothes. Perhaps it causes disturbances in the nervous system.

What is the result?

It’s better not to buy synthetics anyway - if you are not an expert, it will be difficult to distinguish high-quality material from obsolete. Wearing it is especially risky for people with skin conditions or asthma.

But also completely natural clothing can cause inconvenience due to its "capriciousness". That's why the best choicenatural fabrics, in which no more than 30% synthetics. Well, it’s best not to spare money on clothes for clothes: it’s worth buying a couple of suits and T-shirts in a specialized store.

But what is definitely harmful to wear is shoes on high heels. We tell you how to minimize this harm in the article.

Today, when technological progress is moving by leaps and bounds, environmental issues are acute. As you know, the human body is a kind of energy-informational object, which is influenced by various frequencies, vibrations, waves and other factors. Even what we wear directly affects our physical and spiritual condition. However, unfortunately, not everyone knows how synthetic clothing affects the human body.

It is known that the composition of the fabric and its colors, in contact with the body, transfer a certain energy. The main problem is clothing created from unnatural, artificial synthetic fabrics.

According to the type of raw materials, all fabrics are divided into three groups: synthetic, artificial and natural.

NATURAL MATERIALS are fabrics that are made from fibers of animal and vegetable origin, such as linen, cotton, jute, hemp, wool, silk and others.

ARTIFICIAL MATERIALS include fabrics obtained from natural organic matter, such as proteins and cellulose, as well as inorganic materials such as metal and glass. These fabrics include acetate, viscose and fabric with the addition of lurex and metal thread.

SYNTHETIC FABRICS are produced from chemical polymer yarns as a result of a chemical synthesis process. It can be polyamide fabrics, such as chemlon, capron, dederon, silon; polyester fabrics - slotter, tesil, diolen; polyvinyl and polypropylene fabrics - cashmere, dralon; polyolefin fabrics - polypropylene, as well as polyurethane fabrics such as spandex. Synthetic fibers include nylon and capron. There is also man-made viscose fiber, fiberglass and asbestos.

For the production of synthetic fabrics, high-molecular compounds are used, such as polymers obtained by synthesis from low-molecular natural substances, such as oil and coal. From this we can draw a disappointing conclusion that synthetic and artificial fabric is a dead material that even nature has not learned to decompose, which means that there are very big doubts about the suitability of such materials.


Synthetic fabrics are made using coal, oil, glass, chemical substances and dyes, which quite negatively affects the human body.

Artificial synthetic matter practically eliminates the presence of pores, which significantly limits the access of air, thereby disrupting the free communication of the human body with the outside world. It is known that it is through natural communication that a person can be charged with primary energy. It should be noted that synthetic fabrics cover and block the natural exit of moisture from the body, which is a rather important process of vital activity.

Clothing made from synthetic fabrics accumulates static electricity, causing dust to stick to such clothing, which can cause electric shock and generate sparks. One can only assume with horror all the consequences of wearing such electric charges on one's body.

It should be noted that artificial synthetic fabric is not able to conduct heat, so synthetics do not cool the human body in summer and do not warm it in winter.

Synthetic fibers are created in the laboratory without the help of the sun, air, water and earth, so such fabrics are considered inanimate and have nothing to do with living matter. Synthetics are not energetically protected, since they do not have their own personal energy, which is born exclusively in natural conditions.


There are a lot of natural fabrics. The most common among them are: linen, cotton, silk, wool, jute, hemp, agave, ramie, abaca, nettle, kenaf, as well as bamboo fiber fabrics. Natural fabric has a positive effect on the human body, allowing the body to enjoy the sun's rays, air and contact with all nature. The source of natural materials are living natural cells that breathe and pulsate, preserving the natural structure and interacting with the natural elements of the surrounding world. Natural fabrics do not impose any destructive programs on the human body, while giving away part of the natural heat and energy.


Cotton is one of the most popular and commonly used materials for tailoring, as it is considered hygienic, absorbs water well, is breathable and has a warming effect. At all stages of its growth, cotton interacts with the energy of the earth, water, sun and air, absorbing all the vibrations of nature from birth.

Cotton fabric is hygroscopic, therefore it is able to breathe, having a positive effect on human skin.


Linen fibers are extracted from the skin of flax stalks, which, like cotton, lives in the rhythm of nature, absorbing all its energy in order to subsequently transfer it through clothes.

Linen products are washed well enough, are highly hygienic, have the ability to absorb moisture and maintain the optimum temperature at any time of the year. Flax is also widely used in medicine, as it is an excellent bactericidal agent.


Silk is obtained from the cocoons of the silkworm. The density and quality of the fabric depends on the type of caterpillars and the leaves they feed on. The silkworm cocoon is a skein of thread, capable of reaching 1 kilometer, and natural glue. In order to unwind such a skein, the cocoon is lowered into a container of hot water, which allows the thread to be freely pulled out. Since one thread is too thin, 8-10 such threads are taken, which stick together when wound, forming raw silk.

This is the only natural fabric with such amazing thermoregulating properties: in the heat it pleasantly cools the body, provides good breathability, and warms in winter. That is, natural silk things can be worn all year round. All silk fabrics absorb moisture from the surface of the human body equal to half its own weight and remain dry. Silk fabric is very durable, pleasant to the touch, soft fabric, with good wear resistance.