Summary of leisure activities in the second junior group. Physical culture leisure in the second junior group. Scenario. Mobile game “Bear”


STATE BUDGET GENERAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW "SCHOOL No. 1861 "Zagorye"" (GBOU School No. 1861 "Zagorye") ______________________________________________________________________________

Preschool department №5

Abstract of leisure in junior group on the topic:


Prepared and hosted:

teacher Karas Alla Sergeevna

November 2015


Target: Form friendly relationshipsdevelop communication skills in young children preschool age, convey your positiveattitude in team work.

Equipment and materials:handkerchiefs, kerchiefs, bell, pictograms, drawing paper, yellow, red gouache, brush. Toys: nesting dolls, bunny, car, fox, doll, balls.

Lesson progress

Educator: Guys, you each have a favorite toy in the group. You love to play with them. But, when you go for a walk or go home in the evening, the toys remain in the group.

What do you think they do when you are not? (Answers-assumptions of children).

And how to find out about it?

Children: Must see, visit.

Educator: Of course, you need to go to visit them, see. Let's just go quietly so as not to disturb them..

(They enter the group from the locker room, and there are nesting dolls on the rug in a round dance)

Educator: Who is meeting us?

Children: Matryoshka!

Teacher: Do you want to play with them?

Children: Yes!

Educator: For this we need to turn into nesting dolls. Let's firmly hold hands, close our eyes and say: "Bell, ring, turn us into nesting dolls!" The nesting dolls opened their eyes, tied their scarves, took handkerchiefs in their hands and smiled at each other.

We do not miss nesting dolls at the window.
It's not good at all, we want to have fun!

Let's dance with handkerchiefs:

"Dance with handkerchiefs"

Educator: What funny nesting dolls we have. And what game do these matryoshkas play, you are interested to know?

Children: Yes!

Educator: They are playing the game "Quarreled and reconciled." And such faces help them in the game. ( Pictograms ). If I show you an angry face, you will stomp your foot like this.(Show) . If it's fun - wave handkerchiefs and make a spring, agreed?

Educator: Oh, well done! How do our nesting dolls play? ( friendly ). Let's not interfere with them, put the handkerchiefs and scarves in place, stand in a circle, hold hands and turn into kids again. "Bell, ring, turn us into kids!" Guys, look, the bunny is crying. Why do you think he is crying? How to know about it?(Children's answers.) Let's come closer and ask what happened to him.

(The teacher leans over to the bunny and pretends to listen to him).

Educator: It turns out that the bunny was building a garage for his car, then a fox ran up and took the car away from him, only wheels remained. Did the fox do the right thing? What should have been done?

(Answers are children's guesses).

Educator: How can you reconcile them?(Answers of children). I suggest that one of the children reconcile the bunny with the fox with the help of myrilka.

Stop being angry with us
Have fun all around!
Hurry, let's make up:
- You are my friend!
- And you're my friend!
We will forget all insults
And we will be friends as before!

Let's dance with the bunny:

Dance "Hare, dance ..."

Educator: You see, guys, it turns out that while we are not in the group, our toys come to life, leave their shelves, start playing. But some even manage to quarrel. Are we playing well? Let's show the bunny with the fox how friendly we are.

The game "Fists".

These are our boysSqueeze and unclench the fingers on the right hand).
These are our girls. (
Squeeze and unclench the fingers on the left hand).
Our girls are friends
Our boys are friends. (
Connect fingers to each other).

Educator: Guys, look who is sitting on the chair?

Children: Doll!

Educator: That's right, this is Katya doll! And since you guys are friendly, she wants to play with you and brought us such a box. Let's see what's in it?

Children: Balls!

Educator: That's right, these are balls. The balls are round. Also balls different color. These are red, these are blue, these are green shows ). Take one ball.

Educator: You can play with balls. Let's play with you.

Outdoor game "Collect the balls in a box" (2 times).

The teacher reads a poem by A. Barto:

My cheerful ringing ball

Where did you run off to?

