Remove oil stains from clothing. How to remove oil stains from clothes at home. Soap and washing powder

One of the most difficult stains are oil stains. Just to wash the stained place on the clothes with powder will not work. First, you will have to use other means that will penetrate the tissue structure and remove the substance. We will review the most effective methods used at home.

  • It is much more difficult to remove an old stain from machine oil than a fresh one, so if you decide to save a thing, do not postpone the procedure for several days, otherwise the fat will be firmly absorbed into the fabric structure.
  • Most of the proposed tools aggressively affect the tissue. Before use, test the substance by applying it to an inconspicuous area, after 20-30 minutes, evaluate the result - the fabric should not change color or become rough.
  • Due to its ability to absorb oily substances, salt helps to remove part of the oil stain as soon as it gets on clothes. Apply salt to the stained area, remove after a couple of minutes. Repeat the procedure until the salt changes color (absorbs engine oil). To finally whiten a thing, use any of the suggested methods. Chalk and starch have similar absorbent properties.
  • Methods are ranked from safe to aggressive, the lower the list, the greater the risk of spoiling the thing.

Ways to remove traces of engine oil

1. Laundry soap. The most gentle thing. Just rub the contaminated area with laundry soap and leave for 3-4 hours. Then scrub the stain vigorously with a stiff-bristled brush under hot running water until completely removed. It may take 10-15 minutes. Then wash your clothes as usual.

2. Dishwashing liquid. Helps in the removal of new stains from engine oil, as it is designed to wash off grease. Treat the stained area with dishwashing detergent (the fabric should be soaked through) and leave for several hours, then rinse with warm water and wash.

3. Toothpaste. It absorbs fresh engine oil well. Smear the stain with white toothpaste and leave to dry completely, then wet, scrub with a toothbrush and rinse in warm water.

4. Washing powder. In a thick consistency, it successfully copes with oily traces. Dilute the powder with water until a homogeneous thick mass, apply the mixture on the stain, rub well, remove the contaminated powder, apply a new portion and remove again. Repeat the procedure until you remove the trace of engine oil. To increase the effectiveness of the technique, add a little dishwashing detergent to the powder.

5. Ammonia. Only works on fresh engine oil stains. Dilute ammonia half hot water, soak the stained fabric in the solution for 15 minutes and send it to the wash.

6. Iron (heat treatment). to outdoor and back side apply a thick layer of napkins to the soiled cloth, heat the iron and iron the napkins. Heat melts the engine oil, which is absorbed into the napkins. In this case, an unpleasant smell may appear in the room.

7. Stain remover. Use a stain remover suitable for the item (for white or colored clothes), the main thing is not to damage the fabric. Apply the product in a thick layer on the contaminated area, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with water. When streaking, mix the powder with the stain remover in equal parts.

8. Gasoline. Like machine oil, it is made from petroleum, so both substances dissolve each other. Technology: mix gasoline with liquid soap in a ratio of 1: 1, apply the solution to the stain and leave for 60-80 minutes. Rinse with warm water, and cover the contaminated area baking soda, which will remove dark spot stains. After 10 minutes, rinse off the soda and wash in the usual way. Gasoline can be replaced with kerosene or an acetone-based solvent.

9. Special spray. Thanks to a special chemical formula designed to remove engine oil stains in cars, but also works well on clothes. You can buy a tool (there are several brands) at a car dealership. Proceed according to the manufacturer's instructions.

10. Ammonia and turpentine. Used to remove stains on silk, wool, velvet and acetate. Mix both substances in equal parts, then wipe the stained area with a cotton pad dipped in the solution. Wash your clothes. Ammonia can be replaced with denatured alcohol.

A trace of grease often appears during cooking or working on machine parts.

It will not be possible to get rid of it immediately, since it is well absorbed into the fibers.

Ordinary washing will also not cope with this type of pollution. Therefore, you need to know how to remove an oil stain from clothes.

