Scheduling in the middle group. Thematic week “Traffic rules. Long-term plan for traffic rules for the middle group Long-term plan for working on traffic rules for the middle group

Kostanay audany әкімдігінің “Білім bolімі” memlekettik mekemesіnіn Balbobek balalar bakshasy kommunaldyk memlekettik kkzynalyk kasiporyny

Municipal state-owned enterprise Kindergarten "Balbobek"

State Institution "Department of Education of the Akimat of Kostanay District"

Promising- thematic planning

on teaching children rules traffic

in the middle group

"The Adventure of a Traffic Light"

for the 2015-2016 academic year

Teachers: Zakirova Zh.K.,

Shatalova O. V.

Zatobolsk village, 2015

Explanatory note

In the age of cars and high speeds, children need knowledge of traffic rules and pedestrian behavior on the streets and roads. Teaching children these rules is an important educational activity that instills in them discipline, caution, and, when necessary, resourcefulness.

It is quite obvious: the sooner children receive information about how a pedestrian should behave on the street and road, the fewer accidents from road accidents there will be.

Children should begin to familiarize themselves with the rules of pedestrian behavior on the street and road from the moment the child takes his first steps on his own, because from that moment he is already a pedestrian!

Adults must provide the child with the necessary information about the rules of the road, pedestrian behavior, and consolidate skills correct behavior on the street and road.

Training should not be intrusive or tedious. The rules are better learned by children gradually: first, elementary ones - in the family, in kindergarten, and then more in-depth ones - at school.

Target: preserve the life and health of children, promote the formation of conscious behavior in road traffic



1. develop children’s mental activity

2. create a culture of behavior in traffic conditions

3. stimulate the development of the child’s psychophysiological qualities, ensuring his safety in the process


4. to form in children self-esteem, self-control and self-organization in the field of traffic

5. teach children to behave correctly and safely on the streets and roads of the city

6. foster a culture of behavior

The child must know the rules of the road:

Cross the street only when the traffic light is green;

Do not play on the road or near the roadway;

Cross the street only at a pedestrian crossing;

When crossing the street, first look to the left, and when you reach the middle, look to the right;

Know the structure of the roadway, some road signs for pedestrians and drivers.

The child must be able to:

Using pictures, show and tell what situations should be avoided on the street;

Distinguish between positive and negative actions, evaluate human activity;

Name road signs and talk about their general meaning, explaining the situation in which they apply

given sign;

Reflect in games different stories related to compliance with safety rules on the street.

The child should have an idea:

About the work of a policeman - traffic controller;

About the driver's work;

About how drivers take care of their cars;

About the gas station, service station

List of teaching aids:

1. Illustrative and visual material.

2. Targeted walks.

3. Excursions.

4. Games on “street layouts”.

5. Printed board games.

6. Role-playing games.

7. Children's fiction.

Methodological support

1. Avdeeva N. N., Styorkina R. B. “Safety”. "Childhood - Press", 2004.

2. Izvekova N. A, Medvedeva A. F. Classes on traffic rules. – M.: LLC “TC Sfera”, 2009.

3. Saulina T. F. Three traffic lights. – M: “Enlightenment”, 1989.

4. Startseva O. Yu.. School of Road Sciences. – M: LLC “TC Sfera”, 2009.

5. Cherepanova S. N.. Traffic rules. – “Publishing house Scriptorium 2003.”

Perspective - thematic planning according to traffic rules





"Getting to Know the Street"

Supplement children's ideas about the street with new information: the houses on it have different purposes, people live in some of them. In others there are institutions - shops, a school, a post office. Cars are moving along the roadway.


Conversation: How to behave on the street

Expand children's understanding of the rules of behavior on the street, road signs and traffic lights.

Drawing "Traffic light"

learn to distinguish and name red, yellow, green traffic lights; remember the rules for following traffic lights; teach the correct techniques for painting without going beyond the outline; instill a love of drawing.

Attention game “Red, yellow, green”

create conditions for consolidating knowledge about traffic rules; repeat and consolidate knowledge about traffic lights and their signals; make children aware of the importance of learning the rules of the road;


Conversation: Transport

Expand children's understanding of freight and passenger transport, remember the main parts of the vehicle (cabin, interior, body, door,

windows, wheels, steering wheel).

Entertainment: Red! Yellow! Green!

to form in children the need for physical activity, to maintain and strengthen the physical and mental health of the child. To consolidate children's knowledge about safe behavior on the streets and roads, traffic rules, and road signs.

Consultation for parents: Raising a competent pedestrian

to form disciplined behavior in the child on the street, to familiarize him with the rules of the road.


“Cars are running in a row” and what people are driving (Types of urban transport).

Introduce children to two-way and one-way traffic. Introduce some road signs. Teach children the names of urban transport (bus, trolleybus, passenger car, truck).

"Boulevard of Road Signs". They don’t see it themselves, but point it out to others.

Continue to familiarize children with road signs and their purpose. Learn to remember signs. Convert Special attention children at zebra crossings. D/i “What sign is this?”


We are cheerful


Strengthen children's knowledge of traffic rules.

Introduce the concept of “Regulator”

“Hurry up, don’t rush.” Rules of behavior on the street.

A pedestrian.

Introduce children to some rules for the movement of pedestrians on the street, give the concepts: pedestrian, ground, underground passage, roadway, sidewalk. Teach children to pay attention to road signs. Learn to behave properly on the street.


Reading an excerpt from a story by A.

Dorokhov "Green, yellow, red."

Consolidate knowledge of traffic rules with children; know that people walk on the sidewalks, cross the street at crossings when the traffic light signal permits; Children are not allowed to play near roads or on sidewalks; transport drives on the right side of the pavement; know the purpose and signals of traffic lights;

Reading poems about transport.

Clarification and activation of the dictionary on the topic “Transport”, Clarification of the concept of types of transport and its purpose. Encourage children to pronounce words and short phrases clearly.


“Svetik - tricolor” - by

traffic light signal.

Reinforce existing ideas about a traffic light, its purpose and principle of operation. Develop interest in traffic rules, continue to introduce children to the work of a traffic controller on the street.

"Two-wheeled transport"

introduce children to two-wheeled vehicles, the rules of safe movement, and develop logical thinking.

Reminders "Road Safety"

Continue to form an idea of ​​how important it is to walk and drive around the city correctly; consolidate children's knowledge of road signs and traffic rules.


Examination of Chernyakov V.’s painting “Machinist”.

Continue introducing children to the driver profession.

“Play and be brave!”

develop mental abilities and visual perception; learn to correlate the verbal form of description of road signs with their graphic representation.


Guessing riddles about transport and traffic signs.

develop thinking and the ability to solve riddles.

Questioning of parents “Competent pedestrian”

nurturing the interest of students and their parents in the rules of safe behavior on the road.


Work plan on traffic rules in middle groups No. 1


Shakurova G.R.

Menzelinsk, 2014

Target: to develop skills in following the basic rules of behavior for children on the street and road, in order to prevent child road and transport injuries.


Foster the need to comply with the rules of safe behavior on the streets and in vehicles.

Strengthen children's knowledge of traffic rules; expand knowledge about road signs, rules of ethical and safe behavior in transport.

Teach children to remember signs, pay attention to zebra crossings, and behave correctly on the street.

Long-term plan




Form of work


“Why you need to know and strictly follow traffic rules”

Introduce children to the basic rules of traffic; explain how dangerous it is to violate them.


"How to cross the road correctly"

Continue to develop knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street.



"Watch out for the street!"

Teach children to behave correctly on the street.

Reading of S. Mikhalkov’s poem “My Street”


"Red, yellow, green"

Strengthen children's knowledge of traffic rules.

Outdoor game


"Road signs"

introduce children to road signs, traffic controls and vehicle identification marks.

Didactic game


"Such different cars"

Formation of skills to distinguish cars in traffic

Observation while walking


"We are drivers"

Children continue to pay attention to road signs.

Plot- role-playing game


"Traffic light"

To consolidate specific knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street.


Working with parents.




Form of work


"What a parent should know when being on the street with a child"

Encourage parents to think that compliance with traffic rules is the most important thing for preserving the life and health of children



"A parent is a role model for his child"

Implementation of a unified educational approach to teaching children traffic rules in kindergarten and at home.



1. "Children's education preschool age on teaching the rules of safe behavior on the roads,” R.Sh. Akhmadieva, E.E. Voronina.

2. “Formation of the foundations healthy image life in preschool children,” Z.M. Zaripova.

3.Book S. Mikhalkov “My Street” 4. “Music as a means of teaching preschool children traffic rules in kindergarten.” Methodological manual for preschool employees; Kazan, 2003.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of general developmental type No. 4 "Gnome" Menzelinsky municipal district RT

Entertainment according to traffic rules in the middle group

"Traffic light"


Shakurova G.R.