Red, yellow, blue

Don't chase after you.

(Scatters balls on the floor, children collect in a box.)

Educator: Guys, how should our toys live and play?(children's answers) Educator: Well done! And so that they do not forget about it, let's give them our sun.

(A large yellow circle is drawn on the Whatman paper, eyes are drawn on it, but there are no rays and a mouth).

Educator: Why is the sun not cheerful?

Children: No rays and mouth!

Educator: Right! Now we will draw rays with our palms so that the sun is kind, warm, like our palms.

(Children draw rays with their palms, and the teacher draws a mouth with a brush).


We draw the sun with the help of palms.
Our sun will warm us crumbs.
The children smile at the gentle sun,
They all try to make friends with toys.

Educator: What kind of sun did you get? (Kind, warm, radiant, affectionate, etc.). Where shall we hang our sun? (Children decide their own place). Looking at such a sun, how will our toys play?

Children: Friendly!

Teacher: And the kids?

Children: Friendly!

Teacher: I agree with you. The toys will play together. The kids will also play together.

Physical culture leisure

in the younger group "Kolobok"

Conducted by: physio instructor

Karyakina Svetlana Nikolaevna,

educator Zinchenko Evgenia Sergeevna,

music director

Ozherel'eva Elvira Vadimovna

Moscow, 2014

Physical culture leisure

in the younger group "Kolobok"

Target : acquaintance with Russian folklore (the fairy tale "Kolobok"), through physical culture.

Tasks : exercise in walking in a column one at a time with the completion of tasks; jumping from hoop to hoop, learn to land on bent legs; develop coordination of movements when crawling on all fours;

develop emotional responsiveness, a sense of rhythm, develop skills in the field of musical and rhythmic movement, cultivate a love for music.

preliminary work : teaching children the basic types of movement; learning outdoor games and dances; reading to children n. from. "Kolobok"; theatrical performance of a fairy tale.

Equipment: ribbed track, modules, "traces", tunnel, flat hoops,

bench, fairy tale characters - bibabo dolls, piano, tape recorder, music recording.


Sounds like a sports march. Children to the music enter the hall - construction.

Physio instructor - Hello guys! (children's answer ) Today we will go to visit a fairy tale. Turn around one after another, the journey begins!

Walking and running one after the other in alternation.

D. - 2 circles. Muses. Tilicheeva "We walk and run."

Instructor - Stop! Then we will go through the forest, there are many miracles there.

There is a path, there is a hill,

There is a swamp, there is a mink.

Obstacle course: walking along a ribbed path, hands on the belt, back straight; walking on an inclined plane (modules), hands free; walking with stepping in the footsteps; tunnel climbing.

D. -2 circles. Muses. Morozov "Kolobok"

Instructor - Here we come! Look, guys, who meets us!

Grandfather comes out (Instructor ) and grandma (educator b):

Hello guys! (children's answer )

Grandfather - Bake you, grandma, we have a bun - we will treat the guests.

grandma - There are a lot of children, and a lot of tests will be needed.

Instructor - Guys, let's help grandma!

grandma - Yes, can you do it?

Instructor - And now we will show how big the guys are!

outdoor switchgear performed to rhythmic music.

1. "That's how big we are": I.p. - standing with feet hip-width apart, arms along the body. Raise your arms to the sides, up, stretch, return to the starting position. D. - 4-5 times.

grandma - I see now, do it.

2. “We’ll mark the barn, we’ll scrape the bottom of the barn”: And. n. - standing with feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your back. Lean forward - down and wave your hands to the right and left. Straighten up, return to starting position. D. - 4 times.

Instructor - Let's sweep the barn, scrape the bottom of the barrel. So we collected flour for the kolobok!

3. "Knead the dough": i. n. - standing with feet hip-width apart, hands on the belt. Sit down, knock your fists on the floor. Return to starting position. D. - 3-4 times.

Instructor - Knead with sour cream, knead with butter. They put the dough in the oven - that's what a ruddy bun was baked! (children take balls from the basket ) They put the kolobok on the window to cool, and he took it and jumped off it.

