Didactic game on ecology in the younger group. Game activity on ecology in kindergarten. Junior group. Subject: My Neighborhood

Rudenko Yulia Borisovna
Didactic games on ecology for children of the second younger group

Didactic game"Gather a Flower"

(for children of the second younger group)

Target: develop at children mindfulness, perseverance, perseverance, fix the names of spring flowers (lily of the valley, dandelion, tulip, narcissus, snowdrop).

move games: the teacher distributes an envelope to each child and offers to lay out a picture with a flower, when the children complete the task, the teacher asks everyone what kind of flower he got.

Didactic game"Guess the Taste"

Target: learn children distinguish by taste an apple, pear, plums, grapes, carrots, cabbage, tomato, cucumber, determine whether it is a vegetable or a fruit; develop speech; cultivate attention.

Material: vegetables and fruits cut into pieces and covered with a napkin are on a plate.

Game progress

The teacher invites the children to close their eyes and try a vegetable or fruit. The child tries, guesses what it is, and then calls: Is it a vegetable or fruit.

Didactic game"Cook delicious borscht"

Target: learn children name old crockery (pot, bowl, spoon, jug) learn to choose the right vegetables for borscht; develop logical thinking, mindfulness.

Material: dishes (pot, spoon, bowl, jug) models of fruits and vegetables.

Game progress

The teacher offers the children "cook" dish - borscht. Children name the dishes in which they will be "cook" borscht, and choose it among those set before them. The called children choose among the vegetables and fruits put in front of them the necessary vegetables for borscht and put them in a pot.

Children take turns choosing vegetables, and the rest of the children use signs show: Yes or no.

Didactic game"What grows where"

Target: expand and refine views children about fruits and vegetables, develop memory, speech, mindfulness.

Material: carved vegetables and fruits, tree layout, vegetable garden layout.

Game progress

The teacher invites the children to take turns approaching the table and take one vegetable or fruit, name it, determine where it grows and, accordingly, put it on a garden model or hang it on a tree model. for example: the child takes an apple and He speaks: "This is an apple, it grows in a tree garden", then walks over to the mock-up tree and hangs the carved fruit on it.

Didactic game"Where do vitamins live"

Target: learn children select only those pictures that show healthy food; develop mindfulness, memory, thinking.

Material: teddy bear; subject pictures depicting vegetables, fruits, citrus fruits, ice cream, sweets, cookies, cake and the like.

Game progress

The teacher offers the children "treat" bear not with pills, but with vitamins. To do this, you need to select only those pictures with images of products in which "live" vitamins. children in turn or groups they come up and choose pictures, name the object, and the rest of the children show with signs whether they agree with what is there "live" vitamins or not. If the task is completed correctly, then the child puts the picture at the teddy bear.

Didactic game"Learn by description"

Target: improve the child's knowledge about vegetables and fruits; learn to find an object by description; develop mindfulness and discipline.

Material: replicas of vegetables, fruits and citrus fruits.

Game progress

The teacher invites the children to find the object that he will describe.

caregiver: Round, yellow, with a red barrel, sometimes sweet and sour, grows on a tree, useful. The child goes out, chooses an apple among the dummies, shows it to the children, and the children use signs answer whether they agree or not.

Didactic game"Recognize the animal by description"

Target: improve knowledge children about pets; learn to find pictures by description; develop mindfulness, memory, thinking.

Material: subject pictures with pets.

Game progress

The teacher invites the children to find the animal that he will describe.

caregiver: This animal has a head, ears, sharp teeth, torso, legs, tail. She guards the house, likes to gnaw bones.

The child goes out and finds a picture with a dog, shows it to the children, and the children use signs answer whether they agree or not.

Didactic game"Who eats what"

Target: consolidate knowledge children about pets (what do they eat) develop thinking, attention, memory, educate the desire to take care of pets.

Material: subject pictures depicting pets and food for them.

Game progress

The teacher offers the children "feed" animals in the grandmother's yard. The teacher calls children in pairs. One child names the animal and displays it, and the second is looking for food for her, puts the picture next to the animal.

Didactic game"What first - what then?"

Target: Consolidate knowledge children about the development and growth of animals.

Game progress:

Children are presented items: egg, chick, chicken layout; kitten, cat; puppy, dog. Children need to arrange these items in the correct order.

Didactic game"Who lives in the house?"

Target: Consolidate knowledge children about animals learn to imitate their voices.

Game progress:

Children depict familiar animals sitting in houses. The teacher goes around the houses in turn, knocks on each and He speaks: “Knock-knock-knock, who lives in this house?” Children answer: "Moo-moo-moo!", "Be-e-e", "Meow meow!" etc. The teacher guesses who lives in the house.

Didactic game"Children on a Branch"

Target: Consolidate knowledge children about the leaves and fruits of trees and shrubs, learn to pick them up according to belonging to one plant.

Game progress:

Children examine the leaves of trees and shrubs, name them. By the proposal educator: "Children, find your branches"- the guys select the corresponding fruit for each sheet. This game can be played with dried leaves and fruits throughout the year. Prepare material for children can play.

Didactic game"Find something to show"

Target: Find an item by similarity.

Equipment: Arrange the same sets of vegetables and fruits on two trays. One (for the teacher) cover with a napkin.

Game progress:

The teacher shows for a short time one of the items hidden under the napkin and removes it again, then offers children: “Find the same one on another tray and remember what it is called”. Children take turns doing the task until all the fruits and vegetables hidden under the napkin have been named.

Didactic game"Magic Train"

Target: Pin and organize views children about trees, shrubs, animals and birds.

Material: Two trains cut out of cardboard (each train has 4 cars with 5 windows); sets of cards with the image of plants, birds and animals.

Game progress:

On the table in front of the children lies "a train" and cards depicting plants, birds and animals.

Educator. In front of you is a train and passengers. They need to be placed on wagons (in the first - shrubs, in the second - flowers, etc.. e.) so that one passenger is visible in each window. The one who first places all the passengers in the cars correctly will be the winner.

Similarly, this game can be played to consolidate ideas about various plant groups(forests, gardens, meadows, kitchen gardens).

Didactic game"When does it happen?"

Target: Refine views children about seasonal events.

Game progress:

Children are offered leaves of different plants with different colors, cones, a herbarium of flowering plants, etc., depending on the season. Children need to name the time of the year when there are such leaves, branches, flowers.

Didactic game"What it is?"

Target: refine views children about inanimate objects.

Material: natural - sand, stones, earth, water, snow.

Game progress:

Children are offered pictures and, depending on what is drawn on it, it is necessary to decompose the natural material accordingly, answer what is it? And what is it? (Large, heavy, light, small, dry, wet, loose.).What can be done with it?

Didactic game"When does it happen?"

Target: Refine views children about seasonal phenomena in nature.

Game progress:

1 option

Each of children there are subject pictures depicting snowfall, rain, a sunny day, cloudy weather, hail is coming, the wind is blowing, icicles are hanging, etc. and plot pictures with images of different seasons. Children need to correctly decompose the pictures they have.

Option 2

The teacher reads interspersed short texts in poetry or prose about the seasons, and children guess.

3 option

The teacher calls the time of the year, and the children take turns answering what happens at this time of the year and what people do. If someone is at a loss, an adult helps with questions.

Didactic game"Take Care of Plants"

Target: Pin views children about different ways of caring for plants.

Material: Cards with the image of a watering can, spray gun, brush, scissors; 7-8 indoor plants.

Children sit at a table on which are cards with images of items needed for caring for plants. Children need to determine what kind of care a particular plant needs, with what tool it is performed - the children show the appropriate card. Who will answer correctly after games take care of this plant.

Didactic game"Guess What's In Your Hand"

Didactic task: Find out the named item using one of the analyzers.

game action: Running to the teacher with an object recognized by touch.

rule: It is impossible to look at what lies in the hand. Need to know by touch.

Game progress:

Children stand in a circle. In the hands behind the back, the teacher lays out vegetables and fruits. Then he shows everyone any of the vegetables. Children who have the same in their hands run up to the teacher on command.

Didactic game"Wonderful bag"

First option.

Didactic task

game action: Search by touch for a hidden item.

rules: You can't look into the bag. First you need to determine what is in the hand, and then show the item to everyone else.

Equipment: For the first games, vegetables and fruits are selected that differ sharply in shape, details, then more similar. small pouch (opaque).

Game progress:

The teacher puts vegetables and fruits in a bag and asks to observe what he will do. Then he offers one of guys: “Find by touch, without looking into the bag, what you want. Now tell me what you got." Or maybe ask: "Find what I'll say (I'll name)". All children take turns doing the task.