Preparatory activities

Before removing vegetable oil stains from things, you need to make some preparatory measures:

  1. Wet the remaining fat with a napkin.
  2. Using a small brush, we carry out dry cleaning. This will help remove excess dust and dirt from your clothes.
  3. We lay out the product on the table so that the greasy mark is on top.
  4. Under the contaminated place with a stele folded in several layers white cloth from cotton.
  5. Before you treat the stain, apply a little of the selected product to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing. This will test the reaction of the tissue.

When cleaning the dirt, it is necessary to move from the edges of the stain to the central part, this will allow you not to make the pollution even more. It is better to process the product with wrong side.

Methods for removing fresh stains

If a spot from sunflower or machine oil has appeared recently, then it can be removed using non-aggressive means.

Fresh dirt is removed with products based on salt, laundry soap, dishwashing gel, using a hot iron, talcum powder or baby powder.

How to remove oil stains from clothes using salt? This technique is considered universal, because it allows you to eliminate different kinds pollution.

The application scheme is as follows:

  1. On the oil stains salt is sprinkled.
  2. Using a small patch or soft brush, rub it into the fibers of the fabric.
  3. As soon as the salt absorbs the oil residue, the thing must be shaken out.
  4. We repeat the procedure several times.

There is another method for removing dirt. Three liters of hot water are poured into the basin. It dissolves 100 grams of salt and mixes thoroughly. Dirty clothes are dipped into the resulting liquid for half an hour.

To avoid leaving traces of salt, it is worth washing the thing in a typewriter with the addition of powder. It is better to dry the product in the open air in the shade.


How to remove oil stains from clothes? Many households use laundry soap. It helps to cope not only with ordinary, but also with fatty pollution.

To remove the stain from the fabric, soak the product in water at a temperature of 36-37 degrees. We rub the dirty thing with laundry soap and leave it all night.

You can apply another method of purification. The trace of fat is moistened with water and treated with soap. Sprinkle some sugar and rub in with a soft brush. We leave for 15 minutes. Then we erase.

There is also a third way of processing. We apply the crumb from a fresh loaf of bread to the greasy trace. It absorbs oil well. Cooking soap solution and soak the thing in it for one hour.


How to remove an oil stain? Powdery substances that have an adsorbing effect can cope with pollution. These include tooth powder, crushed chalk, talc, baby powder.

They need to be applied to the pollution and rubbed lightly. As soon as the powder rolls up, shake it out and repeat the procedure again. Remove the remnants of the product, and wash the product in warm water.

This technique is suitable for thin and delicate fabrics: chiffon, silk, viscose, as well as light-colored things.

Dishwashing liquid

This method is intended for outerwear: jackets, down jackets, raincoats. The product should have a thick consistency and not have bright color. Pemolux or Fairy with lemon is best.

We get rid of pollution at home according to the following scheme:

  1. Soak the stained cloth in warm water.
  2. Pour the gel on the trace of fat. Lightly rub.
  3. Leave in this state for 10-15 minutes.
  4. At the end of time, we wash the thing with powder.

Dishwashing gel will help remove dirt from jeans. Only the processing of the product will be slightly different. Denim is also wetted in water, treated with detergent, and then poured with boiling water.


If you don’t know how to remove oil stains from clothes, then use an iron.

A napkin or paper towel. Then the fabric is ironed with a hot iron. As soon as the dirt passes to the paper, it is changed to a clean napkin and the treatment is continued until the remainder of the fat is completely gone.

Removing old stains

It is much more difficult to remove an old oil stain from clothes at home, but folk methods can also help here.


How to remove oil stains from clothes? Removes old dirt mustard.

For the procedure, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Mustard powder must be mixed to a slurry state.
  2. We apply the finished product on a greasy trace for half an hour.
  3. To completely wash the spots, we wash the thing with liquid gel.

Another way:

  1. Pour dry mustard powder over the remaining fat and leave for five minutes.
  2. Shake out the product.
  3. We wet the remaining trace and rub it with laundry soap.
  4. We wash with powder.