4. "Jump with a bun": i. n. - legs slightly apart, the ball in bent arms at the chest. Jumping on two legs with a turn around you, alternating with walking in place. D. - 2 times. Muses. Rauchwerger 1frg. "Bunnies".

Instructor And the bun rolled along the path.

5. "Kolobok rolls along the path": i. p. - sitting on the heels, the ball on the floor. Rolling the ball in a circle in both directions alternately, turning it over with his hands. D. - 3 times.

Instructor - The bun rolls in one direction, then in the other.

Musical director - It rolls, the gingerbread man rolls, and a bunny meets him.

Bunny ( educator ) - Kolobok! What a ruddy, delicious. Kolobok, Kolobok, I'll eat you!

Muses. hands . - Hare, don't eat our Kolobok. Better play with us.

Bunny - What can the kids do?

Instructor - The guys know how to jump from bump to bump.

Bunny - I love jumping!

Jumping "from bump to bump" . Flat hoops are laid out in parallel in two rows (6 pieces each, at a distance of 40 cm from each other) - these are “bumps”.

Children put the balls in the basket and line up in two columns, then jump on two legs from bump to bump (without stopping or with a short pause before the bump), landing on half-bent legs.

D. - 2 times. RNP "I'll go, will I go out."

Muses. hands . - While the bunny was jumping, the bun rolled away. It rolls, the gingerbread man rolls, and the wolf meets him.

wolf (teacher ) - U-U-U-U! Gingerbread man! Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I'll eat you.

Muses. hands - Wolf, don't eat Kolobok. Better play with us.

Wolf - What can the guys do?

Instructor - The guys know how to dance, dance with us.

RNP "Oh you canopy": heels, stamping, springs .

Instructor - Guys, the wolf is afraid of dogs, let's scare him so that he runs away! (children "bark" - the wolf runs away )

Muses. hands And the bun rolled on. It rolls, the bun rolls, and a bear meets it.

bear clumsy,

Walks through the forest.

collects cones,

Sings a song.

Bear ( educator ) - Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I'll eat you.

Muses. hands . - Mishenka, don't eat Kolobok. Better play with us.

Bear - What can the guys do?

Instructor The guys know how to climb logs.

Bear - For raspberries? Then I'm with you.

"Bears". Children - "bear cubs" line up on the starting line, stand on the bench (log ) on all fours with support on the palms and knees and crawl to the end of the bench. The exercise is repeated 2 times to rhythmic music.

Muses. hands - While the bear was climbing, the gingerbread man rolled away. It rolls, the gingerbread man rolls, and the fox meets him.

Lisa (teacher ) - Kolobok - ruddy side, I'll eat you!

Muses. hands - Lisonka, don't eat Kolobok. Better play with us, the guys will be bunnies, and you will catch them.

A fox - Okay, I love bunnies.

Game "Fox and Hares": Children - hares dance, jump to the music of Filippenko "Dance of Bunnies",words by E. Makshantseva and T. Volgina.

The bunnies went out for a walk

Stretch your paws.

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Stretch your paws.

Oh-oh-oh, how cold

You can freeze your nose!

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

You can freeze your nose!

Bunnies began to dance

Warm up your paws.

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Warm up your paws.

(Children perform figurative movements in the text)

Muses. hands - Here comes the fox, red-haired sister.

The bunnies run away, the kolobok is rescued.They run away and sit on chairs.

Instructor. - They outwitted the fox, could not eat the bun. And you, Kolobok, don't fall for the tooth! Go to grandma and grandpa. And it's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

Mobile game "On a flat path." The teacher leads the children in a circle and invites them to play. Reading a poem:

On a flat path

Our feet are walking.

Our feet are walking

On a flat path

Stones, stones...

In the pit - boom!