Note. In the subsequent version, game repetition the bag is filled in advance. Children should not see what is hidden there.

Didactic game"Guess What You Ate"

Didactic task: Find out the item using one of the analyzers.

game action: Taste Guessing.

rules: You can not look at what is put in your mouth. You have to chew with your eyes closed, and then say what it is.

Equipment: Pick up vegetables and fruits that are different to taste. Wash them, peel them, then cut them into small pieces. On the table in the room where the children are sitting, the same items are laid out for control and comparison.

Game progress:

Having prepared fruits and vegetables (cut into pieces, the teacher brings them into group room and treats one of children before asking him to close his eyes. Then He speaks: “Chew well, now tell me what you ate. Find one on the table

After all the children have completed the task, the teacher treats everyone with fruits and vegetables. children.

Note. In the future, you can invite children to name the word taste sensations. The question should be asked in such a way that, in cases of difficulty, children can choose the appropriate name to determine " taste: "How did it get in your mouth?" (Bitter, sweet, sour.)

Didactic game"What changed?"

Didactic task: Find items by similarity.

game action: Search for a similar item.

rule: You can show a recognized plant only at the signal of the educator, after listening to its description.

Equipment: Identical plants (3-4 each) placed on two tables.

Game progress:

The teacher shows a plant on one of the tables, describes its characteristic features, and then invites the child to find the same on another table. (You can ask children find similar plants group room.)

game repeat with each of the plants on the tables.

Didactic game"Find the same"

Didactic task. Find items by similarity.

Game action. Children find changes in the arrangement of objects.

Rule. It is impossible to look at how the teacher swaps plants.

Equipment. 3-4 identical plants are placed on two tables in a certain sequence, for example, ficus, flowering geranium, asparagus, fragrant geranium.

Game progress.

The teacher asks children are good to look at how the plants stand, and close your eyes. At this time, he swaps the plants on the same table. And then asks children rearrange the pots as they stood before, comparing their arrangement with the order of the plants on another table.

After some repetitions you can play the game with one set of plants (without visual control).

Didactic game"Guess the plant from the description"

Didactic task. Find items according to the listed signs.

Game action. Search for an object by a riddle-description.

Rule. You can show the plant only after the teacher's story at his request.

Equipment. For the first games, several indoor plants are selected (2-3) with noticeable distinguishing features. They are placed on the table so that all the children can clearly see each plant.

Game progress.

The teacher begins to talk in detail about one of the plants. First, he, for example, notes what it looks like ( "to the tree", on the "weed", then asks if the plant has a stem. The teacher pays attention children on leaf shape(round, oval shape- like a cucumber, narrow, long, coloring of flowers (primary colors, their number on a pedicel. The first description is given at a slow pace, so that the children can see and consider everything that the teacher is talking about. Having finished the description, the teacher asks: “What plant did I tell you about?” Children point to a plant and, if they can, name it.

You can invite the guys to find in group room all plants similar to those described.

Didactic game"Where did the matryoshka hide?"

First option.

Didactic task. Find an object according to the listed signs.

Game action. Search for a hidden toy.

Rule. You can’t watch where the teacher hides the matryoshka.

Equipment. 4-5 plants are placed on the table.

Game progress.

Children are shown a small matryoshka doll, which "I wanted to play hide and seek with them". The teacher asks children close your eyes and at this time hides the toy behind one of the plants. Then the children open their eyes. “How to find a matryoshka? - asks the teacher. "Now I'll tell you where she hid." And the teacher says what the plant looks like, behind which "hid" nesting doll (on a tree, grass, describes its stem, leaves (shape, size, surface, flowers, their number, color. Children listen, and then point to the plant and name it.

Second option.

Matryoshka "hiding" for any plant in group room.

Didactic game"Find a leaf, which I will show"

Didactic task. Find items by similarity.

Game action. Run children with certain leaves.

Rule. run ( "fly") on command is possible only for those who have the same sheet in their hands as the teacher showed.

Game progress.

During the walk, the teacher shows the children a sheet and offers to find the same one. The selected leaves are compared in shape, note how they are similar and how they differ. The teacher leaves each a sheet with different trees (maple, oak, ash, etc.). Then the teacher raises, for example, a maple leaf and He speaks: "Wind started to blow. The leaves flew like this. Show how they flew. Children, in whose hands maple leaves, are spinning, and at the command of the teacher they stop.

A game repeated with different leaves.

Play with pleasure!



2 Quarter 1 1. "Find what I'll show" Didactic task: Find an object by similarity. Game action: Search for an object shown and hidden by the teacher. Rule: You can't look under the napkin. Equipment: Arrange identical sets of vegetables and fruits on two trays. Cover one for the teacher with a napkin. Game progress: The teacher shows for a short time one of the items hidden under the napkin, removes it again, then invites the child: “Find the same one on another tray and remember what it is called.” The task is completed until all the fruits and vegetables under the napkin have been named. 2. "Find what I'll call" Didactic task: Find an object by the word name. Game action: Search for "hidden" vegetables and fruits. Rules: You can search for an item in a vase that matches the shape or color of the named vegetable or fruit. For example: beets, turnips, radishes, oranges, tomatoes, apples. You can’t look into all the vases Equipment: Vegetables and fruits are laid out along the edge of the table so that their shape and size are clearly visible. It is better to take vegetables and fruits of the same size, but of different colors. Game progress: The teacher offers the child: "find a small carrot." Or: "Find a yellow apple and tell me what shape it is." If the child is at a loss, the teacher can name a bright distinguishing feature of this vegetable or fruit. Second option: Vegetables and fruits are placed in vases different shapes: spherical, oval, elongated. In this case, the shape of the vase should correspond to the shape of the object hidden in it. The child is looking for the named object. 3. "Guess what's in your hand" Didactic task: Recognize the named object using one of the analyzers. Game action: Running to the teacher with an object recognized by touch. Rule: You cannot look at what is in your hand. Need to know by touch. Game progress: The child puts his hands behind his back. Then the teacher moves away and shows a vegetable or fruit. If the child has the same in his hands behind his back, the child must run to the teacher. 4. "Tops of the roots" Didactic task: To consolidate knowledge about the gifts of the garden and the garden. Game progress: Children sit in a circle. The teacher calls the vegetables, the children make hand movements: if the vegetable grows on the ground, in the garden, the children raise their hands up. If the vegetable grows on the ground, the hands are lowered down. 5. "Wonderful bag" Didactic task: Learn the subject with the help of one of the analyzers. Game action: Search by touch for a hidden object. Rules: You can not look into the bag. First you need to determine what is in your hand, and then show the object. Equipment: For the first games, we select vegetables and fruits that differ sharply in shape, then more similar. Small opaque pouch. Game progress: The teacher puts vegetables and fruits in a bag and asks to observe what he will do. Then he offers the child: “Find by touch, without looking into the bag, what you want. Now tell me what you got." Or you can ask: "Find what I say."

3 Second option Didactic task: To recognize the object by touch according to the listed features. Game progress: The teacher lists the signs that can be perceived by touch: the shape, its details, surface, plane and asks: “Find in the bag something that looks like a ball, but with a long tail, hard, not smooth.” The child, according to the description, searches for and finds beets. First, vegetables and fruits, which differ sharply in shape, are lowered into the bag. When repeating the game, objects can be selected that are similar in shape, but differ in other ways. 6. “Guess what you ate” Didactic task: Learn the subject with the help of one of the analyzers, stimulate the development of the imagination. Game action: Guessing the taste of vegetables and fruits. Rules: You can not look at what is put in your mouth. You have to chew with your eyes closed, and then say what it is. Equipment: Pick up vegetables and fruits, different to taste. Wash them, peel them, then cut them into small pieces. Lay out the same items on the table for control and comparison. Game progress: treat the child with one of the pieces, after asking them to close their eyes. “Chew well, now tell me what you ate. Find the same item on the table." 7. "Find what I'll tell you about" Didactic task: Find an object according to the listed signs. Game progress: The teacher describes in detail one of the objects lying on the table, that is, he names the shape of vegetables and fruits, their color, taste. Then the teacher suggests to one of the guys: “Show it on the table, and then name what I talked about.” The second option Didactic task: Describe and name the signs of the plant in response to the teacher's questions. Game progress: The teacher sits facing the children, with his back to the indoor plants standing on the table. The teacher asks one child to choose and show the children a plant, which he will then have to recognize from the description of the children. The teacher asks them questions about the presence of the stem, shape and color. For example: “What does it look like, a tree or grass? Is the trunk thick and straight? Are the leaves as big as a cucumber? Dark green, shiny? Having recognized the plant, the teacher names and shows it. 8. “Find the same leaf in the bouquet” Didactic task: To teach children to find an object by similarity. Game progress: The teacher distributes bouquets to the children, leaves the same one for himself. Then he shows them some leaf, for example, a maple one, and offers: “One, two, three - show such a leaf!” Children raise their hand with a maple leaf. The game is repeated several times with the rest of the leaves of the bouquet. 9. “Find a sheet that I will show” Didactic task: Find objects by similarity; their difference in size. Game progress: During a walk, the teacher shows the children a sheet and offers to find the same one. The selected leaves are compared in shape, note how they are similar and how they differ. The teacher leaves each leaf from different trees (birch, aspen, maple). Then the teacher raises, for example, a maple leaf and says: “The wind blew. The leaves flew like this. Show how they flew. Children with maple leaves in their hands spin around, and stop on command. The game is repeated with different leaves.