Tasks: consolidate previously acquired knowledge: - cross the street in special places, along the pedestrian path when the traffic light is green. Cultivate attention and be careful in dangerous situations.

The children enter the hall and sit down.

The presenter enters: Hello, dear kids. Guys, do you like watching fairy tales? (Children's answers). Today the musical fairy tale “Traffic Light” came to visit us. Listen here (Music sounds, a traffic light comes in and sits on a tree stump):

Once upon a time there were animals in the forest - big and small,

Strong and weak, brave and cowardly. (Music sounds) - It was quiet in the forest, and suddenly a crow flew in.

Crow: “Listen, listen everyone, today there is an important event in our forest - we have a traffic light. Hurry to the forest clearing, hurry, hurry, hurry!” (Flies away)

(Music sounds, two hedgehogs enter).

Hedgehog 1: What it is?

What nonsense!

Needed for traffic light

Both current and wires.

Hedgehog 2: And if he doesn't

How to burn

Then we need this thing

It's not worth watching.

Music sounds, the Wolf enters:

I agree with the hedgehog, because the Wolf is strong.

If it worked properly, what good would it be?

And when I chase a hare, it just doesn’t make sense to me.

And run to the green light, and stand at the red light?

Suddenly a bunny appears, the Wolf runs after him, then sits on a stump. Music sounds, an owl flies in, flies up to the traffic light, and inspects it.

Owl: I hear reasonable words underneath me.

I always fly, I don’t need a road!

And I don't need to look at the red light at all,

When I crossroads I can fly over.

Music sounds and a crow flies in.

Crow: “Kar, kar, there is no need for a traffic light in the forest, no need, no need!”(flies away).

Music is playing. All the animals stand in a circle (traffic light in the center) and sing a song. “Round dance in the forest” - music by Popatenko, lyrics by L.E. Volkova, E.I. Zanozovskaya. To the music, the animals leave the hall.

Child: Everything remains as it was, the dense forest is noisy.

And no one needs a traffic light!

Leading: Children, what do you think, is there a need for a traffic light in the forest or not? (Children's answers) Why? Do you think the city needs a traffic light? (Children's answers). A soundtrack is playing (road noise).

Child: And cars and steel ants rush past (approaches the traffic light)

And, of course, we need you at crossroads! (Takes Traffic Light by the hand and takes him to the intersection).

Child: You will always help us, teach us from an early age

Walk at the green light, stand at the red light.

Song “Traffic Light” - lyrics by V. Murzin,music by L.E. Volkova, E.I. Zanozovskaya The traffic light gives the children three balls: red, yellow, green.

Traffic light: Accept these beautiful balls as a gift, let them remind you of my lights and don’t forget to play with them.

Leading: We will definitely play with your balls. Guys, where can we play with them?

Children: In the park, on the playground, at the stadium, in the yard. (A child enters - Kitten, cries, approaches the leader).

Kitty: Finding myself in a big and noisy city, I became confused and disappeared.

I don’t know the traffic lights, I almost got hit by a car.

There are cars and trams all around, then suddenly a bus is on the way.

To be honest, I don’t know where to cross the road.

Leading: Our children know the rules of the road, they will teach you.

Child: This is a sign like this:

He is on guard for the pedestrian.

Let's move together with you

We're on our way to this place.

Leading: Children, where can you cross the road?(Children approach the pedestrian crossing).

Child: Be careful on the way

Look left, look right,

There is nothing more dangerous

Why run through a red light.

Traffic light: There is no need to play on the roadway,

Misfortunes can lurk here!

The traffic light sings the song “It’s dangerous to play on the road” - words by V. Murzin, music by S. Mirolyubov. The chorus is sung along with the children.

Traffic light: Even though you have no patience - wait - red light!

Yellow light on the way - get ready to go!

There is a green light ahead - now - move on!

Leading: Be careful, children,

On the street, remember these rules,

Always remember these rules

So that no trouble happens to you!

The teacher suggests going to kindergarten. A phonogram sounds - road noise. Children cross the road and leave

Looking at illustrations, books, posters


Didactic game "Road signs"

Role-playing game “We are drivers”

Game "Red, yellow, green"

Entertainment "Traffic Light"

Scheduling in the middle group. Thematic week"Traffic rules"

Organizational and educational activities

1. Cognitive development. FEMP.

Target: Exercise in

counting and counting objects within 5 according to the pattern and the named number.


with the meaning of the words: far - close.

Develop the ability to create a holistic image of an object from its parts

Equipment and material:

Counting material, geomet. figures, workbooks.

Methodical techniques: showing, explaining, repeating, asking riddles, art. word.

Cognitive development, speech development, physical development.

2. Music

3. Constructive-model creativity.


Target: Pin:

– the ability to cut out the necessary parts to create an image of an object (object);

– the ability to cut off the corners of a rectangle, rounding them (bus body, cut a strip into identical rectangles

(bus window).

Develop the ability to formulate your idea compositionally.

(4; p. 54, title No. 46)

Material and equipment:

Computer presentation,

construction material.

Methodical techniques: story, demonstration, questions.

Integration of educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, speech development.

Educational activities in special moments


Morning exercises.(complex no. 10)

Conversation: about transport, about the work of a driver. Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about vehicles, to replenish their active vocabulary with the names of cars, and to talk about the work of a driver.

Didactic game:“Assemble a car” (cubes)

Goal: to develop children’s thinking and attention, to consolidate knowledge of the main parts of cars and colors.

Situational conversation:

“What I saw on the street when I went to kindergarten.” Goal: to develop the child’s attention, observation, and speech when composing a story.

Duty at the nature center: continue to teach children to notice houseplants requiring care (watering, loosening).

Practical exercise"When I eat." - to develop cultural and hygienic skills in children, teach them to observe the basic rules of behavior at the table (maintain posture, hold your elbows correctly, take food little by little, eat silently)


Observation at work with snow removal equipment. Invite children to watch the machine in operation, tell how it removes snow, why people create snow removal machines. Teach children to compose a fantasy story, continuing the original sentence: “If there were no snow removal machines...”.

P.I.“Run to the flag” - exercise children in running, teach them to follow the rules of the game, and act as organizers of the game. Develop agility, attention, learn to play the role of captain.

P.I.“Frost” - exercise children in running, teach them to move easily, rhythmically, control the maintenance of posture, take and maintain various poses as instructed by the driver. Develop dexterity and speed, arouse interest in outdoor games.

Labor activity: shoveling snow to build ice figures. Discuss with the children how you can simultaneously collect the snow that prevents people from walking. Teach children to work together and achieve goals through joint efforts.

Situational conversation: “Responsibilities of a pedestrian” - to develop knowledge about pedestrian crossings.

S.R.I."We're crossing the street"

Develop interest in the game, reinforce the rules of behavior on the sidewalk, on the roadway, cultivate a sense of respect for others - pedestrians, drivers.

Individual. Job with Egor, German “How I play on the street” - repeat the rules of games on the street, about the dangers.

Independent fun games with sleds – develop the vestibular apparatus, help improve performance various types movements.

Work before bed.Reading the book by S. Marshak “If the light turned on red”

Evening. Awakening gymnastics. Walking along the paths of health. Teach after sleep to offer your help with dressing and combing your hair.

Preparation for the role-playing game “Chauffeurs”: outdoor game “Pedestrians and Taxi”; watching older children play and playing together with them; examination of illustrations on the topic “Chauffeurs”.

Free activity in the center of artistic creativity - offer to draw familiar vehicles, coloring books.

Present games“Assemble a car”, puzzles, road signs, mosaics, cultivate perseverance, develop fine motor skills.

Individual Job“What is a traffic light?” - consolidate children’s knowledge about traffic lights, their purpose, and the meaning of signals. - Sergey, Arseny.

S.R.I.“Chauffeurs” - using an indirect method of guiding the game, lead children to independently create game plans, offer to play out situations that may arise on the road. Cultivate respect for the work of the driver.


Observation for pedestrians. To enrich children's knowledge about road safety rules as pedestrians, about crossing the roadway, to develop the ability to distinguish between the roadway, the side of the road, and the sidewalk. Form ideas about the possible nature of the development of a dangerous situation, teach to observe, compare, analyze, summarize visual information and transfer it to real conditions.

P.I.“Find yourself a match” - develop the ability to act on a sound signal, navigate in space using color modules. Strengthen children's ability to maintain cross-coordination of arm and leg movements when running.

P.I.“Colored cars” - teach children to run around the playground in all directions without bumping into each other. Reinforce knowledge of primary colors: red, blue, yellow, green. Develop the ability to act on a signal and endurance.

P.I.“Sparrows and the car” - teach children to jump from a height onto their toes with half-bent legs, to run without bumping into each other. Develop speed of movement, the ability to act on a signal. Strengthen leg muscles.

Individual work: conversation about the rules of behavior in public transport - Egor, Matvey.