Children perform walking, and to the words “on pebbles, on pebbles” they jump on two legs, slightly moving forward, on the words “into the hole - bang!” squat down. “We got out of the pit,” the teacher says, and the children get up. The game is repeated. In order to prolong this or that type of movement of children, you can repeat each line of the poem several times.

Instructor. - Today you were in a fairy tale and helped the kolobok, well done guys!

For your courage, dexterity, we present you with the medal "Traveler to the Land of Fairy Tales" (with the image of a bun).

Children leave the hall to cheerful music.

Leisure summary in the second junior group

Topic: "Transport"

Educator: Gabova Nadezhda Nikolaevna

Purpose: In an emotional form, consolidate children's knowledge about modes of transport.

1. Improvement of basic motor skills by children: running, balance, rolling the ball in the forward direction, crawling under the arc.

2. Create an atmosphere of friendly communication.

3. Continue to develop the ability of children to imitate traffic.

4. Bring joy to children, evoke positive emotions.

Equipment: balls, circles - steering wheels, grandfather and grandmother dolls, paper sweets.


Guys, today we will go to visit grandparents from the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man". They just don't go to visit empty-handed.

What do you think we should take with us?

That's right, hotels. I have already prepared them for you.

Look, someone scattered all the gifts around the group.

Let's collect all the hotels with you.

The children collect scattered and hidden sweets everywhere in the basket.

Hotels have been collected. And now you can go on the road. Only now my grandparents live very, very far away and we can’t get there on foot.

How can we be, how to get to grandparents?

We must go by car.

Let's all sit in the cars (I distribute circles - steering wheels) and go.

Children with circles in their hands run windingly in a circle after the teacher.

Stopped, honked "B-BIII".

Guys, attention, (showing the red color of the traffic light), what color is our traffic light?

What should the machines do?

Cars are standing.

Guys, pay attention, it's green.

Let's get out of the cars, get some air.

Walking around the room, inhale-exhale.

We walked and walked and came to the railway station.

By train. Everyone got on the train.

The children stand next to each other. The first child takes a flag in his hand.

Walking along the "rails", a hole in the "tunnel", walking along the "bridge".

Here we have arrived.

Dolls "grandmother" and "grandfather" appear.

Oh, grandfather, look who came to visit us!

Hello guys! Well done for coming to visit us, but I didn’t have time to bake pies for you.

Guys, can we help grandma bake pies?

Finger gymnastics "Pies"

Knead the dough, knead, knead! (the child alternately “presses” an imaginary dough with his fists).

We press the dough, we press, we press! (the child clenches his fingers into fists and unclenches them, first simultaneously, then alternately).

We'll bake pies! (we “sculpt” pies with our hands, as if shifting from one palm to another).

Oh, guys, I’ve become completely old, it’s hard for me to even pick a turnip from the beds. Who would help me collect it.


And let's help grandfather clean the turnip. We will sit on a tractor and go to the field to collect turnips.

We simulate the movement of a tractor

We arrived at the field. What a big turnip harvest this year.

There are balls in the group.

Children roll the balls around the group with their hands, from one end to the other.

That's it, grandfather, we have collected the whole turnip.

Here, thank you for your help, what good fellows you all are.

And now you can have some fun.

Collective dance to music

We had fun, and now it's time to go home.

What kind of transport will we have to go again?

(by car, by train)

On the advice of my grandmother to get home faster by plane.

They started the engines, spread their wings, flew ... “UUUUU” ....

Here we are in our group.

Guys, what transport did we use to visit. Did you like it? Who will we visit next time?

Software content.

Learning tasks.

Involve children in healthy lifestyle life. To increase the effectiveness of work on the improvement of children. Form the foundations of a festive culture. To evoke an emotional response to physical culture leisure and a desire to participate in it. To improve children's walking and running skills through their complications (stepping over objects, running along lines of different widths). Exercise children in different different types walk. Contribute to the formation of the right relationship between children, the ability to play together. Enrich the emotional experience of children.

development tasks.

To develop in children dexterity, speed of action, quick wit, purposefulness, sociability, balance, endurance, orientation in space, attention, eye, speech, coordination of movements.

educational tasks.