4 10. “Such a leaf, fly to me!” Didactic task: Exercise children in finding leaves by similarity, cultivate auditory attention, activate children's vocabulary. Game progress: The teacher raises, for example, a rowan leaf and says: “Who has the same leaf for me!”. Children examine the leaves received from the teacher, whoever has the same in their hands, run to the teacher. If the child is wrong, the teacher gives him his sheet for comparison. 11. "Find a leaf" Didactic task: Find a part of the whole. Game progress: The teacher asks the children to carefully examine the leaves on a low tree. “Now, try to find the same on the ground,” says the teacher. One, two, three look! Who found it, quickly come to me. Children with leaves run to the teacher. 12. "Find what I'll tell you about" Didactic task: Describe and name the signs of a plant in response to the teacher's questions. Game progress: The teacher sits facing the children, with his back to the indoor plants standing on the table. The teacher asks one child to choose and show the children a plant, which he will then have to recognize from the description of the children. The teacher asks them questions about the presence of the stem, shape and color. For example: “What does it look like, a tree or grass? Is the trunk thick and straight? Are the leaves as big as a cucumber? Dark green, shiny? Having recognized the plant, the teacher names and shows it. 13. "Who will quickly find a birch, spruce, oak" Didactic task: Find a tree by name. Game progress: The teacher names a well-known tree that has bright distinctive features, and asks to find it, for example: “Who will find the birch faster? One, two, three, run to the birch! Children must find a tree and run to any birch growing in the area where the game is being played. The second option Didactic task: Training in quickly finding the named tree. Course of the game: The game is organized as a mobile game. The teacher explains that the driver can catch those children who are not standing at the named tree. The teacher first names those trees that have bright distinctive features, then those that are similar in appearance. All children should listen carefully to which tree is named and, in accordance with this, run across at the signal “One, two, three run!”. 14. "Yes no" Didactic task: To consolidate knowledge about the parts of the kitten's body, and what sounds it makes. Game progress: The teacher asks to show where the kitten has a nose? Etc. After that, the teacher invites the children to answer with the words “Yes” and “No”. 15. "Where the fish hid" Didactic task: To develop the ability of children to analyze, fix the names of plants, expand vocabulary. Course of the game: The little fish decided to "play in the locks." Children close their eyes, and the teacher hides it behind a plant or object. The teacher describes the object for which she hid and the children guess.

5 16. Botanical lotto "Vegetables and Fruits" Didactic task: To consolidate the ability of children to distinguish and name vegetables, fruits. Game progress: Large cards are dealt. One in the middle depicts a fruit, the other a vegetable. Then one by one they take out small cards with the image of various vegetables and fruits. Children call them in chorus and cover the empty squares on their cards with small pictures in accordance with the image. Quarter 2 1. "Describe, we will guess" Didactic task: Identify and name the characteristic features of the subject in response to questions from an adult. Game progress: The teacher tells the children: “From the vegetables that are on the table, choose one. I will ask what it is, and you answer. Just don't say its name. I will try to guess from your answers. Then the teacher begins to ask questions in a certain sequence: “What is the form? Everywhere, like a ball? Are there pits? What colour?". Children answer questions in detail. After the children talk about the characteristic features of the subject, the teacher guesses riddles. The second option Didactic task: Describe objects and find their description. Game progress: The child (leader) goes out the door, and the rest of the children make up a description of one of the vegetables or fruits. When the driver returns, one of the guys talks about the characteristic features of the object that needs to be recognized and named. 2. "What's gone?" Didactic task: Name the plants from memory. Game progress: The teacher asks the children to take a good look at how the plants stand and close their eyes. At this time, he swaps the plants on the same table. And then he asks the children to rearrange the pots as they stood before, comparing their arrangement with the order of the plants on another table. 3. “Run to the house I will name” Didactic task: Find the whole by its parts. Game progress: The teacher distributes leaves to the children and says: “Let's imagine that we went on a hike. Each group set up a tent under a tree. You have in your hands the leaves from the tree under which your tents are. We are walking. But suddenly it began to rain "Everyone go home!". At this signal, children run to their tents, stand next to the tree from which the leaf is.” The second option Didactic task: Find the whole object in parts. Game progress: In the park or in the forest, children are given leaves of different trees. All children are "bunnies". So that the rabbits do not get lost, the “mother hare” gives them leaves from the branches from which their house is made. Everyone jumps, runs around the clearing, and at the signal: “Everyone is home, the wolf is close!” - they run to their house under a certain tree. The game can be continued if the children change leaves "move to new house". 4. "Let's treat the dolls" Didactic task: Continue to introduce auxiliary means that have a fixed purpose. Equipment: Two dolls, children's furniture and dishes. "Wonderful Pouch", items for selection (toys and natural objects). Game progress: 3 4 small items are put into the bag. The teacher comes with a doll and asks the children to help the doll prepare treats for the animals, they will also come to visit. One child, at the request of the doll, takes out a carrot for a bunny from a bag,

6 another apple for the hedgehog, a third nut for the squirrel. Each time there should be 3 4 items in the bag, so that, in addition to the necessary ones, there are additional ones (for example, a small ball, a plastic ring, etc.). The children who took out the objects hold them in their hands. The teacher brings toys to the animals. Children take turns treating them, choosing at the same time who to give a carrot, a nut, an apple. Animals rejoice, thank the children. The second option Didactic task: Continue to teach children to imitate the actions of the teacher with objects, paying attention to their properties. Game progress: Two dolls come to visit the children. They greet the children, call their names. The teacher offers to treat the dolls. He puts toy furniture on his table, puts dolls, puts dishes in front of them and feeds one of them. “Masha eats, but Galya doesn’t,” the teacher explains. Who will feed Galya? Invites one child, gives him a spoon and slowly demonstrates the actions so that they can be seen by all the children: “First, take a spoon. Like this. (Shows.) Now let's get some porridge. Like this. (Shows.) Let's bring the dolls to the mouth. Where is the doll's mouth? (Shows, slowly tilts the toy.) Eat, doll. The child repeats all the actions for the teacher. Then he calls 2 3 more children in turn. After that, the dolls thank the children and leave. 5. "Who's for lunch?" Didactic task: Make a whole out of parts. Game progress: One day, Aunt Pan decided to cook soup and compote for lunch, but forgot what vegetables and fruits are cooked from. Help her. Children put on pendants (vegetables and fruits - cut out ovals and a pan). Lead-Pan. The children take turns approaching the pot and talking about themselves, and she decides where to add this product. 6. "Where did Sasha hide?" Didactic task: Grouping plants according to their structure (trees, shrubs). Course of the game: The game is played during excursions to the forest, park. The teacher says to the children: “Now let's play. You will be squirrels and bunnies, and one of you will be a fox. The squirrels are looking for a plant they can hide on.” During the game, the teacher helps the children clarify that the hares live and hide in the bushes. They choose a driver - a fox, give him a hat, a fox mask, and all other children hats of hares, squirrels. On a signal: "Danger fox!" squirrels run to the tree, hares to the bushes. 7. "In the winter dining room" Didactic task: To consolidate the knowledge of children about wintering birds and their names. Develop the ability to imitate their habits. Game progress: We look at pictures with birds, the teacher offers to name her and show how she screams, how she flies and jumps. 8. “What kind of bird is this” Didactic task: Consolidate children's knowledge of what sounds birds make, learn to pronounce the sound “P” easily. Game progress: The teacher, imitating the cry of a bird, asks the children who is screaming like that. Children, guessing, choose the corresponding picture. 9. "Birds" Didactic task: Exercise children in the ability to coordinate their words and actions, activate children's speech. Game progress: The teacher reads a poem and the children show these movements. Two birds were flying, they were small. As they flew, All the people looked. As they sat down all the people marveled.