S.R.I“Chauffeurs” - improve the ability to unite in a game, distribute roles; develop the ability to select objects and attributes for the game; consolidation of knowledge and skills about the work of a driver, on the basis of which the children will be able to develop a plot, creative play. Developing interest in the game. Formation of positive relationships between children. Raising children's respect for the work of a driver.

Labor activity: clearing paths of snow.

Independent play activity : ice skating, sledding.

Situational conversation- "These good words"- propose to consider various situations, discuss what words should be used in each of them, teach gratitude for the service rendered, politely greet, say goodbye.

Creating a subject-development environment for children’s independent activities

Add to center traffic rules game“Who can name more road signs?”

Include illustrations and books on the topic.

Prepare sticks for loosening and watering cans with water.

Bring out the shovels for labor.

Attributes for the game.

Symbols of cars (caps - pictures, traffic lights, pedestrian crossing, steering wheels, dolls, strollers.

Add to center fiction book by S. Marshak “If the light turned on red”

Contribute to the center of artistic creativity

coloring books with images of transport, pencils, wax crayons, felt-tip pens.

Bring out attributes for outdoor games.

Attributes: Cars of various brands, traffic lights, gas pumps, steering wheels, traffic controller's cap and stick, dolls.

Take out labor equipment (shovels).

Interaction with parents

Invite parents to collect attributes for the role-playing game “Gas Station”

Publications on the topic:

Calendar planning for the summer health period in the middle group. Thematic week “Family Week” Thematic week “Family Week” Morning exercises Morning of joyful meetings. “I give you a smile” Goal: to form a friendly attitude.

Thematic week “Water is the source of life” Monday Morning exercises Development of positive emotions “Kapitoshka” Goal: to develop skills.

Calendar planning for the summer health period in the middle group. Thematic week “Hello, summer!” Monday Morning exercises for the development of positive emotions. “Take and Pass” Goal: achieving mutual understanding and cohesion.

Calendar planning for the summer health period in the middle group. Thematic week “My favorite toy” Thematic week “Favorite toys” Monday Morning exercises D/I “Ask for a toy” Goal: to educate children effective ways communication.

Calendar planning for the summer health period in the middle group. Thematic week “Safety Week” Thematic week “Safety Week” Monday “Fire Safety Day” D/I “Take and Pass” Goal: achieving mutual understanding.

Calendar planning for the summer health period in the middle group. Thematic week “Week of Friendship and Politeness” Thematic week “Week of Friendship and Politeness” Monday Morning exercises Morning of joyful meetings. “I give you a smile” Purpose: to form.

Calendar planning for the summer health period in the middle group. Thematic week “Week of Fairy Tales” Thematic week “Week of Fairy Tales” Monday Morning exercises D/I “Balloon” Goal: relieve tension, calm children. Observation.

Calendar planning for the summer health period in the middle group. Thematic week “Nature and us” Thematic week “Nature and us” Monday. “We want nature not to suffer from the people” Morning gymnastics D/I “Morning of joyful meetings.”

Calendar planning for the summer health period in the middle group. Thematic week “Happy is he who is healthy!” Thematic week “Happy is he who is healthy!” Monday. “How is a person made?” D/I “Nose, nose, mouth” Goal: development of visual perception in children.

Scheduling in the middle group. Thematic week “Folk Crafts” Thematic week “Folk Crafts”. Monday Morning exercises Game to develop positive emotions “Caterpillar” Goal: to promote.

You need to speak quite often in preschool childhood. The Federal State Educational Standard for Education and the “From Birth to School” program recommend planning thematic weeks aimed at expanding and consolidating children’s knowledge of traffic rules. In in summer period You can start introducing children to road signs. The teacher talks about their history and purpose, the children draw and reflect the acquired knowledge in applications. The result of the week is the creation of a “Road Traffic” layout for independent games. Material for a conversation about traffic rules, poems and riddles about road signs, texts for reading and memorizing can be found in the appendix to the plan “Thematic week “Road Rules”.

Social and communicative development

In the field of social and communicative development, the teacher plans a conversation about employees kindergarten, presentation for children " Railway", reviewing the album and activities aimed at consolidating the KGN.

Cognitive development

An adult brings into the group the game “Collect a sign”, mathematical coloring books on the topic, organizes games to consolidate knowledge about river inhabitants and insects, conducts an excursion to the garden, which helps cognitive development children.

Speech development

Continuing work on speech development The teacher teaches children to guess riddles about transport and road signs, organizes games “Say it differently”, “Allowed - prohibited”. Daily reading of fiction on the topic of the week will expand and consolidate children's knowledge about safe behavior on the road.

Artistic and aesthetic development

In the field of artistic and aesthetic development, an adult involves children in making a road model and encourages them to pass on the acquired knowledge through drawing. Work continues on teaching carving and developing an ear for music through didactic games.

Physical development

The teacher creates conditions for physical development preschoolers. It offers children physical exercises, outdoor games and exercises that allow them to develop dexterity, reaction speed and endurance.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Discussion of Zhitkov’s story “Traffic Light”. Goal: to consolidate knowledge about traffic lights.Conversation about traffic rules, introduction board game"Collect the sign." Purpose: to remind children about road signs and introduce them to the game.Game "On the contrary". Goal: to develop the ability to select words that are opposite in meaning (enemy words).Independent drawing with wax crayons and watercolors. Goal: to remind children about the method of unconventional drawing, to develop creative activity.Physical exercise “Pedestrians”. Goal: learn words and movements.
Conversation about kindergarten employees. Goal: to form a culture of behavior when communicating with adults.Exercise “Where is the object.” Goal: continue to learn how to navigate the area relative to yourself and other objects.Exercise “Guess the object by the names of its parts.” Goal: to activate the dictionary, consolidate the names of familiar objects.Laying out transport from geometric shapes. Goal: to develop the eye and imagination.P.i. “Whose column is the fastest to form?” Goal: to develop the ability to quickly form a column one at a time. P.i. "Mousetrap". Goal: to consolidate the ability to form a circle.
2 p.d.Exercise “Let’s show Nyusha how we can wash our hands.” Goal: Reinforce the hand washing sequence.Cognitive and research activities " Sand Country" Goal: to highlight the properties of sand: flowability, friability, you can sculpt from wet sand, to introduce the method of making a pattern from sand.Reading S. Marshak “If the light turned on red.” Goal: discuss the work with the children.Constructive model activity from paper + drawing “Bus”. Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to fold a square across the floors.Conversation “My friend is a bicycle.” Goal: to create a desire to improve health.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Presentation for children “Railroad”. Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the work of railway transport and remember the rules of behavior at the station.Mathematical coloring pages on the theme "Transport". Goal: consolidate the names of geometric shapes.Exercise “Mine, mine, mine.” Goal: to form the grammatical structure of speech.Listening to songs about transport (Blue Tractor channel). Goal: to please children, expand knowledge about transport.A teacher's story about bicycle racing. Goal: expand ideas about sports competitions.
Watering plants in the garden. Goal: to introduce children to work.Excursion to the garden. Goal: to form the ecological culture of preschool children, to enrich the children’s vocabulary.Didactic game “Name the colors of the traffic light from bottom to top and top to bottom.” Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about traffic lights and develop attention.Coloring pages "Road signs". Goal: expand ideas about the meaning of signs.P.i. "Colored Cars" Goal: remember the rules of the game. P.i. "Tram". Goal: reinforce traffic rules through the game.

Long-term plan

work according to traffic rules

in the middle group

for 2017 - 2018 academic year


To develop safe behavior skills on the roads in children through practical activities.


    Introduce children to the meaning of road signs, teach them to understand their schematic representation for correct orientation on the streets and roads.

    To form and develop in children a holistic perception of the surrounding road environment.

    Expand lexicon children on road vocabulary.

    To cultivate discipline and conscious compliance with traffic rules, a culture of behavior in the road transport process.

    Intensify efforts to promote traffic rules and a safe lifestyle among parents.


Kind of activity


Objectives: To give children an idea of ​​the main elements of the street (sidewalk, roadway, zebra crossing, center line, traffic island). .Consolidate children’s knowledge about cargo, passenger, passenger transport and special-purpose vehicles. .Expanding knowledge about the rules of conduct in passenger transport, crossing the street, and road signs (the ability to find them using a riddle). Instilling in children a desire to know and follow traffic rules.

    Memo for parents on teaching children traffic rules



Purpose: to teach children to distinguish road signs; consolidate knowledge about traffic rules; develop the ability to independently use acquired knowledge in Everyday life.

    Consultation for parents on the prevention of road traffic injuries in preschoolers


2.Consultation for parents: “Children’s safety on city streets.”


Goal: To expand children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior for pedestrians and drivers on the street; consolidate children’s ideas about the purpose of a traffic light; teach to distinguish between road signs (warning, prohibiting, prescriptive, informational) intended for drivers and pedestrians.