To cultivate a benevolent attitude towards each other, mutual assistance, attention to other people, friendliness, organization.

Preliminary work.

The mobile game "At the bear in the forest", the didactic game "Find a house by the color of your cube", the game of low mobility "Bowling", the round dance game "Stand up, children, stand in a circle."

Vocabulary work: cube, ball, hoop, bear, friends, yellow, red, blue, wake up.

Materials, tools, equipment: costumes of Baba Yaga, buffoon, hoops, gymnastic track, rope, cubes, balls, sultans, bear toy, skittles.

Characters: Baba Yaga, Skomorokh - educators, children.

Course progress.

The buffoon runs out.

Buffoon. Hello, children, hello, good fellows and red maidens! Would you like to play with me? Show your strength?

Children. We want!

Buffoon. I live in a clearing of fairy tales, you can only get there by car, but do you want to ride in magic cars? There are two roads in front of you: one is wide, the other is narrow. This is a wide road - cars drive fast along it (kids walk at a fast pace), but a narrow road, you have to drive slowly along it (they walk at a slow pace). Everyone got up one after another. Hold the magic wheels and let's go.

Buffoon. Go!

Buffoon. The street is wide, booming

Children go for a walk

We're holding the wheel

Looking forward

And we see - soon the turn.

Buffoon. Well done, guys, you coped with this task, but look at our obstacle. There are cubes on the path (yellow, red, green, blue), you need to drive between them and not hit them. (Children ride between the cubes).

Buffoon. So we got to our magical clearing, come on in quickly. (Suddenly Baba Yaga appears)

Baba Yaga. Wow, they still got there, I made obstacles for you, but you still came to break my silence, to disturb my old woman’s sleep! Then do my first task. Get in front of the line (there is a rope on the ground), here are my unusual balls. Whoever throws the ball the farthest wins! Let's try to throw the balls as far as possible. And then we'll chase them down. Raise the balls over your head, like this. On command, we throw - the kids throw the balls forward, then catch up with the balls and return to their place. (The game will be repeated 2 times).

Exercise "Drop and catch up"

Baba Yaga. Well done, you did my job. How can I defeat you. Okay, play with my best friend Mikhailo Ivanovich.

Baba Yaga. Michael Ivanovich. Come to us.

Michael Ivanovich. Who woke me up?

Children. We.

Michael Ivanovich. I don’t see, I don’t see, it seemed, I went on to sleep. (the bear sits in the center of the site, as if sleeping).

Mobile game "At the bear in the forest"

Children come to the bear's lair and begin to sing a song to the bear.

Children. At the bear in the forest

Mushrooms, I take berries.

The bear doesn't sleep

And growls at us.

After the words “and growls at us”, the “bear” jumps out of the den and tries to catch someone. The game will be repeated 2 times.

Michael Ivanovich. I didn’t catch Baba Yaga children, I caught some nimble and brave ones, I’ll go to sleep in my lair.

Baba Yaga. And where did you come from, and the bear was not afraid. Maybe you will be afraid of my magical, mischievous lights!

Children. Let's not be afraid.

Baba Yaga. Okay, then repeat after me.

General developmental exercises (with sultans).

1. I.P. : standing hands down. Raise your arms to the sides - up, rise on your toes, return to the starting position (4-5 times).

2. I.P .: standing, hands down. Sit down (full squat), lightly tap the sultans on the ground, straighten up (4-6 times). Remind that you need to perform a full squat, knock with sultans easily and straighten up.

3. I.P .: standing, hands on the stomach, stretch out straight arms. Spread your arms to the sides, look forward, try not to bend your arms, return to the starting position (3-4 times).

4. Jump in place, hold the sultans in your hands. Jump easily, on toes (20-30 seconds). Walking.

Baba Yaga. What kind of children are you, and coped with mischievous lights. Then play one fashion game with me, it's called BOWLING.