7 Quarter 3 1. “Find the same and name it”, paired pictures of animals and plants Didactic task: Find objects by similarity. To develop the ability to find similarities and differences in the objects depicted in the pictures; activate the dictionary: similar, different, identical; develop observation. Game rule: You should select only identical pictures; the winner is the one who never makes a mistake. Game progress: Children sit at a table on which pictures are laid out. There are a lot of them (10-12 pieces), they are all different, but among them there are two identical ones. The teacher asks one of the children to find and name the same pictures and show them to all the players. Paired pictures are put aside. Then the teacher shuffles all the pictures (they must be turned upside down) and imperceptibly puts another paired picture. Spreading them out front side, again offers to find the same. The difficulty lies in the fact that among the cards there can be very similar, but not the same, for example: cups that are the same in color and shape, but one with a handle and the other without a handle; two apples are the same, but one has a stalk, and the other does not, i.e. the depicted objects have subtle signs of difference that children do not immediately notice. 2. “Find, Misha, our matryoshka and tell me what plant she hid behind.” Didactic task: To consolidate the names of plants in children, to cultivate curiosity, resourcefulness. Game progress: The children are shown a little nesting doll that “wanted” to play “hide and seek” with them. The teacher asks the children to close their eyes and at this time hides the toy behind one of the plants. Then the children open their eyes. “How to find a nesting doll?” the teacher asks. Now I will tell you where she hid. And the teacher says what the plant looks like, behind which the nesting doll “hid” (on a tree, grass), describes its stem, leaves (shape, size, surface) flowers, their number, color. Children listen and then point to the plant and name it. 3. "Who moves how" Didactic task: To expand knowledge about animals, birds, insects living in our region. Know their characteristics, habitat, food, enemies, etc. Analyze objects of nature, highlight their essential features, learn to fix these features and combine objects into groups. Game progress: The teacher calls different animals, birds, insects, and the child depicts how they move (crawls, jumps). 4. "What is it for?" Didactic task: Mark their appearance, specify the names of body parts; talk about where they live. Game progress: The teacher has pictures depicting animals, and the children have pictures of the habitats of various animals (burrow, lair, river, hollow, nest, etc.). The teacher shows a picture of an animal. The child must determine where it lives, and if it matches his picture, “settle” at home by showing the card to the teacher. 5. “Stand up to the tree with the thickest trunk” Didactic task: Find an object according to the listed signs. Game progress: The game is played outdoors. The teacher describes the tree (size, color of the trunk, shape of the leaves), names and describes the seeds and fruits. Then he asks the children

8 guess what kind of tree it is. The one who found out should run up after the teacher's words "One, two, three - run!". 6. "Which plant are the leaves from?" Didactic task: Find an object according to the description. Game progress: The teacher describes the trees familiar to the children, choosing from them those that have subtle distinguishing features (for example, spruce and pine, acacia and mountain ash). Children must find what the teacher is talking about. To make it interesting for the guys to search by description, you can hide something near the tree (or on the tree) they are talking about. 7. "Which flower was removed?" Didactic task: Describe the subject and recognize it from the description. Game progress: Plants stand in their usual places. The teacher invites one of the children to choose one of them and describe it so that all the children know and can say what kind of plant it is. A sequence of descriptions is required. Four or five plants are placed on the table. Children remember them. The teacher invites the children to close their eyes and removes one of the plants. Children open their eyes and remember which plant was still standing. The game is played 4-5 times. You can increase the number of plants on the table each time. 8. "Guess by the description" Didactic task: To educate children in the ability to take into account the named signs of the subject, to develop observation skills. Game progress: There are five houseplants on the table, which show clear signs of difference. After a verbal description of the plant, the child finds it among the others. 9. "Guess whose tail" Didactic task: Develop the ability to analyze, consolidate the ability to distinguish and name animals. Game progress: The teacher distributes the painted muzzles of animals to the children, and then in turn shows the drawn tails. Children should name “their” animal and choose a suitable tail for it. 10. Lotto “Who is wearing what” Didactic task: To consolidate the ability of children to systematize animals according to the body cover (feathers, scales, wool). Develop the ability to use models. Game progress: On the table are large cards depicting the cover of the body of animals. Then small pictures depicting birds, fish, animals are distributed. You need to close the empty cells in accordance with the model on your map. 11. Lotto "Who lives where" Didactic task: To consolidate the ability of children to systematize animals according to their habitat. Develop the habit of using models. Game progress, first option: On the table there are large cards with the image of models various means animal habitats. Then small pictures depicting birds, fish, animals, insects are distributed. You need to close the empty cells in accordance with the model on your map. Game progress, second option: The teacher has pictures depicting animals, and children have pictures of the habitats of various animals (burrow, lair, river, hollow, nest, etc.). The teacher shows a picture of an animal. The child must determine where it lives, and if it matches his picture, “settle” at home by showing the card to the teacher.

9 12. Lotto "Who moves how" Didactic task: To consolidate the ability of children to systematize animals according to the method of movement (legs, wings, fins). Develop the habit of using models. Game progress, first option: There are large cards on the table depicting the organs of animal movement. Then small pictures depicting birds, fish, animals are distributed. You need to close the empty cells in accordance with the model on your map. Game progress, second option: The teacher shows or calls the children an object of wildlife. Children should depict the way this object moves. For example: at the word “bunny”, children begin to run (or jump) in place; at the word "crucian" - they imitate a swimming fish; at the word "sparrow" - depict the flight of a bird. 13. "Across the stream" Didactic task: To develop in children a sense of balance, attention. Game progress: Children are offered to carefully walk along the bridge (geometric fabric figures) to the other side and find themselves on the lawn, where they frolic and pick flowers. At the signal "Home!" returning over the bridge.

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Game activity on ecology for children of primary preschool age

Korobkina Alevtina Germanovna, teacher at MDOU Kindergarten "Smile", Perm Territory, urban-type settlement Suksun.

Description: These games can be used by educators, counselors and teachers primary school as well as parents.

Target: Create a joyful mood, positive emotions in children through environmental games
Educational Promote:
to consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals and wild berries, mushroom - fly agaric.
strengthening the ability to draw flowers on asphalt with crayons
Educational Promote:
development of attention, memory, imagination, fantasy
developing an interest in outdoor play
Educational Promote:
cultivating a friendly attitude towards adults and peers

Organization in the kindergarten area. The character in the Forest Fairy costume, she is also the host, comes to the children.

"Fairy of the Forest"

Presenter: hello, the kids call me "Fairy of the Forest", and what's your name, let's get to know each other, and the butterfly will help us. To whom the butterfly flies up, he calls his name
Children call their names
Presenter: Well, we met, now you can play.
Children's answers
Presenter: My butterfly loves berries very much, do you?
Children's answers
Presenter: then we will play the game "NAME THE BERRY", to whom the butterfly flies up, he calls the berry.

Presenter: well done, you know a lot of berries. You can go to the forest then. Shall we go to the forest for raspberries?
Children: Yes

round dance game "Let's go to the forest for raspberries"

1. Let's go to the forest for raspberries, let's go to the forest, let's go to the forest (children walk in a circle).
We’ll start the dance, we’ll start, we’ll start (they put their legs in turn)
The sun is in the yard, (hands are raised up, fingers are open "sunshine")
And in the forest there is a path (palms folded together perform wave-like movements in front of them)
You are my sweet, berry - raspberry (sliding movements of the palms - the “Skeet” movement)

2. You, raspberry, are not in the mouth, not in the mouth, not in the mouth (pinch grip of the three fingers of the leading hand, move towards the mouth)
Pour into a boxer, boxer, boxer.
(pinched grip of the three fingers of the leading hand imitates picking berries in a basket, in front of the chest

3. As we collect raspberries, we collect, we collect. (pinched grip of the three fingers of the leading hand imitates picking berries from the ground - with the body tilted)
We will bake pies, bake, bake (motion "pies")..

4. We will bake pies, bake, bake. (movement "pies").

We will call all friends, call, call (movement of the hand, palms facing the face “invitation”).

Presenter: And who else loves raspberries in the forest
Children: bear.
Presenter: the bear in the forest has both berries and mushrooms. Let's go collect, take baskets.

The game "At the bear in the forest"
At the bear in the forest
I pick mushrooms and berries.
The bear doesn't sleep
Everyone is looking at us
And then how it roars
And he will run after us!
Presenter: we ran away from the bear. How many mushrooms did you find?
Children's answers
presenter: is there such a mushroom (shows a fly agaric), what is it called?

Children: fly agaric
Presenter: can people collect it?
Children: No
Presenter: And what animals still live in the forest, they will help us find out riddles:

1. In the middle of a dense forest
Wandering clubfoot and mighty.
Likes fish, honey and raspberries,
Sleeps in a den in the long winter.