Mustard must not be used on white and light-colored items, otherwise the fabric may turn yellowish.


How to get rid of an oil stain? Some housewives remove greasy contaminants from the fabric with gasoline.

In hardware stores, refined gasoline is available for sale, which is not used for refueling a car, but for diluting paint and varnish products and treating surfaces.

This method is best used as a last resort, as it can lead to discoloration of the fibers and damage to them.

To get rid of oil stains on clothes, you need to moisten cotton wool in gasoline, and then wipe the grease mark. If there is no gasoline, then it can be replaced with turpentine.

After processing, the item should be washed either by hand or separately from other products.


How to remove old oil stains? In ancient times, pollution was washed off with starch.

The procedure is based on the following activities:

  1. We fall asleep starch on a trace from fat.
  2. We leave for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Shake off the powder.
  4. We clean stains in cool water.
  5. Then we wash in the usual way.

If starch remains in the fibers, the product may become coarse.


How to wash the trace of vegetable oil? Ammonia is suitable for processing synthetic and delicate fabrics.

There are three effective recipes:

  1. Dissolve one tablespoon of ammonia in a cup of warm water. Wet cotton wool in the resulting liquid and wipe the pollution. We put it on the spot thin fabric and iron it. You can prepare another solution, which includes not only water and ammonia, but also washing powder.
  2. We combine turpentine and ammonia in equal proportions. The resulting solution is applied to the trace with a cotton pad. We wash after two or three hours.
  3. In equal proportions, mix glycerin, ammonia and water. Saturate the greasy spot with the product and wash it after half an hour. Glycerin can also be used in its pure form. It is enough to rub a trace with them and also wash the product after half an hour.

You need to be very careful when choosing the means to process things.

Other processing methods

There are other processing methods:

  1. A cotton pad is soaked in alcohol and the stain is wiped. After an hour, the thing should be washed.
  2. Wet the product. Rub the place of contamination with soap called Antipyatin. Laundry is carried out in washing machine in two hours.
  3. If you do not know how to remove the stain, then you can make a remedy from one spoonful of alcohol, three tablespoons of water, and a spoonful of salt. The resulting solution is applied to the speck. Wash off after 10-15 minutes.

How else to clean the product from oil contamination? Some housewives solve the problem with a stain remover, which is sold in any store. But it must be selected based on the type of material. In order for the stain remover to effectively cope with grease, follow the instructions on the back.

Whatever method of treating greasy stains is chosen, it is necessary to take into account the composition of the product, the type of contamination and the time spent on the fabric.

It is better to eliminate greasy traces immediately after their appearance. But if the speck was noticed late, then you can use more stringent means.

Even the most careful person can face such a nuisance as oil stains. They appear quickly and imperceptibly - when preparing food, during a meal, or simply when performing a normal household routine.

After a homemade feast, it is never clean: someone will definitely drop a piece of chicken in oil, another will drop some salad on the tablecloth, someone will spill juice or wine, and a careless table neighbor can stain yours. festive outfit. It is even worse if you stain your clothes or the interior of the car with technical oil. The stain from machine oil is washed off in the same way as greasy spot.

It's no secret that oil marks, especially stubborn ones, are quite difficult to remove. This article will describe how and how to remove an oil stain at home. You will also learn how to remove stains folk methods and hand tools. Of course, you can use special tools, such as Vanish stain remover, but it is not always at hand.

There are many ways to remove grease stains. Which one to choose? Depends on the type of fabric on which the stain was planted. All this will be discussed in the article.

Preparing fabric for stain removal

Before removing the greasy stain, you need to prepare the fabric so that the cleaning of the thing is as efficient as possible.