Skittles are placed in a row on the ground. Children stand at the rope - restriction. Push balls with both hands to knock down pins. Educators - Baba Yaga and Skomorokh stand behind the pins, arrange the fallen pins and serve balls to the children.

Game of low mobility "Bowling"

Baba Yaga. And they coped with this task, well done. What else can I think of? Invented, invented, you will never cope with this task. Disassemble the cubes. We will run around the clearing, as soon as I say "STOP" you must find your houses, the same color as your cubes.

Didactic game"Find a house by the color of your cube"

Baba Yaga. Well, you are just champions, you came from Sochi from the Olympics, and be silent.

Baba Yaga. I'm completely tired with you, everything remains with me the last task. We will pull our unusual rope, whoever pulls it will win, on the one hand I will pull with the guys, on the other hand our buffoon with the guys. Divide into two teams. (Teachers share children).

Mobile game "Drag the rope"

The game ends in a draw.

Baba Yaga. Guys, friendship won. Buffoon, let me hug you, and I will never be mischievous again. Guys, come to me, I love you so much, let me hug you too, let's be friends and never quarrel.

Children . Okay.

Baba Yaga. Buffoon, thank you very much, I now have many friends.

Buffoon. Let's stand in one big circle and sing a song.

Round dance game "Stand up children, stand in a circle"

Stand up children

Get in a circle

Get in a circle

You are my friend,

And I'm your friend

Most best friend!

Children and teachers lead a round dance.

Buffoon. Guys, did you like walking in the meadow of fairy tales?

Buffoon. It's time to return to the group, but we will definitely come here again. Please get in your cars, let's go to the group. And Baba Yaga will definitely guide us. (Children take hoops - rudders and leave for the group).


1. Galiguzova L.N. Meshcheryakova S.Yu. Physical development. Games and activities with children early age.- M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2007. - 32s

2. Belova O.V. Cycles of play complexes with children 2-4 years old in adaptation period under the program "From birth to school" - Volgograd: Teacher, 2014. -154p.

3. Volkova O.V. We need each other: Play sessions with young children. Winter. – M.: ARKTI, 2014.-80s.

4. Kazina O.B. The best sports, holidays and entertainment in kindergarten. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development 2009. - 160p.

5. Makhaneva M.D. Game lessons with children from 1 to 3 years: a manual for teachers and parents. - M .: TC Sphere, 2006.-96s.

6. Sinkevich E.A. Bolsheva T.V. Physical education for kids. Toolkit for educators. - St. Petersburg: "Childhood-press", 2000.- 48s.

7. Teplyuk S.N. Classes on a walk with the kids: - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2006.

Private preschool educational institution No. 229 Russian Railways

Synopsis of physical education in the 2nd junior group

« Visiting a fairy tale»

Completed by: teacher Balandina V.Yu.

Target. Satisfying the natural need of children to move, improving the coordination of movements of preschoolers.


Teach children to jump off objects 15 cm high.

To consolidate the main movements: jumping children on two legs moving forward; crawling on all fours and crawling under the arc, rolling the ball in different directions with both hands.

Fix primary colors: red, yellow, green, blue.

- evoke an emotional response in children game lesson and desire to participate.

To educate children in the ability to follow the elementary rules of the game, navigate in space.

Integration: health, communication, socialization.


Gymnastic benches - 2 pcs.; balls according to the number of children; plastic cubes of 4 colors, 10 pcs. everyone; plastic hoops - 4 pcs.; arc gymnastic - 1 piece; toys (mouse, frog, bunny, cockerel, fox, wolf, bear), house - teremok.

Preliminary work:

Reading the fairy tale "Teremok", looking at illustrations for the fairy tale, table theater; holding outdoor games "Frog catches bugs", "Fox and chickens", "Hares and wolf"

The course of activity.

The teacher meets the children at the entrance to the hall and informs the pm that now they will go to the land of fairy tales, in the field where an unusual house is built - a teremok. (children enter the hall in a column one at a time with a normal step).
Educator . (Shows the mouse to the children):

He's not low, he's not high, he's not high

Here is the field, the field, the mouse is running.