Children: bear

2. His house is a hole under the tree.
Needles stick out on the back.
He only sees the enemy
It will become like a prickly lump:
Can't see eyes or legs.
Who is this?

Children: hedgehog
3. He is tall, horned, he is strong
Eats bark and twigs in winter

Children: Elk

4. Red little animal
jump off the branch! Jump on the branch!
Here is a nut, and here is a fungus -
prepares for the future!
What's his name?

Children: squirrel

5. And cunning and careful.
The tail is fluffy. Ginger colour.
loves chicken,
To catch a mouse, a bunny.
Guess what her name is?

Children: a fox

6. Gray and toothy predator
prowling through dense forests.

Children: wolf

7. Long-eared, short-tailed,
Oblique eye, not easy to catch.
Who is running across the field?

Children: bunny
Presenter: let's play with the bunny

A game "A gray bunny is sitting"

A gray bunny sits and moves its ears,
Like this, like this, and it moves its ears!
(Children squat down and depict with their hands how the bunny moves its ears)
It's cold for a bunny to sit, you need to warm up your paws,
Like this, like this, you need to warm up your paws!
(Children clap their hands together.)
It’s cold for a bunny to stand, a bunny needs to jump!
Skok - hop - hop - hop, the bunny needs to jump!
(Children jump on two legs, pressing their hands to their chest)
Someone scared the bunny, the bunny jumped and ran away.

Presenter: the bunny ran away, but left us crayons so that we could draw flowers "Chamomile field"

Children take crayons and draw flowers on the pavement

presenter- FOREST FAIRY gives butterflies to children and says goodbye to children

Ecology games for preschool children may have a plot, roles, rules, or may contain only a task. There are games where the actions of the players are determined by the text that determines their nature of actions and sequence.

In the process of didactic games, children clarify, consolidate, expand their ideas about objects and natural phenomena, plants and animals. In didactic subject games, various objects of nature (leaves, fruits, vegetables, etc.) are used. In such games, children's ideas about the properties and qualities of certain objects of nature are clarified, concretized and generalized.

Didactic printed board games help children systematize and classify knowledge about plants, animals and inanimate phenomena.

Didactic word games are carried out, as a rule, to consolidate children's knowledge about the properties and characteristics of certain objects of the world around them.

Outdoor games of a natural history nature are associated with the imitation of the habits of animals, their way of life. Some reflect the phenomena of inanimate nature.

Of great importance for the development of children are creative games associated with nature. In them, preschoolers reflect the impressions received in the course of classes and in Everyday life. BUT game exercises aimed at consolidating the acquired knowledge. Many exercises have a plot character. This makes them interesting for children.

Entertainment such as fun games, competition games, round dances in the natural environment of the native land help to deepen the moral and aesthetic sense of children. In order for children not to overwork, there are sedentary games.

The educational value of nature can hardly be overestimated. Communication with nature has a positive effect on the child, makes him kinder, softer, wakes him up best qualities. Through play, children come into closer contact with nature. They learn to love her, to take care of her.

Part 1. Games for children of the first junior group

"Sparrows and a cat" Outdoor game

Sparrow children hide in their nests (beyond the line, into circles drawn on the ground) on one side of the site. On the other side of the site, a cat is basking in the sun. As soon as the cat dozes off, sparrows fly out onto the road, fly from place to place, looking for crumbs, grains (children squat, tap their knees with their fingers, as if pecking). But then the cat wakes up, meows and runs after the sparrows, which fly away to their nests.

First, the role of the cat is played by the teacher, and then one of the children.

“Children went out into the green garden” Story game

The children went out into the green garden to dance, dance. The geese began to cackle in surprise, cackle.

- Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha!echo the geese children. Everyone else is dancing. The gray horse neighed in the stable:

“And-go-go, and-go-go!

Why do you need to spin

For what, for what?

- And-go-go, and-go-go!- the child imitates the horse. And the cow was surprised:

“Moo-mu-mu, mu-mu-mu! Why are you so amused, I don’t understand, I don’t understand?

- Mu-mu-mu, mu-mu-mu!- echoes another child.

Movements that imitate the behavior of geese, a horse and a cow can be suggested by the teacher, but the children themselves can come up with.

"Winter round dance" round dance game

Features of the game and its educational valueParticipation in a round dance brings kids closer to each other and gives them the opportunity to imagine the beauty of winter nature. As in previous games, children perform rhythmic movements to a poetic text. The movements should be very expressive, figurative and complement the words, which is new for children.

The proposed text contains two important moments: a description of the winter landscape and what happens in a child's life at this time of the year.

The game corresponds to the joyful mood of the children who saw the first snow, it helps to feel and realize this event more deeply. Description of the game and how to play it

Children, together with the teacher, join hands and form a round dance. Moving in a circle, they pronounce the text in chorus and accompany it with movements.

Here comes winter-winter, Winter-winter, winter. A little white snow fell, a cold snow fell. (twice)

Snow lies on the paths, Snow hangs on the trees, The roofs have turned white, That's how white they are. (two times the roofs of houses. It is necessary to put on fur coats And put on boots, It became cold, Oh, how cold it is! (twice)

"We are Autumn leaves" Outdoor game

In the hands of children, twigs with autumn leaves.We are leaves, we are leaves, we are autumn leaves. We were sitting on the branches, the wind blew - we flew. We flew, we flew. All the leaves are so tired. The wind stopped blowing, Everyone sat in a circle. The wind suddenly blew again And blew the leaves from the branches All the leaves flew

And they sat quietly on the ground.

"Live and toy fish: comparison of appearance" Didactic game

The game can be used in nursery - middle groups. Didactic goal: give children an idea of ​​​​the structure of the fish, the main parts of its body. Children examine the fish in the aquarium, the teacher asks questions: what is the body of the fish? Where is the head? Where is the tail? What is he? What do fish have on their heads? Where is their back, and where is their abdomen? What else do fish have?

The teacher distributes toy fish to everyone, offers to examine them from all sides, circle the toy with a finger along the contour. Show and circle in turn all parts of the body.

The teacher specifies: The head is in front, the tail is behind, the fins are on the back, tail, abdomen. Back above, abdomen below. Mouth, eyes, gill covers on the head. He asks how the toy fish differs from the fish in the aquarium. Invites children to play with the fish themselves.

They run around the room waving branches.

They squat down.

They scatter again, waving.

"Comparison of live and toy birds" - a game similar to the previous one, is played with children of the nursery - middle groups.

Part 2. Games for children of the second younger group

"Where did the matryoshka hide?"

game exercise

Target:to fix the names of plants in children, to cultivate curiosity, resourcefulness.

Description:Plants in a group are arranged so that they are clearly visible and can be easily approached. One of the children is blindfolded with a handkerchief. The teacher hides a flat nesting doll under the plant. The child is freed from the scarf, he finds a nesting doll and says the name of the plant.

"Where is the fish hiding?"

game exercise

Target:develop children's ability to analyze, consolidate the names of plants, expand vocabulary.

Material:blue fabric or paper (pond), several types of plants, pebbles, shells, sticks, driftwood.

Description:Children are shown a small fish (drawing, toy), which "wanted to play hide and seek with them." The teacher asks the children to close their eyes and at this time hides the fish behind a plant or any other object. Children open their eyes. "How do you find a fish? - asks the teacher. "Now I'll tell you where she hid." And he says what the object behind which the fish "hid" looks like. Children guess.

"Where can you find something?"

Didactic game

Target:to consolidate in children the ability to independently and freely group objects according to their purpose. Teach them to help each other.

Game task:put things in their place.

Rules of the game: find a place for an object among those close to it in application. Put the object in place on a signal.

Material:objects or pictures depicting dishes, clothing, kitchen utensils, playground or medical office equipment.

Game progress:arrange a “cupboard for dishes”, “closet for clothes”, “closet for toys”, “medical room”, “playground”, “kitchen”, etc. in the room. Pay attention to the children that they are all empty so far. Ask the children to help you sort the objects (or pictures) into place. Children disassemble objects (pictures), carefully examine them, think where to put what.

When all things are laid out, divide the children into small groups (2-3 people) who decide whether all the objects (pictures) are in their place. The children take the extra pictures and then they all think together where they should be placed.

"Who will quickly find a birch, spruce, oak"

game exercise

Target:find a tree by name.

Rule:you can run to the named tree only by the command "Run!".

Description:The teacher names a tree well known to the children, which has bright distinctive features, and asks the children to run up to it. For example:

- Who will find the birch faster?

- One, two, three - run to the birch!

Children must find a tree and run to any of the birches growing in the area where the game is being played.