You need to do the following:

  1. Clean the material from dirt and dust. This is best done with a special dry brush for clothes. After that, you need to slightly moisten the brush and clean the clothes again.
  2. Prepare materials with which you will remove stains from clothes. It can be an ordinary white rag, brush or cotton pad.
  3. Prepare a solution with which you will clean clothes. To begin with, it is worth making a solution of low concentration. If necessary, the concentration can be gradually increased.
  4. Test the solution on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric. It is desirable that testing be carried out on a piece of fabric that was attached to the clothes when buying the item.
  1. The stain comes out better from the wrong side.
  2. Place a folded piece of white paper, a tissue, or a clean white cloth under the clothing before you begin removal.
  3. Place in solution. Moisten the contours of the stain with a cotton pad, gradually moving it towards the center.

It is this processing method that will not allow the stain to blur. On the contrary, it will quickly disappear. It's time to learn how to remove oil stains.

Chalk powder

Chalk is good for removing stains from fabrics such as linen, silk and cotton. Chalk powder should be removed as follows:

  1. Apply the powder to the oil stain.
  2. Remove the chalk after three hours with a damp cloth.

Laundry soap

It can be found in every home. Ordinary laundry soap can perfectly cope with any greasy mark. How to remove a stain with soap?

  1. Lather well the area where the oil stain is located.
  2. Leave the item for 12 hours (overnight).
  3. Wash the item in warm water.

Talc or tooth powder

This method is good for removing stains from woolen products. How to do it:

  1. Lay your clothes on a flat surface.
  2. Treat the stain with talcum powder or tooth powder.
  3. Lay tracing paper or other blotting paper on the talc-treated footprint.
  4. Run a warm iron over the paper.
  5. Place a load on top (several books are possible) and leave overnight.

Blotting paper

Such paper can save fabric of any kind and color. All you need is an iron and blotting paper. How to remove the stain:

  1. Place paper under and over the stain.
  2. Iron over paper.

The grease will begin to soak into the paper. If necessary, the paper must be changed.


With the help of ordinary salt, which is found in the kitchen of everyone, you can get rid of various stains. This is the most popular method and has been used by housewives for many years. So, how to remove the stain:

  1. Apply a generous amount of table salt to the oily stain.
  2. Rub the salt over the stain.
  3. Wait until the fat is absorbed into it. Remove the old salt and apply a new portion.
  4. Repeat the third step until the fat disappears from the clothes.
  5. Wash clothes in warm water.

Soap solution and crumb of bread

The usual crumb of white bread can easily cope with any stain. The method is perfect for removing stains from vegetable oil. So let's get started. How to remove grease stain:

  1. Blot the greasy stain with the crumb.
  2. Wait until the fat is absorbed into it.
  3. Wash the item by hand in soapy water.


Ammonia is an ideal tool for removing stains of any complexity. Ammonia will cope with stains from machine oil, from wine and coffee.

This substance removes marks well from all artificial fabrics. If you are wondering how to remove an oil stain from jeans white color, then you already have a solution - use ammonia. From linen and cotton, marks with this method should be removed with extreme caution.

The stain removal solution is prepared as follows: 1 teaspoon of ammonia is dissolved in 0.5 cups of water.

How to delete:

  1. Soak a cotton pad in the solution.
  2. Blot the stain.
  3. Put a cotton cloth on it and iron it on top with a heated iron.


Mustard is good at removing stains from colored and black items. The mustard solution is prepared as follows: put some dry mustard in a container and add water. You should get a homogeneous gruel. How to delete:

  1. Apply some mustard paste to the oil stain.
  2. Wait 30 minutes.
  3. Wash the item in warm water.

Potato starch

This stain removal method is used only when the stained fabric cannot be washed. For example, the upholstery of a sofa or a car seat. How to get rid of marks:

  1. Apply some potato starch to the stain.
  2. Wait about 15 minutes.
  3. Repeat the first and second steps until the stain completely disappears from the surface.

For old and heavy soiling, heated starch can be used. It must be applied to the surface for 5-6 minutes.

Dishwashing liquid

Not every housewife knows that a greasy stain can be removed with a regular dishwashing detergent. It is better that this tool is thick. For example, you can use Fairy or AOS. Dishwasher can even deal with a stain from engine oil.