    Parent meeting on the topic "Know the traffic rules like the multiplication table"


    Information sheet for parents: “Start with yourself”


    Didactic game “Put a road sign”

Goal: to teach children to distinguish road signs (warning, prohibiting, prescriptive, informational); develop attention and spatial orientation skills.

    Consultations for parents “Is it easy to teach a child to behave correctly on the road?”



    Memo to parents on traffic rules “It all starts small”


    Didactic game: “SILHOUETTE”

    Information sheet for parents: "It is important that parents set an example for their children in following traffic rules!”

(according to traffic rules)

With the participation of children, parents and teachers.


Lesson: “Construction of the roadway”

1.Give children an idea of ​​the main elements of the street (sidewalk, roadway, zebra crossing, center line, traffic island). 2. Consolidating children’s knowledge about cargo, passenger, passenger transport and special-purpose vehicles. 3.Expanding knowledge about the rules of conduct in passenger transport, crossing the street, and road signs (the ability to find them using a riddle). 4. Instilling in children a desire to know and follow traffic rules.

Vocabulary work: road markings, traffic signals, sidewalk, pedestrians, roadway, center line, pedestrian crossing, zebra crossing, traffic island.

Material: model, cars, dolls, trees, houses, road signs, didactic game “Light the Light.”

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment. Surprise moment:

Hello children! I am a traffic police inspector. I would like to invite you to the “Safety School”.

2. Psycho-gymnastics: Game " Loving heart».

(Children pass their hearts to each other).

3. Exercise: “Tube”.

Pull your lips forward in a long tube.

"Chi-chi-chi, we are like trumpeters

Let's all stretch our lips

And we’ll show you the straws"

4. Gymnastics for the eyes: “Eyes in the house”, “Open the window”, “Butterfly”.

5. Massage the ears with your palms from top to bottom, tugging on the earlobes.

6. Finger gymnastics: “Fingers say hello”

“I say hello everywhere - at home and on the street,

Even “Hello,” I say to the neighbor’s chicken.”

II. Introduction to the topic

Today in our “Safety School”, I want to tell you and show you the structure of the roadway.

III. Conversation “Design of roadway”

1. The teacher’s story using a layout.

So, in front of you is a street of a big city.

There is a road in the middle of the street. On both sides of the road there are special paths for pedestrians.

What are the pedestrian paths called? (sidewalks)

A sidewalk is a “road for pedestrians.”

– What do you call people who walk along the sidewalk? (pedestrians)

Which side should pedestrians stay on? Why? (Children put pedestrians on the model).

And so people started walking along the sidewalks.

Along the street there are multi-storey buildings, shops, bus stops, newsstands, etc. There are trees in front of the houses, lawns and flower beds.

Now look carefully at the street, what else is missing on it? (There is not enough transport).

We will find out what kind of transport it is with the help of cards. (Open the cards one by one).

a) Freight:

b) Passenger:

What is this? What type of transport does it belong to? His purpose?

What other cars are classified as passenger transport?

2. Game "Magic Wand".

(Children name the rules for passengers, passing the baton to each other.)

c) Passenger car:

3. D/i “Assemble the car.”

d) Special purpose machines:

4. I offer a poster: “Everyone should know this.”

What did the children forget? (Skip the special purpose vehicle).

What are special-purpose vehicles equipped with?

What traffic light can they go to? (for any).

The main part of the road along which vehicles move is called the carriageway.

Where does the traffic go?

See the white line on the road? It divides the road into two parts and is called the axial road. On this part of the road cars go in one direction, on this part in the other.

What is the name of the line that divides the road into two parts?

(Children put transport on the model).

Pay attention to where people are walking, where is the transport going?

The street is very busy. It’s noisy here, crowded, cars are scurrying back and forth along the road, you can hear the squeal of brakes, horns, and your head will spin. How to figure everything out, how to get to the other side of the street when cars are moving in an endless stream? And at the crossroads you will completely disappear!

5. Riddle:

Available at every crossroads

A wonderful device.

Know, children, what is called

He is an assistant... (traffic light).

6. Poem:

Let's start a conversation

About the three-eyed traffic light.

It’s not in vain that it burns above us

Multi-colored lights.

7. Didactic game “Light the flame.”

At what traffic light can you cross the road?

And here is a pedestrian crossing that bears the name of the animal.

This is a zebra. (Show an illustration of an animal).

Guys, what do you think a pedestrian crossing and a real zebra have in common?

8. Poem:

The zebra lives in Africa and is very striped.

He drinks water, chews grass, and wants to frolic.

And on our street, here at the intersection

Just like a zebra, just right, transitioning into stripes.

- “Zebra” is an area where pedestrians are allowed to cross the street, indicated by wide white lines.

Where should you cross the road?

9. Punch card: “We are going across the road.”

Color the circle red near those people who cross the road incorrectly. And in green color, near those who cross the road correctly.

Why? Where should you cross the road?

10. Physical exercise: “Bus.”

In big cities, on wide streets, there is an “island of safety” in the middle. The traffic island is located in the middle of the roadway and is indicated by white solid lines. If a pedestrian who begins to cross the street when the traffic light is green does not have time to cross it to the end, because... When the red light comes on, he should stop at the traffic island and wait for the green light. And only after that complete the crossing of the street.

11. Poem:

There's an island on the asphalt

Applied with white paint.

This is a pedestrian zone

It is called safe.

Why is a “safety island” needed?

Children, what is missing from our layout?

12. Road signs:

1.By stripes black and white

The pedestrian walks boldly...

What does the sign warn about?

Give the car a quiet ride... (pedestrian crossing).

Anya, find such a sign and show it to the children. Look who has the same sign?

2.In a white triangle with a red border

It is very safe for human schoolchildren.

Everyone in the world knows this road sign:

“Be careful, there are children on the road!”

Find and show such a sign. Where have you seen this on the road?

3.What kind of road sign is it: a red cross on white?

You can safely contact us day or night!

The doctor will tie a white scarf around his head

And will provide medical first aid.

(paragraph medical care).

4.Suppose you went to the gym with friends,

But on the way I remembered: you didn’t tell your mom about this.

Wait, he will help you, the road sign is a telephone!

5. The path is not close, unfortunately you didn’t take food with you.

The road sign “Food station” will save you from starvation.

(Children put road signs on the model).

So we built a street with you. After the lesson you will play with this layout.

Children, did you like visiting me?

Show on the model: sidewalk, roadway, center line, pedestrian crossing, zebra crossing, traffic island.

Tell us about their purpose?

Types of transport have been fixed: freight, passenger, passenger, special-purpose vehicles.

We talked about the rules of behavior on the bus and crossing the street.

“The rules of the road are not that complicated.

You always know them for sure

Be careful on the road!”

In parting, I would like to present you with a young pedestrian certificate.

Learn and follow the rules of the road!

Goodbye! See you again!

2.Memo for parents on teaching children traffic rules

Dear parents, I would like to remind you once again of the rules of safe behavior on the streets of our city.

1. Cross the road at a measured pace. When going out onto the road, stop talking - the child must get used to the fact that when crossing the road you need to concentrate.

2. Cross the road only when the signal is green; when the traffic light is red or yellow, it is very dangerous, no matter how quickly you do it.

3. Cross the road only in places marked with the “Pedestrian Crossing” road sign.

4. Get off the bus or taxi first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run onto the roadway.

5. Invite your child to participate in your observations of the situation on the road, show him those cars that are preparing to turn, driving at high speed, etc.

6. Walking out with a child from behind bushes, snow banks or standing cars without first inspecting the road is typical mistake and children should not be allowed to repeat it. Show them the correct crossing point.



In one glorious Siberian city there lived a boy, Vanechka Ivanov. The boy, like a boy, was not much different from other boys. But he had one bad habit: Vanya loved to play on the roadway, where cars were rushing here and there.

One day something very happened to Vanya unusual story. He was returning home after a walk and suddenly saw an interesting pebble on the asphalt. The pebble glowed with an extraordinary light; it was warm. Vanechka put the pebble in the pocket of his jacket and hurried home. When Vanechka finished all his homework, he decided to play with toys. He took out cars, built houses from blocks and began to figure out how he would play on the street tomorrow. Suddenly the boy heard music that sounded like the ringing of a small bell: ding, ding, ding. Vanechka looked around. No, there is no one in the room. Vanechka guessed that the music came from a wonderful pebble. The boy pulled out a pebble from his pocket, put it on the table and began to look at it. The bright light of the pebble, with shades of all the colors of the rainbow, blinded my eyes. Vanya closed his eyes and immediately saw the city in front of him. The city was very small and all colorful. The houses here were built from cubes. Cars that looked like toy cars drove along a multi-colored road. One lane of the road was purple, the other was orange. In the middle of the road there was a narrow white stripe. And the pedestrian crossing was very reminiscent of a real zebra. Bunnies, dolls, bears and many, many other toys lived in this city.