"My friends"

Didactic game

Target:consolidate children's knowledge about pets (what they look like, what they eat). form humane attitude to them.

Game task:feed your animal friends. Rules of the game: choose food for a certain animal.

Material:toys or large pictures of pets. Small pictures on which various food is drawn.

Game progress:at the beginning of the game, read the poem by S. Kaputikyan “Masha is having lunch” to the children. Arrange toys or large pictures so that they are clearly visible. Place small pictures under them, but in such a way that the food depicted on them does not suit the animal. Acting as different animals, ask the children to feed them. Try to imitate the voices of animals with your children. Make the children think: “Why don’t animals, although they are hungry, eat?”. It turns out that they eat strictly certain food. Ask the children to help you feed the animals. If the picture is chosen correctly, one of the children, speaking on behalf of the animal, will express pleasure and vice versa. At the same time, children must imitate the sounds that certain animals make.


Children are divided into groups. Each has a picture of an animal. Pictures of food are scattered in the middle of the table. Children take turns taking them and offering them to their animals. The one who chooses the right food wins.

You can use the following verses, riddles:

Horses, horses, how are you?

Horses, horses, what are you chewing?

- Okay while we live

We eat grass in the meadow.

Chickens, chickens, how are you?

Chickens, chickens, what are you eating?

- Okay while we live

But, sorry, do not chew!

We peck quickly

On the roads of grain.

Goats, goats, how are you?

Goats, goats, what are you pecking at?

- Okay while we live

But, sorry, we do not peck.

And we fight in the morning

With young aspens bark!

How do you rabbits live? What are you rabbits up to?

- It's good while we live, But, excuse me, we don't fight, And we deftly gnaw Fresh carrots.

How are you, kittens? You kittens that gnaw

- Well while we live But, forgive, we do not gnaw. We drink a little Milk from a bowl.

Birds, birds, how are you? And what do you drink from the bowl

- It’s good while we live, But we don’t drink from a bowl, And we sing songs to you

Mornings and evenings!

V. Stepanov

"Find a Pair"Didactic game

Didactic task:find an item by similarity. Game actions: looking for a similar item.

Rules:look for a pair only on a signal. The pair is made up of children who have the same leaves.

Material:leaves of 3-4 trees according to the number of children. Game progress

The teacher gives the children one leaf at a time and says: "The wind blew, all the leaves flew." Hearing these words, the children begin to run around the playground with leaves in their hands. Then the teacher gives the command: "One, two, three - find a couple!". Everyone should stand next to the one who has the same sheet in his hands.

Part 3. Games for children middle group"Save Water"

Game exercise. Competition game

Pedagogical tasks: to teach children not to pour water unnecessarily, to save it. Content and methodology: players are divided into 2 teams. The guys of each team are lined up in a row at arm's length. There is a bucket of water near the first player - this is a well. The first players draw water with a small bucket and pass it along the relay. The latter water the garden (you can pour it into a bucket with the inscription "garden"). Praise deserves the team that splashed less water. When the water is completely used up, the player standing at the well reports: We carried water, water From the well to the garden.

P. Voronko

Tips for the teacher: a sign that would mean that the tap should be closed tightly, hang in the washbasin. Learn a poem by S.Ya. Marshak: Be careful with water Move your hand again And as soon as you took the water, Close the tap well!

"Where is whose house?"Didactic game

Equipment:pictures depicting various animals and their "houses". Game progress

The teacher reads the poem:The sparrow lives under the roof. In a warm mink - a mouse house. The frog has a house in a pond. Chiffchaff's house - in the garden Hey chicken, where is your house? - He's under the wing of his mother!

And offers to remember who lives where. To do this, he shows the image of the animal, and the children must choose the image of his "home", and vice versa.


The game can be played with a ball

"Living or inanimate nature"

Didactic game

Target:to consolidate children's ideas about objects of animate and inanimate nature.

The teacher names the object of living or inanimate nature. If an object of wildlife is named, the children move. (For example: a tree is named - they raise their hands, “grow”, if an animal - they jump, etc.) If an object of inanimate nature is named, the children freeze in place.

"What is the weather today?"

Didactic game

Target:teach children to designate different states of autumn weather with signs.

Game actions:inventing symbols for different weather conditions, informing residents of the city about the weather.

Rules:communicate weather information to residents of the city using pictures from symbols only after the teacher gives certain information.

Game progress

The teacher tells the children that with the help of a simple drawing, you can designate anything, including the weather. Explains that such drawings are used to compile special weather charts that are posted in ports - for the crews of ships going to sea, and at airports - for pilots flying aircraft and passengers. Then, the teacher invites the children to think of how to designate a clear sunny day; when the whole sky is in clouds (cloudy); rainy day; windy day, etc. Children are given the opportunity to complete the task themselves first. If they fail, separate pictures are selected or small drawings are made with images of the sun, clouds, rain, waves, a tree bowed by the wind. All drawings should be very simple and easily recognizable.

When the drawings are ready and the children understand how they indicate the weather, you can play in the weather bureau. caregiver

gives information about the weather, and the guys report them to the inhabitants of the city (dolls), using drawings with symbols. For example, the teacher announces that it is raining, and the child picks up a card with raindrops. Then it is his turn, and he can say that the rain has stopped, the sun has come out, and then the teacher selects the drawing.

Gradually, the existing images are supplemented with new ones. Children are invited to identify those weather changes that have not yet been encountered in the game.

The game can be complicated: draw 2-3 icons on one card (sun and wind, rain and clouds, etc.).

"Who knows, let him continue"

word game

Option 1.

The teacher calls the generalizing word, and the children - the words related to this meaning.

Educator:Insects are...

Children:... fly, mosquito, ...

Educator: Fish are...

Children:.. carp, pike,...

Option 2.

The teacher calls the specific concept, and the children the generalizing word.

Educator:A fly, a mosquito is...

Children:... insects.

Educator:Goldfish, crucian is...

Children:... fish.

Part 4. Games for older children

"Spring, summer, autumn"

Didactic game

Preparation for the game: the teacher prepares three large pictures depicting spring, summer and autumn and small ones, on which plants are drawn that bloom in spring, summer, autumn.

Didactic task:clarify children's knowledge about the flowering time of individual plants (for example: narcissus, tulip - in spring, golden ball, asters - in autumn, etc.); to teach children to classify according to a certain attribute, to develop their memory, ingenuity.

Game action: the game can be played in the same way, "how and when does it happen?", "Guess what grows where."

"Delicious and healthy food"

Didactic game

Target:to teach children to distribute products according to the degree of their usefulness for the human body; to consolidate children's ideas about a variety of food for humans (rich in vitamins, tasty and healthy).

Material:pictures depicting a variety of food - vegetables, fruits, sweets, meat, etc. (the manual “Go to the supermarket”), Children choose from all products those that have a lot of vitamins and are good for human health, especially in spring (fruits, vegetables, greens).

"Where is the plant hidden?"

Didactic game

Didactic task:remember the location of objects, find changes in their location.

Game actions:search for changes in the arrangement of plants.

Rule:you can’t watch what the teacher cleans.

Equipment:for the first game you need 4-5 plants, for the next - up to 7-8.

Game progress

Option 1

Indoor plants are placed on the table in one row. All the children sitting in a semicircle are asked by the teacher to carefully examine and remember the plants and their location, and then close their eyes. At this time, the teacher changes the plants in places (at first two plants, and then two or three). “Now open your eyes and tell me what has changed,” he suggests. - What plants are rearranged? Show me where they were before. (Children show.)

Option 2.

One plant can be removed. And move the rest so that it is not visible which plant is gone. Children must name the hidden plant.


For children who have difficulty in the game, the teacher helps to organize it. To do this, he offers 2-3 guys to play separately from everyone. Children's chairs (4-5 pieces) are placed in a circle, on each of them there is a plant. One child stands in the middle and guesses, the other rearranges the plants (You should pay attention to the children to be careful with the plants).

"Who will be who?"

Didactic game

The child answers the questions of an adult: “Who will be (or what will be) ... an egg, a chicken, a boy, an acorn, a seed, an egg, a caterpillar, flour, iron, brick, cloth, a student, sick, weak, etc.? ". When discussing the child's responses, it is important to emphasize the possibility of multiple options. For example, from an egg there can be a chick, a crocodile, a turtle, a snake, and even scrambled eggs. For one game, you can make out 6-7 words.

A variant of this game is the game "Who was?". The meaning of this game is to answer the question of who (what) you used to be: a chicken (an egg), a horse (a foal), a cow (a calf), an oak (an acorn), a fish (an egg), an apple tree (a seed), a frog (tadpole), butterfly (caterpillar), bread (flour), cupboard (board), bicycle (iron), shirt (cloth), shoes (leather), house (brick), strong (weak), etc. You can give other words that require the child to understand the transition of one quality to another. Each word is recommended to select the answers.