  1. Apply the product to the entire surface of the oily stain.
  2. Wait 20 minutes.
  3. Pour boiling water over the stain.
  4. Wash the item as usual.

Shaving foam

This method is great for men - they always have a bottle of shaving foam on hand. How to get rid of stains with this method:

  1. Apply some shaving cream to the oil stain.
  2. Wait a little time (no more than 10 minutes).
  3. Wash the item by hand or in the washing machine.

How to remove a stubborn oil stain

Above, we discussed how to remove an oil stain from clothes, furniture and other things. But all of these methods are only suitable for fresh stains. What to do when there is a greasy trace on clothes for several days? Below are some effective ways to get rid of old oil stains.

  • Purified turpentine or gasoline. Soak blotting paper in this liquid (it is better if it is tracing paper). Put the tracing paper under the grease stain. Soak a cotton swab or white cloth in gasoline. Start rubbing the stain from the edges to its center. Rinse the clothes and then wash as usual (by hand or in the washing machine).
  • Ammonia and turpentine. Mix these substances in a 1:1 ratio. Soak a cotton pad or white cloth in the solution. Wipe the stain with a cloth. Wait about three hours. Once the specified time has passed, wash the item in the usual way for you.
  • Salt. Put the thing on which the stain is in the basin. Pour hot water into this basin and add 100 grams of salt. Keep the item in this solution until the stain disappears. As soon as the item is removed from the solution, wash it immediately.
  • Glycerol. This tool effectively and quickly removes any old oil stains. Apply some glycerin to the affected area of ​​the item. Wait about 40 minutes. Wipe the area with a clean white cloth or cotton pad.
  • Sawdust. Wood sawdust mercilessly fights old greasy stains. Soak some sawdust in refined gasoline. Apply the mixture to the stain. Wait for the gasoline to dry. Repeat if necessary. Then wash the item in warm water.

Precautionary measures

  1. It is worth remembering that some products with which you want to remove greasy stains are flammable. These include turpentine, gasoline and alcohol. Purchased stain removers are no less dangerous.
  2. Before removing the stain with these products, open the windows in the apartment so that the rooms are ventilated.
  3. Work exclusively with gloves. Avoid contact of substances with skin.
  4. Store poisonous products in tightly sealed containers.
  5. Keep solutions in hard-to-reach places so that they do not fall into the hands of children.


As you can see, introducing an oil stain from clothes is not that difficult. It doesn't matter if the stain is old or fresh. Now you can safely invite guests to your place and not be afraid that someone will accidentally drop a sandwich on the sofa or stain your favorite tablecloth. Have fun and don't think about small things like greasy food stains.

Has a grease stain from engine oil ruined your favorite thing? Do not despair - you can fix the situation with the help of chemical or home remedies. Jeans and outerwear require a special cleaning technology due to the complex structure of the fabric. How to remove fresh and old stain from machine oil?

home methods

You can wash machine oil with laundry soap, which effectively removes even stubborn and outdated pollution. The advantages of this method are simplicity, availability, efficiency, safety and economy. But it also has a drawback - the unpleasant smell of soap, which often remains after washing.

To remove the stain, wet it and rub it laundry soap. Leave for a while, then rub with a brush to remove dirt that has penetrated the structure of the fabric. After the procedure, wash the product in the washing machine.

Will be able to cope with machine oil and petrol. Before the procedure, mix it with liquid soap in equal proportions and apply to the stain. Leave for a few hours, then rinse in warm water and sprinkle baking soda on top - this component will eliminate the dark halo on clothes that occurs as a result of the use of gasoline. After 10 minutes, rinse off the soda and wash the product.

You can remove a fresh stain with ammonia. To prepare the solution, mix the product with water (1:1) and apply to the place of contamination. Wash the item after 15 minutes.