“Hello Vanechka,” said the toys. Welcome to our city of Road Signs.

What kind of city is this? - Vanechka was surprised.

And the toys began vying with each other to tell about their city, and what the rules are here.

“You should never cross the street at a red light,” said the bunny.

You can’t run and jump on the roadway, you will interfere with traffic,” the doll Tanya said sternly.

Look, look! Cars give way to pedestrians because the traffic light is red! Let’s go, the zebra invites us to cross the road!” the fox shouted and waved her fluffy tail.

Vanechka saw the zebra nod its head welcomingly. He took the animals by the paws and began to cross the road with them. On the other side, the boy met a real wizard named Svetoforkin. The wizard controlled all traffic in the city. A magic wand helped him with this. It glowed red at the end. Drivers and pedestrians obeyed her magical power. Vanya listened with pleasure to the stories of the toys and the wizard Svetoforkin about the rules of the road. He was told that signs come in different geometric shapes and different colour. There are signs prohibiting, and there are signs allowing. Pedestrians and drivers should be friends without violating these rules. And Vanechka learned many, many more interesting and new things in the city of Road Signs. He didn’t want to part with the good wizard Svetoforkin at all. But then the music was heard again: ding, ding, ding. Vanechka opened his eyes and saw a pebble in front of him. The boy took the pebble and ran outside to his friend Petya Petrov. Let Petya visit this interesting city.

Since then, Vanechka Ivanov no longer plays on the roadway. He also decided to become a young traffic police assistant. Of course, when he grows up a little more.

This is such a fairy tale.

    Didactic game "Guess what sign"

Goal: to teach children to distinguish road signs; consolidate knowledge about traffic rules; develop the ability to independently use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Material: cubes with road signs pasted on them: warning, prohibitory, information and service signs.

Option 1

The presenter invites the children one by one to the table where the cubes lie. The child takes a cube, names a sign and approaches those children who already have signs from this group.

Option 2

The players are given dice. The children study them carefully. Next, each child talks about his sign without naming it, and everyone else guesses the sign from the description.

    Consultation for parents

on the prevention of road traffic injuries in preschool children

There are several simple to remember and easy to follow rules, the observance of which will help preserve the child’s health, and sometimes life.

The first rule: teach your child to navigate the road. Show him two or more cars and ask him to determine which one is moving faster and which one is closer.

Second rule: teach your child to navigate his own neighborhood. Periodically, you walk with him around the neighborhood, show him new streets, alleys, and transport stops.

Third rule: if a child has to go to the store alone, etc., think over the safest route for him. This path does not have to be the shortest: the main thing is that the child crosses the road only where there are pedestrian crossings and traffic lights.

Fourth rule: explain to your child that when crossing an intersection you need to move in a straight line, not diagonally. Otherwise, he somehow turns his back to the cars and does not see them. In addition, when moving obliquely, the pedestrian’s path becomes longer and thus increases the time he spends on the roadway.

Fifth rule: do not teach your child that you need to go around the back of the bus. In this case, the road remains partially closed to him. The child must wait until the vehicle leaves completely or move away from it to such a distance that the roadway is completely visible to him.

Rule six: do not allow your child to play on the sidewalk. This not only disturbs pedestrians. Carried away by the game, a child can easily jump out onto the roadway unnoticed.

Seventh rule: most importantly, when walking with your child through the streets of the city, do not set a bad example for him. It will be very difficult to explain to a child that traffic rules need to be known and followed if he sees mom and dad constantly breaking them.

Eighth rule: and remember that in autumn and winter the daylight hours are short, rain and snow increase the danger on the roads several times, so be especially attentive to yourself and your children. If we teach children to remember these rules, then they will not be participants in road traffic incidents.


    Didactic game: “PINVERTER”

GOAL: To consolidate knowledge of traffic rules. Practice your ability to answer questions. Develop conversational speech.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME: Cards with questions are laid out for each sector of the circle. The difficulty of each question is assessed by points written on a sector of the circle. Players take turns spinning the spinner, answering the question that appears, and earning points (tokens). At the end of the game, the results are summed up - whoever has more tokens wins.

    Safety of children on city streets.

(Consultation for parents)

We have to constantly return to the topic of children's safety on city streets. Road traffic accidents with the most severe social consequences have been and remain those in which children are participants, and sometimes victims. Unfortunately, such accidents are not decreasing from year to year.

The appearance of a young child unaccompanied by an adult on the road is unnatural, and his actions are unpredictable, illogical and helpless. Some awareness of a child’s behavior in general and on the road in particular appears by the age of 10-12. This, so to speak, is the “average case”. There are, of course, very disciplined preschool children, as well as older “mouthless” ones.

Therefore, the first advice to parents is - through simple experiments and observations, try to assess which category of pedestrians your heir belongs to, whether he is ready to navigate the road situation on his own, and whether he can make the right decisions. If not, when going out into the street, it’s time for you to take him not only by the hand, but also to educate him. Explain, tell, convince, educate by personal example. Don’t rely on school teachers and police propagandists; actively get involved in prevention yourself. But do not forget that you are now acting in front of your child as an indisputable authority, acting in all road situations correctly, balancedly, and as safely as possible.

So, lessons for adults and children participating in traffic together.

Part one "You are a child and a car"

First lesson

The family sets off by car. The baby sat comfortably in the back seat next to his mother. But children, especially little ones, are big fidgets. And now the child is already standing on the seat, chirping cheerfully, waving his arms and making faces at the rear window. Idyll - complete. Everyone is touched, both the parents and the driver of the car behind. The latter is so touched that he does not have time to brake in time before the intersection and hits the front car in the bumper. No big deal, the impact was not strong, but quite sufficient for the baby to first hit his head on the rear window, and then fall into the opening between the front seats. The consequences of a blow and fall can be fatal. The same thing can happen in a more prosaic situation - when the car brakes sharply.

The interior of the car is not a safe playpen, and the back seat is a wide and soft parental bed and not fluffy carpet on the floor. The baby must sit in the car, if not special chair, then next to an adult.

Lesson two

As a rule, the child strives to be the first to take a seat in the back seat of the car. If adults follow him in the back seat, they literally press him against the outer (towards the roadway) door. Automatic door locking when driving is provided only on some foreign cars, and adults, as a rule, forget to use a mechanical lock (press a button or handle on the door). In accordance with the “law of meanness,” the door may swing open while moving, and the child may fall out under the wheels of passing cars. There is always such a possibility, given the “playful” handles and not very reliable locking mechanisms of domestic cars. It is even more likely that with such placement, when stopped, the child will not wait for the adults to get out of the car, but will jump out of his door towards the road:

Never place a child in the passenger seat right up to the doors! Never create situations that provoke a child to leave the passenger compartment of a stationary car towards the roadway!

Lesson three

The child has reached the age when he can be transported by front seat car. Naturally, he strives to take a prestigious place next to the driver. Not everyone remembers the simple operation of fastening a seat belt, and very few remember that the belt was once adjusted for an adult (of course, this remark is relevant for cars with belts without adjustment.)

A slack belt will not save a child from serious injury to the head and chest in the event of sudden forced braking of a fast-moving car. A seat belt is not a formal device, but often the only means of saving life.

And in general, you should not allow your child to ride in the front seat. This is the most dangerous place in cars in the event of a collision. And yet, even from under a correctly adjusted seat belt, a child may simply slip out in a collision.

Part two "You, the child and public transport"

Lesson four

People are running towards a bus standing at a stop. They run along the sidewalk, along the edge of the roadway, and on the other side - across the roadway. Having succumbed to the general excitement, your child also starts running. He sees nothing but a standing carriage that he needs to catch. Even if you run next to him and hold his hand, you are three times wrong. Together you can get run over - that's it. You can slip and fall and drop your child - that's two. And most importantly, you are creating a “terrible” stressful situation for the child: we won’t make it in time, I’ll get lost, mom (dad) will leave, and I’ll be left alone at the bus stop.

Don't take risks, don't irritate your child, don't set a bad example of inappropriate fussiness. Never run with your child to a stationary public transport. In a hurry, you can lose control over yourself, and most importantly over your child.

Lesson five

There was no bus for a long time. A crowd gathered at the bus stop. You, holding your child’s hand tightly, stand in the front row. Finally, the long-awaited carriage creeps up to the stop. The stampede begins. You can be crushed into the still closed doors of a car that has not stopped. They can push it under the wheels, “smear it along the side,” and bring it into the cabin without “counting the steps.” Even a physically and mentally strong adult is at least guaranteed stress, but what does it feel like for a child?!

If possible, avoid traveling with your child on public transport during peak hours. If you and your child are often forced to find yourself in a similar situation, remember that your place is not in the front row of those storming the bus, but among those who are calmly waiting for their turn. In the end, this bus is not the last, and the physical and mental health of the child is more valuable than any expectation.