"Who flies, jumps, swims?"

Didactic game

Preparing for the game:the teacher selects pictures depicting animals familiar to children, birds, insects, reptiles, which can be classified according to the principle: “fly”, “jump”, “swim”. The image should be realistic, clear, without unnecessary details. 3 colored squares (steep, triangles) should also be prepared for the game, conditionally indicating the classification: “fly” - green, “jump” - yellow, “swim” - blue.

Didactic task:to clarify children's knowledge about the methods of movement of animals; develop the ability to classify on this basis; develop attention, memory.

Game action:children choose three links, to which the teacher gives one conventional sign, for example, squares of different colors (whoever has a square, the children do not know). To everyone else, he distributes pictures of animals. At the command of the host, the children, who have pictures depicting those who bark, gather around the leader, holding, for example, a green square; with the image of those who jump - around the leader with a yellow square; those who swim - around the link with a blue square.

Rules of the game:children should not know in advance what color the leader's square is. The leader raises the square at the leader's command.

Part 5. Games for children of the preparatory group

"Let's Grow Apples"

Didactic game

Target:learn to freely and correctly use knowledge about the methods and sequence of work in the garden. To cultivate respect for gardeners, respect for the results of their work.

Game tasks:"grow" apples.

Rules of the game:start each type of work in a timely manner. Complement each other without repeating.

Material:ruddy large apples. Plot pictures have the following content: gardeners plant seedlings of apple trees in pre-prepared pits; whitewash the trunks of apple trees in the garden; collect apples and load them onto trucks; cut branches; blooming garden. Traps for pests. Chips in the form of apples. Draw cells over the bottom edge of the board (according to the number of pictures).

Game progress

Children examine and smell apples. They can't wait to eat them. But... they will be treated if they want to become gardeners.

Distribute story pictures (one for two children). After carefully considering them, the children decide when they should join the general story.

What is the first thing a gardener does? Perhaps the children will hold up a few pictures. Let them decide together which work in the garden should be started first. The selected picture is placed on the first cell of the board. Those who wish can talk about this work, but on the condition that each one will report something new, without repeating the other. For every new message, a chip is given. Then the children choose the next picture. Do not influence their choice even if the sequence of gardening work is violated. But put the picture in its place in the row, leaving a cage for the picture depicting the previous stage of gardening. This will serve as a signal to the children that the choice is wrong, and will encourage them to find a picture that should fill the empty cell.

When the picture takes its place, start a collective conversation about it, as described above. Sometimes the teacher himself has to start the story: “The gardener planted an apple orchard ...”, and the children continue.

It is appropriate to cite a riddle verse: I open the buds, I dress the trees in green leaves, I water the crops, I am full of movement, My name is ... (spring)

At last the harvest is grown and harvested, the gifts of the gardens have arrived to the children. It's time to treat them to apples. But first, riddles: Itself with a cam, a red barrel. Touch your finger - smooth, And bite off - sweet, (apple)

I won’t tear off a ruddy nesting doll from my friends, I’ll wait until the nesting doll falls into the grass itself, (apple)

Then, together with the children, remember how much work it takes to grow these juicy tasty fruits.

By identifying the most interesting messages from the children as the game progresses, reward them with chips. Whoever scores wins the largest number chips.

When repeating the game, use other pictures, come up with new situations.


word game

Target:help children express their individuality, expressing their most cherished dreams, and at the same time teach them to measure their actions with the surrounding nature, with the actions of their comrades, as if inscribing their elements into the overall plot. To consolidate the knowledge of the environmental commandment "Do no harm."

Game progress

Children are well placed in a circle. Let them imagine that all wishes come true here. Each child in turn makes such wishes, for example:

- If I were a cat, I would...

- If I were some kind of animal, I would...

- If I were a bird, I would...

- If I were an insect, I would...

- If I were a flower, I would...

- If I were a tree, I would...

- If I were an elephant, I would...

Each child makes up a short story, thinking through his life in this role. You can agree in advance - we compose real or fantastic stories. When the children have mastered this game, you can combine "wishes". Each next child who makes a wish can fit into the plot of the previous story, and so on.

"Canning factory"

Didactic game

Knowledge content:tell the children that fruits and vegetables are processed at the cannery for further storage. Fruits and berries are used to make jams and juices. Vegetables are canned for soups, salads, fruits and vegetables are sometimes dried to prepare various dishes. Before being sent for processing, vegetables and fruits are sorted. The ripe ones are selected for juices.

Didactic task:determine the ripeness of fruits by external signs (color, size, density), group vegetables and fruits according to the degree of ripeness.

Rules:It is possible to distribute vegetables and fruits among the workshops only by correctly selecting and explaining which of them are ripe and which are not. Determine what juices can be made from, what can be preserved or sent to dry.

Equipment:on three or four tables they put "signs" of shops: dried fruits, juices, canned food, jams. Instead of signs, you can put ready-made products on the tables: dry compote, tomato juice, canned vegetables or fruits, jam.

Game progress

Children play the roles of manager and workers. The warehouse manager issues products and distributes them among the shops depending on the degree of maturity: the most ripe - for juice, ripe soft - for jam, ripe dense - for compotes, the rest - to dry. He tries to select the products correctly and give precise explanations to the workers which fruits to take and which not, to which shop they should be taken. Workers select and sort vegetables and fruits, remembering the instructions received and focusing on the sign. The rest observe and check the correctness of the tasks, evaluate the work.

"Ecosystem Domino"

Didactic game

Place:group room.

Materials:thick paper, colored markers, pencils, scissors.

Concepts and relationships:food chain, predator - prey, producer - consumer. Ecosystem stability.

Motivation:talk to the children about a certain ecosystem the children should find out which animals and plants belong to it. and which ones would not survive in it.

Exercise:select plants and animals living in a given ecosystem (forest, meadow, field), write down (draw) them in pre-prepared domino-shaped tablets.

Game progress

The facilitator prepares in advance tablets for recording animals and plants according to the number of players in groups. After talking about this ecosystem, the children name as many names of its inhabitants as possible. Then the whole group makes up a branched food chain; at least 10 animals (plants). In random order, their names are written in a prepared table. The table is cut into domino cards. The rules are the same as in regular dominoes. Cards can be applied from all sides, taking into account real relationships.


Didactic game

Target:to give children an idea of ​​​​the biocenosis of the meadow, to note the differences between two habitats - a forest and a meadow. To acquaint children with food relations between living beings, introduce the concept of "food chain".

Props:dolls, a plate of cookies.

Lesson scheme:

1. Show the children a puppet show "Who is the most important in the meadow?" After the performance, discuss the importance cohabitation different beings, their relationship with each other. Special attention focus on food ties.

2. Offer to play the game "Food Chain", giving the children the roles of characters in the puppet show.

Game progress

Characters: sun (1 person), grass (6 people), mouse (3 people), fox (1 person).

Before starting the game, discuss the role of the sun in the play.

The sun picks up a plate of cookies (12 pieces) and transfers "energy" to the grass - two pieces to each blade of grass. Each blade of grass eats one cookie - this "energy" is spent on maintaining the life processes of the blade of grass, and the second one is transferred to the mice. Part of the “energy” (one cookie) the mouse spends on itself, and gives the other part (the second cookie) to the fox. Thus, the fox has three cookies. The fox spends part of the “energy”, and the rest can be transferred to someone who can eat it.

After the game, be sure to discuss with the children the process of energy transfer. Who got energy directly from the sun? Only grass can get energy from the sun! No matter how much foxes and mice sunbathe, they still want to eat. Who got energy from grass? Mice are herbivores. Who got energy from mice? The fox is a carnivore.

Make a collective collage "Meadow". Divide the children into several groups and give them sets of pictures depicting different plants and animals. Invite each group to make a collective collage on the theme "Meadow", sticking on a sheet of paper images of only those animals and plants that live in the meadow all the time. In conclusion, it is proposed to draw the forest as it was at the beginning of the game (or stick drawings).


ecological game "Where is the bunny hiding?"

Target: describe, name, plants according to characteristic features and from connection with the environment. Make descriptive riddles and guess riddles about plants.

Rules of the game : a plant can be named only after a description of any feature in turn.