Indispensable in the fight against stains from engine oil and folk remedies:

  • Chalk with starch - this method is effective only for fresh dirt that is still sticky. Sprinkle the dirt with a mixture of two components and leave for a few minutes, then wash in the washing machine.
  • Toothpaste. Apply the product on the stain and leave it to dry completely, then wet the product, rub it with a brush and wash it.
  • Mix magnesia with ether and apply to the oil stain. Gently rub the mixture into the fabric, then wash the product.


To combat the stain from engine oil can be used chemicals industrial production. They will help to effectively cope with pollution, while maintaining the texture and color of the fabric.

To remove an old stain, use a stain remover or powder with this effect. Dissolve the product in warm water, keeping the proportions indicated on the package, and place the item in the solution. Leave it on for a few minutes, then wash it by hand or in the washing machine.

Oxygen bleach can help get rid of oil stains on white clothes. Dissolve the powder or gel in water until a slurry is obtained and apply the resulting product to the stain for a few minutes, then wash. Dishwashing detergent can also be used in the same way.

Removing stains from jeans

Of particular difficulty is the removal of machine oil from jeans that have a dense structure. In this case, the stain quickly penetrates into all fibers. To remove dirt, apply a small amount of solvent to it and leave for a while. Then sprinkle with powder, wet with water and actively clean the place with a brush.

A mixture of turpentine and ammonia can also cope with engine oil on jeans. Apply the product to the stain and remove excess with a tissue. Wash the product with powder or soapy water. Remember, in order to get rid of the pungent smell of turpentine, you will have to wash the product several times.

If possible, use a special spray or stain remover that is designed to remove oily stains from clothing. Such a tool is indispensable for those who often repair cars or are constantly in contact with technical fluids.

Of particular difficulty is the removal of machine oil from jeans that have a dense structure.

Removing stains from outerwear

The process of removing oil stains from outerwear also has its own characteristics. Cleaning sequence:

  1. Locate the spot of contamination and apply the cleaner directly to it. Depending on the material of the product and the degree of contamination, the following agents can be used: gasoline, dishwashing detergent, laundry soap, etc.
  2. Remove excess product with a napkin, and leave the product for a while. Remember, you can only clean the stain from the outer edges to the center in order to avoid its increase in size and the appearance of streaks.
  3. Wash the dirt with soapy water, then wash it in the usual way.
  4. Repeat all the manipulations if the desired result was not achieved the first time.
  5. well ventilate outerwear if gasoline or turpentine was used to remove the stain.

Removing a fresh stain from machine oil will require a minimum of effort and time, but dealing with outdated contamination is very difficult and in most cases you can not do without the help of dry cleaning.

As a rule, it is we, women, who have to take care of the cleanliness of the clothes of the household, and therefore it is we who are struggling with pollution. So, recently my husband came home in clothes professionally smeared with machine oil - he was repairing a car!

Washing has always been a troublesome and time-consuming task, although this process has become much easier with the advent of automatic washing machines. But complex stains, for example, oil stains or fuel oil stains, still have to be removed in the old fashioned way with your hands.

Yes, and pollution from fatty foods, vegetable and animal fats is a very common problem, so let's discuss how to remove an oil stain from clothes, this is useful to every housewife!

Of course, you can go to a dry-cleaner and give your clothes to the hands of professionals, but here, too, no one is responsible for the result. And you can use people's councils and remove pollution at home.

Even neat people are not immune from such troubles, because you can easily earn such a spot:

  • during a feast due to their own carelessness or the negligence of a neighbor;
  • with street snacks;
  • sitting on furniture stained with leftover food;
  • from greased hinges, parts in a car, minibus, other public transport, swings, attractions;
  • when repairing vehicles.

And although these stains are common, we do not always know how to remove them correctly and quickly. Let's explore the most effective ways.

Vegetable or animal fat

Creamy and vegetable oil, as a rule, get on things when cooking or eating food. These are the most common oil stains.

It is better to return the clothes to their original cleanliness immediately, maximum - in the first 1-2 days. Further, the dirt will penetrate deep into the fabric and you will have to take on more serious means.