(children walk in small steps on toes.)
She stopped at the door and knocked:
Who, who lives in the low?

Nobody answered her

The mouse entered the teremok, sees: there is a big bag, and in it the grains are all mixed up. And the mouse decided to sort out the grains, put them in bags.

An outdoor game is being played"Each grain in its own bag":

children crawl under the arc, take one cube at a time, crawl under the arc again, run the cube into a certain hoop (hoops are marked with a certain color).

Educator. (takes a frog and continues the story):

There is a teremok in the field, a teremok,

Here across the field, the ear runs a little field ...
(children jump around the hall like frogs - squatting, hands on the floor - push off with their feet and jump forward, move their hands as far away from themselves as possible)

Educator. She stopped at the door and knocked:

Who, who lives in a teremochka?
Who, who lives in the low?

MOUSE: I - norushka mouse. And who are you?
FROG: I am a frog.
MOUSE: What do you like to do?
FROG: I love to catch mosquitoes and bugs.

An outdoor game is being played"The frog catches bugs»: children are squatting in a circle, the teacher carries a rope over the heads of the children, to which the “bug” is tied, the children try to jump up and from a sitting position try to reach the bug

Educator. (Takes the cockerel and continues)

There is a teremok in the field, a teremok,
Here is a cockerel in a hurry across the field.

(Children run loose like cockerels, raising their knees high, patting their thighs with their hands.) He stopped at the door and knocked:

Who, who lives in a teremochka?
Who, who lives in the low?

MOUSE: I - mouse-norushka.
FROG: I - frog - frog. And who are you?
COCKER: I - cockerel - golden comb.

Let me live with you

They began to live together.

The teacher takes the hare:

There is a teremok in the field, a teremok.
He is not low not high not high.
Here is a bunny running across the field ..

(children jump on two legs moving forward.)

At the door he stopped and shouted:
- Who, who lives in the little house?

Who, who lives in the low?

MOUSE: I am a mouse.

FROG: I am a frog.
FIVE: And who are you?
HARE: I am a jumping bunny. let's live together.

The four of them began to live.
A fox appears.


There is a teremok in the field, a teremok,
He is not low, not high, not high.
Here is a fox running across the field

(children on tiptoes run after the teacher, who is holding a fox toy in his hands.)

She stopped at the door and knocked:
- Who, who lives in the little house?
Who, who lives in the low?

I am a mouse.
I am a frog.
I am a cockerel, a golden comb.
I am a jumping bunny. What can you do?

A FOX: I know how to guard cockerels and hens.
mobile game "Fox, hens and cockerels»: children stand on gymnastic benches, then jump off them and, imitating cockerels and hens, walk, peck grains, cackle, crow. At the signal of the teacher "Fox!" back on the benches. The fox is trying to catch someone.

TEACHER: Stands in the field of a teremok, a teremok

He is not low, not high, not high.

Here is a field, a field a wolf is running ...

(children run after the teacher with a wide step, like a wolf,) he stopped at the door and knocks:

Who, who lives in a teremochka?
Who, who lives in the low?


I am a mouse.

I am a frog.
I am a cockerel, a golden comb.
I am a fox - sister. What can you do?

WOLF: I love to play hide-and-seek with bunnies.
FROG: Play with our bunny.
Mobile game "Hares and the wolf"

TEACHER: The top and the bunny played enough and went to the teremok to rest.

(bear appears)

There is a teremok in the field, a teremok,
He is not low, not high, not high.

Here on the field, the bear is in a hurry,
At the door he stopped and knocked:
Who, who lives in a teremochka?
Who, who lives in the low?


I am a mouse.

I am a frog.
I am a cockerel, a golden comb.
I am a fox - sister

I am a gray wolf. What do you like to do?

BEAR: I like to go to the forest, cut firewood.
children perform movements - chop wood, then take balls and
roll them around the room in different directions with both hands.)
TEACHER completes leisure