Game progress :

The game is played in the park, in the forest, in the square. Fromgroups of children choose a driver, the rest are divided into two subgroups. The driver hides the bunny under a plant (Tree, shrub) so that the rest of the children do not see where the toy is hidden. Then the leader describes the plant (if it is difficult, then the teacher helps). Which group will guess faster under which plant the bunny is going to look for it. For example, a toy is hidden under an oak tree. The facilitator asks the 1st subgroup a riddle: “This is a tree, it has a strong, mighty trunk” (Answers of the children of the 1st subgroup), 2nd subgroup: “The leaves of this tree turn brown in autumn” (Children of the 2nd subgroup answer) . Etc.

Riddles-descriptions go until one of the subgroups guesses.

Environmental game "Where does it grow?"

Target: to teach children to group vegetables and fruits, to bring up the speed of reaction to the word of the educator, endurance, discipline.

Rules of the game: take apart vegetables and fruits, and arrange some in the garden and others in the garden (imitation - pictures of the garden and the garden). The team that quickly sorts out wins.all items in place.

Game progress :

Among the children are divided into two teams-teams: vegetable growers and gardeners. Vegetables and fruits (you can dummies) are laid out on the table. At the signal of the teacher, the children sort vegetables and fruits to the corresponding pictures. The team that finishes the job first wins. Children not participating in the teams check the correctness of the selection.

After that, the winning team is announced. The game continues with other teams.

ecological game "Our friends"

Target: To expand children's ideas about the lifestyle of animals that live in the house (fish, birds, animals), about caring for them, about their homes, to cultivate a caring attitude, interest and love for them.

Material: animal lotto cards: parrot, aquarium fish, parrots, hamster, turtle, etc. Small cards depicting their dwellings (cage, terrarium, aquarium, box, etc.), food.

Game progress:

Lotto cards are distributed to the participants of the game, the leader has small cards turned upside down with an image. The facilitator takes any card and shows it to the participants. The participant who needs this card raises his hand and explains why this card is needed specifically for his animal.

To complicate it, you can add squats that are not related to these animals.

ecological game "Flower shop"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about plants (meadows, indoor, garden), to consolidate the ability to find the right flower according to the description. Learn to group plants by type.

Material: you can use cards from the botanical lotto, indoor plants can be taken real, but not very large.

Game progress:

The leader is chosen, he is the seller (at first the leader is an adult. And then you can use the counting rhyme), the rest of the children are buyers. The buyer must describe the plant in such a way that the seller immediately guesses which plant it is.

ecological game "The postman brought the package"

Target: To form and expand children's ideas about vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, etc., to learn to describe and recognize objects by description.

Material: objects (models). Each is individually packaged in a paper bag. You can use riddles.

Game progress:

The parcel is brought to the group. The host (teacher) distributes parcels to each child. Children look at them and take turns telling what they received in the mail.Children are invited to describe what is in their bag according to the description or using a riddle.

ecological game "Edible - not edible"

Target: to form and consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables and fruits and berries. Develop memory, coordination.

Material: Ball.

Game progress:

The host calls a vegetable, fruit, berry or any object,throws the ball to one of the participants if the object belongs togiven, then he catches.

You can play with the whole group at once with the help of claps (clap if the item does not belong to the given ones)

ecological game "Wonderful bag"

Target: To form, consolidate children's knowledge about various natural objects (animals, vegetables, fruits, etc.). Develop fine motor skills fingers, tactile sensations, speech of children.

Material : Nicely designed bag different toys imitating animals, real or fake vegetables and fruits.

Game progress:

The host holds a bag of objects, invites the children to come up one by one and identify the object by touch without pulling it out, and name the characteristic features. The rest of the children must guess from his description what kind of object it is that they have not yet seen. After that, the child pulls the item out of the bag and shows everyone guys.

ecological game "What first, what next?"

Target: To form and consolidate children's knowledge about the degree of maturity of vegetables, fruits, about the order of growth of various plants, living beings (fish, birds, amphibians).

Material: Cards with a different order of maturity 3 - 4 - 5 cards for each item (for example: green, small tomato, brown and red), growth order (seed, sprout, taller sprout, adult plant).

Game progress:

Children are given cards with different orders. At the signal of the leader, they must quickly find and line up in order with the desired pictures in order.

ecological game Shop "Seeds"

Target: To develop and consolidate children's knowledge about the seeds of different plants. Learn to group plants by type, by place of growth.

Material : Sign "Seeds". On the counter, in different boxes with models: tree, flower, vegetable, fruit, intransparent bags, there are different seeds with a picture of this plant.

Game progress:

The teacher offers to open a store selling seeds. The store has four departments. Sellers are selected for each seed department. As the game progresses, children-buyers approach the sellers and name their profession: florist, gardener, vegetable grower, forester. Then they are asked to sell the seeds of the plant they described and the method of growing them (one per hole, one per groove, “pinch”, seedlings).

ecological game "Collect mushrooms in a basket"

Target: To develop and consolidate children's knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms, about their place of growth; about the collection rules in the forest.

Material:Planar baskets, a model denoting a forest, a flannelograph, cards withmushrooms (edible, not edible).

Game progress:

Children are given cards with mushrooms. The task of the children is to name their mushroom, describe it, where it can be found (under a birch, in a spruce forest, in a clearing, on a stump, etc.), what it is: put edible in a “bast basket”, leave inedible in the forest (explain why).

ecological game "What branch are the kids from"

Target: To develop and consolidate children's knowledge about trees, their seeds and leaves. To fix the rules of behavior in the forest, in the park.

Material: Dried leaves of different trees (seeds, fruits).

Game progress:

Before a walk with children, they fix the rules of behavior in the forest (park). The game is playedpreferably in the fall (when there are already seeds and fruits), it is possible in the summer (only in the form of leaves). Children walk through the forest (park), at the signal of the teacher “All the children to the branches!”, The children run to their trees or bushes. Children compare their leaves, etc. with those that grow on a tree or bush to which they ran.

ecological game "Vegetable store"

Target: Develop and reinforce children's knowledge of external sign x and features of vegetables and fruits, their external features for storage and preparation, methods of their preparation.

Material: Flat image jars for salting and compotes, sourdough barrels, storage boxes, freezer. Sets of small cards with vegetables, fruits and berries.

Game progress:

Each child has a set of small cards with vegetables, fruits and berries. Divide children into teams (depending on the number of children). Each team makes its own "preparations" from its own vegetables, fruits and berries.

Or from the total number of small team cards (salt, sour, folded for storage) they choose for which preparations certain vegetables, fruits and berries are needed.

ecological game "Let's Harvest"

Target: To develop and consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables, fruits and berries. Their place of growth (garden, kitchen garden, garden bed, tree, bush, in the ground, on the ground).

Material : Baskets with models: vegetables, fruits and berries (one basket). Models of vegetables, fruits and berries, or lotto cards with vegetables and fruits.

Game progress:

In certain places of the group, pictures are placed with a garden and a garden, where dummies or cards are located. Children can be divided into two teams of gardeners and gardeners. At the signal of the facilitator, the teams harvest in their basket with the model. Condition: You can only transfer one item at a time.

ecological game "The Fourth Extra"

Target:Clarify and reinforce children's knowledge ofclassifications of various natural objects. Develop logical thinking, speech.

Material:cards with various objects.

Game progress:

Cards are exposed: three - of one type, and the fourth of another. The task of the children is to identify the extra card, and explain their choice.

Material: Large lotto cards with a picture of a body of water. Small cards with fish, aquatic animals, plants, etc.

Game progress:

The teacher offers to go on a water trip to different reservoirs. You can divide the children into teams. Each team goes on a journey to a specific body of water. Next, the children select living objects for their reservoirs from the total number of small cards. The team that knows the inhabitants and plants of its reservoir better wins. Material: Flannelgraph, different natural zones of the earth (illustration). Small cards with various animals, birds, etc.

Game progress:

On the flannelograph, different natural zones of the earth are located. Children have small cards with various animals, birds, etc. The task of the children is to name their animal, where it lives, and put it near the desired natural area on the flannelgraph.

ecological game "Guess the description"

Target:Develop and consolidate knowledge about appearance natural objects (animals, plants, fish, insects, etc.). Develop memory, speech.

Material:Cards with various kinds animals, fish, birds, insects, according to the number of participants or more.Clarify and consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature and animal life in different seasons of the year.

Material: Large lotto cards with a picture of any season. Small cards with models of signs of different seasons.

Game progress:

The game is played like a lotto. The leader has small cards turned face down. The host shows a card with a model, the players name what it is and when it happens. The child explains why this card is needed specifically for him. The first person to cover their card wins. But the game continues until all participants close their cards. cards of different animals, birds, insects, food, vegetables and fruits.

Game progress:

Children are encouraged to feed the animals at the zoo. The game is played like a lotto. The host shows cards with food, insects. The player who needs this card raises his hand and explains why this card is needed specifically for his animal or bird.