So, with trouble will help to fight:

  1. Traditional laundry soap allows you to get rid of pollution at home. It is better to take exactly the product of the old model, Brown color, with the smell familiar from childhood. In principle, new soap options are also suitable, but before buying, you need to read the composition so that it does not contain additional components. For example, currently popular products with a moisturizer will simply ruin the fabric. It is necessary to moisten the dirty area of ​​\u200b\u200bmatter with water and rub it well with a bar, leave for 20 minutes, and then lather and rub with an old toothbrush in the direction from the edges to the center. Next, simply wash the thing in hot water separately from other clothes.
  2. Salt is the most popular method for removing fat from tissue, as it is almost always at hand. You just need to sprinkle the dirt with powder and rub it in a little. It is advisable to use extra salt, as it absorbs fat better. If necessary, after 10-20 minutes, the powder can be changed to a new one until the spot disappears completely.
  3. Baby powder absorbs fats well, ideal for woolen fabrics and upholstery. How to remove dirt with it? Just sprinkle a fresh stain with powder, cover with blotting paper (blotter, napkin, toilet paper) on both sides of the fabric and iron the area with a hot iron. Further, it is recommended to put the fabric under the load for 8 hours, shake out the already dirty powder and wash the thing as usual.
  4. For dark and colored fabrics, mustard paste is suitable. For her, mustard powder is mixed with warm water to the state of sour cream and applied to the oily area, left for 30-40 minutes, rinsed and washed.
  5. Toothpaste is good too. It is recommended to lubricate the dirt and rub it a little, leave it for several hours until it dries, then it remains just to brush off the crust.
  6. High temperature can also be used separately. To do this, we place the paper on both sides of the fabric and iron the dirt with an iron at the most powerful mode. As fat appears on the paper, it is changed several times so that the stain soon passes to the napkins. You need to act carefully, but, as a rule, a layer of paper does not allow even the most delicate fabric to deteriorate.
  7. Grind the chalk, pour it on a greasy stain, leave for 1-3 hours, then carefully collect. the area remains to be rubbed with a damp washcloth and washed.
  8. Dishwashing liquid is designed to remove grease from dishes and pans, it also does an excellent job of removing grease on fabrics. Just drip a little gel on the stain, leave for 15-20 minutes, then lather with your fingers and rub with your hands or a toothbrush, wash in hot water.

How to remove old oil stains

If, nevertheless, it was not possible to get rid of the problem in time, you will have to resort to "heavy artillery".

  • Salt will help remove the old stain, but now you have to make a solution of it. Add half a glass of powder to a bowl of hot water, put the dirty thing in the same place and leave it to cool completely. Now you can wash your clothes in the washing machine using stain remover and washing powder.
  • We mix ammonia, water and glycerin in equal amounts, apply it to the pollution for half an hour or an hour, rinse with water and wash as usual. In this way, you can remove quite serious stains.
  • Pour dry mustard on the stain and leave for 15-20 minutes. Shake off with a brush. Pour over the soap solution and rub thoroughly with a brush. And the final touch is washing in a machine using an air conditioner. This method is suitable for light-colored fabrics because the risk of staining is low with this method.

Machine oil

Engine oil is a very insidious, but not rare substance that will have to be removed in special ways.

  1. Starch will help clean delicate items with fresh dirt. To do this, the powder must be mixed in a small amount of hot water and applied to the stain, then left for a while and removed with a dry cloth.
  2. Car shampoo is designed to remove dirt from the car body, it is also effective on fabrics. True, you should not use it on delicate silk and woolen things, but dense fabrics will survive such cleaning. To do this, we dilute the composition in a slightly higher concentration and apply it to the dirt, leaving it until it disappears.
  3. Sprays, special stain removers will also help clean things from oil, even old ones.

Common Mistakes

Do not remove grease stains with gasoline, turpentine or other caustic substances, as they often simply spoil the fabric, and it will be more difficult to remove their smell than the original dirt.