The main idea of ​​the above goes beyond these six specific cases. But if you accompany your child along city streets on foot or by car, act in such a way that your actions clearly demonstrate to the child both your concern for his safety and the correct techniques for independent behavior in a variety of situations.


    Didactic game "Our Street"

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior for pedestrians and drivers on the street; consolidate children’s ideas about the purpose of a traffic light; teach to distinguish between road signs (warning, prohibiting, prescriptive, informational) intended for drivers and pedestrians.

Material: model of a street with houses, an intersection, toy cars, pedestrian dolls, driver dolls, toy traffic lights, road signs, trees (models).

The game is played on a layout.

Progress of the game:

Option for pedestrians

Children, on instructions from the teacher, act out various traffic situations. So, at a controlled intersection, when the traffic light is green, the dolls cross the road, when the traffic light is yellow, they stop and wait, and when the traffic light is red, they continue to stand.

Then the dolls walk along the sidewalk or side of the road to a pedestrian crossing, marked with a “Pedestrian Crossing” sign, and there they cross the roadway.

Option for "drivers"

The presenter shows road signs: “Traffic light regulation”, “Children”, “Pedestrian crossing” - warning signs;

- “Entry is prohibited”, “Sound signal is prohibited” - prohibiting;

- “Move straight”, “Move right” - prescriptive; - “Bus and (or) trolleybus stopping point”, “Pedestrian crossing”, “Underground pedestrian crossing” - information and guidance.

Children explain what each sign means and role-play road situations.

    Parent meeting on the topic

"Know the traffic rules like the multiplication table"

To interest parents in this problem, to teach them to analyze their educational activities;

Cooperation, co-creation and joint activities of traffic police officers, teachers, parents and children;

To instill in children stable skills of safe behavior in any road situation.

Preliminary work: conduct a survey and test of parents; poster competition: “Red, yellow, green”; post notices for parents

1. Opening remarks.

Traffic accident statistics show that children often find themselves in emergency situations on the streets and roads.

It is known that habits established in childhood remain for life, therefore one of important issues in ensuring road safety is the prevention of children's road traffic injuries in preschool institutions.

Today, the kindergarten strives to provide its pupils with a high-quality, universal education, to ensure a high level of general culture, including culture on the road. Compliance with the rules safe life should become a conscious necessity.

The role of family, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, older brothers and sisters in raising a child cannot be overestimated. From the child’s point of view, everything they do, especially mom and dad, is right and it couldn’t be better. Parents for a child under 7 years of age are a model of behavior, and only older children begin to critically evaluate the behavior of family members. It is precisely at the age of up to 7 years, when the child’s parents are still leading him down the street by the hand, systematic, everyday training in movement, with a constant personal example of milestones for family members (father or mother are obliged to remind other family members of this) can create positive or negative habits in the rules of behavior on the road. Everyone should remember this when they and their child take their first steps onto the road.

Any family member with a child, whom he is holding by the hand, or a child holding on to a bag, can run across the roadway in the wrong place or at a red traffic light. The adult knows that a violation of the rules has occurred, but the child either does not know, or warns the adult: “But the teacher told us that it is impossible to cross the roadway when the traffic light is red.” In any case, he will record this traffic situation in his mind. If it’s possible with dad, then it’s possible at all; if nothing happened during this transition, then it will never happen.

Remember! You are creating a negative attitude and negative habits of violating the rules of safe behavior on the road - the basis for a possible future tragedy.

2. Speech by a traffic police inspector.

3. Very soon our students will say goodbye to kindergarten and go to school. So that this happy event in every family is not overshadowed by an accident on the road, adults and children must not only know the rules, but also strictly observe and implement them.

The city where you and I live,

It can rightfully be compared to a primer.

Here it is, the alphabet, above your head:

Signs are posted along the pavement!

ABC of streets, avenues, roads

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Always remember the alphabet of the city,

So that no trouble happens to you!

Indeed, you need to know very well the rules of conduct on city roads, but even more important is to remember them and always follow them.

Today we will hold a competition: “Experts of traffic rules.”

Two teams participate in the game: Children and parents.

The jury will monitor and evaluate the results of the game.

On the roads for a long time

There is an owner - a traffic light!

All the colors are before you,

It's time for you to introduce them.

The red light came on

“Stop! There is no way forward!

The yellow eye repeats without words:

“The path is ready for the transition!

When the light is green, go ahead!

The path is clear, pedestrian."

Cross the road

You are always on the street

And they will advise and help

These bright colors.

Questions of the first round: “Traffic light”.

What types of traffic lights are there? (Pedestrian and transport).

When can you cross the street?

What should you do if the light turns yellow and you don’t have time to cross the road?

Why is it dangerous to cross the roadway?

For adults:

How to cross the street with a child?

If you are carrying a child on a sled, what should you do?

List the traffic signals at a three-section traffic light. (Red, red and yellow at the same time, green, green flashing, yellow and yellow flashing).

Who is a participant in the movement? (pedestrian, driver, passenger).

Summing up the results of the first round.

Striped horse

Leads across the street.

We need to be very careful here

We need to make a transition.

Don't rush, but first thing

Look left and right:

There are no cars - we walk boldly!

There are cars - stop and wait!

Second round: “Pedestrian crossing.”

Questions for children:

What types of transitions are there?

How to cross the street correctly if you got off a bus, tram, or trolleybus?

Rules for crossing the roadway. (Look left, right, then left again, make sure it’s safe, slowly walk to the middle, make sure it’s safe, look right, left again, right again).

Questions for parents:

How should you enter and exit public transport with your child and why?

What should you talk about with your child when crossing the road?

Places where it is allowed to walk on the road. (On the sides, sidewalks, bicycle and pedestrian paths, if this is not available, along the edge of the road).

Summing up the results of the second round.

So that the cars are not in a hurry,

So that the pedestrian walks calmly,

The signs decided to help

And they are on duty all year round.

The smallest road sign -

It's worth it for a reason.

Be careful, be careful

Respect every sign.

Third round: “Road signs”. Puzzles.

crane circle,

And the circle is empty.

Everything is white

Like a cabbage leaf.

What does this sign mean? (He prohibits movement)

Red circle with the number 20 in it.

What kind of strange sign is this?

I can't figure it out

Help me dear. (maximum speed limit)

There are many miracles in the world.

For example: the sign is hanging -

In a triangle like the wind

The deer flies like an arrow.

What is this strange sign? (wild animals)

I want to ask about the sign.

The sign is drawn like this:

Guys in the triangle

They are running somewhere as fast as they can. (Children)

Summing up the results of the entire competition.

Give the children a “Young Pedestrian Certificate”.

Summarize the results of the poster competition: “Red, yellow, green”, present certificates.

Express questionnaire for parents. "Safety of your child on the road"

FULL NAME. ______________________________________________________________

1. Do you introduce your child to traffic rules?

2. At what age did you start introducing him to traffic rules?

3. Have you shown your child a safe way from home to kindergarten and back? (Not really)

Do you walk with him as shown? (yes, no, sometimes)

4. What is the role of the family in educating children’s safe behavior on the road, in the yard, or should this be handled by the kindergarten.

Raised by family;

Anything can happen.

6. Does it ever happen that your child teaches you a lesson in road safety?

It happens sometimes.

Test for parents. "Competent pedestrian"

1. How do you and your child get around transport at a stop:


I do not remember;

I'm waiting for it to go away.

2. Do you take a shortcut if you are in a hurry with your child to go to kindergarten:

I move where I'm supposed to;

I'm going straight;

I move where I want;

I do not remember.

3. Do you allow your child to play next to the road:

I allow;

I don't allow it;

I don't follow.

4.What situations do you consider dangerous:

A child leans out of a window in a vehicle; (yes, no, I don’t know)

We walk across the road with the dog; (yes, no, I don’t know)

We walk across the road and talk. (yes, no, I don’t know)

5. What do you do if a car is driving at a red light:

I call the traffic police;

I'll stop;

Don't know;

6. Do you discuss traffic violations:

Lady with children; (Not really)

With a teacher (yes, no)


    Travel game “In the Land of Road Signs”

Goal: consolidate the ability to apply acquired knowledge in a non-standard environment; clarify knowledge about road signs and rules of behavior on the road.

Equipment: cardboard steering wheels, road signs, crayons.

The travel game is played while walking.

Educator: (imitates a conversation on cell phone, speaks very loudly, emotionally, to attract the attention of children)

I'm listening to you. Who's speaking? Road signs! I am listening really carefully! Don't worry, I'll figure it out now!

Guys, I just got a call from the Land of Road Signs. Its residents - road signs - have a problem! Accidents began to occur constantly in the country. The signs cannot understand what happened and ask for our help. Guys, can you help the residents of the Land of Road Signs? Do you know the rules of the road? But the path there is long and difficult; it is not indicated by any signs. Aren't you scared? Then let's not waste time and hit the road.

Children follow the road markings on the territory of the kindergarten. They stop at a fork.

Several guys assemble the sign, the rest give them hints. (Only one sign is assembled from the scraps, the remaining parts are superfluous)

Educator: What is the name of this sign? (Children's answers) That's right, this is a sign "Food station"

The kindergarten cook appears.

Cook: Hello guys! Where are you going? (Children's answers) Yes, the path ahead of you is not close! Here, take some crackers and refresh yourself for the trail.

The cook treats the guys with crackers.

Here's a strange sign

Where the worm crawls inside -

Take a quick look ahead:

It's dangerous there...... Turn

Guys, which of you can draw a “Dangerous Turn” road sign?

Children try to draw a sign with chalk on the asphalt.

Educator: That's right, now it's clear which way we should go! Ahead of us is a roadway along which traffic is moving. What types of transport do you know?

Children list types of transport.

Educator: Since cars are driving along the roadway, where should we go? That's right, along the sidewalk.

Children approach the gates of the kindergarten and see Pinocchio (boy) riding a bicycle preparatory group).

Educator: Guys, what do you think, is Pinocchio breaking the traffic rules now or not? Why did you decide that he was breaking the rules? (He rides along the roadway). Is it possible to do this? Of course you can't! You can only ride a bicycle on the roadway if you are 14 years old or older. And under 14 years old can only ride in the courtyard of the house.

Let's get into our cars, drive up to Buratino and explain to him that he is breaking the rules.

Children take cardboard steering wheels and drive on the right side of the road, one after another. Having reached Buratino, they explain to him the rules of riding a bicycle on the roadway.

There are stripes across the road,

And they lead the pedestrian behind them.

The children walk along the passage and approach the medical office.

Educator: What kind of sign is this? (“Medical aid station”). What is this sign for? But you and I are healthy, nothing hurts, and we can move on. But where should we go next? Is there another sign? (“Parking location”). What does this sign mean? We don’t have cars, but we’ll still stop and rest a little, and while we’re resting, I’ll check if you know the rules of the road well.

To my questions, you all unanimously answer “permitted” or “prohibited.” So, we think, remember and answer quickly!

Walking in a crowd along the sidewalk...

Cross the road in front of nearby vehicles...

Helping older people, crossing the street...

Run out onto the roadway.....

Wait for passenger transport at a special stop...

Educator: I see you know the rules of behavior on the road well. Well done! And now we hit the road, straight along the sidewalk.

After walking a little, the children come across a broken traffic light.

Educator: Guys, look what happened to the traffic light!? (it’s broken, there’s not a single light bulb) Now it’s clear why accidents happened in the Land of Road Signs. We urgently need to fix the traffic light, and to do this we need to collect all the multi-colored circles - light bulbs, select the right colors and insert them back into the traffic light.

Children complete the task.

Educator: You guys did a good job today - you helped all the residents of the Land of Road Signs! I express my gratitude to you! And now it’s time for us to go back to our kindergarten. We will return back by air. What air transport do you know? (children's answers). You named it correctly! But you and I are in magical land, and you and I will have an unusual magical air transport - balloon! Everyone hold on to his rope and fly!

2.Information sheet for parents: “Start with yourself”

Dear parents!


The child learns the laws of the roads, following the example of family members and other adults. Especially the example of dad and mom teaches disciplined behavior on the road not only to your child, but to other parents Take care of the child!

Start with yourself

Learning traffic rules does not begin when the child takes his first steps. Much earlier, he remembers how his loved ones behave (both positive and negative behavior). Therefore, learning the rules of behavior on the road begins with how adults behave in similar situations - you yourself, your husband, grandparents, brothers and sisters, as well as everyone with whom your child comes into contact in one way or another. Before you cross the road with your child in your arms or in a stroller for the first time, learn to behave on the street the way you would like your child to do.

The following rules most important:

* When crossing the street, you should stop at the roadway and look left, then right and quickly left again;

* Start crossing the street only when the traffic light is green;

* If possible, cross the street in safe places - at a traffic light, at a zebra crossing, or at least at an intersection - car drivers are more careful here;

* Never rush headlong into traffic.

You will best overcome your “inner looseness” if you, your relatives, friends and neighbors mutually control each other. You should not take your first experience of mastering the rules of the road lightly. Without this foundation, you cannot move forward at all. Also talk with everyone who surrounds your child about how much responsibility they can take on for his behavior on the street today. Specific tip: whenever you “catch” yourself violating traffic rules, clearly understand what tiny gain in time this brought you.


    "Didactic game "Put a road sign""

Goal: to teach children to distinguish road signs (warning - “Railway crossing without a barrier”, “Railway crossing with a barrier”, “Children”, “Pedestrian crossing”, “Wild animals”, prohibiting - “Entry prohibited”, “Traffic prohibited”, “Movement on bicycles is prohibited”, prescriptive - “Move straight”, “Move right”, “Move left”, “Circular traffic”, “Pedestrian path”, informational signs - “Parking area”, “Pedestrian crossing”, service signs - “First aid station”, “Telephone”, “Food point”, “Gas station”, “Car maintenance”, “Rest place”, “Traffic police post”); develop attention and spatial orientation skills.

Material: road signs, playing field depicting roads, pedestrian crossings, railway crossings, administrative and residential buildings, parking lots, intersections.

Progress of the game:

Children are offered:

1. Consider the playing field and what is depicted on it.

2. Place the necessary road signs. For example, at a school there is a “Children” sign, at a cafe there is a “Food station”, at an intersection there is a “Pedestrian crossing”, etc.

The winner is the one who manages to place all the signs correctly and quickly within a certain time.

    Consultations for parents about Traffic Rules

Is it easy to teach a child to behave correctly on the road?

At first glance it seems easy. You just need to introduce him to the basic requirements of the Traffic Rules and there will be no problems.

It's actually very difficult. After all, we, parents, violate these same notorious Rules every day in front of our children, and do not think that we are setting an impossible task for our child: what is the right way? What do they say or what do they do?

When a child gets into a traffic accident, everyone is to blame: the driver, the kindergarten, the school, and the State Traffic Inspectorate. Why didn’t they teach you, show you, or save you? Forgetting that, first of all, parents must teach and protect by their example.

If you are really interested in your child having the skills to behave safely on the road, then do not reduce the learning process to an empty and useless phrase: “Be careful on the road.” She does not explain to the child what exactly he should be afraid of on the road. Where might he be in danger? Better use driving to and from kindergarten to practice road behavior skills.

The child must firmly know that the road can only be crossed in designated places: at a pedestrian crossing and at an intersection. But even in this case, no one can guarantee its safety. Therefore, before going out onto the road, stop with your child at a distance of 50 cm - 1 meter from the edge of the roadway, pay his attention. that you must look left and right by turning your head, and if there is no dangerous transport on both sides, you can go out onto the roadway. You must cross the road with a calm, measured step and under no circumstances run.

Unregulated pedestrian crossings pose a great danger to children. Here it is important for the child to make sure that the distance to cars on both sides will allow him to cross the road without stopping in the middle of the roadway.

At a controlled pedestrian crossing, explain to your child that red and yellow traffic lights are prohibitive. It is especially dangerous to enter the road when the signal is yellow, because some cars complete the intersection and at the same time increase their speed. The green signal is permissive, but it does not guarantee a safe crossing for the pedestrian, so before entering the road you need to look left and right and make sure that all the cars have stopped and there is no danger.

Children often find themselves under the wheels of vehicles when, after getting off a bus or trolleybus, they try to cross to the other side of the road. Explain to your child that in this case it is dangerous to pass the vehicle both in front and behind, because it is large and nothing can be seen from behind it. You have to wait until the bus or trolleybus leaves.

Objects blocking the view (fences, parked cars, snowdrifts in winter, bushes and trees in summer) pose a great danger to children. It is better to move away from them and cross the road where it is safe.

If your child is soon going to first grade, then now walk with him repeatedly along the route from home to school and back, drawing your child’s attention to all the dangers that he may encounter along the way. Stipulate in advance that in a difficult situation you need to seek the help of adults. Give your child the opportunity to go through this route on his own, watching him from the side. Then analyze in detail all his actions with him.



GOAL: To consolidate knowledge of traffic rules. Learn to correlate an action or event with its image in the picture. Learn to make sentences.


Option 1: The teacher reads the rule on the card, and the children find the corresponding image in the picture and explain their choice.

Option 2: Children look at the picture and formulate the corresponding traffic rule.

Conversation “Safety in public transport”.

Memo to parents on traffic rules “It all starts small.”

Traffic safety on city streets and roads is achieved only when all rules are followed. Parents need to know the following:

1. Pedestrians are only allowed to walk on the sidewalk, keeping to the right

2. Pedestrians are required to cross a street or road only at a pedestrian crossing -

3. Before getting off onto the roadway in two-way traffic, you need to make sure you are completely safe: first look to the left, and when you reach the middle, look to the right.