In no case do not dry greasy things on a radiator, a warm dryer until the dirt is removed, since at an elevated temperature the stain eats in and can no longer be removed.

When rubbing stains should be placed under the wrong side dense fabric or paper so that dirt does not print on the other side of the item. You need to rub carefully, in the direction from the edges of the stain to the middle, so that the fat does not spread over a large area.

Basic rules for removing oil stains

  1. When using potent compounds, you must first put on household gloves and work outdoors.
  2. The stain of fuel oil must be rubbed in the direction from the edges to the middle, so as not to increase the area of ​​​​contamination.
  3. It is necessary to remove the dirt on the same day, so the probability of a favorable outcome is much greater. Old stains will have to be treated with potent compounds that can damage the fabric.
  4. Before treatment, the fabric around the stain should be lightly moistened with water to avoid the appearance of a clear contour.
  5. To prevent contamination from the other side of the thing, under the contaminated area from the inside, it is necessary to enclose a matter folded several times.
  6. Before using the product, test it on the back seam to see if it can be used on this type of fabric.
  7. You need to remove stains manually, then carefully wash the thing with your hands, rinse it, and only then throw it into the machine drum along with other clothes. Otherwise, the smell of fuel oil will eat into other products and elements of the washing machine for a long time.
  8. It is best to dry clothes outdoors.

We clean thin and synthetic things

You need to know how to process certain fabrics. For thin and delicate things, it is forbidden to use aggressive products.

Suitable here:

  1. Dishwashing gel will help remove fresh stains. It is enough to apply a couple of drops of the composition directly to the pollution, rub and soak for 30-40 minutes. Then wipe again and soak for another 10-15 minutes. True, you need to take a product with the most neutral color, since the dyes of the gel can eat into the fabric and ruin it.
  2. A stain remover would work too. But you need to choose a tool based on the type of fabric - white, black, colored, synthetic.
  3. Fir oil is a natural and gentle way, which consists in treating the oil stain with oil using a cotton pad. Cotton wool will have to be changed several times as it gets dirty. In the process, it is necessary to put a fabric or cotton wool on the back of the fabric.
  4. Tar soap does an excellent job with various contaminants, which has long conquered the housewives. You can buy it at a hardware store. And soaking with the addition of detergent, active washing things and rubbing stains.
  5. Ammonia and turpentine are mixed in equal amounts, heated a little and applied to the pollution with a washcloth. After that, the clothes must be washed in soapy water, rinsed and sent to the washing machine.
  6. An iron will also help to restore cleanliness to clothes. True, he is able to cope only with small drops and specks. It is necessary to put paper with a high degree of absorbency (kitchen paper towel, napkin, blotting paper, toilet paper) on the stain from above and below and iron the area with a hot iron, periodically changing pieces of paper. So the resin will gradually transfer to a napkin, and the remaining greasy stain can be removed with fir oil.

Durable fabrics

Work clothes that are more likely to be contaminated with fuel oil. Fortunately, it is more dense and resistant to external influences, so it can be washed with strong detergents.

  • Gasoline will help to cope with large and even chronic stains. For these purposes, you will have to buy a bottle of purified substance in a hardware store. How to wash a thing with gasoline? We rub the spots with a piece of cotton wool soaked in fuel, having previously placed a dense cloth on the other side. Too heavily soiled items can be completely soaked in gasoline for no more than three hours. After that, the product must be washed by hand, rinsed and washed in a typewriter.
  • Car shampoo also helps fight tar stains. To do this, you need to apply the product on the stain, rub it, soak it in soapy water and wash it first with your hands, then in the machine.
  • Acetone is in every woman's cosmetic bag, they can remove small splashes of fuel oil with a cotton swab. You need to use colorless compounds so as not to stain the fabric.

Knowing how to remove greasy and oil stains on clothes, we can not be afraid of these contaminants and always keep the wardrobe clean. I wish you less household chores, check out our blog more often and subscribe to updates so as not to miss new interesting tips!