4. At crossing points where traffic is regulated, you should cross the street only when the traffic light is green or the traffic controller gives permission.

5. Monitor the behavior of children, do not allow them to violate traffic rules, and also organize games on the roadway, street, explain how this can end.

6. Do not allow children to ride bicycles on the roadway.

7. When crossing the street, do not let go of the hand of the child walking with you, do not leave children on the street unattended.

8. Parents should not miss a single case of violation of the rules by their children, their own or others.

9. Parents must bring their children to the group themselves and take them home. It is very dangerous to trust a student to take a child out of kindergarten primary classes. He himself does not yet firmly know the rules of the road, he may play too much on the road or get confused in a difficult situation.

10. Parents should know about the procedure for transporting children in cars, buses, bicycles, sleds, and strollers in different time years, in different weather. Especially in bad weather, parents should be careful: do not rush, do not cover yourself with an umbrella when crossing the street.

11. Parents should know the location well preschool regarding city highways, streets, alleys, the most dangerous places. It is important that parents, leading their child by the hand, teach him the ABCs of moving along the streets and roads.

12. Parents should become the teacher’s first assistants in such an important matter on which the life and health of children depends.

Be an example for them in following traffic rules.


Didactic game: “SILHOUETTE”

GOAL: To consolidate knowledge of the components of a truck and a passenger car. Develop an understanding of the relationship between the whole and its parts. Develop creative imagination.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME: Using geometric shapes of the same color - squares, circles, rectangles, triangles, the child makes the silhouette of a car.

A more complicated version: You can invite the child to carefully outline the resulting silhouette and fill it with details: windows, headlights, bumper, etc.

Information sheet: “It is important for parents to be an example

for children in observing traffic rules!”

Do not hurry, cross the road at a measured pace!

Going out onto the roadway, stop talking– the child must get used to the fact that when crossing the road you need to concentrate.

Do not cross the road when the traffic light is red or yellow.

Cross the road only in places marked with a road sign "Crosswalk".

Get off the bus, trolleybus, tram, taxi first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run onto the road.

Involve your child in your observations monitor the situation on the road: show him those cars that are preparing to turn, driving at high speed, etc.

Do not go out with a child from behind a car, bushes, without first inspecting the roads,- This is a typical mistake, and children should not be allowed to repeat it.

Dedicate a separate walk to the rules of crossing the road. Check does your child understand them correctly and know how to use them? this knowledge in real driving situations. To do this, practice crossing a pedestrian crossing together through a one-way and two-way roadway, through controlled and unregulated intersections.

During holidays It doesn’t matter whether your child stays in the city or leaves, you need to take every opportunity to remind him of the rules of the road. Do not leave children unattended on the street, do not allow them to play near the roadway.

Teach children with early age follow traffic rules. And don’t forget that personal example is the most intelligible form of learning.

Summary of the intellectual game “What? Where? When?"

(according to traffic rules)

With the participation of children, parents and teachers.

educational: to consolidate children's knowledge of traffic rules; repeat the names and meanings of road signs; educational: bring to the awareness of children what violation of traffic rules can lead to; cultivate attention, concentration, sensitivity, responsiveness, and the ability to help others;

developmental: activate children's vocabulary on the topic of the lesson; develop skills in creative storytelling, constructing statements and reasoning; develop logical thinking, learn to “calculate” various situations that arise in traffic.

Equipment: video camera, TV, playing field for the intellectual game “What?” Where? When?”, magnetic board, envelopes with assignments; didactic games “Road Signs”, “Big Safe Walk”, “How to Avoid Trouble”, photographs depicting the streets of the Factory District, white sheets of paper, markers.

Participants: presenter, children, parents and teachers.

The sun's leading ray makes us laugh and teases,

We're having fun this morning,

Spring gives us a ringing holiday,

And the main guest on it is the game.

She is our friend - big and smart,

Will not let you get bored and discouraged,

An argument starts, cheerful, noisy,

It will help to learn new things.

Today in the quiz “What? Where? When?" 3 teams participate: red, yellow, green. These are our “experts”. Today, kindergarten employees, parents and guests are playing against you.

Your assignments and questions are in envelopes. The solution to the problem is discussed by the whole team, and the answer to the question is given by one of the players. One minute to think, when time runs out, a gong sounds. If the answer is complete, the team receives a point; for an early answer, the team can receive two points. There are also musical breaks in our game intended for teams to rest.

The teams' answers are evaluated by the jury. Introducing the jury members

Remember the traffic rules

Like a multiplication table

Always know them by heart.

Around the city, down the street

They don’t just walk like that:

When you don't know the rules

It's easy to get into trouble.

Be careful all the time

And remember beforehand:

They have their own rules

Driver and pedestrian!

Attention to the screen.

The video contains a question from parents.

Problem situation: Ira is pushing a stroller with a doll. Seryozha rides a tricycle. Mom leads Alyonka by the hand. Which one is a passenger and which one is a pedestrian? Who are called passengers and who are pedestrians?

Attention the correct answer: in this situation the doll is a passenger; mother, girl, child - pedestrians. A passenger is someone who is being carried on any type of transport. A pedestrian is someone who walks.

Paying attention to the screen is the next question. The head of the kindergarten prepared it for you.

The law of streets and roads is very kind: it protects from terrible misfortune, protects life, but it is very harsh towards those who do not comply with it. Therefore, only constant observance of the rules allows you to cross the street safely. Remember and name the basic rules of behavior on the street.

Attention, the correct answer is: Basic rules of behavior on the street:

You need to walk along the street at a calm pace.

Walk only along the sidewalk, on its right side.

You need to cross the street only when the traffic light is green, or at crosswalks..

Before crossing the road, look left, then right.

You cannot play, skate, or bike on the road.

You need to be sensitive, attentive, responsive, and help each other.

Next question. Question, teacher-methodologist.

The city is full of traffic

Cars are running in a row.

Colored traffic lights

Both day and night burn.

And where there are trams during the day

They're ringing from all sides,

Guys, help Pinocchio put up road signs.

The guys must place road signs on street models.

(Didactic game “Safe Walk”)

Attention, a traffic police officer is playing against the experts.

The intersection is full of traffic, and it is very difficult to regulate order on the road. Here on duty at any time.

A clever guard is on duty,

He controls everyone at once

Who is in front of him on the pavement?

No one in the world can do that

With one movement of the hand

Stop the flow of passersby

And let the trucks pass.

Guys, color the traffic light that matches the traffic controller's gesture. (teams are given task sheets and markers)

Attention to the screen. The instructor has prepared your questions for you. physical education.

Hello, dear experts, I suggest you solve the riddles in one minute and show the clue signs:

What kind of sign does this weigh? "Stop! - he tells the cars. Pedestrians, walk boldly along the black and white stripes.

Road sign on the way: iron road ahead. But there is a mystery in the sign: why is moving dangerous?

In this place, oddly enough, people are constantly waiting for something. Some sitting, some standing... What kind of place is this?

(Usage didactic game"Road signs")

Attention: correct answers: pedestrian crossing, railway crossing, bus stop.

The gong sounds. The next question was prepared for you by the group teacher.

In our city, a lot is being done to make the roads safe, good and convenient for pedestrians. For this purpose, new ones are laid good roads. You, “experts”, need to look through photographs depicting the streets of our city in one minute. Correctly say the name of the street and talk about the road sign that stands on it. (in the photo there are three streets of the nearby microdistrict)

Attention, the correct answer is: 1. The photograph shows Abay Avenue, area of ​​secondary school No. 16. Road signs - “Caution children”, “Pedestrian crossing”, “Bus stop”. 2. In photo No. 2 – Road sign- "Railroad crossing". 3. In photo No. 3 we see the sign “Parking”, “Pedestrian crossing”.

Attention. On the screen music director kindergarten No. 8

Dear experts! Now I will play you an excerpt from a piece of music, you must remember its name and perform it.

Correct answer: ditties.

(Children perform ditties according to traffic rules)

Traffic light, traffic light! The inspector came to our garden

How are you doing? And he taught us all the rules,

You turned on the green light, he was fascinated by the story,

Let the kids pass! We'll go to work at the traffic police!

Our boys are preparing the car Our girls are preparing

They know everything down to the smallest detail. Just super, just class,

Well, on to the traffic rules and crossing the road

They forget, for the life of me! Do not know how! That's it!

Kolya was roller skating Oh, dad was driving

And he ended up in the hospital. Today's violation

What happened this time? I will repeat with him

He hit a Kamaz with potatoes. Traffic rules!

Attention experts, the Kazakh language teacher is playing against you.

Look carefully at these pictures and tell me what violations the guys committed and what should be done in this situation?

(Children are shown 5 stories in pictures)

Using the didactic game “How to Avoid Trouble”

The jury's word. Our game has come to an end, thank you everyone for participating. And I invite our experts to the autumn waltz.